source: trunk/examples/novice/N07/README @ 1321

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[807]1$Id: README,v 1.5 2007/05/04 01:49:28 asaim Exp $
4     =========================================================
5     Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP
6     =========================================================
8                            ExampleN07
9                            ----------
12     This example simulates three simplified sandwitch calorimeters.
13     The main features demonstrated in this example are :
15     1. Utilizing a concrete run class derived from G4Run base class for
16       accumulating physics quantities for a run
17     2. Changing calorimeter geometries without re-building a world volume
18     3. Defining geometrical regions and setting production thresholds
19       for each region
20     4. Demonstrating the use of primitive scorer and filter classes without
21       implementing sensitive detector class
22     5. Demonstrating the use of parallel scoring geometry and associating
23       parallel world scoring process
24     6. Measuring the timing spent for each region, both for all particle
25       types and for e+/e-
27     **********************************************************************
28     Note: Since this example utilizes its own ExN07SteppingVerbose for the
29       timing measurement, the user cannot get the ordinary verbosity with
30       /tracking/verbose.
31     **********************************************************************
33 1- Utilizing a concrete run class derived from G4Run base class for
34    accumulating physics quantities for a run
36    G4Run is a class the user can inherit and create his/her own concrete
37    class for accumulating information useful to him/her. It has a virtual
38    method RecordEvent(const G4Event*), which will be invoked by G4RunManager
39    at the end of processing each event. By implemeting this method in the
40    user'r concrete run class, he/she can store information associating with
41    G4Event class itself and hits collections attached with G4Event. In this
42    example, ExN07Run is the class derived from G4Run. In the method
43    ExN07Run::RecordEvent(const G4Event*), in addition to counting the
44    number of events, all hits collections are accessed to accumulate
45    energy depositions, step lengths and number of steps.
47    In case the user create his/her own run class, an object of this class
48    must be instantiated in the method GenerateRun() of his/her concrete
49    class derived from G4UserRunAction base class. The pointer to this run
50    object must be returned by this method. In this example, ExN07RunAction
51    is the class which instantiating ExN07Run class object.  In
52    ExN07RunAction::EndOfRunAction(const G4Run*) method, ExN07Run object
53    is analized to output the run summary.
55    It should be noted that some information about generated secondaries
56    are collected in ExN07StackinAction instead of sensitive detector class.
57    ExN07StackingAction::ClassifyNewTrack(const G4Track*) method is used
58    not for classifying tracks sent to the stack, but for accessing to all
59    secondaries generated in an event.
61 2- Changing calorimeter geometries without re-building a world volume
63    In ExN07DetectorConstruction, all solids, logical and physical volumes
64    are constructed only once at the first invocation of Constuct() method.
65    Positions and number of slices are changed not by re-constructing another
66    objects but by modifying data members of already existing objects as
67    it is implemented in ExN07DetectorConstruction::SetNumberOfLayers(G4int)
68    for changing the number of parameterized volumes, and also
69    ExN07DetectorConstruction::SetSerialGeometry(G4bool) for changing the
70    position of placed volumes.
72 3- Defining geometrical regions and setting production thresholds
73    for each region
75    Setting production thresholds (so-called production cuts) to individual
76    region of a detector geometry is the new feature provided by Geant4 5.1
77    release. This feature is also called as "Cuts per region".
79    Please note that this new feature is supporsed to be used only by the
80    users,
81     a) who is simulating most complex geometry such as an LHC detector,
82     b) and who has enough experience of simulating EM showers in matter.
83    We strongly recommend to compare the simulated results of this new
84    feature with the results of the same geometry but having uniform
85    production thresholds. Setting completely different cut values for
86    individual region may break the coherent and comprehensive accuracy
87    of the simulation. Thus such cut values should be carefully optimized
88    by the user with comparison with results of uniform cuts.
90    In ExN07DetectorConstruction::Construct(), Three objects of G4Region
91    class are instantiated and set to the logical volumes of each of three
92    calorimeter modules. Also, these individual logical volumes are
93    registered as "root logical volume" so that all daghter volumes in
94    these logical volumes are also affected by the corresponding regions.
96    In ExN07PhysicsList::SetCuts(), in addition to set the default threshold
97    values for the world volume, three threshold values are set to three
98    calorimeter regions respectively. By setting production thresholds to
99    a region, gamma, electron or positron will not be generated as a
100    secondary if its range is shorter than the production threshold of that
101    particular region. Please note that some EM processes still generate
102    such secondary below threshold.
