source: trunk/source/g3tog4/src/ @ 940

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27// $Id:,v 1.13 2006/06/29 18:14:37 gunter Exp $
28// GEANT4 tag $Name:  $
30// by I.Hrivnacova, 27 Sep 99
32#include "globals.hh"
33#include <iomanip>
34#include <iomanip>
36#include "G3toG4.hh"
37#include "G3EleTable.hh"
38#include "G3MatTable.hh"
39#include "G4Material.hh"
40#include "G4Isotope.hh"
42void PG4gsmixt(G4String tokens[])
44    // fill the parameter containers
45    G3fillParams(tokens,PTgsmixt);
47    // interpret the parameters
48    G4String name = Spar[0].data();
49    G4int imate = Ipar[0];
50    G4int nlmat = Ipar[1];
51    //G4double dens = Rpar[0]*g/cm3;
52    G4double dens = Rpar[0];
53    G4double *a = Rpar + 1;
54    G4double *z = Rpar + 1+std::abs(nlmat);
55    G4double *wmat = Rpar + 1 + 2*std::abs(nlmat);
57    for (int i=0; i<std::abs(nlmat); i++){
58      //Rpar[i]=Rpar[i]*g/mole;
59      Rpar[i]=Rpar[i];
60    };
61    G4gsmixt(imate,name,a,z,dens,nlmat,wmat);
64// replaced with G3EleTable
65// only used G4Elements are created;
66// !! no checking of given A of the element;
68// extern G4Element* CreateElement(G4double zeff, G4double aeff, G4String matName);
71void G4gsmixt(G4int imate, G4String name, G4double* a, G4double* z,
72              G4double dens, G4int nlmat, G4double* wmat)
74  // in Geant3:
75  // After a call with ratios by number (negative number of elements),
76  // the ratio array is changed to the ratio by weight, so all successive
77  // calls with the same array must specify the number of elements as
78  // positive
79  G4int i=0;
80  if (nlmat<0) {
81    // in case of proportions given in atom counts (nlmat<0),
82    // the wmat[i] are converted to weight fractions
83    G4double aMol = 0.;
84    for (i=0; i<std::abs(nlmat); i++) { 
85      // total molecular weight
86      aMol += wmat[i]*a[i]; 
87    } 
88    if (aMol == 0.)
89      G4Exception("\nG4mixt: Total molecular weight in " +
90        name + " = 0.");       
91    for (i=0; i<std::abs(nlmat); i++) {
92      // weight fractions
93      wmat[i] = wmat[i]*a[i]/aMol;
94    }
95  }
97  // create material with given number of components
98  // (elements)
100  G4Material* material
101    = new G4Material(name, dens*g/cm3, std::abs(nlmat));
102  for (i=0; i<std::abs(nlmat); i++) {
103    // add units
104    // G4Element* element = G4Element(z[i], a[i]*g/mole, name);
105    G4Element* element = G3Ele.GetEle(z[i]);
106    material->AddElement(element, wmat[i]);   
107  }
109  // add the material to the List
110  G3Mat.put(imate, material);
114void G4gsmixt(G4int imate, G4String name, G4double a[], G4double z[],
115              G4double dens, G4int nlmat, G4double wmat[]){
116  G4int nmate = std::abs(nlmat);
117  G4String sname = name.strip(G4String::both);
118  G4double theDensity = dens*g/cm3;
120  G4Material* theMixture = new G4Material(name, dens, nmate);
121  G4bool ok=true;
122  for (int i=0; i< nmate; i++){
123    G4Element* theElement = G3Ele.GetEle(z[i]);
124    if (nlmat>0) {
125      G4double fractionmass = wmat[i];
126      ok = ok && std::abs(fractionmass)<=1.;
127      theMixture->AddElement(theElement, fractionmass);
128    } else if (nlmat<0) {
129      G4int natoms = wmat[i];
130      ok = ok && wmat[i] == natoms;
131      theMixture->AddElement(theElement, natoms);
132    } else {
133      ok=false;
134    }
135  }
136  if (ok) {
137    G3Mat.put(imate, theMixture);
138  } else {
139    if (nlmat>0) {
140      G4cerr << "G4gsmixt: for mixture '" << name
141             << "' some |weights|>1 : " << G4endl;
142      for (G4int i=0;i<nlmat; i++) {
143        G4cerr << "Component " << std::setw(3) << i+1 << " fraction: "
144               << std::setw(10) << wmat[i] << G4endl;
145      }
146    } else if (nlmat<0) {
147      G4cerr << "G4gsmixt: for mixture '" << name
148             << "' some #natoms are non-integer: " << G4endl;
149      for (G4int i=0;i<nlmat; i++) {
150        G4cerr << "Component " << std::setw(3) << i+1 << " #atoms "
151               << std::setw(10) << wmat[i] << G4endl;
152      }
153    } else {
154      G4cerr << "G4gsmixt: Number of components for mixture '"
155             << name << "' (" << nlmat << ") not allowed." << G4endl;
156    }
157  }
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