source: trunk/geant4/visualization/OpenGL/old-src/ @ 572

Last change on this file since 572 was 562, checked in by garnier, 17 years ago

r565@mac-90108: laurentgarnier | 2007-08-14 14:18:03 +0200
mise a jour suite au plantage de svk (cheksum error) suite au crash du DD en juin

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2// ********************************************************************
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18// * This  code  implementation is the result of  the  scientific and *
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27// $Id:,v 1.20 2006/10/24 06:23:18 allison Exp $
28// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-08-02-patch-01 $
31// Andrew Walkden  7th February 1997
32// Class G4OpenGLStoredViewer : Encapsulates the `storedness' of
33//                            an OpenGL view, for inheritance by
34//                            derived (X, Xm...) classes.
38#include "G4OpenGLStoredViewer.hh"
40#include "G4OpenGLStoredSceneHandler.hh"
41#include "G4Text.hh"
42#include "G4Circle.hh"
43#include "G4UnitsTable.hh"
44#include "G4Scene.hh"
47(G4OpenGLStoredSceneHandler& sceneHandler):
48G4VViewer (sceneHandler, -1), 
49G4OpenGLViewer (sceneHandler),
50fG4OpenGLStoredSceneHandler (sceneHandler)
52  fLastVP = fDefaultVP; // Not sure if this gets executed before or
53  // after G4VViewer::G4VViewer!!  Doesn't matter much.
56G4OpenGLStoredViewer::~G4OpenGLStoredViewer () {}
58void G4OpenGLStoredViewer::KernelVisitDecision () {
60  // If there's a significant difference with the last view parameters
61  // of either the scene handler or this viewer, trigger a rebuild.
63  if (!fG4OpenGLStoredSceneHandler.fTopPODL ||
64      CompareForKernelVisit(fLastVP)) {
65    NeedKernelVisit ();
66  }     
67  fLastVP = fVP;
70G4bool G4OpenGLStoredViewer::CompareForKernelVisit(G4ViewParameters& lastVP) {
72  if (
73      (lastVP.GetDrawingStyle ()    != fVP.GetDrawingStyle ())    ||
74      (lastVP.IsAuxEdgeVisible ()   != fVP.IsAuxEdgeVisible ())   ||
75      (lastVP.GetRepStyle ()        != fVP.GetRepStyle ())        ||
76      (lastVP.IsCulling ()          != fVP.IsCulling ())          ||
77      (lastVP.IsCullingInvisible () != fVP.IsCullingInvisible ()) ||
78      (lastVP.IsDensityCulling ()   != fVP.IsDensityCulling ())   ||
79      (lastVP.IsCullingCovered ()   != fVP.IsCullingCovered ())   ||
80      (lastVP.IsSection ()          != fVP.IsSection ())          ||
81      // Section (DCUT) implemented locally.  But still need to visit
82      // kernel if status changes so that back plane culling can be
83      // switched.
84      (lastVP.IsCutaway ()          != fVP.IsCutaway ())          ||
85      // Cutaways implemented locally.  But still need to visit kernel
86      // if status changes so that back plane culling can be switched.
87      (lastVP.IsExplode ()          != fVP.IsExplode ())          ||
88      (lastVP.GetNoOfSides ()       != fVP.GetNoOfSides ())       ||
89      (lastVP.IsMarkerNotHidden ()  != fVP.IsMarkerNotHidden ())  ||
90      (lastVP.GetBackgroundColour ()!= fVP.GetBackgroundColour ())
91      ) {
92    return true;
93  }
95  if (lastVP.IsDensityCulling () &&
96      (lastVP.GetVisibleDensity () != fVP.GetVisibleDensity ()))
97    return true;
99  /**************************************************************
100  Section (DCUT) implemented locally.  No need to visit kernel if
101  section plane itself changes.
102  if (lastVP.IsSection () &&
103      (lastVP.GetSectionPlane () != fVP.GetSectionPlane ()))
104    return true;
105  ***************************************************************/
107  /**************************************************************
108  Cutaways implemented locally.  No need to visit kernel if cutaway
109  planes themselves change.
110  if (lastVP.IsCutaway ()) {
111    if (lastVP.GetCutawayPlanes ().size () !=
112        fVP.GetCutawayPlanes ().size ()) return true;
113    for (size_t i = 0; i < lastVP.GetCutawayPlanes().size(); ++i)
114      if (lastVP.GetCutawayPlanes()[i] != fVP.GetCutawayPlanes()[i])
115        return true;
116  }
117  ***************************************************************/
119  if (lastVP.IsExplode () &&
120      (lastVP.GetExplodeFactor () != fVP.GetExplodeFactor ()))
121    return true;
123  return false;
126void G4OpenGLStoredViewer::DrawDisplayLists () {
128  const G4Planes& cutaways = fVP.GetCutawayPlanes();
129  G4bool cutawayUnion = fVP.IsCutaway() &&
130    fVP.GetCutawayMode() == G4ViewParameters::cutawayUnion;
131  size_t nPasses = cutawayUnion? cutaways.size(): 1;
132  for (size_t i = 0; i < nPasses; ++i) {
134    if (cutawayUnion) {
135      double a[4];
136      a[0] = cutaways[i].a();
137      a[1] = cutaways[i].b();
138      a[2] = cutaways[i].c();
139      a[3] = cutaways[i].d();
140      glClipPlane (GL_CLIP_PLANE2, a);
141      glEnable (GL_CLIP_PLANE2);
142    }
