source: trunk/examples/advanced/raredecay_calorimetry/include/PhotInStackingAction.hh @ 1237

Last change on this file since 1237 was 807, checked in by garnier, 16 years ago


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27#ifndef PhotInStackingAction_H
28#define PhotInStackingAction_H 1
30#include "globals.hh"
31#include "G4UserStackingAction.hh"
33#include "PhotInConstants.hh"
35#include "G4Track.hh"
36//#include "G4Step.hh"
37#include "G4ParticleDefinition.hh"
38#include "G4ParticleTypes.hh"
39#include "G4TouchableHistory.hh"
40#include "G4VPhysicalVolume.hh"
41#include "G4VProcess.hh"
43class PhotInStackingAction : public G4UserStackingAction
46  PhotInStackingAction();
47  virtual ~PhotInStackingAction();
49  virtual G4ClassificationOfNewTrack ClassifyNewTrack(const G4Track* aTrack);
50  virtual void PrepareNewEvent();
52  static G4int GetNGamma     (G4int i) { return PhotInNGamma     [i]; }
53  static G4int GetNElectron  (G4int i) { return PhotInNElectron  [i]; }
54  static G4int GetNPositron  (G4int i) { return PhotInNPositron  [i]; }
55  static G4int GetNNeutrons  (G4int i) { return PhotInNNeutrons  [i]; }
56  static G4int GetNProtons   (G4int i) { return PhotInNProtons   [i]; }
57  static G4int GetNDeuterons (G4int i) { return PhotInNDeuterons [i]; }
58  static G4int GetNTritons   (G4int i) { return PhotInNTritons   [i]; }
59  static G4int GetNHe3s                 (G4int i) { return PhotInNHe3s                  [i]; }
60  static G4int GetNAlphas    (G4int i) { return PhotInNAlphas    [i]; }
61  static G4int GetNLambdas   (G4int i) { return PhotInNLambdas   [i]; }
62  static G4int GetNHeavyFrags(G4int i) { return PhotInNHeavyFrags[i]; }
63  static G4int GetNMesons    (G4int i) { return PhotInNMesons    [i]; }
65  static G4double GetEMinGamma     (G4int i) { return PhotInEMinGamma     [i]; }
66  static G4double GetEMinElectron  (G4int i) { return PhotInEMinElectron  [i]; }
67  static G4double GetEMinPositron  (G4int i) { return PhotInEMinPositron  [i]; }
68  static G4double GetEMinNeutrons  (G4int i) { return PhotInEMinNeutrons  [i]; }
69  static G4double GetEMinProtons   (G4int i) { return PhotInEMinProtons   [i]; }
70  static G4double GetEMinDeuterons (G4int i) { return PhotInEMinDeuterons [i]; }
71  static G4double GetEMinTritons   (G4int i) { return PhotInEMinTritons   [i]; }
72  static G4double GetEMinHe3s      (G4int i) { return PhotInEMinHe3s      [i]; }
73  static G4double GetEMinAlphas    (G4int i) { return PhotInEMinAlphas    [i]; }
74  static G4double GetEMinLambdas   (G4int i) { return PhotInEMinLambdas   [i]; }
75  static G4double GetEMinHeavyFrags(G4int i) { return PhotInEMinHeavyFrags[i]; }
76  static G4double GetEMinMesons    (G4int i) { return PhotInEMinMesons    [i]; }
78  static G4double GetEMaxGamma     (G4int i) { return PhotInEMaxGamma     [i]; }
79  static G4double GetEMaxElectron  (G4int i) { return PhotInEMaxElectron  [i]; }
80  static G4double GetEMaxPositron  (G4int i) { return PhotInEMaxPositron  [i]; }
81  static G4double GetEMaxNeutrons  (G4int i) { return PhotInEMaxNeutrons  [i]; }
82  static G4double GetEMaxProtons   (G4int i) { return PhotInEMaxProtons   [i]; }
83  static G4double GetEMaxDeuterons (G4int i) { return PhotInEMaxDeuterons [i]; }
84  static G4double GetEMaxTritons   (G4int i) { return PhotInEMaxTritons   [i]; }
85  static G4double GetEMaxHe3s      (G4int i) { return PhotInEMaxHe3s      [i]; }
86  static G4double GetEMaxAlphas    (G4int i) { return PhotInEMaxAlphas    [i]; }
87  static G4double GetEMaxLambdas   (G4int i) { return PhotInEMaxLambdas   [i]; }
88  static G4double GetEMaxHeavyFrags(G4int i) { return PhotInEMaxHeavyFrags[i]; }
89  static G4double GetEMaxMesons    (G4int i) { return PhotInEMaxMesons    [i]; }
91private: //--- BODY ---
92  // Can not be moved to the PhotInConstants.hh as static because there is a vector of Hits
93  static G4int PhotInNGamma     [PhotInDiNSections];
94  static G4int PhotInNElectron  [PhotInDiNSections];
95  static G4int PhotInNPositron  [PhotInDiNSections];
96  static G4int PhotInNNeutrons  [PhotInDiNSections];
97  static G4int PhotInNProtons   [PhotInDiNSections];
98  static G4int PhotInNDeuterons [PhotInDiNSections];
99  static G4int PhotInNTritons   [PhotInDiNSections];
100  static G4int PhotInNHe3s      [PhotInDiNSections];           
101  static G4int PhotInNAlphas    [PhotInDiNSections];
102  static G4int PhotInNLambdas   [PhotInDiNSections];
103  static G4int PhotInNHeavyFrags[PhotInDiNSections];//Includes any nuclearFragment with A>4
104  static G4int PhotInNMesons    [PhotInDiNSections];//Includes pions and kaons of all signs
106  static G4double PhotInEMinGamma     [PhotInDiNSections];
107  static G4double PhotInEMinElectron  [PhotInDiNSections];
108  static G4double PhotInEMinPositron  [PhotInDiNSections];
109  static G4double PhotInEMinNeutrons  [PhotInDiNSections];
110  static G4double PhotInEMinProtons   [PhotInDiNSections];
111  static G4double PhotInEMinDeuterons [PhotInDiNSections];
112  static G4double PhotInEMinTritons   [PhotInDiNSections];
113  static G4double PhotInEMinHe3s      [PhotInDiNSections];
114  static G4double PhotInEMinAlphas    [PhotInDiNSections];
115  static G4double PhotInEMinLambdas   [PhotInDiNSections];
116  static G4double PhotInEMinHeavyFrags[PhotInDiNSections];
117  static G4double PhotInEMinMesons    [PhotInDiNSections];
119  static G4double PhotInEMaxGamma     [PhotInDiNSections];
120  static G4double PhotInEMaxElectron  [PhotInDiNSections];
121  static G4double PhotInEMaxPositron  [PhotInDiNSections];
122  static G4double PhotInEMaxNeutrons  [PhotInDiNSections];
123  static G4double PhotInEMaxProtons   [PhotInDiNSections];
124  static G4double PhotInEMaxDeuterons [PhotInDiNSections];
125  static G4double PhotInEMaxTritons   [PhotInDiNSections];
126  static G4double PhotInEMaxHe3s      [PhotInDiNSections];
127  static G4double PhotInEMaxAlphas    [PhotInDiNSections];
128  static G4double PhotInEMaxLambdas   [PhotInDiNSections];
129  static G4double PhotInEMaxHeavyFrags[PhotInDiNSections];
130  static G4double PhotInEMaxMesons    [PhotInDiNSections];
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