source: trunk/examples/extended/optical/LXe/include/RecorderBase.hh @ 1309

Last change on this file since 1309 was 807, checked in by garnier, 16 years ago


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26// RecorderBase.hh
27// 1-Sep-1999 Bill Seligman
29// This is an abstract base class to be used with Geant 4.0.1 (and
30// possibly higher, if the User classes don't change). 
32// The concept of a Recorder object is that it records the activities of
33// Geant in a manner that is useful to a physicist.  Perhaps this record
34// takes the form of histograms, or ntuples, or entries in an Objectivity
35// database.  This class does not care HOW the information is recorded; it
36// abstracts the behavior of a generalized recorder of Geant variables.
38// No object should be instantiated from the Recorder class (in fact, any such
39// object won't do anything).  The user must define a new class (say, a class
40// that creates histograms) and overload the methods of this class.
42// Why do this?  First of all, it keeps all record-keeping in a single class:
43// the class that inherits Recorder.  The original Geant documentation suggests
44// that recording activities should be split among many different classes
45// (initialization in G4UserRunAction, recording in G4UserSteppingAction, etc.).
46// If you use a Recorder class, than all the record-keeping details are kept in
47// a single class instead of being spread out among many different classes.
49// Secondly, by using an abstract Recorder class, you hide the implementation
50// details from the rest of Geant.  If you change a couple of histograms, only
51// the Recorder-derived class and main() re-compile.  No other class knows or
52// cares what or how you record.
54// The only time this class (i.e., this header file) changes is if new
55// user action classes are added to Geant.
57#ifndef RECORDER_BASE_H_
58#define RECORDER_BASE_H_
60// The following objects are the arguments to the methods
61// invoked in the user action classes.  In other words, they
62// contain the variables that we are normally able to record
63// in Geant.
65#include "G4Run.hh"
66#include "G4Event.hh"
67#include "G4Track.hh"
68#include "G4Step.hh"
71class RecorderBase {
75  virtual ~RecorderBase() {};
77  // The following a list of methods that correspond to the available
78  // user action classes in Geant 4.0.1.   In this base class, the
79  // methods are defined to do nothing.
81  virtual void RecordBeginOfRun(const G4Run*) = 0;
82  virtual void RecordEndOfRun(const G4Run*) = 0;
83  virtual void RecordBeginOfEvent(const G4Event*) {};
84  virtual void RecordEndOfEvent(const G4Event*) {};
85  virtual void RecordTrack(const G4Track*) {};
86  virtual void RecordStep(const G4Step*) {};
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