// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id: F02RunAction.cc,v 1.6 2006/06/29 18:28:13 gunter Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: HEAD $ // // #include "F02RunAction.hh" #include "F02RunMessenger.hh" #include "G4Run.hh" #include "G4UImanager.hh" #include "G4VVisManager.hh" #include "G4ios.hh" #include #include "Randomize.hh" #ifndef G4NOHIST #include "CLHEP/Hist/HBookFile.h" #endif #include ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// F02RunAction::F02RunAction() :histName("histfile"),nbinStep(0),nbinEn(0),nbinTt(0),nbinTb(0), nbinTsec(0),nbinTh(0),nbinThback(0),nbinR(0),nbinGamma(0), nbinvertexz(0) { runMessenger = new F02RunMessenger(this); saveRndm = 1; #ifndef G4NOHIST histo1=0; histo2=0; histo3=0; histo4=0; histo5=0; histo6=0; histo7=0; histo8=0; histo9=0; histo10=0;histo11=0; #endif } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// F02RunAction::~F02RunAction() { delete runMessenger; #ifndef G4NOHIST if(histo1) delete histo1 ; if(histo2) delete histo2 ; if(histo3) delete histo3 ; if(histo4) delete histo4 ; if(histo5) delete histo5 ; if(histo6) delete histo6 ; if(histo7) delete histo7 ; if(histo8) delete histo8 ; if(histo9) delete histo9 ; if(histo10) delete histo10 ; if(histo11) delete histo11 ; delete hbookManager; #endif } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void F02RunAction::bookHisto() { #ifndef G4NOHIST // init hbook hbookManager = new HBookFile(histName, 68); assert (hbookManager != 0); // book histograms if(nbinStep>0) { histo1 = hbookManager->histogram("number of steps/event" ,nbinStep,Steplow,Stephigh) ; assert (histo1 != 0); } if(nbinEn>0) { histo2 = hbookManager->histogram("Energy Loss (keV)" ,nbinEn,Enlow/keV,Enhigh/keV) ; assert (histo2 != 0); } if(nbinTh>0) { histo3 = hbookManager->histogram("angle distribution at exit(deg)" ,nbinTh,Thlow/deg,Thhigh/deg) ; assert (histo3 != 0); } if(nbinR>0) { histo4 = hbookManager->histogram("lateral distribution at exit(mm)" ,nbinR ,Rlow,Rhigh) ; assert (histo4 != 0); } if(nbinTt>0) { histo5 = hbookManager->histogram("kinetic energy of the primary at exit(MeV)" ,nbinTt,Ttlow,Tthigh) ; assert (histo5 != 0); } if(nbinThback>0) { histo6 = hbookManager->histogram("angle distribution of backscattered primaries(deg)" ,nbinThback,Thlowback/deg,Thhighback/deg) ; assert (histo6 != 0); } if(nbinTb>0) { histo7 = hbookManager->histogram("kinetic energy of the backscattered primaries (MeV)" ,nbinTb,Tblow,Tbhigh) ; assert (histo7 != 0); } if(nbinTsec>0) { histo8 = hbookManager->histogram("kinetic energy of the charged secondaries (MeV)" ,nbinTsec,Tseclow,Tsechigh) ; assert (histo8 != 0); } if(nbinTglob>0) { histo11 = hbookManager->histogram("Global time of primary particle (ns)" ,nbinTglob,Tgloblow,Tglobhigh) ; assert (histo11 != 0); } if(nbinvertexz>0) { histo9 = hbookManager->histogram("z of secondary charged vertices(mm)" ,nbinvertexz ,zlow,zhigh) ; assert (histo9 != 0); } if(nbinGamma>0) { histo10= hbookManager->histogram("kinetic energy of gammas escaping the absorber (MeV)" // ,nbinGamma,ElowGamma,EhighGamma) ; ,nbinGamma,std::log10(ElowGamma),std::log10(EhighGamma)) ; assert (histo10 != 0); } #endif } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void F02RunAction::BeginOfRunAction(const G4Run* aRun) { G4cout << "### Run " << aRun->GetRunID() << " start." << G4endl; // save Rndm status if (saveRndm > 0) { HepRandom::showEngineStatus(); HepRandom::saveEngineStatus("beginOfRun.rndm"); } G4UImanager* UI = G4UImanager::GetUIpointer(); G4VVisManager* pVVisManager = G4VVisManager::GetConcreteInstance(); if(pVVisManager) UI->ApplyCommand("/vis/scene/notifyHandlers"); EnergySumAbs = 0. ; EnergySquareSumAbs = 0.; tlSumAbs = 0. ; tlsquareSumAbs = 0. ; nStepSumCharged = 0. ; nStepSum2Charged= 0. ; nStepSumNeutral = 0. ; nStepSum2Neutral= 0. ; TotNbofEvents = 0. ; SumCharged=0.; SumNeutral=0.; Sum2Charged=0.; Sum2Neutral=0.; Selectron=0.; Spositron=0.; Transmitted=0.; Reflected =0.; // plot definitions if(nbinStep>0) { dStep=(Stephigh-Steplow)/nbinStep; entryStep=0.; underStep=0.; overStep=0.; for(G4int ist=0; ist0) { dEn = (Enhigh-Enlow)/nbinEn ; entryEn=0.; underEn=0.; overEn=0.; for (G4int ien=0; ien0) { dTt = (Tthigh-Ttlow)/nbinTt ; entryTt=0.; underTt=0.; overTt=0.; for (G4int itt=0; itt0) { dTb = (Tbhigh-Tblow)/nbinTb ; entryTb=0.; underTb=0.; overTb=0.; for (G4int itt=0; itt0) { dTsec = (Tsechigh-Tseclow)/nbinTsec ; entryTsec=0.; underTsec=0.; overTsec=0.; for (G4int its=0; its0) { dTglob = (Tglobhigh-Tgloblow)/nbinTglob ; entryTglob=0.; underTglob=0.; overTglob=0.; for (G4int itg=0; itg0) { dTh = (Thhigh-Thlow)/nbinTh ; entryTh=0.; underTh=0.; overTh=0.; for (G4int ith=0; ith0) { dThback = (Thhighback-Thlowback)/nbinThback ; entryThback=0.; underThback=0.; overThback=0.; for (G4int ithback=0; ithback0) { dR = (Rhigh-Rlow)/nbinR ; entryR =0.; underR =0.; overR =0.; for (G4int ir =0; ir 0) { dEGamma = std::log(EhighGamma/ElowGamma)/nbinGamma ; entryGamma = 0.; underGamma=0.; overGamma=0.; for (G4int ig=0; ig0) { dz=(zhigh-zlow)/nbinvertexz; entryvertexz=0.; undervertexz=0.; oververtexz=0.; for(G4int iz=0; iz0.) sAbs = std::sqrt(sAbs/TotNbofEvents) ; else sAbs = 0. ; EnergySumAbs /= TotNbofEvents ; sigAbs = EnergySquareSumAbs/TotNbofEvents-EnergySumAbs*EnergySumAbs; if(sigAbs>0.) sigAbs = std::sqrt(sigAbs/TotNbofEvents); else sigAbs = 0.; nStepSumCharged /= TotNbofEvents ; sigstep = nStepSum2Charged/TotNbofEvents-nStepSumCharged*nStepSumCharged; if(sigstep>0.) sigstep = std::sqrt(sigstep/TotNbofEvents); else sigstep = 0.; G4double sigch=sigstep ; nStepSumNeutral /= TotNbofEvents ; sigstep = nStepSum2Neutral/TotNbofEvents-nStepSumNeutral*nStepSumNeutral; if(sigstep>0.) sigstep = std::sqrt(sigstep/TotNbofEvents); else sigstep = 0.; G4double signe=sigstep ; SumCharged /= TotNbofEvents; sigcharged = Sum2Charged/TotNbofEvents-SumCharged*SumCharged; if(sigcharged>0.) sigcharged = std::sqrt(sigcharged/TotNbofEvents); else sigcharged = 0. ; SumNeutral /= TotNbofEvents; signeutral = Sum2Neutral/TotNbofEvents-SumNeutral*SumNeutral; if(signeutral>0.) signeutral = std::sqrt(signeutral/TotNbofEvents); else signeutral = 0. ; Selectron /= TotNbofEvents ; Spositron /= TotNbofEvents ; Transmitted /=TotNbofEvents ; Reflected /=TotNbofEvents ; G4cout << " ================== run summary =====================" << G4endl; G4int prec = G4cout.precision(6); G4cout << " end of Run TotNbofEvents = " << TotNbofEvents << G4endl ; G4cout << " mean charged track length in absorber=" << tlSumAbs/mm << " +- " << sAbs/mm << " mm " << G4endl; G4cout << G4endl; G4cout << " mean energy deposit in absorber=" << EnergySumAbs/MeV << " +- " << sigAbs/MeV << " MeV " << G4endl ; G4cout << G4endl ; G4cout << " mean number of steps in absorber (charged) =" << nStepSumCharged << " +- " << sigch << " " << G4endl ; G4cout << " mean number of steps in absorber (neutral) =" << nStepSumNeutral << " +- " << signe << " " << G4endl ; G4cout << G4endl ; G4cout << " mean number of charged secondaries = " << SumCharged << " +- " << sigcharged << G4endl; G4cout << G4endl ; G4cout << " mean number of neutral secondaries = " << SumNeutral << " +- " << signeutral << G4endl; G4cout << G4endl ; G4cout << " mean