// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id: RemSimSteppingAction.cc,v 1.10 2006/06/29 16:24:25 gunter Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-01 $ // // // Author: Susanna Guatelli (guatelli@ge.infn.it) // #include "G4ios.hh" #include "G4SteppingManager.hh" #include "G4Step.hh" #include "G4Track.hh" #include "G4StepPoint.hh" #include "G4ParticleDefinition.hh" #include "G4VPhysicalVolume.hh" #include "RemSimSteppingAction.hh" #include "RemSimPrimaryGeneratorAction.hh" #include "G4TrackStatus.hh" #include "RemSimSteppingActionMessenger.hh" #ifdef G4ANALYSIS_USE #include "RemSimAnalysisManager.hh" #endif RemSimSteppingAction::RemSimSteppingAction(RemSimPrimaryGeneratorAction* primary): primaryAction(primary) { hadronic = "Off"; messenger = new RemSimSteppingActionMessenger(this); } RemSimSteppingAction::~RemSimSteppingAction() { delete messenger; } void RemSimSteppingAction::UserSteppingAction(const G4Step* aStep) { G4String oldVolumeName = aStep -> GetPreStepPoint()-> GetPhysicalVolume()-> GetName(); // Store in histograms useful information concerning primary particles #ifdef G4ANALYSIS_USE RemSimAnalysisManager* analysis = RemSimAnalysisManager::getInstance(); G4VPhysicalVolume* volume = aStep -> GetPostStepPoint() -> GetPhysicalVolume(); // Particle reaching the astronaut if(oldVolumeName != "phantom") { if (volume) { G4String volumeName = volume -> GetName(); G4String particleName = (aStep -> GetTrack() -> GetDynamicParticle() -> GetDefinition() -> GetParticleName()); if (volumeName == "phantom") { G4double particleEnergy = aStep -> GetTrack() -> GetKineticEnergy(); if(aStep -> GetTrack() -> GetTrackID()== 1) // primary particles { G4double initialEnergy = primaryAction -> GetInitialEnergy(); if ( particleName == "proton" || particleName == "alpha" || particleName == "IonO16" || particleName == "IonC12" || particleName == "IonFe52"|| particleName == "IonSi28") { G4int baryon = aStep -> GetTrack() -> GetDefinition() -> GetBaryonNumber(); // Initial energy of primary particles impinging on the phantom analysis -> PrimaryInitialEnergyIn((initialEnergy/baryon)/MeV); // Energy of primary particles impinging on the phantom analysis -> PrimaryEnergyIn((particleEnergy/baryon)/MeV); } } // secondary particle reaching the astronaut else { // if i =0 secondary proton, i =1 neutron, i=2 pion, i=3 alpha, // i =4 other, i=5 electron, i = 6 gamma, i=7 positrons, // i=8 muons, i=9 neutrinos if (particleName == "proton") { analysis -> SecondaryReachingThePhantom(0); analysis -> SecondaryProtonReachingThePhantom(particleEnergy/MeV); } else { if (particleName == "neutron") { analysis -> SecondaryReachingThePhantom(1); analysis -> SecondaryNeutronReachingThePhantom(particleEnergy/MeV); } else{ if (particleName == "pi+" || particleName == "pi-" ||particleName == "pi0" ) { analysis -> SecondaryReachingThePhantom(2); analysis -> SecondaryPionReachingThePhantom(particleEnergy/MeV); } else{ if (particleName == "alpha") { analysis -> SecondaryReachingThePhantom(3); analysis -> SecondaryAlphaReachingThePhantom(particleEnergy/MeV); } else{ if (particleName == "e+") {analysis -> SecondaryReachingThePhantom(7); analysis -> SecondaryPositronReachingThePhantom(particleEnergy/MeV); } else{ if (particleName == "e-") {analysis -> SecondaryReachingThePhantom(5); analysis -> SecondaryElectronReachingThePhantom(particleEnergy/MeV); } else{ if (particleName == "gamma") {analysis -> SecondaryReachingThePhantom(6); analysis -> SecondaryGammaReachingThePhantom(particleEnergy/MeV); } else{ if (particleName == "mu+" ||particleName == "mu-" ) {analysis -> SecondaryReachingThePhantom(8); analysis -> SecondaryMuonReachingThePhantom(particleEnergy/MeV); } else { if (particleName == "nu_e" || particleName == "nu_mu" || particleName == "anti_nu_e" || particleName == "anti_nu_mu") { analysis -> SecondaryReachingThePhantom(9); } else{ analysis -> SecondaryReachingThePhantom(4); analysis -> SecondaryOtherReachingThePhantom(particleEnergy/MeV); } } } } } } } } } } } } } // Primar particles outgoing the phantom if(oldVolumeName == "phantom") { if (volume) { G4String volumeName = volume -> GetName(); G4String particleName = (aStep -> GetTrack() -> GetDynamicParticle() -> GetDefinition() -> GetParticleName()); if (volumeName != "phantom") { if(aStep -> GetTrack() -> GetTrackID()== 1) // primary particles { G4double initialEnergy = primaryAction -> GetInitialEnergy(); G4double particleEnergy = aStep->GetTrack() -> GetKineticEnergy(); if ( particleName == "proton" || particleName == "alpha" || particleName == "IonO16" || particleName == "IonC12" || particleName == "IonFe52"|| particleName == "IonSi28" ) { G4int baryon = aStep -> GetTrack() -> GetDefinition() -> GetBaryonNumber(); // plot of MeV/nucl analysis -> PrimaryInitialEnergyOut((initialEnergy/baryon)/MeV); analysis -> PrimaryEnergyOut((particleEnergy/baryon)/MeV); } } } } } // Analysis of the secondary particles generated in the phantom G4SteppingManager* steppingManager = fpSteppingManager; G4Track* theTrack = aStep -> GetTrack(); // check if it is alive if(theTrack-> GetTrackStatus() == fAlive) { return; } // Retrieve the secondary particles G4TrackVector* fSecondary = steppingManager -> GetfSecondary(); for(size_t lp1=0;lp1<(*fSecondary).size(); lp1++) { // Retrieve the info about the generation of secondary particles in the phantom and // in the vehicle G4String volumeName = (*fSecondary)[lp1] -> GetVolume() -> GetName(); G4String secondaryParticleName = (*fSecondary)[lp1]->GetDefinition() -> GetParticleName(); G4double secondaryParticleKineticEnergy = (*fSecondary)[lp1] -> GetKineticEnergy(); G4String process = (*fSecondary)[lp1]-> GetCreatorProcess()-> GetProcessName(); // If the secondaries are originated in the phantom.... if (volumeName == "phantom") { G4double slice = (*fSecondary)[lp1] -> GetPosition().z() ; //G4cout << "Secondary particle in phantom: " << secondaryParticleName // << "energy (MeV): " << secondaryParticleKineticEnergy << G4endl; // << "creation slice: " << slice << G4endl; // if i =0 secondary proton, i =1 neutron, i=2 pion, i=3 alpha, // i =4 other, i=5 electron, i = 6 gamma, i=7 positrons, // i=8 muons, i=9 neutrinos G4double translation = 15. * cm; if (secondaryParticleName == "proton") { analysis -> SecondaryInPhantom(0); analysis -> SecondaryProtonInPhantom(secondaryParticleKineticEnergy/MeV); slice = slice + translation; analysis -> SecondaryProtonInPhantomSlice(slice/cm); } else { if (secondaryParticleName == "neutron") { analysis -> SecondaryInPhantom(1); analysis -> SecondaryNeutronInPhantom(secondaryParticleKineticEnergy/MeV); slice = slice + translation; analysis -> SecondaryNeutronInPhantomSlice(slice/cm); } else{ if (secondaryParticleName == "pi+" || secondaryParticleName == "pi-"||secondaryParticleName == "pi0") { analysis -> SecondaryInPhantom(2); analysis -> SecondaryPionInPhantom(secondaryParticleKineticEnergy/MeV); slice = slice + translation; analysis -> SecondaryPionInPhantomSlice(slice/cm); } else{ if (secondaryParticleName == "alpha") { analysis -> SecondaryInPhantom(3); analysis -> SecondaryAlphaInPhantom(secondaryParticleKineticEnergy/MeV); slice = slice + translation; analysis -> SecondaryAlphaInPhantomSlice(slice/cm); } else{ if (secondaryParticleName == "e+") {analysis -> SecondaryInPhantom(7); analysis -> SecondaryPositronInPhantom(secondaryParticleKineticEnergy/MeV); slice = slice + translation; analysis -> SecondaryPositronInPhantomSlice(slice/cm); } else{ if (secondaryParticleName == "e-") {analysis -> SecondaryInPhantom(5); analysis -> SecondaryElectronInPhantom(secondaryParticleKineticEnergy/MeV); slice = slice + translation; analysis -> SecondaryElectronInPhantomSlice(slice/cm); } else{ if (secondaryParticleName == "gamma") {analysis -> SecondaryInPhantom(6); analysis -> SecondaryGammaInPhantom(secondaryParticleKineticEnergy/MeV); slice = slice + translation; analysis -> SecondaryGammaInPhantomSlice(slice/cm); } else{ if (secondaryParticleName == "mu+" ||secondaryParticleName == "mu-" ) {analysis -> SecondaryInPhantom(8); analysis -> SecondaryMuonInPhantom(secondaryParticleKineticEnergy/MeV); slice = slice + translation; analysis -> SecondaryMuonInPhantomSlice(slice/cm); } else{ if (secondaryParticleName == "nu_e" || secondaryParticleName == "nu_mu" || secondaryParticleName == "anti_nu_e" || secondaryParticleName == "anti_nu_mu") { analysis -> SecondaryInPhantom(9); analysis -> SecondaryNeutrinoInPhantom(secondaryParticleKineticEnergy/MeV);} else{ analysis -> SecondaryInPhantom(4); analysis -> SecondaryOtherInPhantom(secondaryParticleKineticEnergy/MeV); slice = slice + translation; analysis -> SecondaryOtherInPhantomSlice(slice/cm); } } } } } } } } } } // secondary particles produced in the multilayer + shielding else{ if (volumeName != "world") { if (secondaryParticleName == "proton") analysis -> SecondaryInVehicle(0); else { if (secondaryParticleName == "neutron") analysis -> SecondaryInVehicle(1); else{ if (secondaryParticleName == "pi+" || secondaryParticleName == "pi-"||secondaryParticleName == "pi0") analysis -> SecondaryInVehicle(2); else{ if (secondaryParticleName == "alpha") analysis -> SecondaryInVehicle(3); else{ if (secondaryParticleName == "e+") analysis -> SecondaryInVehicle(7); else{ if (secondaryParticleName == "e-") analysis -> SecondaryInVehicle(5); else{ if (secondaryParticleName == "gamma") analysis -> SecondaryInVehicle(6); else{ if (secondaryParticleName == "mu+" ||secondaryParticleName == "mu-" ) analysis -> SecondaryInVehicle(8); else{ if (secondaryParticleName == "nu_e"|| secondaryParticleName == "nu_mu" || secondaryParticleName == "anti_nu_e" || secondaryParticleName == "anti_nu_mu") {analysis -> SecondaryInVehicle(9);} else{ analysis -> SecondaryInVehicle(4); } } } } } } } } } } } } #endif //analysis of hadronic physics if (hadronic == "On") { if(aStep -> GetPostStepPoint() -> GetProcessDefinedStep() != NULL) { G4String process = aStep -> GetPostStepPoint() -> GetProcessDefinedStep() ->GetProcessName(); if ((process != "Transportation") && (process != "msc") && (process != "LowEnergyIoni") && (process != "LowEnergyBrem") && (process != "eIoni") && (process != "hIoni") && (process != "eBrem") && (process != "compt") && (process != "phot") && (process != "conv") && (process != "annihil") && (process != "hLowEIoni") && (process != "LowEnBrem") && (process != "LowEnCompton") && (process != "LowEnPhotoElec") && (process != "LowEnRayleigh") && (process != "LowEnConversion")) G4cout << "Hadronic Process:" << process << G4endl; } } } void RemSimSteppingAction::SetHadronicAnalysis(G4String value) { hadronic = value; }