// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // $Id: G4ErrorFreeTrajState.cc,v 1.7 2007/09/24 16:25:57 arce Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: $ // // ------------------------------------------------------------ // GEANT 4 class implementation file // ------------------------------------------------------------ // #include "G4ErrorFreeTrajState.hh" #include "G4ErrorFreeTrajParam.hh" #include "G4ErrorSurfaceTrajState.hh" #include "G4ErrorMatrix.hh" #include #include "G4Field.hh" #include "G4FieldManager.hh" #include "G4TransportationManager.hh" #include "G4GeometryTolerance.hh" #include "G4Material.hh" #include "G4ErrorPropagatorData.hh" //------------------------------------------------------------------------ G4ErrorFreeTrajState::G4ErrorFreeTrajState( const G4String& partType, const G4Point3D& pos, const G4Vector3D& mom, const G4ErrorTrajErr& errmat) : G4ErrorTrajState( partType, pos, mom, errmat ) { fTrajParam = G4ErrorFreeTrajParam( pos, mom ); Init(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ G4ErrorFreeTrajState::G4ErrorFreeTrajState( const G4ErrorSurfaceTrajState& tpSD ) : G4ErrorTrajState( tpSD.GetParticleType(), tpSD.GetPosition(), tpSD.GetMomentum() ) { // G4ThreeVector planeNormal = tpSD.GetPlaneNormal(); // G4double fPt = tpSD.GetMomentum()*planeNormal;//mom projected on normal to plane // G4ErrorSurfaceTrajParam tpSDparam = tpSD.GetParameters(); // G4ThreeVector Psc = fPt * planeNormal + tpSDparam.GetPU()*tpSDparam.GetVectorU() + tpSD.GetPV()*tpSD.GetVectorW(); fTrajParam = G4ErrorFreeTrajParam( fPosition, fMomentum ); Init(); //----- Get the error matrix in SC coordinates G4ErrorSurfaceTrajParam tpSDparam = tpSD.GetParameters(); G4double mom = fMomentum.mag(); G4double mom2 = fMomentum.mag2(); G4double TVW1 = std::sqrt( mom2 / ( mom2 + tpSDparam.GetPV()*tpSDparam.GetPV() + tpSDparam.GetPV()*tpSDparam.GetPV()) ); G4ThreeVector vTVW( TVW1, tpSDparam.GetPV()/mom * TVW1, tpSDparam.GetPW()/mom * TVW1 ); G4Vector3D vectorU = tpSDparam.GetVectorV().cross( tpSDparam.GetVectorW() ); G4Vector3D vTN = vTVW.x()*vectorU + vTVW.y()*tpSDparam.GetVectorV() + vTVW.z()*tpSDparam.GetVectorW(); #ifdef G4EVERBOSE if( iverbose >= 5){ G4double pc2 = std::asin( vTN.z() ); G4double pc3 = std::atan (vTN.y()/vTN.x()); G4cout << " CHECK: pc2 " << pc2 << " = " << GetParameters().GetLambda() << " diff " << pc2-GetParameters().GetLambda() << G4endl; G4cout << " CHECK: pc3 " << pc3 << " = " << GetParameters().GetPhi() << " diff " << pc3-GetParameters().GetPhi() << G4endl; } #endif //--- Get the unit vectors perp to P G4double cosl = std::cos( GetParameters().GetLambda() ); if (cosl < 1.E-30) cosl = 1.E-30; G4double cosl1 = 1./cosl; G4Vector3D vUN(-vTN.y()*cosl1, vTN.x()*cosl1, 0. ); G4Vector3D vVN(-vTN.z()*vUN.y(), vTN.z()*vUN.x(), cosl ); G4Vector3D vUperp = G4Vector3D( -fMomentum.y(), fMomentum.x(), 0.); G4Vector3D vVperp = vUperp.cross( fMomentum ); vUperp *= 1./vUperp.mag(); vVperp *= 1./vVperp.mag(); #ifdef G4EVERBOSE if( iverbose >= 5){ G4cout << " CHECK: vUN " << vUN << " = " << vUperp << " diff " << (vUN-vUperp).mag() << G4endl; G4cout << " CHECK: vVN " << vVN << " = " << vVperp << " diff " << (vVN-vVperp).mag() << G4endl; } #endif //get the dot products of vectors perpendicular to direction and vector defining SD plane G4double dUU = vUperp * tpSD.GetVectorV(); G4double dUV = vUperp * tpSD.GetVectorW(); G4double dVU = vVperp * tpSD.GetVectorV(); G4double dVV = vVperp * tpSD.GetVectorW(); //--- Get transformation first G4ErrorMatrix transfM(5, 5, 1 ); //--- Get magnetic field const G4Field* field = G4TransportationManager::GetTransportationManager()->GetFieldManager()->GetDetectorField(); G4ThreeVector dir = fTrajParam.GetDirection(); G4double invCosTheta = 1./std::cos( dir.theta() ); if( fCharge != 0 && field ) { G4double pos1[3]; pos1[0] = fPosition.x()*cm; pos1[1] = fPosition.y()*cm; pos1[2] = fPosition.z()*cm; G4double h1[3]; field->GetFieldValue( pos1, h1 ); G4ThreeVector HPre = G4ThreeVector( h1[0], h1[1], h1[2] ) / tesla *10.; G4double magHPre = HPre.mag(); G4double invP = 1./fMomentum.mag(); G4double magHPreM = magHPre * invP; if( magHPre != 0. ) { G4double magHPreM2 = fCharge / magHPre; G4double Q = -magHPreM * c_light; G4double sinz = -HPre*vUperp * magHPreM2; G4double cosz = HPre*vVperp * magHPreM2; transfM[1][3] = -Q*dir.y()*sinz; transfM[1][4] = -Q*dir.z()*sinz; transfM[2][3] = -Q*dir.y()*cosz*invCosTheta; transfM[2][4] = -Q*dir.z()*cosz*invCosTheta; } } transfM[0][0] = 1.; transfM[1][1] = dir.x()*dVU; transfM[1][2] = dir.x()*dVV; transfM[2][1] = dir.x()*dUU*invCosTheta; transfM[2][2] = dir.x()*dUV*invCosTheta; transfM[3][3] = dUU; transfM[3][4] = dUV; transfM[4][3] = dVU; transfM[4][4] = dVV; fError = G4ErrorTrajErr( tpSD.GetError().similarity( transfM ) ); #ifdef G4EVERBOSE if( iverbose >= 1) G4cout << "error matrix SD2SC " << fError << G4endl; if( iverbose >= 4) G4cout << "G4ErrorFreeTrajState from SD " << *this << G4endl; #endif } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void G4ErrorFreeTrajState::Init() { theTSType = G4eTS_FREE; BuildCharge(); theTransfMat = G4ErrorMatrix(5,5,0); //- theFirstStep = true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void G4ErrorFreeTrajState::Dump( std::ostream& out ) const { out << *this; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ G4int G4ErrorFreeTrajState::Update( const G4Track* aTrack ) { G4int ierr = 0; fTrajParam.Update( aTrack ); UpdatePosMom( aTrack->GetPosition(), aTrack->GetMomentum() ); return ierr; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const G4ErrorFreeTrajState& ts) { out.setf(std::ios::fixed,std::ios::floatfield); ts.DumpPosMomError( out ); out << " G4ErrorFreeTrajState: Params: " << ts.fTrajParam << G4endl; return out; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ G4int G4ErrorFreeTrajState::PropagateError( const G4Track* aTrack ) { G4double stepLengthCm = aTrack->GetStep()->GetStepLength()/cm; G4double kCarTolerance = G4GeometryTolerance::GetInstance()->GetSurfaceTolerance(); if( std::fabs(stepLengthCm) <= kCarTolerance/cm ) return 0; #ifdef G4EVERBOSE if( iverbose >= 2 )G4cout << " G4ErrorFreeTrajState::PropagateError " << G4endl; #endif // * *** ERROR PROPAGATION ON A HELIX ASSUMING SC VARIABLES G4Point3D vposPost = aTrack->GetPosition()/cm; G4Vector3D vpPost = aTrack->GetMomentum()/GeV; // G4Point3D vposPre = fPosition/cm; // G4Vector3D vpPre = fMomentum/GeV; G4Point3D vposPre = aTrack->GetStep()->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPosition()/cm; G4Vector3D vpPre = aTrack->GetStep()->GetPreStepPoint()->GetMomentum()/GeV; //correct to avoid propagation along Z if( vpPre.mag() == vpPre.z() ) vpPre.setX( 1.E-6*MeV ); if( vpPost.mag() == vpPost.z() ) vpPost.setX( 1.E-6*MeV ); G4double pPre = vpPre.mag(); G4double pPost = vpPost.mag(); #ifdef G4EVERBOSE if( iverbose >= 2 ) { G4cout << "G4EP: vposPre " << vposPre << G4endl << "G4EP: vposPost " << vposPost << G4endl; G4cout << "G4EP: vpPre " << vpPre << G4endl << "G4EP: vpPost " << vpPost << G4endl; G4cout << " err start step " << fError << G4endl; G4cout << "G4EP: stepLengthCm " << stepLengthCm << G4endl; } #endif if( pPre == 0. || pPost == 0 ) return 2; G4double pInvPre = 1./pPre; G4double pInvPost = 1./pPost; G4double deltaPInv = pInvPost - pInvPre; G4Vector3D vpPreNorm = vpPre * pInvPre; G4Vector3D vpPostNorm = vpPost * pInvPost; // if( iverbose >= 2 ) G4cout << "G4EP: vpPreNorm " << vpPreNorm << " vpPostNorm " << vpPostNorm << G4endl; //return if propagation along Z?? if( 1. - std::fabs(vpPostNorm.z()) < kCarTolerance ) return 4; G4double sinpPre = std::sin( vpPreNorm.theta() ); //cosine perpendicular to pPre = sine pPre G4double sinpPost = std::sin( vpPostNorm.theta() ); //cosine perpendicular to pPost = sine pPost G4double sinpPostInv = 1./std::sin( vpPreNorm.theta() ); #ifdef G4EVERBOSE if( iverbose >= 2 ) G4cout << "G4EP: cosl " << sinpPre << " cosl0 " << sinpPost << G4endl; #endif //* *** DEFINE TRANSFORMATION MATRIX BETWEEN X1 AND X2 FOR //* *** NEUTRAL PARTICLE OR FIELDFREE REGION G4ErrorMatrix transf(5, 5, 0 ); transf[3][2] = stepLengthCm * sinpPost; transf[4][1] = stepLengthCm; for( size_t ii=0;ii < 5; ii++ ){ transf[ii][ii] = 1.; } #ifdef G4EVERBOSE if( iverbose >= 2 ) { G4cout << "G4EP: transf matrix neutral " << transf; } #endif // charge X propagation direction G4double charge = aTrack->GetDynamicParticle()->GetCharge(); if( G4ErrorPropagatorData::GetErrorPropagatorData()->GetMode() == G4ErrorMode_PropBackwards ) { charge *= -1.; } // G4cout << " charge " << charge << G4endl; //t check if particle has charge //t if( charge == 0 ) goto 45; // check if the magnetic field is = 0. //position is from geant4, it is assumed to be in mm (for debugging, eventually it will not be transformed) G4double pos1[3]; pos1[0] = vposPre.x()*cm; pos1[1] = vposPre.y()*cm; pos1[2] = vposPre.z()*cm; G4double pos2[3]; pos2[0] = vposPost.x()*cm; pos2[1] = vposPost.y()*cm; pos2[2] = vposPost.z()*cm; G4double h1[3], h2[3]; const G4Field* field = G4TransportationManager::GetTransportationManager()->GetFieldManager()->GetDetectorField(); if( !field ) return 0; //goto 45 // calculate transformation except it NEUTRAL PARTICLE OR FIELDFREE REGION if( charge != 0. && field ) { field->GetFieldValue( pos1, h1 ); field->GetFieldValue( pos2, h2 ); G4ThreeVector HPre = G4ThreeVector( h1[0], h1[1], h1[2] ) / tesla *10.; //10. is to get same dimensions as GEANT3 (kilogauss) G4ThreeVector HPost= G4ThreeVector( h2[0], h2[1], h2[2] ) / tesla *10.; G4double magHPre = HPre.mag(); G4double magHPost = HPost.mag(); #ifdef G4EVERBOSE if( iverbose >= 2 ) G4cout << "G4EP: HPre " << HPre << G4endl << "G4EP: HPost " << HPost << G4endl; #endif if( magHPre + magHPost != 0. ) { //* *** CHECK WHETHER H*ALFA/P IS TOO DIFFERENT AT X1 AND X2 G4double gam; if( magHPost != 0. ){ gam = HPost * vpPostNorm / magHPost; }else { gam = HPre * vpPreNorm / magHPre; } // G4eMagneticLimitsProcess will limit the step, but based on an straight line trajectory G4double alphaSqr = 1. - gam * gam; G4double diffHSqr = ( HPre * pInvPre - HPost * pInvPost ).mag2(); G4double delhp6Sqr = 300.*300.; #ifdef G4EVERBOSE if( iverbose >= 2 ) G4cout << " G4EP: gam " << gam << " alphaSqr " << alphaSqr << " diffHSqr " << diffHSqr << G4endl; #endif if( diffHSqr * alphaSqr > delhp6Sqr ) return 3; //* *** DEFINE AVERAGE MAGNETIC FIELD AND GRADIENT G4double pInvAver = 1./(pInvPre + pInvPost ); G4double CFACT8 = 2.997925E-4; //G4double HAver G4ThreeVector vHAverNorm( (HPre*pInvPre + HPost*pInvPost ) * pInvAver * charge * CFACT8 ); G4double HAver = vHAverNorm.mag(); G4double invHAver = 1./HAver; vHAverNorm *= invHAver; #ifdef G4EVERBOSE if( iverbose >= 2 ) G4cout << " G4EP: HaverNorm " << vHAverNorm << " magHAver " << HAver << " charge " << charge<< G4endl; #endif G4double pAver = (pPre+pPost)*0.5; G4double QAver = -HAver/pAver; G4double thetaAver = QAver * stepLengthCm; G4double sinThetaAver = std::sin(thetaAver); G4double cosThetaAver = std::cos(thetaAver); G4double gamma = vHAverNorm * vpPostNorm; G4ThreeVector AN2 = vHAverNorm.cross( vpPostNorm ); #ifdef G4EVERBOSE if( iverbose >= 2 ) G4cout << " G4EP: AN2 " << AN2 << G4endl; #endif G4double AU = 1./vpPreNorm.perp(); //t G4ThreeVector vU( vpPreNorm.cross( G4ThreeVector(0.,0.,1.) ) * AU ); G4ThreeVector