// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // 12/06/2002 G4UIGainServer H. MInamimoto and H. Yoshida created // $Id: G4UIGainServer.cc,v 1.10 2006/06/29 19:09:25 gunter Exp $ // $Name: geant4-08-01 $ // #ifndef WIN32 #include "G4UIGainServer.hh" #include #include #include "G4StateManager.hh" #include "G4UIcommandTree.hh" #include "G4UIcommand.hh" #include "G4UIcommandStatus.hh" ////////////////////////////////////////////// G4UIGainServer::G4UIGainServer() ////////////////////////////////////////////// { TVersion ="T1.0a"; JVersion="J1.0a"; prefix = "/"; port = DEFAULT_PORT; while(SetUPServer() == false){ G4cout<<"can't get the port no. "< SetSession(this); UI-> SetCoutDestination(this); G4StateManager* statM = G4StateManager::GetStateManager(); promptCharacter = statM->GetStateString(statM->GetCurrentState()); uiMode = terminal_mode; iExit= FALSE; iCont= FALSE; G4UIcommandTree* tree = UI->GetTree(); GetNewTreeStructure(tree,0); GetNewTreeValues(tree,0); previousTreeCommands = newTreeCommands; previousTreeParams = newTreeParams; previousTreePCP = newTreePCP; } ///////////////////////////// G4UIGainServer::~G4UIGainServer() ///////////////////////////// { if(G4UImanager::GetUIpointer()) { UI-> SetSession(NULL); UI-> SetCoutDestination(NULL); } if(G4UImanager::GetUIpointer()!=0){ UI->SetSession(NULL); UI->SetCoutDestination(NULL); } } ///////////////////////////////////////// G4UIsession* G4UIGainServer::SessionStart() ///////////////////////////////////////// { G4String newCommand; G4StateManager* statM = G4StateManager::GetStateManager(); promptCharacter = statM->GetStateString(statM->GetCurrentState()); iExit= TRUE; WaitingConnection(); while(iExit){ newCommand= GetCommand(); ExecuteCommand(newCommand); } return NULL; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// void G4UIGainServer::PauseSessionStart(G4String msg) ////////////////////////////////////////////////// { promptCharacter = msg; G4cout<<"@@PROMPT \""<GetTree(); if(aCommand.length()<2) return; G4int returnVal = UI->ApplyCommand(aCommand); G4int paramIndex = returnVal % 100; // 0 - 98 : paramIndex-th parameter is invalid // 99 : convination of parameters is invalid G4int commandStatus = returnVal - paramIndex; UpdateState(); if(uiMode != terminal_mode){ switch(commandStatus) { case fCommandSucceeded: GetNewTreeStructure(tree,0); GetNewTreeValues(tree,0); if(CommandUpdated()){ NotifyCommandUpdate(); } else{ UpdateParamVal(); } previousTreeCommands = newTreeCommands; previousTreeParams = newTreeParams; previousTreePCP = newTreePCP; break; case fCommandNotFound: G4cerr << "@@ErrResult \" <" << UI->SolveAlias(aCommand) << "> not found.\"" << G4endl; break; case fIllegalApplicationState: G4cerr << "@@ErrResult \"illegal application state -- command refused.\"" << G4endl; break; case fParameterOutOfRange: G4cout << "@@ErrResult \"Parameter Out of Range.\"" << G4endl; break; case fParameterUnreadable: G4cout << "@@ErrResult \"Parameter is wrong type and/or is not omittable.\""<GetTree(); if ( uiMode != terminal_mode ){ G4cout << "@@PROMPT \"" << promptCharacter << "\"" << G4endl; } if ( uiMode != java_mode ){ G4cout << promptCharacter << "> " << G4endl; }else{ G4cout << "@@Ready" << G4endl; } ///////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////// read(socketD[1],buf,1024); newCommand=buf; //DEBUG cout<<"->"<GetNumberOfHistory(); for(int i=0;iGetPreviousCommand(i) << G4endl; } } else if( nC(0) == '!' ) { G4String ss = nC(1,nC.length()-1); G4int vl; const char* tt = ss; std::istringstream is((char*)tt); is >> vl; G4int nh = UI->GetNumberOfHistory(); if(vl>=0 && vlGetPreviousCommand(vl); G4cout << newCommand << G4endl; break; } else { G4cerr << "history " << vl << " is not found." << G4endl; } } else if( nC(0,4) == "exit" ) { if( iCont ) { if ( uiMode == terminal_mode){ G4cerr << "You are now processing RUN." << G4endl; G4cerr << "Please abrot it using \"/run/abort\" command first" << G4endl; G4cerr << " and use \"continue\" command until the application" << G4endl; G4cerr << " becomes to Idle." << G4endl; }else{ G4cout << "@@ErrResult \"You are now processing RUN.