source: trunk/examples/extended/radioactivedecay/exrdm/exrdm.out @ 1346

Last change on this file since 1346 was 1337, checked in by garnier, 14 years ago

tag geant4.9.4 beta 1 + modifs locales

File size: 9.5 KB
2        ############################################
3        !!! WARNING - FPE detection is activated !!!
4        ############################################
7 Geant4 version Name: geant4-09-03-ref-06    (25-June-2010)
8                      Copyright : Geant4 Collaboration
9                      Reference : NIM A 506 (2003), 250-303
10                            WWW :
13New histogram will be booked: #10  <Energy deposit (MeV) in the traget  100  0  15  1
14New histogram will be booked: #11  <Energy deposit (MeV) in the detector  100  0  15  1
15New histogram will be booked: #12  <Total energy spectrum (MeV) of the traget and detector  100  0  15  1
16New histogram will be booked: #13  <Coincidence spectrum (MeV) between the traget and detector  100  0  15  1
17New histogram will be booked: #14  <Anti-coincidence spectrum (MeV) in the traget  100  0  15  1
18New histogram will be booked: #15  <Anti-coincidence spectrum (MeV) in the detector  100  0  15  1
19New histogram will be booked: #16  <Decay emission spectrum (MeV)  100  0  15  1
20Vacuum H 1e-25 2.73 1.87245e-14
21 Material:Vacuum with formula: H added!
22     Nb of Material = 1
23     Nb of Isotope =  0
24     Nb of Element =  1
25Air N0.78-O0.22 0.00129 273.15 6.32421e+08
26 Material:Air with formula: N0.78-O0.22 added!
27     Nb of Material = 2
28     Nb of Isotope =  0
29     Nb of Element =  3
30Aluminium Al 2.7 273.15 6.32421e+08
31 Material:Aluminium with formula: Al added!
32     Nb of Material = 3
33     Nb of Isotope =  0
34     Nb of Element =  4
35Silicon Si 2.329 273.15 6.32421e+08
36 Material:Silicon with formula: Si added!
37     Nb of Material = 4
38     Nb of Isotope =  0
39     Nb of Element =  5
40Lead Pb 11.3 273.15 6.32421e+08
41 Material:Lead with formula: Pb added!
42     Nb of Material = 5
43     Nb of Isotope =  0
44     Nb of Element =  6
45Germanium Ge 5.323 273.15 6.32421e+08
46 Material:Germanium with formula: Ge added!
47     Nb of Material = 6
48     Nb of Isotope =  0
49     Nb of Element =  7
50CsI Cs-I 4.51 273.15 6.32421e+08
51 Material:CsI with formula: Cs-I added!
52     Nb of Material = 7
53     Nb of Isotope =  0
54     Nb of Element =  9
55Visualization Manager instantiating with verbosity "warnings (3)"...
56Visualization Manager initialising...
57Registering graphics systems...
59You have successfully registered the following graphics systems.
60Current available graphics systems are:
61  ASCIITree (ATree)
63  G4HepRep (HepRepXML)
64  G4HepRepFile (HepRepFile)
65  RayTracer (RayTracer)
68  gMocrenFile (gMocrenFile)
69  OpenGLStoredX (OGL)
70  OpenGLImmediateX (OGLI)
71  OpenGLStoredX (OGLS)
72  OpenGLImmediateX (OGLIX)
73  OpenGLStoredX (OGLSX)
75Registering model factories...
77You have successfully registered the following model factories.
78Registered model factories:
79  generic
80  drawByCharge
81  drawByParticleID
82  drawByOriginVolume
83  drawByAttribute
85Registered filter factories:
86  chargeFilter
87  particleFilter
88  originVolumeFilter
89  attributeFilter
92----> The target has been changed to 3 cm of Lead
93NeutronHP: /Elastic/ file for Z = 8, A = 18 is not found and NeutronHP will use /afs/
94NeutronHP: /Capture file for Z = 8, A = 18 is not found and NeutronHP will use /afs/
95NeutronHP: /Elastic file for Z = 8, A = 18 is not found and NeutronHP will use /afs/
96NeutronHP: /Inelastic file for Z = 8, A = 18 is not found and NeutronHP will use /afs/
98NeutronHP: /Capture/ file for Z = 8, A = 18 is not found and NeutronHP will use /afs/
99### exrdmPhysicsList::ConstructProcess is done
100world cuts are set
101Target cuts are set
102Detector cuts are set
104             HADRONIC PROCESSES SUMMARY (verbose level 1)
106                     Hadronic Processes for <anti_neutron>
107            hElastic  Models:           G4HadronElastic: Emin(GeV)=     0  Emax(GeV)= 100000
108AntiNeutronInelastic  Models:  G4LEAntiNeutronInelastic: Emin(GeV)=     0  Emax(GeV)= 25
109                               G4HEAntiNeutronInelastic: Emin(GeV)=    20  Emax(GeV)= 100000
111                     Hadronic Processes for <anti_proton>
112            hElastic  Models:           G4HadronElastic: Emin(GeV)=     0  Emax(GeV)= 100000
113 AntiProtonInelastic  Models:   G4LEAntiProtonInelastic: Emin(GeV)=     0  Emax(GeV)= 25
114                                G4HEAntiProtonInelastic: Emin(GeV)=    20  Emax(GeV)= 100000
116                     Hadronic Processes for <e->
117      ElectroNuclear  Models:                     CHIPS: Emin(GeV)=     0  Emax(GeV)= 30000