vUPre( -AU*vpPreNorm.y(), AU*vpPreNorm.x(), 0. ); G4ThreeVector vVPre( -vpPreNorm.z()*vUPre.y(), vpPreNorm.z()*vUPre.x(), vpPreNorm.x()*vUPre.y() - vpPreNorm.y()*vUPre.x() ); // AU = 1./vpPostNorm.perp(); //t G4ThreeVector vU( vpPostNorm.cross( G4ThreeVector(0.,0.,1.) ) * AU ); G4ThreeVector vUPost( -AU*vpPostNorm.y(), AU*vpPostNorm.x(), 0. ); G4ThreeVector vVPost( -vpPostNorm.z()*vUPost.y(), vpPostNorm.z()*vUPost.x(), vpPostNorm.x()*vUPost.y() - vpPostNorm.y()*vUPost.x() ); #ifdef G4EVERBOSE //- G4cout << " vpPostNorm " << vpPostNorm << G4endl; if( iverbose >= 2 ) G4cout << " G4EP: AU " << AU << " vUPre " << vUPre << " vVPre " << vVPre << " vUPost " << vUPost << " vVPost " << vVPost << G4endl; #endif G4Point3D deltaPos( vposPre - vposPost ); // * *** COMPLETE TRANSFORMATION MATRIX BETWEEN ERRORS AT X1 AND X2 // * *** FIELD GRADIENT PERPENDICULAR TO TRACK IS PRESENTLY NOT // * *** TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT G4double QP = QAver * pAver; // = -HAver #ifdef G4EVERBOSE if( iverbose >= 2) G4cout << " G4EP: QP " << QP << " QAver " << QAver << " pAver " << pAver << G4endl; #endif G4double ANV = -( vHAverNorm.x()*vUPost.x() + vHAverNorm.y()*vUPost.y() ); G4double ANU = ( vHAverNorm.x()*vVPost.x() + vHAverNorm.y()*vVPost.y() + vHAverNorm.z()*vVPost.z() ); G4double OMcosThetaAver = 1. - cosThetaAver; #ifdef G4EVERBOSE if( iverbose >= 2) G4cout << "G4EP: OMcosThetaAver " << OMcosThetaAver << " cosThetaAver " << cosThetaAver << " thetaAver " << thetaAver << " QAver " << QAver << " stepLengthCm " << stepLengthCm << G4endl; #endif G4double TMSINT = thetaAver - sinThetaAver; #ifdef G4EVERBOSE if( iverbose >= 2 ) G4cout << " G4EP: ANV " << ANV << " ANU " << ANU << G4endl; #endif G4ThreeVector vHUPre( -vHAverNorm.z() * vUPre.y(), vHAverNorm.z() * vUPre.x(), vHAverNorm.x() * vUPre.y() - vHAverNorm.y() * vUPre.x() ); #ifdef G4EVERBOSE // if( iverbose >= 2 ) G4cout << "G4EP: HUPre(1) " << vHUPre.x() << " " << vHAverNorm.z() << " " << vUPre.y() << G4endl; #endif G4ThreeVector vHVPre( vHAverNorm.y() * vVPre.z() - vHAverNorm.z() * vVPre.y(), vHAverNorm.z() * vVPre.x() - vHAverNorm.x() * vVPre.z(), vHAverNorm.x() * vVPre.y() - vHAverNorm.y() * vVPre.x() ); #ifdef G4EVERBOSE if( iverbose >= 2 ) G4cout << " G4EP: HUPre " << vHUPre << " HVPre " << vHVPre << G4endl; #endif //------------------- COMPUTE MATRIX //---------- 1/P transf[0][0] = 1.-deltaPInv*pAver*(1.+(vpPostNorm.x()*deltaPos.x()+vpPostNorm.y()*deltaPos.y()+vpPostNorm.z()*deltaPos.z())/stepLengthCm) +2.