source: trunk/source/event/include/G4StackManager.hh @ 959

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27// $Id: G4StackManager.hh,v 1.12 2006/06/29 18:09:07 gunter Exp $
28// GEANT4 tag $Name:  $
33#ifndef G4StackManager_h
34#define G4StackManager_h 1
36#include "G4UserStackingAction.hh"
37#include "G4StackedTrack.hh"
38#include "G4TrackStack.hh"
39#include "G4ClassificationOfNewTrack.hh"
40#include "G4Track.hh"
41#include "G4TrackStatus.hh"
42#include "globals.hh"
43class G4StackingMessenger;
44class G4VTrajectory;
46// class description:
48//  This is the manager class of handling stacks of G4Track objects.
49// This class must be a singleton and be constructed by G4EventManager.
50// Almost all methods must be invoked exclusively by G4EventManager.
51// Especially, some Clear() methods MUST NOT be invoked by the user.
52// Event abortion is handled by G4EventManager.
54//  This G4StackingManager has three stacks, the urgent stack, the
55// waiting stack, and the postpone to next event stack. The meanings
56// of each stack is descrived in the Geant4 user's manual.
60class G4StackManager 
62  public:
63      G4StackManager();
64      ~G4StackManager();
66  private:
67      const G4StackManager & operator=
68                          (const G4StackManager &right);
69      G4int operator==(const G4StackManager &right) const;
70      G4int operator!=(const G4StackManager &right) const;
72  public:
73      G4int PushOneTrack(G4Track *newTrack, G4VTrajectory *newTrajectory = 0);
74      G4Track * PopNextTrack(G4VTrajectory**newTrajectory);
75      G4int PrepareNewEvent();
77  public: // with description
78      void ReClassify();
79      //  Send all tracks stored in the Urgent stack one by one to
80      // the user's concrete ClassifyNewTrack() method. This method
81      // can be invoked from the user's G4UserStackingAction concrete
82      // class, especially fron its NewStage() method. Be aware that
83      // when the urgent stack becomes empty, all tracks in the waiting
84      // stack are send to the urgent stack and then the user's NewStage()
85      // method is invoked.
87      void SetNumberOfAdditionalWaitingStacks(G4int iAdd);
88      //  Set the number of additional (optional) waiting stacks.
89      // This method must be invoked at PreInit, Init or Idle states.
90      // Once the user set the number of additional waiting stacks,
91      // he/she can use the corresponding ENUM in G4ClassificationOfNewTrack.
92      // The user should invoke G4RunManager::SetNumberOfAdditionalWaitingStacks
93      // method, which invokes this method.
95      void TransferStackedTracks(G4ClassificationOfNewTrack origin, G4ClassificationOfNewTrack destination);
96      //  Transfter all stacked tracks from the origin stack to the destination stack.
97      // The destination stack needs not be empty.
98      // If the destination is fKill, tracks are deleted.
99      // If the origin is fKill, nothing happen.
101      void TransferOneStackedTrack(G4ClassificationOfNewTrack origin, G4ClassificationOfNewTrack destination);
102      //  Transfter one stacked track from the origin stack to the destination stack.
103      // The transfered track is the one which came last to the origin stack.
104      // The destination stack needs not be empty.
105      // If the destination is fKill, the track is deleted.
106      // If the origin is fKill, nothing happen.
108  private:
109      G4UserStackingAction * userStackingAction;
110      G4int verboseLevel;
111      G4TrackStack * urgentStack;
112      G4TrackStack * waitingStack;
113      G4TrackStack * postponeStack;
114      G4StackingMessenger* theMessenger;
115      std::vector<G4TrackStack*> additionalWaitingStacks;
116      G4int numberOfAdditionalWaitingStacks;
118  public:
119      inline void clear()
120      { 
121        ClearUrgentStack();
122        ClearWaitingStack();
123        for(int i=1;i<=numberOfAdditionalWaitingStacks;i++) {ClearWaitingStack(i);}
124      }
125      inline void ClearUrgentStack()
126      { urgentStack->clear(); }
127      inline void ClearWaitingStack(int i=0)
128      {
129        if(i==0) {
130          waitingStack->clear(); 
131        } else {
132          if(i<=numberOfAdditionalWaitingStacks) additionalWaitingStacks[i-1]->clear();
133        }
134      }
135      inline void ClearPostponeStack()
136      { postponeStack->clear(); }
137      inline G4int GetNTotalTrack() const
138      { int n = urgentStack->GetNTrack() + waitingStack->GetNTrack() + postponeStack->GetNTrack();
139        for(int i=1;i<=numberOfAdditionalWaitingStacks;i++) {n += additionalWaitingStacks[i-1]->GetNTrack();}
140        return n;
141      }
142      inline G4int GetNUrgentTrack() const
143      { return urgentStack->GetNTrack(); }
144      inline G4int GetNWaitingTrack(int i=0) const
145      { if(i==0) { return waitingStack->GetNTrack(); }
146        else {
147         if(i<=numberOfAdditionalWaitingStacks) { return additionalWaitingStacks[i-1]->GetNTrack();}
148        }
149        return 0;
150      }
151      inline G4int GetNPostponedTrack() const
152      { return postponeStack->GetNTrack(); }
153      inline void SetVerboseLevel( G4int const value )
154      { verboseLevel = value; }
155      inline void SetUserStackingAction(G4UserStackingAction* value)
156      { 
157        userStackingAction = value;
158        if(userStackingAction) userStackingAction->SetStackManager(this);
159      }
161  private:
162      inline G4ClassificationOfNewTrack
163      DefaultClassification(G4Track *aTrack)
164      { 
165        G4ClassificationOfNewTrack classification = fUrgent;
166        if( aTrack->GetTrackStatus() == fPostponeToNextEvent )
167        { classification = fPostpone; }
168        return classification;
169      }
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