\"" << G4endl; } } else { close(socketD[1]); close(socketD[2]); iExit = false; newCommand = nullString; break; } } else if( nC == "cont" || nC == "continue" ) { iCont = false; newCommand = nullString; break; } else { break; } } return GetFullPath(newCommand); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// G4int G4UIGainServer::ReceiveG4cout(G4String coutString) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { if(socketD[1]>0){ write(socketD[1],coutString,coutString.length()); } return 0; //std::cout << coutString << std::flush; //return 0; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// G4int G4UIGainServer::ReceiveG4cerr(G4String cerrString) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { if(socketD[2]>0){ write(socketD[2],cerrString,cerrString.length()); } return 0; //std::cerr << cerrString << std::flush; //return 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////// G4bool G4UIGainServer::GetHelpChoice(G4int& aInt) /////////////////////////////////////////////// { G4cin >> aInt; if(!G4cin.good()){ G4cin.clear(); G4cin.ignore(30,'\n'); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } ///////////////////////////// void G4UIGainServer::ExitHelp() ///////////////////////////// { char temp[100]; G4cin.getline(temp, 100); } ///////////////////////////// bool G4UIGainServer::SetUPServer(){ ///////////////////////////// socketD[0] = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0); if(socketD[0]<0){ perror("server:socket"); return (false); //exit(1); } memset( (char *)&saddr,'\0',sizeof(saddr)) ; saddr.sin_family = AF_INET; saddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; saddr.sin_port = htons(port); unlink(SOCK_NAME); if(bind(socketD[0] , (struct sockaddr *)&saddr , sizeof(saddr))<0){ perror("bind"); return (false); //exit(1); } else{ G4cout<<"G4GainServer waiting at "<GetCurrentValues(theCommand); if( ! (curV.isNull()||curV(0)=='\0' ) ) { if (uiMode == terminal_mode){ G4cout << "Current value(s) of the parameter(s) : " << curV << G4endl; }else{ G4cout << "@@CurrentValue " << curV << G4endl; } } else if (uiMode == terminal_mode){ G4cout << "Current value is not available." << G4endl; } else { G4cout << "@@ErrResult \"Current value is not available.\"" << G4endl; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// void G4UIGainServer::ChangeDirectory(G4String newCommand){ ////////////////////////////////////////////////// G4String savedPrefix = prefix; if( newCommand.length() <= 3 ) { prefix = "/"; } else { G4String aNewPrefix = newCommand(3,newCommand.length()-3); G4String newPrefix = aNewPrefix.strip(G4String::both); if( newPrefix(0) == '/' ) { prefix = newPrefix; } else if( newPrefix(0) != '.' ) { prefix += newPrefix; } else { prefix = ModifyPrefix( newPrefix ); } } if( prefix( prefix.length() - 1 ) != '/' ) { prefix += "/"; } if( FindDirPath( prefix ) == NULL ) { G4cout << "Directory <" << prefix << "> is not found." << G4endl; prefix = savedPrefix; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////// void G4UIGainServer::ListDirectory(G4String newCommand){ //////////////////////////////////////////////// G4String targetDir('\0'); if( newCommand.length() <= 3 ) { targetDir = prefix; } else { G4String newPrefix = newCommand(3,newCommand.length()-3); newPrefix.strip(G4String::both); if( newPrefix(0) == '/' ) { targetDir = newPrefix; } else if( newPrefix(0) != '.' ) { targetDir = prefix; targetDir += newPrefix; } else { targetDir = ModifyPrefix( newPrefix ); } } if( targetDir( targetDir.length() - 1 ) != '/' ) { targetDir += "/"; } G4UIcommandTree * commandTree = FindDirPath( targetDir ); if( commandTree == NULL ) { G4cout << "Directory <" << targetDir << "> is not found." << G4endl; } else { commandTree->ListCurrent(); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////// void G4UIGainServer::TerminalHelp(G4String newCommand){ /////////////////////////////////////////////// G4UIcommandTree* treeTop = UI->GetTree(); unsigned i = newCommand.index(" "); if(i!