*deltaPInv*pAver; transf[0][1] = -deltaPInv/thetaAver* ( TMSINT*gamma*(vHAverNorm.x()*vVPre.x()+vHAverNorm.y()*vVPre.y()+vHAverNorm.z()*vVPre.z()) + sinThetaAver*(vVPre.x()*vpPostNorm.x()+vVPre.y()*vpPostNorm.y()+vVPre.z()*vpPostNorm.z()) + OMcosThetaAver*(vHVPre.x()*vpPostNorm.x()+vHVPre.y()*vpPostNorm.y()+vHVPre.z()*vpPostNorm.z()) ); transf[0][2] = -sinpPre*deltaPInv/thetaAver* ( TMSINT*gamma*(vHAverNorm.x()*vUPre.x()+vHAverNorm.y()*vUPre.y() ) + sinThetaAver*(vUPre.x()*vpPostNorm.x()+vUPre.y()*vpPostNorm.y() ) + OMcosThetaAver*(vHUPre.x()*vpPostNorm.x()+vHUPre.y()*vpPostNorm.y()+vHUPre.z()*vpPostNorm.z()) ); transf[0][3] = -deltaPInv/stepLengthCm*(vUPre.x()*vpPostNorm.x()+vUPre.y()*vpPostNorm.y() ); transf[0][4] = -deltaPInv/stepLengthCm*(vVPre.x()*vpPostNorm.x()+vVPre.y()*vpPostNorm.y()+vVPre.z()*vpPostNorm.z()); // *** Lambda transf[1][0] = -QP*ANV*(vpPostNorm.x()*deltaPos.x()+vpPostNorm.y()*deltaPos.y()+vpPostNorm.z()*deltaPos.z()) *(1.+deltaPInv*pAver); #ifdef G4EVERBOSE if(iverbose >= 3) G4cout << "ctransf10= " << transf[1][0] << " " << -QP<< " " << ANV<< " " << vpPostNorm.x()<< " " << deltaPos.x()<< " " << vpPostNorm.y()<< " " << deltaPos.y()<< " " << vpPostNorm.z()<< " " << deltaPos.z() << " " << deltaPInv<< " " << pAver << G4endl; #endif transf[1][1] = cosThetaAver*(vVPre.x()*vVPost.x()+vVPre.y()*vVPost.y()+vVPre.z()*vVPost.z()) + sinThetaAver*(vHVPre.x()*vVPost.x()+vHVPre.y()*vVPost.y()+vHVPre.z()*vVPost.z()) + OMcosThetaAver*(vHAverNorm.x()*vVPre.x()+vHAverNorm.y()*vVPre.y()+vHAverNorm.z()*vVPre.z())* (vHAverNorm.x()*vVPost.x()+vHAverNorm.y()*vVPost.y()+vHAverNorm.z()*vVPost.z()) + ANV*( -sinThetaAver*(vVPre.x()*vpPostNorm.x()+vVPre.y()*vpPostNorm.y()+vVPre.z()*vpPostNorm.z()) + OMcosThetaAver*(vVPre.x()*AN2.x()+vVPre.y()*AN2.y()+vVPre.z()*AN2.z()) - TMSINT*gamma*(vHAverNorm.x()*vVPre.x()+vHAverNorm.y()*vVPre.y()+vHAverNorm.z()*vVPre.z()) ); transf[1][2] = cosThetaAver*(vUPre.x()*vVPost.x()+vUPre.y()*vVPost.y() ) + sinThetaAver*(vHUPre.x()*vVPost.x()+vHUPre.y()*vVPost.y()+vHUPre.z()*vVPost.z()) + OMcosThetaAver*(vHAverNorm.x()*vUPre.x()+vHAverNorm.y()*vUPre.y() )* (vHAverNorm.x()*vVPost.x()+vHAverNorm.y()*vVPost.y()+vHAverNorm.z()*vVPost.z()) + ANV*( -sinThetaAver*(vUPre.x()*vpPostNorm.x()+vUPre.y()*vpPostNorm.y() ) + OMcosThetaAver*(vUPre.x()*AN2.x()+vUPre.y()*AN2.y() ) - TMSINT*gamma*(vHAverNorm.x()*vUPre.x()+vHAverNorm.y()*vUPre.y() ) ); transf[1][2] = sinpPre*transf[1][2]; transf[1][3] = -QAver*ANV*(vUPre.x()*vpPostNorm.x()+vUPre.y()*vpPostNorm.y() ); transf[1][4] = -QAver*ANV*(vVPre.x()*vpPostNorm.x()+vVPre.y()*vpPostNorm.y()+vVPre.z()*vpPostNorm.z()); // *** Phi transf[2][0] = -QP*ANU*(vpPostNorm.x()*deltaPos.x()+vpPostNorm.y()*deltaPos.y()+vpPostNorm.z()*deltaPos.z())*sinpPostInv *(1.