source: trunk/geant4/interfaces/basic/include/G4UIQt.hh @ 524

Last change on this file since 524 was 524, checked in by garnier, 17 years ago

r652@mac-90108: laurentgarnier | 2007-06-22 12:43:09 +0200
en test

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27// $Id: G4UIQt.hh,v 1.13 2006/06/29 19:09:33 gunter Exp $
28// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-08-01 $
30#ifndef G4UIQt_h
31#define G4UIQt_h
[490]33#if defined(G4UI_BUILD_QT_SESSION) || defined(G4UI_USE_QT)
35#include <map>
37#include "G4VBasicShell.hh"
38#include "G4VInteractiveSession.hh"
40#include <QtGui/qmainwindow.h>
[487]41#include <QtGui/qlineedit.h>
[519]42#include <QtGui/qlistwidget.h>
[488]43#include <QtGui/qtextedit.h>
[494]44#include <QtGui/qlabel.h>
[507]45#include <QtGui/qtreewidget.h>
[504]46#include <QSignalMapper.h>
[489]47#include <QObject>
[481]49class G4UIsession;
[481]52// Class description :
54//  G4UIQt : class to handle a Motif interactive session.
55// G4UIQt is the Motif version of G4UIterminal.
57//  A command box is at disposal for entering/recalling Geant4 commands.
58//  A menubar could be customized through the AddMenu, AddButton methods.
59//  Note that there are corresponding Geant4 commands to add a
60// menus in the menubar and add buttons in a menu.
61//  Ex :
62//    /gui/addMenu   test Test
63//    /gui/addButton test Init /run/initialize
64//    /gui/addButton test "Set gun" "/control/execute gun.g4m"
65//    /gui/addButton test "Run one event" "/run/beamOn 1"
67//  Command completion, by typing "tab" key, is available on the
68// command line.
70// Class description - end :
[490]72class G4UIQt : public QObject, public G4VBasicShell, public G4VInteractiveSession {
[481]75public: // With description
76  G4UIQt(int,char**);
77  // (argv, argc) or (0, NULL) had to be given.
78  G4UIsession* SessionStart();
79  // To enter interactive X loop ; waiting/executing command,...
80  void AddMenu(const char*,const char*);
81  // To add a pulldown menu in the menu bar.
82  // First argument is the name of the menu.
83  // Second argument is the label of the cascade button.
84  // Ex : AddMenu("my_menu","My menu")
85  void AddButton(const char*,const char*,const char*);
86  // To add a push button in a pulldown menu.
87  // First argument is the name of the menu.
88  // Second argument is the label of the button.
89  // Third argument is the Geant4 command executed when the button is fired.
90  // Ex : AddButton("my_menu","Run","/run/beamOn 1");
92  ~G4UIQt();
93  void Prompt(G4String);
94  void SessionTerminate();
95  void PauseSessionStart(G4String);
96  G4int ReceiveG4cout(G4String);
97  G4int ReceiveG4cerr(G4String);
[516]98  //   G4String GetCommand(Widget);
[506]101  void SecondaryLoop(G4String); // a VIRER
102  void TerminalHelp(G4String);
[514]103  void CreateChildTree(QTreeWidgetItem*,G4UIcommandTree*);
[524]104  QTreeWidgetItem* FindTreeItem(QTreeWidgetItem *,QString);
[509]106  QString GetCommandList(G4UIcommand*);
[517]108  G4bool GetHelpChoice(G4int&) ;// have to be implemeted because we heritate from G4VBasicShell
109  void ExitHelp();// have to be implemeted because we heritate from G4VBasicShell
[518]110  bool eventFilter(QObject*,QEvent*);
[481]114  //  Widget form,shell,command,menuBar,text;
[504]115  //  std::map<QAction*,G4String, std::less<QAction*> > commands;
[481]116  //  static void commandEnteredCallback(Widget,XtPointer,XtPointer);
117  //  static void keyHandler(Widget,XtPointer,XEvent*,Boolean*);
[494]118  QMainWindow * fMainWindow;
119  QLabel *fCommandLabel;
120  QLineEdit * fCommandArea;
121  QTextEdit *fTextArea;
[509]122  QTextEdit *fHelpArea;
[519]123  QListWidget *fCommandHistoryArea;
[504]124  QSignalMapper *signalMapper ;
[512]125  QTreeWidget *fHelpTreeWidget;
[513]126  QDialog *fHelpDialog;
[504]128signals :
129  void myClicked(const QString &text);
[491]131private slots :
132  void clearButtonCallback();
[494]133  void commandEnteredCallback();
[504]134  void buttonCallback(const QString&);
[512]135  void helpTreeCallback();
[514]136  void showHelpCallback();
[519]137  void commandHistoryCallback();
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