144    if (fG4OpenGLStoredSceneHandler.fTopPODL)
145      glCallList (fG4OpenGLStoredSceneHandler.fTopPODL);
146    size_t tmp_size = fG4OpenGLStoredSceneHandler.fTOList.size();
147    G4double bsf = 1.;  // Brightness scaling factor.
148    for (size_t i = 0; i < tmp_size; ++i) {
149      G4OpenGLStoredSceneHandler::TO& to =
150        fG4OpenGLStoredSceneHandler.fTOList[i];
151      if ((!(to.fEndTime < fStartTime ))&& (!(to.fStartTime > fEndTime))) {
152        glPushMatrix();
153        G4OpenGLTransform3D oglt (to.fTransform);
154        glMultMatrixd (oglt.GetGLMatrix ());
155        G4Colour& c = to.fColour;
156        if (fFadeFactor > 0. && to.fEndTime < fEndTime)
157          bsf = 1. - fFadeFactor *
158            ((fEndTime - to.fEndTime) / (fEndTime - fStartTime));
159        glColor3d(bsf * c.GetRed (), bsf * c.GetGreen (), bsf * c.GetBlue ());
160        glCallList (to.fDisplayListId);
161        glPopMatrix();
162      }
163    }
165    if (cutawayUnion) glDisable (GL_CLIP_PLANE2);
166  }
168  // Display time at "head" of time range, which is fEndTime...
169  if (fDisplayHeadTime && fEndTime < DBL_MAX) {
170    glMatrixMode (GL_PROJECTION);
171    glPushMatrix();
172    glLoadIdentity();
173    glOrtho (-1., 1., -1., 1., -DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX);
174    glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);
175    glPushMatrix();
176    glLoadIdentity();
177    G4Text headTimeText(G4BestUnit(fEndTime,"Time"),
178                        G4Point3D(fDisplayHeadTimeX, fDisplayHeadTimeY, 0.));
179    headTimeText.SetScreenSize(fDisplayHeadTimeSize);
180    G4VisAttributes visAtts (G4Colour
181                             (fDisplayHeadTimeRed,
182                              fDisplayHeadTimeGreen,
183                              fDisplayHeadTimeBlue));
184    headTimeText.SetVisAttributes(&visAtts);
185    fG4OpenGLStoredSceneHandler.AddPrimitive(headTimeText);
186    glMatrixMode (GL_PROJECTION);
187    glPopMatrix();
188    glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);
189    glPopMatrix();
190  }
192  // Display light front...
193  if (fDisplayLightFront && fEndTime < DBL_MAX) {
194    G4double lightFrontRadius = (fEndTime - fDisplayLightFrontT) * c_light;
195    if (lightFrontRadius > 0.) {
196      G4Point3D lightFrontCentre(fDisplayLightFrontX, fDisplayLightFrontY, fDisplayLightFrontZ);
197      G4Point3D circleCentre = lightFrontCentre;
198      G4double circleRadius = lightFrontRadius;
199      if (fVP.GetFieldHalfAngle() > 0.) {
200        // Perspective view.  Find horizon centre and radius...
201        G4Point3D targetPoint = fSceneHandler.GetScene()->GetStandardTargetPoint() +
202          fVP.GetCurrentTargetPoint();
203        G4double sceneRadius = fSceneHandler.GetScene()->GetExtent().GetExtentRadius();
204        if(sceneRadius <= 0.) sceneRadius = 1.;
205        G4double cameraDistance = fVP.GetCameraDistance(sceneRadius);
206        G4Point3D cameraPosition = targetPoint + cameraDistance * fVP.GetViewpointDirection().unit();
207        G4Vector3D lightFrontToCameraDirection = cameraPosition - lightFrontCentre;
208        G4double lightFrontCentreDistance = lightFrontToCameraDirection.mag();
209        /*
210        G4cout << "cameraPosition: " << cameraPosition
211               << ", lightFrontCentre: " << lightFrontCentre
212               << ", lightFrontRadius: " << lightFrontRadius
213               << ", lightFrontCentreDistance: " << lightFrontCentreDistance
214               << ", dot: " << lightFrontToCameraDirection * fVP.GetViewpointDirection()
215               << G4endl;
216        */
217        if (lightFrontToCameraDirection * fVP.GetViewpointDirection() > 0. && lightFrontRadius < lightFrontCentreDistance) {
218          // Light front in front of camera...
219          G4double sineHorizonAngle = lightFrontRadius / lightFrontCentreDistance;
220          circleCentre = lightFrontCentre + (lightFrontRadius * sineHorizonAngle) * lightFrontToCameraDirection.unit();
221          circleRadius = lightFrontRadius * std::sqrt(1. - std::pow(sineHorizonAngle, 2));
222          /*
223          G4cout << "sineHorizonAngle: " << sineHorizonAngle
224                 << ", circleCentre: " << circleCentre
225                 << ", circleRadius: " << circleRadius
226                 << G4endl;
227          */
228        } else {
229          circleRadius = -1.;
230        }
231      }
232      if (circleRadius > 0.) {
233        G4Circle lightFront(circleCentre);
234        lightFront.SetWorldRadius(circleRadius);
235        glColor3d(fDisplayLightFrontRed,
236                  fDisplayLightFrontGreen,
237                  fDisplayLightFrontBlue);
238        static_cast<G4OpenGLSceneHandler&>(fSceneHandler).
239          G4OpenGLSceneHandler::AddPrimitive(lightFront);
240      }
241    }
242  }
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