+deltaPInv*pAver); #ifdef G4EVERBOSE if(iverbose >= 3)G4cout <<"ctransf20= " << transf[2][0] <<" "<< -QP<<" "<= 3)G4cout <<"ctransf23= " << transf[2][3] <<" "<< -QAver<<" "<= 3) G4cout <<"ctransf30= " << transf[3][0] <<" "<< pAver<<" "<= 3) G4cout <<"ctransf32= " << transf[3][2] <<" "<< sinThetaAver<<" "<= 3)G4cout <<"ctransf41= " << transf[4][1] <<" "<< sinThetaAver<<" "<< OMcosThetaAver <<" "<= 3) G4cout <<"ctransf44= " << transf[4][4] <<" "<< vVPre.x() <<" "<= 1 ) G4cout << "G4EP: transf matrix computed " << transf << G4endl; #endif /* for( G4int ii=0;ii<5;ii++){ for( G4int jj=0;jj<5;jj++){ G4cout << transf[ii][jj] << " "; } G4cout << G4endl; } */ } } // end of calculate transformation except it NEUTRAL PARTICLE OR FIELDFREE REGION /* if( iverbose >= 1 ) G4cout << "G4EP: transf not updated but initialized " << theFirstStep << G4endl; if( theFirstStep ) { theTransfMat = transf; theFirstStep = false; }else{ theTransfMat = theTransfMat * transf; if( iverbose >= 1 ) G4cout << "G4EP: transf matrix accumulated" << theTransfMat << G4endl; } */ theTransfMat = transf; #ifdef G4EVERBOSE if( iverbose >= 1 ) G4cout << "G4EP: error matrix before transformation " << fError << G4endl; if( iverbose >= 2 ) G4cout << " tf * err " << theTransfMat * fError << G4endl << " transf matrix " << theTransfMat.T() << G4endl; #endif fError = fError.similarity(theTransfMat).T(); //- fError = transf * fError * transf.T(); #ifdef G4EVERBOSE if( iverbose >= 1 ) G4cout << "G4EP: error matrix propagated " << fError << G4endl; #endif //? S = B*S*BT S.similarity(B) //? R = S // not needed * *** TRANSFORM ERROR MATRIX FROM INTERNAL TO EXTERNAL VARIABLES; PropagateErrorMSC( aTrack ); PropagateErrorIoni( aTrack ); return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ G4int G4ErrorFreeTrajState::PropagateErrorMSC( const G4Track* aTrack ) { G4ThreeVector vpPre = aTrack->GetMomentum()/GeV; G4double pPre = vpPre.mag(); G4double pBeta = pPre*pPre / (aTrack->GetTotalEnergy()/GeV); G4double stepLengthCm = aTrack->GetStep()->GetStepLength()/cm; G4Material* mate = aTrack->GetVolume()->GetLogicalVolume()->GetMaterial(); G4double effZ, effA; CalculateEffectiveZandA( mate, effZ, effA ); #ifdef G4EVERBOSE if( iverbose >= 4 ) G4cout << "material " << mate->GetName() //<< " " << mate->GetZ() << " " << mate->GetA() << " " << effZ << " " << effA << " " << mate->GetDensity()/g*mole << " " << mate->GetRadlen()/cm << " " << mate->GetNuclearInterLength()/cm << G4endl; #endif G4double RI = stepLengthCm / (mate->GetRadlen()/cm); #ifdef G4EVERBOSE if( iverbose >= 4 ) G4cout << std::setprecision(6) << std::setw(6) << "G4EP:MSC: RI " << RI << " stepLengthCm " << stepLengthCm << " radlen " << (mate->GetRadlen()/cm) << " " << RI*1.e10 << G4endl; #endif G4double charge = aTrack->GetDynamicParticle()->GetCharge(); G4double DD = 1.8496E-4*RI*(charge/pBeta * charge/pBeta ); #ifdef G4EVERBOSE if( iverbose >= 3 ) G4cout << "G4EP:MSC: D*1E6= " << DD*1.E6 <<" pBeta " << pBeta << G4endl; #endif G4double S1 = DD*stepLengthCm*stepLengthCm/3.; G4double S2 = DD; G4double S3 = DD*stepLengthCm/2.; G4double CLA = std::sqrt( vpPre.x() * vpPre.x() + vpPre.y() * vpPre.y() )/pPre; #ifdef G4EVERBOSE if( iverbose >= 2 ) G4cout << std::setw(6) << "G4EP:MSC: