// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id: G4OpenGLQtMovieDialog.cc,v 1.6 2008/02/15 10:54:13 lgarnier Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: $ // // #define GEANT4_QT_DEBUG #ifdef G4VIS_BUILD_OPENGLQT_DRIVER #include "G4OpenGLQtMovieDialog.hh" #include "G4OpenGLQtViewer.hh" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // +---------------------------------------+ // + Path for encoder + // + _______ + // + | select| ____________________ + // + ------- + // + Temp path + // + _______ + // + | select| ____________________ + // + ------- + // + + // + max number of frames ________ + // + .... + // + + // + Label : X frames Saves/Encoding + // + Cancel Encode + // +---------------------------------------+ G4OpenGLQtMovieDialog::G4OpenGLQtMovieDialog( G4OpenGLQtViewer* parentViewer, QWidget* parentWidget ) : QDialog( parentWidget ), fParentViewer(parentViewer) { setModal(false); #if QT_VERSION < 0x040000 setCaption( tr( " Movie parameters" )); #else setWindowTitle( tr( " Movie parameters" )); #endif // global layout QVBoxLayout* globalVLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this); globalVLayout->setMargin(10); globalVLayout->setSpacing(10); // Encoder group box QGroupBox *encoderGroupBox = new QGroupBox(tr("Encoder path")); QVBoxLayout *encoderVGroupBoxLayout = new QVBoxLayout(encoderGroupBox); // Encoder Path QWidget *encoderHBox = new QWidget(encoderGroupBox); QHBoxLayout *encoderHBoxLayout = new QHBoxLayout(encoderHBox); fEncoderPath = new QLineEdit("",encoderHBox); QPushButton *encoderButton = new QPushButton(tr("..."),encoderHBox); encoderButton->setMaximumWidth (30); fEncoderStatus = new QLabel(encoderGroupBox); fEncoderStatus->setText(""); #if QT_VERSION < 0x040000 encoderHBoxLayout->add(fEncoderPath); encoderHBoxLayout->add(encoderButton); encoderVGroupBoxLayout->add(encoderHBox); encoderVGroupBoxLayout->add(fEncoderStatus); globalVLayout->add(encoderGroupBox); #else encoderHBoxLayout->addWidget(fEncoderPath); encoderHBoxLayout->addWidget(encoderButton); encoderVGroupBoxLayout->addWidget(encoderHBox); encoderVGroupBoxLayout->addWidget(fEncoderStatus); encoderGroupBox->setLayout(encoderVGroupBoxLayout); globalVLayout->addWidget(encoderGroupBox); #endif connect( encoderButton, SIGNAL( clicked( ) ), this, SLOT(selectEncoderPathAction() ) ); // temp folder group box QGroupBox *tempFolderGroupBox = new QGroupBox(tr("Temporary folder path")); QVBoxLayout *tempFolderVGroupBoxLayout = new QVBoxLayout(tempFolderGroupBox); // temp folder Path QWidget *tempFolderHBox = new QWidget(tempFolderGroupBox); QHBoxLayout *tempFolderHBoxLayout = new QHBoxLayout(tempFolderHBox); fTempFolderPath = new QLineEdit("",tempFolderHBox); QPushButton *tempButton = new QPushButton(tr("..."),tempFolderHBox); tempButton->setMaximumWidth (30); fTempFolderStatus = new QLabel(tempFolderGroupBox); fTempFolderStatus->setText(""); #if QT_VERSION < 0x040000 tempFolderHBoxLayout->add(fTempFolderPath); tempFolderHBoxLayout->add(tempButton); tempFolderVGroupBoxLayout->add(tempFolderHBox); tempFolderVGroupBoxLayout->add(fTempFolderStatus); globalVLayout->add(tempFolderGroupBox); #else tempFolderHBoxLayout->addWidget(fTempFolderPath); tempFolderHBoxLayout->addWidget(tempButton); tempFolderVGroupBoxLayout->addWidget(tempFolderHBox); tempFolderVGroupBoxLayout->addWidget(fTempFolderStatus); tempFolderGroupBox->setLayout(tempFolderVGroupBoxLayout); globalVLayout->addWidget(tempFolderGroupBox); #endif connect( tempButton, SIGNAL( clicked( ) ), this, SLOT(selectTempPathAction() ) ); // save file group box QGroupBox *saveFileGroupBox = new QGroupBox(tr("Save as")); QVBoxLayout *saveFileVGroupBoxLayout = new QVBoxLayout(saveFileGroupBox); // save file QWidget *saveFileHBox = new QWidget(saveFileGroupBox); QHBoxLayout *saveFileHBoxLayout = new QHBoxLayout(saveFileHBox); fSaveFileName = new QLineEdit("",saveFileHBox); QPushButton *saveButton = new QPushButton(tr("..."),saveFileHBox); saveButton->setMaximumWidth (30); fSaveFileStatus = new QLabel(saveFileGroupBox); fSaveFileStatus->setText(""); #if QT_VERSION < 0x040000 saveFileHBoxLayout->add(fSaveFileName); saveFileHBoxLayout->add(saveButton); saveFileVGroupBoxLayout->add(saveFileHBox); saveFileVGroupBoxLayout->add(fSaveFileStatus); globalVLayout->add(saveFileGroupBox); #else saveFileHBoxLayout->addWidget(fSaveFileName); saveFileHBoxLayout->addWidget(saveButton); saveFileVGroupBoxLayout->addWidget(saveFileHBox); saveFileVGroupBoxLayout->addWidget(fSaveFileStatus); saveFileGroupBox->setLayout(saveFileVGroupBoxLayout); globalVLayout->addWidget(saveFileGroupBox); #endif connect( saveButton, SIGNAL( clicked( ) ), this, SLOT(selectSaveFileNameAction() ) ); // label QLabel *infoLabel = new QLabel(" Press SPACE to Start/Pause video recording \n Press RETURN to Stop video recording"); // global status QGroupBox *statusGroupBox = new QGroupBox(tr("Status")); QVBoxLayout *statusVGroupBoxLayout = new QVBoxLayout(statusGroupBox); fRecordingStatus = new QLabel(statusGroupBox); setRecordingStatus(""); QPalette palette( fRecordingStatus->palette() ); palette.setColor( QPalette::Text, Qt::green); fRecordingStatus->setPalette(palette); fRecordingInfos = new QLabel(statusGroupBox); setRecordingInfos(""); #if QT_VERSION < 0x040000 statusVGroupBoxLayout->add(fRecordingStatus); statusVGroupBoxLayout->add(fRecordingInfos); globalVLayout->add(infoLabel); globalVLayout->add(statusGroupBox); #else statusVGroupBoxLayout->addWidget(fRecordingStatus); statusVGroupBoxLayout->addWidget(fRecordingInfos); statusGroupBox->setLayout(statusVGroupBoxLayout); globalVLayout->addWidget(infoLabel); globalVLayout->addWidget(statusGroupBox); #endif // buttons QWidget *buttonBox = new QWidget(this); QHBoxLayout *buttonBoxLayout = new QHBoxLayout(buttonBox); QPushButton *buttonCancel = new QPushButton( tr( "&Cancel" ),buttonBox ); buttonCancel->setAutoDefault( TRUE ); buttonBoxLayout->addWidget(buttonCancel); QPushButton *buttonApply = new QPushButton( tr( "&Apply" ),buttonBox ); buttonApply->setAutoDefault( TRUE ); buttonApply->setDefault( TRUE ); buttonBoxLayout->addWidget(buttonApply); fButtonEncode = new QPushButton( tr( "&Encode" ),buttonBox ); fButtonEncode->setEnabled(fParentViewer->isReadyToEncode()); fButtonEncode->setAutoDefault( TRUE ); buttonBoxLayout->addWidget(fButtonEncode); #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040000 buttonBox->setLayout(buttonBoxLayout); #endif globalVLayout->addWidget(buttonBox); #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040000 setLayout(globalVLayout); #endif // signals and slots connections connect( buttonApply, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( checkAllParameters() ) ); connect( buttonCancel, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( reject() ) ); connect( fButtonEncode, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( encode() ) ); // fill fEncoderPath->setText(fParentViewer->getEncoderPath()); fTempFolderPath->setText(fParentViewer->getTempFolderPath()); if (fParentViewer->getEncoderPath() == "") { setRecordingInfos("mpeg_encode is needed to encode in video format.