// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // $Id: RemSimPhysicsList.cc,v 1.10 2006/06/29 16:24:03 gunter Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-01 $ // // Author: Susanna Guatelli #include "RemSimPhysicsList.hh" #include "RemSimPhysicsListMessenger.hh" #include "RemSimParticles.hh" #include "RemSimPhotonEPDL.hh" #include "RemSimElectronEEDL.hh" #include "RemSimPositronStandard.hh" #include "RemSimIonICRU.hh" #include "RemSimMuonStandard.hh" #include "RemSimDecay.hh" #include "RemSimHadronicBertini.hh" #include "RemSimHadronicBinary.hh" #include "G4ParticleDefinition.hh" #include "G4ProcessManager.hh" #include "G4ProcessVector.hh" #include "G4VProcess.hh" RemSimPhysicsList::RemSimPhysicsList(): G4VModularPhysicsList(), electronIsRegistered(false), positronIsRegistered(false), photonIsRegistered(false), ionIsRegistered(false), hadronicIsRegistered(false), decayIsRegistered(false), muonIsRegistered(false) { defaultCutValue = 1.* mm; // SetVerboseLevel(1); messenger = new RemSimPhysicsListMessenger(this); RegisterPhysics( new RemSimParticles("particles") ); } RemSimPhysicsList::~RemSimPhysicsList() { delete messenger; } void RemSimPhysicsList::AddPhysicsList(const G4String& name) { G4cout << "Adding PhysicsList chunk " << name << G4endl; // Register LowE-EPDL processes for photons if (name == "photon-epdl") { if (photonIsRegistered) { G4cout << "RemSimPhysicsList::AddPhysicsList: " << name << " cannot be registered ---- photon List already existing" << G4endl; } else { G4cout << "RemSimPhysicsList::AddPhysicsList: " << name << " is registered" << G4endl; RegisterPhysics( new RemSimPhotonEPDL(name) ); photonIsRegistered = true; } } // Register LowE-EEDL processes for electrons if (name == "electron-eedl") { if (electronIsRegistered) { G4cout << "RemSimPhysicsList::AddPhysicsList: " << name << " cannot be registered ---- electron List already existing" << G4endl; } else { G4cout << "RemSimPhysicsList::AddPhysicsList: " << name << " is registered" << G4endl; RegisterPhysics( new RemSimElectronEEDL(name) ); electronIsRegistered = true; } } // Register standard processes for positrons if (name == "positron-standard") { if (positronIsRegistered) { G4cout << "RemSimPhysicsList::AddPhysicsList: " << name << " cannot be registered ---- positron List already existing" << G4endl; } else { G4cout << "RemSimPhysicsList::AddPhysicsList: " << name << " is registered" << G4endl; RegisterPhysics( new RemSimPositronStandard(name) ); positronIsRegistered = true; } } // Register LowEnergy processes - ICRU Model - for p, alpha, ions. if (name == "ion-ICRU") { if (ionIsRegistered) { G4cout << "RemSimPhysicsList::AddPhysicsList: " << name << " cannot be registered ----ion e.m. List already existing" << G4endl; } else { G4cout << "RemSimPhysicsList::AddPhysicsList: " << name << " is registered" << G4endl; RegisterPhysics( new RemSimIonICRU(name) ); ionIsRegistered = true; } } // // Register hadronic process for p and alpha particle, activating the // // Binary model if (name == "hadronic-binary") { if (hadronicIsRegistered) { G4cout << "RemSimPhysicsList::AddPhysicsList: " << name << " cannot be registered ---- hadronic physics List already existing" << G4endl; } else { G4cout << "RemSimPhysicsList::AddPhysicsList: " << name << " is registered" << G4endl; RegisterPhysics( new RemSimHadronicBinary(name) ); hadronicIsRegistered = true; } } // Register hadronic process for p and alpha particle, activating the // Bertini model if (name == "hadronic-bertini") { if (hadronicIsRegistered) { G4cout << "RemSimPhysicsList::AddPhysicsList: " << name << " cannot be registered ---- hadronic physics List already existing" << G4endl; } else { G4cout << "RemSimPhysicsList::AddPhysicsList: " << name << " is registered" << G4endl; RegisterPhysics( new RemSimHadronicBertini(name) ); hadronicIsRegistered = true; } } if (name == "muon-standard") { if (muonIsRegistered) { G4cout << "RemSimPhysicsList::AddPhysicsList: " << name << " cannot be registered -- muon e.m. List already existing" << G4endl; } else { G4cout << "RemSimPhysicsList::AddPhysicsList: " << name << " is registered" << G4endl; RegisterPhysics( new RemSimMuonStandard(name) ); muonIsRegistered = true; } } if (name == "decay") { if (decayIsRegistered) { G4cout << "RemSimPhysicsList::AddPhysicsList: " << name << " cannot be registered ---- decay physics List already existing" << G4endl; } else { G4cout << "RemSimPhysicsList::AddPhysicsList: " << name << " is registered" << G4endl; RegisterPhysics( new RemSimDecay(name) ); decayIsRegistered = true; } } if (electronIsRegistered && positronIsRegistered && photonIsRegistered && ionIsRegistered) { G4cout << "The electromagnetic processes are registered" << G4endl; if (muonIsRegistered && decayIsRegistered && hadronicIsRegistered) { G4cout << "The hadronic physics is registered for p (up to 100 GeV) and alpha (up to 10 GeV), the e.m. physics for muons is registered, the decay is registered" << G4endl; } } } void RemSimPhysicsList::SetCuts() { G4VUserPhysicsList::SetCutsWithDefault(); if (verboseLevel>0) DumpCutValuesTable(); }