104 4- Demonstrating the use of primitive scorer and filter classes without
105    implementing sensitive detector class
107    In ExN07DetectorConstruction::SetupDetector() method, concrete classes
108    G4PSEnergyDeposit, G4PSNofSecondary, G4PSTrackLength, G4PSNofStep and
109    G4PSMinKinEAtGeneration, all of thich are derivalable of G4VPrimitiveScorer,
110    are used to define the sensitivity of the calorimeter. All of them are
111    registered to G4MultiFunctionalDetector and this detector object is set
112    to the logical volume. G4SDParticleFilter is used to define the particle
113    type(s) to be scored.
115    In ExN07Run::RecordEvent() method, the way of retreiving G4THitsMap
116    from each primitive scorer via G4HCofThisEvent is demonstrated.
117    In ExN07RunAction::EndOfRunAction(), Run is summarized with data kept
118    in ExN07Run class object.
120 5- Demonstrating the use of parallel scoring geometry and associating
121    parallel world scoring process
123    In ExN07PhysicsList::ConstructGeneral(), G4ParallelWorldScoringProcess is
124    assigned to all the particle types. This process invokes sensitive detectors
125    (and scorers) defined in the parallel world "ParallelScoringWorld", the
126    name of the parallel world which is defined in main() ( as
127    an argument of ExN07ParallelWorld constructor.
129    As implemented in ExN07ParallelWorld::SetupGeometry(), the world volume of
130    the parallel world is obtained by GetWorld() method as a clone copy of the
131    world volume of the mass geometry. The user should not create the world volume.
133    ExN07ParallelWorld defines three cylindrical volumes, each of them is
134    located at the same position as three sandwitch calorimeters defined
135    in the mass geometry (ExN07DetectorConstruction). Each cylinder is replicated
136    in Rho to define 20 layers, and scores the same quantities as the mass geometry.
137    These three cylinders are relocated accordingly when the mass geometry is
138    modified by ExN07DetectorConstruction::SetSerialGeometry().
140 6- Measuring the timing spent for each region, both for all particle
141    types and for e+/e-
143    ExN07SteppingVerbose class has two G4SliceTimer class objects for each
144    detector region. One G4SliceTimer is measuring the time spent by a step
145    in a region for all types of particles, and another is measuring for
146    e+/e- only.
148    ExN07SteppingVerbose::InitializeTimers() is invoked by ExN07RunAction::
149    BeginOfRunAction(), and checks the number of regions appear in the
150    geometry and instantiates the necessary number of timers. Thus, this
151    ExN07SteppingVerbose class can be used for any kind of geometry the user
152    defines without any modification. Given G4VSteppingVerbose is not invoked
153    if the verbosity of G4SteppingManager is 0, this verbosity is set to 1.
155    NewStep() and StepInfo() are the methods defined in G4VSteppingVerbose
156    base class, and they are invoked at the beginning and the end of every
157    step, respectively, from G4SteppingManager. Thus, these methods are
158    utilized in ExN07SteppingVerbose to start/resume and pause the timer.
160    ExN07SteppingVerbose::Report() method is used by ExN07RunAction::
161    EndOfRunAction() to get the timing measured.
163 7- Macro files
166    To be used for batch mode. The reference output file is made by this
167    macro file.
169  sample.mac
170    To be used for interactive mode. Issue "/control/execute sample.mac"
171    when "Idle>" prompt appears.
173  vis.mac
174    Setting visualization parameters. This macro file will be called
175    automatically when interactive execution starts.
177 8- UI commands defined in this example
179Command /N07/setAbsMat
180Guidance :
181Select Material of the Absorber.
183Parameter : choice
184 Parameter type  : s
185 Omittable       : False
186 Candidates      : Aluminium liquidArgon Lead Water Scintillator Air Galactic
190Command /N07/setGapMat
191Guidance :
192Select Material of the Gap.
194Parameter : choice
195 Parameter type  : s
196 Omittable       : False
197 Candidates      : Aluminium liquidArgon Lead Water Scintillator Air Galactic
201Command /N07/numberOfLayers
202Guidance :
203Set number of layers.
204 Range of parameters : nl>0
206Parameter : nl
207 Parameter type  : i
208 Omittable       : False
212Command /N07/serialGeometry
213Guidance :
214Select calorimeters to be placed in serial or parallel.
216Parameter : serialize
217 Parameter type  : b
218 Omittable       : False
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