// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id: G4ConstRK4.cc,v 1.5 2010/09/10 15:51:10 japost Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: field-V09-03-03 $ // // // - 18.09.2008 - J.Apostolakis, T.Nikitina - Created // ------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "G4ConstRK4.hh" #include "G4ThreeVector.hh" #include "G4LineSection.hh" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Constructor sets the number of *State* variables (default = 8) // The number of variables integrated is always 6 G4ConstRK4::G4ConstRK4(G4Mag_EqRhs* EqRhs, G4int numStateVariables) : G4MagErrorStepper(EqRhs, 6, numStateVariables) { // const G4int numberOfVariables= 6; if( numStateVariables < 8 ) { G4cerr << "ERROR in G4ConstRK4::G4ConstRK4 " << " The number of State variables at least 8 " << G4endl; G4cerr << " Instead it is numStateVariables= " << numStateVariables << G4endl; G4Exception("G4ConstRK4::G4ConstRK4()", "InvalidSetup", FatalException, "Valid only for number of state variables of 8 or more. Use another Stepper!"); } fEq = EqRhs; yMiddle = new G4double[8]; dydxMid = new G4double[8]; yInitial = new G4double[8]; yOneStep = new G4double[8]; dydxm = new G4double[8]; dydxt = new G4double[8]; yt = new G4double[8]; Field[0]=0.; Field[1]=0.; Field[2]=0.; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Destructor G4ConstRK4::~G4ConstRK4() { delete [] yMiddle; delete [] dydxMid; delete [] yInitial; delete [] yOneStep; delete [] dydxm; delete [] dydxt; delete [] yt; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Given values for the variables y[0,..,n-1] and their derivatives // dydx[0,...,n-1] known at x, use the classical 4th Runge-Kutta // method to advance the solution over an interval h and return the // incremented variables as yout[0,...,n-1], which is not a distinct // array from y. The user supplies the routine RightHandSide(x,y,dydx), // which returns derivatives dydx at x. The source is routine rk4 from // NRC p. 712-713 . void G4ConstRK4::DumbStepper( const G4double yIn[], const G4double dydx[], G4double h, G4double yOut[]) { G4double hh = h*0.5 , h6 = h/6.0 ; // 1st Step K1=h*dydx yt[5] = yIn[5] + hh*dydx[5] ; yt[4] = yIn[4] + hh*dydx[4] ; yt[3] = yIn[3] + hh*dydx[3] ; yt[2] = yIn[2] + hh*dydx[2] ; yt[1] = yIn[1] + hh*dydx[1] ; yt[0] = yIn[0] + hh*dydx[0] ; RightHandSideConst(yt,dydxt) ; // 2nd Step K2=h*dydxt yt[5] = yIn[5] + hh*dydxt[5] ; yt[4] = yIn[4] + hh*dydxt[4] ; yt[3] = yIn[3] + hh*dydxt[3] ; yt[2] = yIn[2] + hh*dydxt[2] ; yt[1] = yIn[1] + hh*dydxt[1] ; yt[0] = yIn[0] + hh*dydxt[0] ; RightHandSideConst(yt,dydxm) ; // 3rd Step K3=h*dydxm // now dydxm=(K2+K3)/h yt[5] = yIn[5] + h*dydxm[5] ; dydxm[5] += dydxt[5] ; yt[4] = yIn[4] + h*dydxm[4] ; dydxm[4] += dydxt[4] ; yt[3] = yIn[3] + h*dydxm[3] ; dydxm[3] += dydxt[3] ; yt[2] = yIn[2] + h*dydxm[2] ; dydxm[2] += dydxt[2] ; yt[1] = yIn[1] + h*dydxm[1] ; dydxm[1] += dydxt[1] ; yt[0] = yIn[0] + h*dydxm[0] ; dydxm[0] += dydxt[0] ; RightHandSideConst(yt,dydxt) ; // 4th Step K4=h*dydxt yOut[5] = yIn[5]+h6*(dydx[5]+dydxt[5]+2.0*dydxm[5]); yOut[4] = yIn[4]+h6*(dydx[4]+dydxt[4]+2.0*dydxm[4]); yOut[3] = yIn[3]+h6*(dydx[3]+dydxt[3]+2.0*dydxm[3]); yOut[2] = yIn[2]+h6*(dydx[2]+dydxt[2]+2.0*dydxm[2]); yOut[1] = yIn[1]+h6*(dydx[1]+dydxt[1]+2.0*dydxm[1]); yOut[0] = yIn[0]+h6*(dydx[0]+dydxt[0]+2.0*dydxm[0]); } // end of DumbStepper .................................................... //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Stepper void G4ConstRK4::Stepper( const G4double yInput[], const G4double dydx[], G4double hstep, G4double yOutput[], G4double yError [] ) { const G4int nvar = 6; // number of variables integrated const G4int maxvar= GetNumberOfStateVariables(); // Correction for Richardson extrapolation G4double correction = 1. / ( (1 << IntegratorOrder()) -1 ); G4int i; // Saving yInput because yInput and yOutput can be aliases for same array for (i=0; i dumb stepper does it too for RK4 yError[7] = 0.0; G4double halfStep = hstep * 0.5; // Do two half steps // GetConstField(yInitial,Field); DumbStepper (yInitial, dydx, halfStep, yMiddle); RightHandSideConst(yMiddle, dydxMid); DumbStepper (yMiddle, dydxMid, halfStep, yOutput); // Store midpoint, chord calculation // fMidPoint = G4ThreeVector( yMiddle[0], yMiddle[1], yMiddle[2]); // Do a full Step // DumbStepper(yInitial, dydx, hstep, yOneStep); for(i=0;i