119                     Hadronic Processes for <gamma>
120     PhotonInelastic  Models:                     CHIPS: Emin(GeV)=     0  Emax(GeV)= 3.5
121                                        TheoFSGenerator: Emin(GeV)=     3  Emax(GeV)= 100000
123                     Hadronic Processes for <kaon+>
124            hElastic  Models:           G4HadronElastic: Emin(GeV)=     0  Emax(GeV)= 100000
125   KaonPlusInelastic  Models:                      QGSP: Emin(GeV)=    12  Emax(GeV)= 100000
126                                  G4LEKaonPlusInelastic: Emin(GeV)=     0  Emax(GeV)= 25
128                     Hadronic Processes for <kaon->
129            hElastic  Models:           G4HadronElastic: Emin(GeV)=     0  Emax(GeV)= 100000
130  KaonMinusInelastic  Models:                      QGSP: Emin(GeV)=    12  Emax(GeV)= 100000
131                                 G4LEKaonMinusInelastic: Emin(GeV)=     0  Emax(GeV)= 25
133                     Hadronic Processes for <lambda>
134            hElastic  Models:           G4HadronElastic: Emin(GeV)=     0  Emax(GeV)= 100000
135     LambdaInelastic  Models:       G4LELambdaInelastic: Emin(GeV)=     0  Emax(GeV)= 25
136                                    G4HELambdaInelastic: Emin(GeV)=    20  Emax(GeV)= 100000
138                     Hadronic Processes for <mu->
139          muMinusCaptureAtRest
141                     Hadronic Processes for <neutron>
142            hElastic  Models:          NeutronHPElastic: Emin(GeV)=     0  Emax(GeV)= 0.02
143                                        G4HadronElastic: Emin(GeV)= 0.0195  Emax(GeV)= 100000
144    NeutronInelastic  Models:                      QGSP: Emin(GeV)=    12  Emax(GeV)= 100000
145                                   G4LENeutronInelastic: Emin(GeV)=   9.5  Emax(GeV)= 25
146                                         Binary Cascade: Emin(GeV)= 0.0199  Emax(GeV)= 9.9
147                                     NeutronHPInelastic: Emin(GeV)=     0  Emax(GeV)= 0.02
148            nCapture  Models:                G4LCapture: Emin(GeV)= 0.0199  Emax(GeV)= 20000
149                                       NeutronHPCapture: Emin(GeV)=     0  Emax(GeV)= 0.02
150            nFission  Models:                G4LFission: Emin(GeV)= 0.0199  Emax(GeV)= 20000
151                                       NeutronHPFission: Emin(GeV)=     0  Emax(GeV)= 0.02
153                     Hadronic Processes for <pi+>
154            hElastic  Models:           G4HadronElastic: Emin(GeV)=     0  Emax(GeV)= 100000
155   PionPlusInelastic  Models:                      QGSP: Emin(GeV)=    12  Emax(GeV)= 100000
156                                  G4LEPionPlusInelastic: Emin(GeV)=     0  Emax(GeV)= 25
158                     Hadronic Processes for <pi->
159            hElastic  Models:           G4HadronElastic: Emin(GeV)=     0  Emax(GeV)= 100000
160  PionMinusInelastic  Models:                      QGSP: Emin(GeV)=    12  Emax(GeV)= 100000
161                                 G4LEPionMinusInelastic: Emin(GeV)=     0  Emax(GeV)= 25
163                     Hadronic Processes for <proton>
164            hElastic  Models:           G4HadronElastic: Emin(GeV)=     0  Emax(GeV)= 100000
165     ProtonInelastic  Models:                      QGSP: Emin(GeV)=    12  Emax(GeV)= 100000
166                                    G4LEProtonInelastic: Emin(GeV)=   9.5  Emax(GeV)= 25
167                                         Binary Cascade: Emin(GeV)=     0  Emax(GeV)= 9.9
170========= Table of registered couples ==============================
172Index : 0     used in the geometry : Yes     recalculation needed : No
173 Material : Air
174 Range cuts        :  gamma  1 mm     e-  1 mm     e+  1 mm  proton 0 fm
175 Energy thresholds :  gamma  990 eV     e-  990 eV     e+  990 eV  proton 0 eV
176 Region(s) which use this couple :
177    DefaultRegionForTheWorld
179Index : 1     used in the geometry : Yes     recalculation needed : No
180 Material : Lead
181 Range cuts        :  gamma  10 cm     e-  10 cm     e+  10 cm  proton 10 cm
182 Energy thresholds :  gamma  2.10237 MeV    e-  430.674 MeV    e+  408.132 MeV proton 10 MeV
183 Region(s) which use this couple :
184    Target
186Index : 2     used in the geometry : Yes     recalculation needed : No
187 Material : Germanium
188 Range cuts        :  gamma  50 cm     e-  50 cm     e+  50 cm  proton 50 cm
189 Energy thresholds :  gamma  10 GeV    e-  1.83883 GeV    e+  1.74258 GeV proton 50 MeV
190 Region(s) which use this couple :
191    Detector
195exrdmAnalysisManager: Histograms are booked and the run has been started
196### Run : 0
197Graphics systems deleted.
198Visualization Manager deleting...
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