=std::string::npos){ G4String newValue = newCommand(i+1,newCommand.length()-(i+1)); newValue.strip(G4String::both); if(newValue(0)!='/'){ newValue.prepend(prefix); } G4UIcommand* theCommand = treeTop->FindPath(newValue); if(theCommand !=NULL){ theCommand->List(); return; } else{ G4cout<<"Command<" << newValue << "is not found."<GetTree(G4String(prefix(0,ii+1))); prefixIndex = ii+1; iFloor++; } floor[iFloor]->ListCurrentWithNum(); while(1){ int i; G4cout<> i; if(!G4cin.good()){ G4cin.clear(); G4cin.ignore(30,'\n'); G4cout<ListCurrentWithNum(); continue; } else if(i==0){break;} else if(i>0){ int n_tree = floor[iFloor]->GetTreeEntry(); if(i>n_tree){ if(i<=n_tree+floor[iFloor]->GetCommandEntry()){ floor[iFloor]->GetCommand(i-n_tree)->List(); } } else{ floor[iFloor+1] = floor[iFloor]->GetTree(i); iFloor++; floor[iFloor]->ListCurrentWithNum(); } } } G4cout<<"Exit from Help."<GetTree(); /*int*/ unsigned idx = 1; while( idx < newCommand.length()-1 ) { int i = newCommand.index("/",idx); comTree = comTree->GetTree(G4String(newCommand(0,i+1))); if( comTree == NULL ) { return NULL; } idx = i+1; } return comTree; } //// ----- for JAVA Gain ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void G4UIGainServer::SendCommandProperties(G4UIcommandTree* tree){ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if( tree == NULL ) { G4cerr << "GetTree() returnes null." << G4endl; return; } if (uiMode == java_mode){ G4cout << "@@JTreeBegin" << G4endl; CodeGenJavaTree(tree, 0); G4cout << "@@JTreeEnd" << G4endl; CodeGenJavaParams(tree, 0); }else{} } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void G4UIGainServer::SendParameterProperties(G4UIcommandTree* tree){ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if( tree == NULL ) { G4cerr << "GetTree() returnes null." << G4endl; return; } if (uiMode == java_mode){ CodeGenJavaParams(tree, 0); }else{ } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void G4UIGainServer::CodeGenJavaTree(G4UIcommandTree* tree,int level){ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int treeEntry, commandEntry; treeEntry = tree->GetTreeEntry(); commandEntry = tree->GetCommandEntry(); if(level!=0) { for(int i=0; iGetCommand(i+1)->GetCommandPath() << G4endl; } } if(treeEntry == 0) return; //end recursion for(int j=0; jGetTree(j+1), level+1); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void G4UIGainServer::CodeGenJavaParams(G4UIcommandTree* tree,int level){ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int treeEntry,commandEntry,i; G4UIcommandTree* treeLink; treeEntry = tree->GetTreeEntry(); commandEntry = tree->GetCommandEntry(); for(i=0;iGetCommand(i+1)); } if(treeEntry ==0) return; for(i=0;iGetTree(i+1); G4cout<<"@@JDirGuieBegin"<GetPathName()<GetTitle()<GetGuidanceEntries(); parameterEntry = Comp->GetParameterEntries(); G4cout << "@@JParamBegin" << G4endl; G4cout << Comp->GetCommandPath() << G4endl; G4cout << guidanceEntry << G4endl; for (int j=0; jGetGuidanceLine(j); title2 = ""; if (title != ""){ for(int i=0; i< (int)title.length(); i++){ c[0]=title(i); c[1]= '\0'; if ( c[0] == '\n' || c[0] == '\r') { c[0]= ' '; } title2.append(c); } } G4cout << title2 << G4endl; } G4cout << Comp->GetRange() << G4endl; G4cout << parameterEntry << G4endl; for( int par=0; parGetParameter(par); G4cout << prp->GetParameterName() << G4endl; G4cout << prp->GetParameterGuidance() << G4endl; G4cout << prp->GetParameterType() << G4endl; G4cout << prp->IsOmittable() << G4endl; G4cout << prp->GetDefaultValue() << G4endl; G4cout << prp->GetParameterRange() << G4endl; G4cout << prp->GetParameterCandidates() << G4endl; } G4cout << "@@JParamEnd" << G4endl; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void G4UIGainServer::SendDisableList(G4UIcommandTree* tree,int level){ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int treeEntry, commandEntry; G4UIcommand * Comp; treeEntry = tree->GetTreeEntry(); commandEntry = tree->GetCommandEntry(); for(int com=0; comGetCommand(com+1); if( Comp->IsAvailable()==false ) { G4cout << Comp->GetCommandPath()<GetTree(i+1), level+1); // be sure the function name is the same } } //####### update check routines #################################### /////////////////////////////// void G4UIGainServer::UpdateState(void){ /////////////////////////////// static G4ApplicationState previousState= G4State_PreInit; G4ApplicationState newState; G4StateManager *statM = G4StateManager::GetStateManager(); newState = statM->GetCurrentState(); if( newState != previousState ) { NotifyStateChange(); previousState = newState; } } ///////////////////////////////////// void G4UIGainServer::NotifyStateChange(void) ///////////////////////////////////// { G4String stateString; G4StateManager * statM = G4StateManager::GetStateManager(); G4UIcommandTree * tree = UI->GetTree(); stateString = statM->GetStateString(statM->GetCurrentState()); if ( uiMode != terminal_mode ){ G4cout << "@@State \"" << stateString << "\"" << G4endl; G4cout << "@@DisableListBegin"<GetTree(); SendCommandProperties(tree); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// void G4UIGainServer::NotifyParameterUpdate(G4UIcommand* com) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// { SendAParamProperty(com); } ////////////////////////////////// int G4UIGainServer::CommandUpdated(void){ ////////////////////////////////// int added=0, deleted=0; int pEntry= previousTreeCommands.size(); int nEntry= newTreeCommands.size(); int i,j; for( i=0; iGetTreeEntry(); int commandEntry = tree->GetCommandEntry(); if( level==0 ) { newTreeCommands.clear();} for(int com=0; comGetCommand(com+1)->GetCommandPath(); title = tree->GetCommand(com+1)->GetTitle(); newTreeCommands.push_back( commandPath + " " + title ); } if(treeEntry == 0) return; //end recursion for(int i=0; i< treeEntry; i++){ t = tree->GetTree(i+1); pathName = t->GetPathName(); title = t->GetTitle(); newTreeCommands.push_back( pathName + " " + title ); GetNewTreeStructure(t, level+1); } } //////////////////////////////////// void G4UIGainServer::UpdateParamVal(void) { //////////////////////////////////// // call NotifyParameterUpdate() if the value of each // command/parameter is updated. // assuming the command structure is not changed. int pEntry= previousTreeParams.size(); int nEntry= newTreeParams.size(); int i; G4UIcommand* Comp; if (pEntry != nEntry) return; for( i=0; iGetCommandPath() << " command is updated." <GetTreeEntry(); int commandEntry = tree->GetCommandEntry(); G4UIcommand * Comp; G4UIparameter * prp; G4String param, str(" "); if( level==0 ) { newTreeParams.clear(); } for(int com=0; comGetCommand(com+1); commandPath = Comp->GetCommandPath(); parameterEntry = Comp->GetParameterEntries(); param = commandPath +" "; for( int par=0; par< parameterEntry; par++) { prp = (G4UIparameter *)Comp->GetParameter(par); param += prp->GetParameterName() +" "; str(0) = prp->GetParameterType(); param += str + " "; param += prp->GetDefaultValue() +" "; param += prp->GetParameterRange() +" "; param += prp->GetParameterCandidates(); } newTreeParams.push_back( param + "\n"); newTreePCP.push_back( Comp ); } if( treeEntry == 0 ) return; // end recursion for( int i=0; i< treeEntry; i++) { t = tree->GetTree(i+1); GetNewTreeValues(t, level+1); } } #endif