// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id: G4MagHelicalStepper.cc,v 1.23 2007/09/05 12:20:17 gcosmo Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: HEAD $ // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "G4MagHelicalStepper.hh" #include "G4LineSection.hh" #include "G4Mag_EqRhs.hh" // given a purely magnetic field a better approach than adding a straight line // (as in the normal runge-kutta-methods) is to add helix segments to the // current position // Constant for determining unit conversion when using normal as integrand. // const G4double G4MagHelicalStepper::fUnitConstant = 0.299792458*(GeV/(tesla*m)); G4MagHelicalStepper::G4MagHelicalStepper(G4Mag_EqRhs *EqRhs) : G4MagIntegratorStepper(EqRhs, 6) // integrate over 6 variables only !! // position & velocity { fPtrMagEqOfMot = EqRhs; } G4MagHelicalStepper::~G4MagHelicalStepper() { } void G4MagHelicalStepper::AdvanceHelix( const G4double yIn[], G4ThreeVector Bfld, G4double h, G4double yHelix[], G4double yHelix2[] ) { // const G4int nvar = 6; // OLD const G4double approc_limit = 0.05; // OLD approc_limit = 0.05 gives max.error=x^5/5!=(0.05)^5/5!=2.6*e-9 // NEW approc_limit = 0.005 gives max.error=x^5/5!=2.6*e-14 const G4double approc_limit = 0.005; G4ThreeVector Bnorm, B_x_P, vperp, vpar; G4double B_d_P; G4double B_v_P; G4double Theta; G4double R_1; G4double R_Helix; G4double CosT2, SinT2, CosT, SinT; G4ThreeVector positionMove, endTangent; G4double Bmag = Bfld.mag(); const G4double *pIn = yIn+3; G4ThreeVector initVelocity= G4ThreeVector( pIn[0], pIn[1], pIn[2]); G4double velocityVal = initVelocity.mag(); G4ThreeVector initTangent = (1.0/velocityVal) * initVelocity; R_1=GetInverseCurve(velocityVal,Bmag); // for too small magnetic fields there is no curvature // (include momentum here) FIXME if( (std::fabs(R_1) < 1e-10)||(Bmag<1e-12) ) { LinearStep( yIn, h, yHelix ); // Store and/or calculate parameters for chord distance SetAngCurve(1.); SetCurve(h); SetRadHelix(0.); } else { Bnorm = (1.0/Bmag)*Bfld; // calculate the direction of the force B_x_P = Bnorm.cross(initTangent); // parallel and perp vectors B_d_P = Bnorm.dot(initTangent); // this is the fraction of P parallel to B vpar = B_d_P * Bnorm; // the component parallel to B vperp= initTangent - vpar; // the component perpendicular to B B_v_P = std::sqrt( 1 - B_d_P * B_d_P); // Fraction of P perp to B // calculate the stepping angle Theta = R_1 * h; // * B_v_P; // Trigonometrix if( std::fabs(Theta) > approc_limit ) { SinT = std::sin(Theta); CosT = std::cos(Theta); } else { G4double Theta2 = Theta*Theta; G4double Theta3 = Theta2 * Theta; G4double Theta4 = Theta2 * Theta2; SinT = Theta - 1.0/6.0 * Theta3; CosT = 1 - 0.5 * Theta2 + 1.0/24.0 * Theta4; } // the actual "rotation" G4double R = 1.0 / R_1; positionMove = R * ( SinT * vperp + (1-CosT) * B_x_P) + h * vpar; endTangent = CosT * vperp + SinT * B_x_P + vpar; // Store the resulting position and tangent yHelix[0] = yIn[0] + positionMove.x(); yHelix[1] = yIn[1] + positionMove.y(); yHelix[2] = yIn[2] + positionMove.z(); yHelix[3] = velocityVal * endTangent.x(); yHelix[4] = velocityVal * endTangent.y(); yHelix[5] = velocityVal * endTangent.z(); // Store 2*h step Helix if exist if(yHelix2) { SinT2 = 2.0 * SinT * CosT; CosT2 = 1.0 - 2.0 * SinT * SinT; endTangent = (CosT2 * vperp + SinT2 * B_x_P + vpar); positionMove = R * ( SinT2 * vperp + (1-CosT2) * B_x_P) + h*2 * vpar; yHelix2[0] = yIn[0] + positionMove.x(); yHelix2[1] = yIn[1] + positionMove.y(); yHelix2[2] = yIn[2] + positionMove.z(); yHelix2[3] = velocityVal * endTangent.x(); yHelix2[4] = velocityVal * endTangent.y(); yHelix2[5] = velocityVal * endTangent.z(); } // Store and/or calculate parameters for chord distance G4double ptan=velocityVal*B_v_P; G4double particleCharge = fPtrMagEqOfMot->FCof() / (eplus*c_light); R_Helix =std::abs( ptan/(fUnitConstant * particleCharge*Bmag)); SetAngCurve(std::abs(Theta)); SetCurve(std::abs(R)); SetRadHelix(R_Helix); } } // // Use the midpoint method to get an error estimate and correction // modified from G4ClassicalRK4: W.Wander 12/09/97 // void G4MagHelicalStepper::Stepper( const G4double yInput[], const G4double*, G4double hstep, G4double yOut[], G4double yErr[] ) { const G4int nvar = 6; G4int i; // correction for Richardson Extrapolation. // G4double correction = 1. / ( (1 << IntegratorOrder()) -1 ); G4double yTemp[7], yIn[7] ; G4ThreeVector Bfld_initial, Bfld_midpoint; // Saving yInput because yInput and yOut can be aliases for same array for(i=0;i pi !! // Method DistLine is good only for < pi G4double Ang=GetAngCurve(); if(Ang<=pi) { return GetRadHelix()*(1-std::cos(0.5*Ang)); } else { if(Ang