source: trunk/examples/advanced/raredecay_calorimetry/src/ @ 903

Last change on this file since 903 was 807, checked in by garnier, 16 years ago


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27// $Id:,v 1.5 2006/06/29 16:25:25 gunter Exp $
28// GEANT4 tag $Name:  $
31//#define debug
33#include "PhotInRunAction.hh"
35PhotInRunAction::PhotInRunAction() {}
37PhotInRunAction::~PhotInRunAction() {}
39G4Run* PhotInRunAction::GenerateRun() 
41#ifdef debug
42  G4cout<<"PhotInRunAction::GenerateRun: New Run is created"<<G4endl;
44  return new PhotInRun; // @@ Who deletes it? (M.K.) What about previous Runs?
47void PhotInRunAction::EndOfRunAction(const G4Run* aRun)
49#ifdef debug
50  G4cout<<"PhotInRunAction::EndOfRunAction is called"<<G4endl;
52  const PhotInRun* theRun = (const PhotInRun*) aRun; // change the type
53  // @@ Writing without any conditions (? M.K.)
54  G4cout<<"##############################################################"<< G4endl;
55  G4cout<<" Run Summary - Number of events : "<<theRun->GetNumberOfEvent()<<G4endl;
56  G4cout<<"##############################################################"<< G4endl;
57  G4double nEvt = (G4double)(theRun->GetNumberOfEvent());
58  for(G4int i=0; i<PhotInNumSections; i++)
59  {
60    G4int ih1 = i+i;
61    G4int ih2 = ih1+1;
62    G4Region* region = G4RegionStore::GetInstance()->GetRegion(PhotInRegName[i]);
63    G4ProductionCuts* cuts = region->GetProductionCuts();
64    G4cout<<"Region "<<region->GetName()<<G4endl;
65    G4cout<<"===================="<<G4endl;
66    G4cout<<" Production thresholds :"<<G4endl;
67    G4cout<<" -----------------------"<<G4endl;
68    G4cout<<" gamma " <<G4BestUnit(cuts->GetProductionCut("gamma"),"Length")
69          <<"    e- " <<G4BestUnit(cuts->GetProductionCut("e-"),"Length")
70          <<"    e+ " <<G4BestUnit(cuts->GetProductionCut("e+"),"Length")<<G4endl;
71    G4cout<<" Energy deposition in Absorber "
72          <<G4BestUnit((theRun->GetTotalE(ih1))/nEvt,"Energy")<<", in Gap "
73          <<G4BestUnit((theRun->GetTotalE(ih2))/nEvt,"Energy")<<G4endl;
74    G4cout<<" Number of secondaries in the event :"<<G4endl;
75    G4cout<<" ------------------------------------"<<G4endl;
76    G4cout<<" gamma in Absorber " << (theRun->GetNGamma(ih1))/nEvt
77          <<", in Gap      " << (theRun->GetNGamma(ih2))/nEvt<<G4endl;
78    G4cout<<" e-    in Absorber " << (theRun->GetNElectron(ih1))/nEvt
79          <<", in Gap " << (theRun->GetNElectron(ih2))/nEvt<<G4endl;
80    G4cout<<" e+    in Absorber " << (theRun->GetNPositron(ih1))/nEvt
81          <<", in Gap " << (theRun->GetNPositron(ih2))/nEvt<<G4endl;
82    G4cout<<" Minimum kinetic energy of generated secondaries :"<<G4endl;
83    G4cout<<" -------------------------------------------------"<<G4endl;
84    G4cout<<" gamma in Absorber = "<<G4BestUnit(theRun->GetEMinGamma(ih1),"Energy")
85          <<", in Gap = "<<G4BestUnit(theRun->GetEMinGamma(ih2),"Energy")<<G4endl;
86    G4cout<<" e-    in Absorber = "<<G4BestUnit(theRun->GetEMinElectron(ih1),"Energy")
87          <<", in Gap = " << G4BestUnit(theRun->GetEMinElectron(ih2),"Energy")<<G4endl;
88    G4cout<<" e+    in Absorber = " << G4BestUnit(theRun->GetEMinPositron(ih1),"Energy")
89          <<"    in Gap = " << G4BestUnit(theRun->GetEMinPositron(ih2),"Energy")<<G4endl;
90    G4cout<<" Mean total track length of neutrons in the event : in Absorber = "
91          <<G4BestUnit((theRun->GetTotalL(ih1))/nEvt,"Length")<<", in Gap = "
92          <<G4BestUnit((theRun->GetTotalL(ih2))/nEvt,"Length")<<G4endl;
93    G4cout<<" Mean number of steps of charged particles in the event : in Absorber ="
94          <<theRun->GetNStep(ih1)/nEvt<<", in Gap = "<<theRun->GetNStep(ih2)/nEvt<<G4endl;
95    G4cout<<"##############################################################"<<G4endl;
96  }
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