// %%%%%%%%%% // G4 headers // %%%%%%%%%% #include "G4RunManager.hh" #include "G4UImanager.hh" #include "G4UIterminal.hh" #include "G4VisExecutive.hh" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "G4UIQt.hh" #include "G4Qt.hh" // %%%%%%%%%% // Qt headers // %%%%%%%%%% //#include "arthurwidgets.h" #include #include // %%%%%%%%%%%%% // gemc headers // %%%%%%%%%%%%% #include "Clas12_HitProcess_MapRegister.h" #include "detector.h" #include "gemc_MainGui.h" #include "icons.h" #include "MagneticField.h" #include "MBankdefs.h" #include "MDetectorConstruction.h" #include "MEventAction.h" #include "MOutputBaseClass.h" //#include "MPHBaseClass.h" #include "MPhysicsList.h" #include "MPrimaryGeneratorAction.h" //#include "MSteppingAction.h" //#include "Output_Register.h" #include "usage.h" #include "run_conditions.h" int main( int argc, char **argv ) { gemc_opts gemcOpt; gemcOpt.Set(argc, argv); string hd_msg = gemcOpt.args["LOG_MSG"].args + " Init: >> " ; cout << endl << hd_msg << " Geant4 MonteCarlo" << endl; double use_qt = gemcOpt.args["USE_QT"].arg; QApplication gemc_gui( argc, argv, (bool) use_qt ); QPixmap *splash_i; QSplashScreen *splash; if(use_qt) { splash_i = new QPixmap(CLAS12_cad); splash = new QSplashScreen(*splash_i); splash->show(); gemc_gui.processEvents(); } string msg; msg = " Setting CLHEP Random Engine..."; if(use_qt) splash->showMessage(msg.c_str()); gemc_gui.processEvents(); cout << hd_msg << msg << endl; CLHEP::HepRandom::setTheEngine(new CLHEP::RanecuEngine); string RAND = gemcOpt.args["RANDOM"].args; G4int seed; if(RAND=="TIME") { msg = " Initializing CLHEP Random Engine from time and clock..."; seed = time(NULL)-clock(); } else { seed = atoi(RAND.c_str()); msg = " Initializing CLHEP Random Engine from user seed..."; } if(use_qt) splash->showMessage(msg.c_str()); gemc_gui.processEvents(); cout << hd_msg << msg << endl; CLHEP::HepRandom::setTheSeed(seed); char seeds[100]; sprintf(seeds, "%d", seed); msg = " Random Seed Initialised to: " ; msg.append(seeds); if(use_qt) splash->showMessage(msg.c_str()); gemc_gui.processEvents(); cout << hd_msg << msg << endl; if(gemcOpt.args["gcard"].args != "no") { msg = " Opening GCARD file " + gemcOpt.args["gcard"].args + "..."; if(use_qt) splash->showMessage(msg.c_str()); gemc_gui.processEvents(); cout << hd_msg << msg << endl; } run_conditions RunConditions(gemcOpt); msg = " Instantiating Run Manager..."; if(use_qt) splash->showMessage(msg.c_str()); gemc_gui.processEvents(); cout << hd_msg << msg << endl; G4RunManager *runManager = new G4RunManager; msg = " Retrieving gemc Detector Map..."; if(use_qt) splash->showMessage(msg.c_str()); gemc_gui.processEvents(); cout << hd_msg << msg << endl; map Hall_Map = read_detector(gemcOpt, RunConditions); msg = " Building gemc Process Hit Factory..."; if(use_qt) splash->showMessage(msg.c_str()); gemc_gui.processEvents(); cout << hd_msg << msg << endl; map MProcessHit_Map = Clas12_HitProcess_Map(); msg = " Retrieving gemc Banks Map..."; if(use_qt) splash->showMessage(msg.c_str()); gemc_gui.processEvents(); cout << hd_msg << msg << endl; map MBank_Map = read_banks(gemcOpt, MProcessHit_Map); msg = " Retrieving gemc Materials Map..."; if(use_qt) splash->showMessage(msg.c_str()); gemc_gui.processEvents(); cout << hd_msg << msg << endl; map MMats = DefineMaterials(); msg = " Retrieving gemc Magnetic Fields Map..."; if(use_qt) splash->showMessage(msg.c_str()); gemc_gui.processEvents(); cout << hd_msg << msg << endl; map FieldMap = get_magnetic_Fields(gemcOpt); MDetectorConstruction* ExpHall = new MDetectorConstruction(gemcOpt); ExpHall->Hall_Map = &Hall_Map; ExpHall->MMats = &MMats; ExpHall->FieldMap = &FieldMap; runManager->SetUserInitialization(ExpHall); string phys_list = gemcOpt.args["USE_PHYSICSL"].args ; msg = " Initializing Physics List " + phys_list + "..."; if(use_qt) splash->showMessage(msg.c_str()); gemc_gui.processEvents(); cout << hd_msg << msg << endl; G4VUserPhysicsList* physics; if(phys_list == "gemc") physics = new MPhysicsList(gemcOpt); if(phys_list == "LHEP") physics = new LHEP(1); if(phys_list == "LHEP_BERT") physics = new LHEP_BERT(1); if(phys_list == "LHEP_BERT_HP") physics = new LHEP_BERT_HP(1); if(phys_list == "QGSP") physics = new QGSP(1); if(phys_list == "QGSP_BIC") physics = new QGSP_BIC(1); if(phys_list == "QGSP_BIC_HP") physics = new QGSP_BIC_HP(1); if(phys_list == "QGSP_BERT") physics = new QGSP_BERT(1); if(phys_list == "QGSP_BERT_HP") physics = new QGSP_BERT_HP(1); // physics->SetDefaultCutValue(1*cm); runManager->SetUserInitialization(physics); // Setting Max step for all the simulation. G4TransportationManager::GetTransportationManager()->GetPropagatorInField()->SetLargestAcceptableStep(5*mm); msg = " Initializing Primary Generator Action..."; if(use_qt) splash->showMessage(msg.c_str()); gemc_gui.processEvents(); cout << hd_msg << msg << endl; G4VUserPrimaryGeneratorAction* gen_action = new MPrimaryGeneratorAction(gemcOpt); runManager->SetUserAction(gen_action); msg = " Initializing Event Action..."; if(use_qt) splash->showMessage(msg.c_str()); gemc_gui.processEvents(); cout << hd_msg << msg << endl; MEventAction* event_action = new MEventAction(gemcOpt); event_action->SetEvtNumber((int) gemcOpt.args["EVN"].arg); runManager->SetUserAction(event_action); msg = " Initializing Stepping Action..."; if(use_qt) splash->showMessage(msg.c_str()); gemc_gui.processEvents(); cout << hd_msg << msg << endl; MSteppingAction* SteppingAction = new MSteppingAction(gemcOpt); runManager->SetUserAction(SteppingAction); G4UIsession * session = NULL; msg = " Initializing User Interface..."; if(use_qt) splash->showMessage(msg.c_str()); gemc_gui.processEvents(); cout << hd_msg << msg << endl; if(use_qt == 1) { session = new G4UIQt(argc,argv); } else session = new G4UIterminal(); G4UImanager* UImanager = G4UImanager::GetUIpointer(); G4VisManager* visManager; if(use_qt) { visManager = new G4VisExecutive; visManager->Initialize(); } msg = " Initializing Run Manager...\n"; if(use_qt) splash->showMessage(msg.c_str()); gemc_gui.processEvents(); cout << hd_msg << msg << endl; runManager->Initialize(); msg = " Initializing Output Action..."; MOutputs MOutput(gemcOpt); map MProcessOutput_Map = Output_Map(); event_action->MOut = &MOutput; event_action->Out = &MProcessOutput_Map; event_action->MProcessHit_Map = &MProcessHit_Map; event_action->SeDe_Map = ExpHall->SeDe_Map; event_action->MBank_Map = &MBank_Map; map::iterator it; for(it = ExpHall->SeDe_Map.begin(); it != ExpHall->SeDe_Map.end(); it++) it->second->MProcessHit_Map = &MProcessHit_Map; msg = " Executing initial directives...\n"; if(use_qt) splash->showMessage(msg.c_str()); gemc_gui.processEvents(); cout << hd_msg << msg << endl; vector init_commands = init_dmesg(gemcOpt); for(int i=0; iApplyCommand(init_commands[i].c_str()); string exec_macro = "/control/execute " + gemcOpt.args["EXEC_MACRO"].args; if(use_qt) { msg = " Executing initial visual directives...\n"; splash->showMessage(msg.c_str()); gemc_gui.processEvents(); cout << hd_msg << msg << endl; vector init_vcommands = init_dvmesg(gemcOpt); for(int i=0; iApplyCommand(init_vcommands[i].c_str()); if(use_qt == 1) session->SessionStart(); splash->showMessage("Starting GUI..."); gemc_gui.processEvents(); gemcMainWidget gemcW(runManager, visManager, UImanager); gemcW.Hall_Map = &Hall_Map; gemcW.MMats = &MMats; gemcW.gemcOpt = gemcOpt; gemcW.setWindowTitle( " gemc: Geant4 Simulation of the CLAS 12 Detector " ); gemcW.show(); splash->finish(&gemcW); if(exec_macro != "/control/execute no") UImanager->ApplyCommand(exec_macro.c_str()); if(gemcOpt.args["N"].arg>0) { char command[100]; sprintf(command, "/run/beamOn %d", (int) gemcOpt.args["N"].arg); UImanager->ApplyCommand(command); } QStyle *arthurStyle = new ArthurStyle(); QList widgets = qFindChildren(&gemcW); foreach (QWidget *w, widgets) w->setStyle(arthurStyle); return gemc_gui.exec(); } else { if(gemcOpt.args["N"].arg>0) { char command[100]; sprintf(command, "/run/beamOn %d", (int) gemcOpt.args["N"].arg); UImanager->ApplyCommand(command); } if(exec_macro != "/control/execute no") UImanager->ApplyCommand(exec_macro.c_str()); } delete runManager; delete session; return 1; }