// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id: G4GeoNav.cc,v 1.3 2006/06/29 17:22:50 gunter Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03-cand-01 $ // // // -------------------------------------------------------------- // G4GeoNav // // Author: Martin Liendl - Martin.Liendl@cern.ch // // -------------------------------------------------------------- // #include "G4GeoNav.hh" G4GeoNav::G4GeoNav( G4LogicalVolume * rv ) : theLVTree(new LVTree(rv)) { theCurLV = theLVTree->root(); theRootLV = theLVTree->root(); RecursiveFill(theLVTree->root()); } G4GeoNav::~G4GeoNav() {} G4LogicalVolume * G4GeoNav::NextLV() { //FIXME: G4GeoNav::NextLV() TreeNodeIterator tni(theCurLV); G4LogicalVolume * v = 0; if (tni.next()) { v = tni.current()->data(); theCurLV = tni.current(); } return v; /* G4cerr << "DON'T CALL G4GeoNav::Next()!" << endl; exit(1); return 0; */ } G4int G4GeoNav::FilterLV(const G4String & aRegexStr, std::vector & result, G4bool stopAtFirst) { regex_t aRegex; const char * aRegexCStr = aRegexStr.data(); if (regcomp(&aRegex,aRegexCStr,0)) { G4cerr << "failed to interpret regex-string" << G4endl; return 0; } LVTree::node_t * aNode = theLVTree->root(); FindLV(&aRegex,aNode,result,stopAtFirst); regfree(&aRegex); return result.size(); } void G4GeoNav::FindLV(regex_t * aRegex, LVTree::node_t * node, std::vector& result, G4bool stopAtFirst) { if( !regexec(aRegex, node->data()->GetName().data(), 0,0,0)) { result.push_back(node->data()); if (stopAtFirst) { theCurLV = node; return; } } LVTree::node_t * i = node->firstChild(); while(i) { // recursive FindLV(aRegex, i, result, stopAtFirst); i = i->nextSibling(); } } G4int G4GeoNav::PathLV(std::vector & result) { result.push_back(theCurLV->data()); G4int level=1; LVTree::node_t * node = theCurLV; while (node->parent()) { node = node->parent(); G4LogicalVolume * aLV = node->data(); result.push_back(aLV); level++; } return level; } G4int G4GeoNav::Tokenize(const G4String & aStr, std::vector& tokens) { G4String::size_type c = aStr.size(); G4String::size_type idx = 0; G4String::size_type idx2 = 0; // empty string means 'root' if (!c) { tokens.push_back("/"); return 1; } // scan for '/' std::vector pos; pos.push_back(0); // begin of input G4String sep("/"); if (aStr[idx]==sep[idx]) tokens.push_back("/"); G4String curStr = aStr; // G4String("-") ; G4String::size_type i=0; for (i=0; i tokens; G4int c = Tokenize(aRegExp,tokens); LVTree::node_t * anItem = theCurLV; LVTree::node_t * anItemBefore = theCurLV; if (c) { std::vector::iterator it = tokens.begin(); if (*it==G4String("/")) { // absolute or relative anItem = theRootLV; it++; } while ( it != tokens.end() ) { //regex_t aRegex; if (*it == G4String("..")) { anItem = anItem->parent(); if (!anItem) { G4cerr << "not found!" << G4endl; return 0; } it++; } else { regex_t aRegex; const char * aRegexCStr = (*it).data(); if (regcomp(&aRegex,aRegexCStr,0)) { G4cerr << "failed to interpret regex-string" << G4endl; return 0; } G4int children = anItem->childCount(); if (!children) { G4cerr << "not found!!" << G4endl; return 0; } //LVTree::node_t * temp = *(anItem->firstChild()); //anItem = temp; // loop over children LVTree::node_t * u= anItem->firstChild(); G4bool found=false; while (u) { if ( !regexec(&aRegex, u->data()->GetName().data(),0,0,0)) { found=true; anItem = u; break; } u = u->nextSibling(); } regfree(&aRegex); if (!found) { G4cerr << "not found!!!!" << G4endl; return 0; } it++; } } if (anItem!=anItemBefore) { theCurLV=anItem; return anItem->data(); } return 0; } return 0; } G4int G4GeoNav::PwdLV(std::vector& result) { result.push_back(theCurLV->data()); LVTree::node_t * temp = theCurLV; while (temp->parent()) { temp = temp->parent(); result.push_back(temp->data()); } return result.size(); } void G4GeoNav::RecursiveFill(LVTree::node_t* node) { G4LogicalVolume * lv = node->data(); std::set lvset; for ( G4int i=0; iGetNoDaughters(); ++i) { lvset.insert(lv->GetDaughter(i)->GetLogicalVolume()); } std::set::iterator it = lvset.begin(); for(;it!=lvset.end();++it) { LVTree::node_t * newnode = new LVTree::node_t(node, *it); //create new node '*it' in parent 'node' RecursiveFill(newnode); } } G4int G4GeoNav::LsLV(std::vector& result) { G4int c=0; LVTree::node_t * n = theCurLV->firstChild(); while(n) { result.push_back(n->data()); n = n->nextSibling(); c++; } return c; }