\nIt is available here: \nhttp://bmrc.berkeley.edu/frame/research/mpeg/"); } } G4OpenGLQtMovieDialog::~G4OpenGLQtMovieDialog() { } void G4OpenGLQtMovieDialog::selectEncoderPathAction() { QString nomFich = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName ( this, "Select your encoder", tr("Select your encoder ...")); if (nomFich == "") { return; } checkEncoderParameters(nomFich); } void G4OpenGLQtMovieDialog::selectTempPathAction() { QString nomFich = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName ( this, "Select temporary folder", tr("Select temporary folder ...")); if (nomFich == "") { return; } checkTempFolderParameters(nomFich); } void G4OpenGLQtMovieDialog::selectSaveFileNameAction() { QString nomFich = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName ( this, "Select saved file", tr("Select saved file ...")); if (nomFich == "") { return; } checkSaveFileNameParameters(nomFich); } void G4OpenGLQtMovieDialog::encode() { fParentViewer->encodeVideo(); } /** Check all parameters */ void G4OpenGLQtMovieDialog::checkAllParameters() { // set state of encode button // if frames had been generated and parameters are valid : enabled encode button if (checkEncoderParameters(fEncoderPath->text()) && checkTempFolderParameters(fTempFolderPath->text()) && checkSaveFileNameParameters(fSaveFileName->text())) { if (fParentViewer->isReadyToEncode()) { if (fParentViewer->generateMpegEncoderParameters()) { fButtonEncode->setEnabled(fParentViewer->;;isReadyToEncode() ); } } } } /** * If one of parameter is incorrect, put it in red and don't valid it * If valid, save it */ bool G4OpenGLQtMovieDialog::checkEncoderParameters(QString param) { bool status = true; QPalette palette( fEncoderPath->palette() ); QString temp = fParentViewer->setEncoderPath(param); setRecordingInfos(""); fEncoderStatus->setText(temp); if (temp != "") { palette.setColor( QPalette::Base, Qt::red); if (fParentViewer->isReadyToEncode()) { setRecordingInfos("No valid encode defined, screen \ncapture are saved in the\ntemp folder in ppm format.Please define a encoder and clic on Apply button"); } status = false; } else { palette.setColor( QPalette::Base, Qt::white); fEncoderPath->setText(fParentViewer->getEncoderPath()); if (fParentViewer->getEncoderPath() == "") { setRecordingInfos("mpeg_encode is needed to encode in video format.\nIt is available here: \nhttp://bmrc.berkeley.edu/frame/research/mpeg/"); status = false; } } fEncoderPath->setPalette(palette); return status; } /** * If one of parameter is incorrect, put it in red and don't valid it * If valid, save it */ bool G4OpenGLQtMovieDialog::checkTempFolderParameters(QString param) { bool status = true; QPalette palette( fTempFolderPath->palette() ); QString temp = fParentViewer->setTempFolderPath(param); fTempFolderStatus->setText(temp); if (temp != "") { palette.setColor( QPalette::Base, Qt::red); status = false; } else { palette.setColor( QPalette::Base, Qt::white); fTempFolderPath->setText(fParentViewer->getTempFolderPath()); } fTempFolderPath->setPalette(palette); return status; } /** * If one of parameter is incorrect, put it in red and don't valid it * If valid, save it */ bool G4OpenGLQtMovieDialog::checkSaveFileNameParameters(QString param) { bool status = true; QPalette palette( fSaveFileName->palette() ); QString temp = fParentViewer->setSaveFileName(param); fSaveFileStatus->setText(temp); if (temp != "") { palette.setColor( QPalette::Base, Qt::red); status = false; } else { palette.setColor( QPalette::Base, Qt::white); fSaveFileName->setText(fParentViewer->getSaveFileName()); } fSaveFileName->setPalette(palette); return status; } void G4OpenGLQtMovieDialog::setRecordingStatus(QString txt) { fRecordingStatus->setText(txt); } void G4OpenGLQtMovieDialog::setRecordingInfos(QString txt) { fRecordingInfos->setText(txt); } #endif