// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id: RE01Trajectory.cc,v 1.3 2006/06/29 17:44:37 gunter Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03-cand-01 $ // #include "RE01Trajectory.hh" #include "G4ParticleTable.hh" #include "G4ParticleTypes.hh" #include "G4Polyline.hh" #include "G4Circle.hh" #include "G4Colour.hh" #include "G4AttDefStore.hh" #include "G4AttDef.hh" #include "G4AttValue.hh" #include "G4UIcommand.hh" #include "G4VisAttributes.hh" #include "G4VVisManager.hh" #include "G4UnitsTable.hh" #include "G4DynamicParticle.hh" #include "G4PrimaryParticle.hh" #include "RE01TrackInformation.hh" G4Allocator myTrajectoryAllocator; RE01Trajectory::RE01Trajectory() :G4VTrajectory() { fpParticleDefinition = 0; ParticleName = ""; PDGCharge = 0; PDGEncoding = 0; fTrackID = 0; fParentID = 0; fTrackStatus = 0; positionRecord = 0; momentum = G4ThreeVector(0.,0.,0.); vertexPosition = G4ThreeVector(0.,0.,0.); globalTime = 0.; } RE01Trajectory::RE01Trajectory(const G4Track* aTrack) :G4VTrajectory() { fpParticleDefinition = aTrack->GetDefinition(); ParticleName = fpParticleDefinition->GetParticleName(); PDGCharge = fpParticleDefinition->GetPDGCharge(); PDGEncoding = fpParticleDefinition->GetPDGEncoding(); if(ParticleName=="unknown") { G4PrimaryParticle*pp = aTrack->GetDynamicParticle()->GetPrimaryParticle(); if(pp) { if(pp->GetCharge()GetCharge(); PDGEncoding = pp->GetPDGcode(); if(pp->GetG4code()!=0) { ParticleName += " : "; ParticleName += pp->GetG4code()->GetParticleName(); } } } fTrackID = aTrack->GetTrackID(); RE01TrackInformation* trackInfo = (RE01TrackInformation*)(aTrack->GetUserInformation()); fTrackStatus = trackInfo->GetTrackingStatus(); if(fTrackStatus == 1) { fParentID = aTrack->GetParentID(); } else if(fTrackStatus == 2) { fParentID = trackInfo->GetSourceTrackID(); } else { fParentID = -1; } positionRecord = new RE01TrajectoryPointContainer(); positionRecord->push_back(new G4TrajectoryPoint(aTrack->GetPosition())); momentum = aTrack->GetMomentum(); vertexPosition = aTrack->GetPosition(); globalTime = aTrack->GetGlobalTime(); } RE01Trajectory::RE01Trajectory(RE01Trajectory & right) :G4VTrajectory() { ParticleName = right.ParticleName; fpParticleDefinition = right.fpParticleDefinition; PDGCharge = right.PDGCharge; PDGEncoding = right.PDGEncoding; fTrackID = right.fTrackID; fParentID = right.fParentID; fTrackStatus = right.fTrackStatus; positionRecord = new RE01TrajectoryPointContainer(); for(size_t i=0;isize();i++) { G4TrajectoryPoint* rightPoint = (G4TrajectoryPoint*)((*(right.positionRecord))[i]); positionRecord->push_back(new G4TrajectoryPoint(*rightPoint)); } momentum = right.momentum; vertexPosition = right.vertexPosition; globalTime = right.globalTime; } RE01Trajectory::~RE01Trajectory() { size_t i; for(i=0;isize();i++){ delete (*positionRecord)[i]; } positionRecord->clear(); delete positionRecord; } void RE01Trajectory::ShowTrajectory(std::ostream& os) const { os << G4endl << "TrackID =" << fTrackID << " : ParentID=" << fParentID << " : TrackStatus=" << fTrackStatus << G4endl; os << "Particle name : " << ParticleName << " PDG code : " << PDGEncoding << " Charge : " << PDGCharge << G4endl; os << "Original momentum : " << G4BestUnit(momentum,"Energy") << G4endl; os << "Vertex : " << G4BestUnit(vertexPosition,"Length") << " Global time : " << G4BestUnit(globalTime,"Time") << G4endl; os << " Current trajectory has " << positionRecord->size() << " points." << G4endl; for( size_t i=0 ; i < positionRecord->size() ; i++){ G4TrajectoryPoint* aTrajectoryPoint = (G4TrajectoryPoint*)((*positionRecord)[i]); os << "Point[" << i << "]" << " Position= " << aTrajectoryPoint->GetPosition() << G4endl; } } void RE01Trajectory::DrawTrajectory(G4int) const { G4VVisManager* pVVisManager = G4VVisManager::GetConcreteInstance(); G4ThreeVector pos; G4Polyline pPolyline; for (size_t i = 0; i < positionRecord->size() ; i++) { G4TrajectoryPoint* aTrajectoryPoint = (G4TrajectoryPoint*)((*positionRecord)[i]); pos = aTrajectoryPoint->GetPosition(); pPolyline.push_back( pos ); } G4Colour colour(0.2,0.2,0.2); if(fpParticleDefinition==G4Gamma::GammaDefinition()) colour = G4Colour(0.,0.,1.); else if(fpParticleDefinition==G4Electron::ElectronDefinition() ||fpParticleDefinition==G4Positron::PositronDefinition()) colour = G4Colour(1.,1.,0.); else if(fpParticleDefinition==G4MuonMinus::MuonMinusDefinition() ||fpParticleDefinition==G4MuonPlus::MuonPlusDefinition()) colour = G4Colour(0.,1.,0.); else if(fpParticleDefinition->GetParticleType()=="meson") { if(PDGCharge!=0.) colour = G4Colour(1.,0.,0.); else colour = G4Colour(0.5,0.,0.); } else if(fpParticleDefinition->GetParticleType()=="baryon") { if(PDGCharge!=0.) colour = G4Colour(0.,1.,1.); else colour = G4Colour(0.,0.5,0.5); } G4VisAttributes attribs(colour); pPolyline.SetVisAttributes(attribs); if(pVVisManager) pVVisManager->Draw(pPolyline); } const std::map* RE01Trajectory::GetAttDefs() const { G4bool isNew; std::map* store = G4AttDefStore::GetInstance("RE01Trajectory",isNew); if (isNew) { G4String ID("ID"); (*store)[ID] = G4AttDef(ID,"Track ID","Bookkeeping","","G4int"); G4String PID("PID"); (*store)[PID] = G4AttDef(PID,"Parent ID","Bookkeeping","","G4int"); G4String Status("Status"); (*store)[Status] = G4AttDef(Status,"Track Status","Bookkeeping","","G4int"); G4String PN("PN"); (*store)[PN] = G4AttDef(PN,"Particle Name","Bookkeeping","","G4String"); G4String Ch("Ch"); (*store)[Ch] = G4AttDef(Ch,"Charge","Physics","e+","G4double"); G4String PDG("PDG"); (*store)[PDG] = G4AttDef(PDG,"PDG Encoding","Bookkeeping","","G4int"); G4String IMom("IMom"); (*store)[IMom] = G4AttDef(IMom, "Momentum of track at start of trajectory", "Physics","G4BestUnit","G4ThreeVector"); G4String IMag("IMag"); (*store)[IMag] = G4AttDef(IMag, "Magnitude of momentum of track at start of trajectory", "Physics","G4BestUnit","G4double"); G4String VtxPos("VtxPos"); (*store)[VtxPos] = G4AttDef(VtxPos, "Vertex position", "Physics","G4BestUnit","G4ThreeVector"); G4String NTP("NTP"); (*store)[NTP] = G4AttDef(NTP,"No. of points","Bookkeeping","","G4int"); } return store; } std::vector* RE01Trajectory::CreateAttValues() const { std::vector* values = new std::vector; values->push_back (G4AttValue("ID",G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(fTrackID),"")); values->push_back (G4AttValue("PID",G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(fParentID),"")); values->push_back (G4AttValue("Status",G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(fTrackStatus),"")); values->push_back(G4AttValue("PN",ParticleName,"")); values->push_back (G4AttValue("Ch",G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(PDGCharge),"")); values->push_back (G4AttValue("PDG",G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(PDGEncoding),"")); values->push_back (G4AttValue("IMom",G4BestUnit(momentum,"Energy"),"")); values->push_back (G4AttValue("IMag",G4BestUnit(momentum.mag(),"Energy"),"")); values->push_back (G4AttValue("VtxPos",G4BestUnit(vertexPosition,"Length"),"")); values->push_back (G4AttValue("NTP",G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(GetPointEntries()),"")); return values; } void RE01Trajectory::AppendStep(const G4Step* aStep) { positionRecord->push_back( new G4TrajectoryPoint(aStep->GetPostStepPoint()-> GetPosition() )); } G4ParticleDefinition* RE01Trajectory::GetParticleDefinition() { return (G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->FindParticle(ParticleName)); } void RE01Trajectory::MergeTrajectory(G4VTrajectory* secondTrajectory) { if(!secondTrajectory) return; RE01Trajectory* seco = (RE01Trajectory*)secondTrajectory; G4int ent = seco->GetPointEntries(); for(int i=1;ipush_back((*(seco->positionRecord))[i]); } delete (*seco->positionRecord)[0]; seco->positionRecord->clear(); }