RI " << RI << " S1 " << S1 << " S2 " << S2 << " S3 " << S3 << " CLA " << CLA << G4endl; #endif fError[1][1] += S2; fError[1][4] -= S3; fError[2][2] += S2/CLA/CLA; fError[2][3] += S3/CLA; fError[3][3] += S1; fError[4][4] += S1; #ifdef G4EVERBOSE if( iverbose >= 2 ) G4cout << "G4EP:MSC: error matrix propagated msc " << fError << G4endl; #endif return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void G4ErrorFreeTrajState::CalculateEffectiveZandA( const G4Material* mate, G4double& effZ, G4double& effA ) { effZ = 0.; effA = 0.; G4int ii, nelem = mate->GetNumberOfElements(); const G4double* fracVec = mate->GetFractionVector(); for(ii=0; ii < nelem; ii++ ) { effZ += mate->GetElement( ii )->GetZ() * fracVec[ii]; effA += mate->GetElement( ii )->GetA() * fracVec[ii] /g*mole; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ G4int G4ErrorFreeTrajState::PropagateErrorIoni( const G4Track* aTrack ) { G4double stepLengthCm = aTrack->GetStep()->GetStepLength()/cm; G4double DEDX2; if( stepLengthCm < 1.E-7 ) { DEDX2=0.; } // * Calculate xi factor (KeV). G4Material* mate = aTrack->GetVolume()->GetLogicalVolume()->GetMaterial(); G4double effZ, effA; CalculateEffectiveZandA( mate, effZ, effA ); G4double Etot = aTrack->GetTotalEnergy()/GeV; G4double beta = aTrack->GetMomentum().mag()/GeV / Etot; G4double mass = aTrack->GetDynamicParticle()->GetMass() / GeV; G4double gamma = Etot / mass; // * Calculate xi factor (KeV). G4double XI = 153.5*effZ*stepLengthCm*(mate->GetDensity()/mg*mole) / (effA*beta*beta); #ifdef G4EVERBOSE if( iverbose >= 2 ){ G4cout << "G4EP:IONI: XI " << XI << " beta " << beta << " gamma " << gamma << G4endl; G4cout << " density " << (mate->GetDensity()/mg*mole) << " effA " << effA << " step " << stepLengthCm << G4endl; } #endif // * Maximum energy transfer to atomic electron (KeV). G4double eta = beta*gamma; G4double etasq = eta*eta; G4double eMass = 0.51099906/GeV; G4double massRatio = eMass / mass; G4double F1 = 2*eMass*etasq; G4double F2 = 1. + 2. * massRatio * gamma + massRatio * massRatio; G4double Emax = 1.E+6*F1/F2; // * *** and now sigma**2 in GeV G4double dedxSq = XI*Emax*(1.-(beta*beta/2.))*1.E-12; #ifdef G4EVERBOSE if( iverbose >= 2 ) G4cout << "G4EP:IONI: DEDX2 " << dedxSq << " emass " << eMass << " Emax " << Emax << G4endl; #endif // if( iverbose >= 2 ) G4cout << "G4EP:IONI: Etot " << Etot << " DEDX2 " << dedxSq << " emass " << eMass << G4endl; G4double pPre6 = (aTrack->GetStep()->GetPreStepPoint()->GetMomentum()/GeV).mag(); pPre6 = std::pow(pPre6, 6 ); //Apply it to error fError[0][0] += Etot*Etot*dedxSq / pPre6; #ifdef G4EVERBOSE if( iverbose >= 2 ) G4cout << "G4:IONI getot " << Etot << " dedx2 " << dedxSq << " p " << pPre6 << G4endl; if( iverbose >= 2 ) G4cout << "G4EP:IONI: error_from_ionisation " << (Etot*Etot*dedxSq) / pPre6 << G4endl; #endif return 0; }