number of e-s =" << Selectron << " and e+s =" << Spositron << G4endl; G4cout << G4endl; G4cout << "(number) transmission coeff=" << Transmitted << " reflection coeff=" << Reflected << G4endl; G4cout << G4endl; if(nbinStep>0) {G4double E , dnorm, norm ; G4cout << " step number/event distribution " << G4endl ; G4cout << "#entries=" << entryStep << " #underflows=" << underStep << " #overflows=" << overStep << G4endl ; if( entryStep>0.) { E = Steplow - dStep ; norm = TotNbofEvents ; G4cout << " bin nb nsteplow entries normalized " << G4endl ; for(G4int iss=0; iss 0) { std::ofstream fileOut("distribution.out", std::ios::out ) ; fileOut.setf( std::ios::scientific, std::ios::floatfield ); std::ofstream normOut("normDist.out", std::ios::out ) ; normOut.setf( std::ios::scientific, std::ios::floatfield ); G4double E , dnorm, norm,fmax,Emp,width ; Emp=-999.999 ; G4cout << " energy deposit distribution " << G4endl ; G4cout << "#entries=" << entryEn << " #underflows=" << underEn << " #overflows=" << overEn << G4endl ; if( entryEn>0.) { E = Enlow - dEn ; norm = TotNbofEvents*1.0 ; // *dEn ; G4cout << " bin nb Elow entries normalized " << G4endl ; fmax = 0. ; for(G4int ien=0; ienfmax) { fmax = distEn[ien] ; Emp = E ; // most probable roughly } dnorm = distEn[ien]/norm; G4cout << std::setw(5) << ien << std::setw(10) << E/keV << std::setw(12) << distEn[ien] << std::setw(12) << dnorm << G4endl ; fileOut << E/keV << "\t"<< distEn[ien] << G4endl ; normOut << E/keV << "\t"<< dnorm << G4endl ; } G4cout << G4endl; G4int ii ; G4double E1,E2 ; E1=-1.e6 ; E2=+1.e6 ; E = Enlow -dEn ; ii = -1; for(G4int i1=0; i1= 0.5*fmax) { E1=E ; ii=i1 ; } } } E = Enlow -dEn ; for(G4int i2=0; i2= 0.5*fmax) E2=E ; } G4cout << " Emp = " << std::setw(15) << Emp/MeV << " width=" << std::setw(15) << (E2-E1)/MeV << " MeV " << G4endl; G4cout << G4endl ; } } if( nbinTt > 0 ) { G4double E , dnorm, norm ,sig; G4cout << " transmitted energy distribution " << G4endl ; G4cout << "#entries=" << entryTt << " #underflows=" << underTt << " #overflows=" << overTt << G4endl ; if( entryTt > 0.0 ) { Ttmean /= entryTt; sig = Tt2mean/entryTt - Ttmean*Ttmean ; if( sig <= 0.0 ) sig = 0.0 ; else sig = std::sqrt(sig/entryTt) ; G4cout << " mean energy of transmitted particles=" << Ttmean/keV << " +- " << sig/keV << " keV." << G4endl; E = Ttlow - dTt ; norm = TotNbofEvents*dTt ; G4cout << " bin nb Elow entries normalized " << G4endl ; for(G4int itt=0; itt0) { G4double E , dnorm, norm ,sig; G4cout << " backscattered energy distribution " << G4endl ; G4cout << "#entries=" << entryTb << " #underflows=" << underTb << " #overflows=" << overTb << G4endl ; if( entryTb>0.) { Tbmean /= entryTb; sig=Tb2mean/entryTb-Tbmean*Tbmean ; if(sig<=0.) sig=0.; else sig=std::sqrt(sig/entryTb) ; G4cout << " mean energy of backscattered particles=" << Tbmean/keV << " +- " << sig/keV << " keV." << G4endl; E = Tblow - dTb ; norm = TotNbofEvents*dTb ; G4cout << " bin nb Elow entries normalized " << G4endl ; for(G4int itt=0; itt0) { G4double E , dnorm, norm ; G4cout << " energy distribution of charged secondaries " << G4endl ; G4cout << "#entries=" << entryTsec << " #underflows=" << underTsec << " #overflows=" << overTsec << G4endl ; if( entryTsec>0.) { E = Tseclow - dTsec ; norm = TotNbofEvents*dTsec ; G4cout << " bin nb Elow entries normalized " << G4endl ; for(G4int itt=0; itt 0 ) { G4double E , dnorm, norm ; G4cout << " global time distribution of primary particle " << G4endl ; G4cout << "#entries=" << entryTglob << " #underflows=" << underTglob << " #overflows=" << overTglob << G4endl ; if( entryTglob>0.) { E = Tgloblow - dTglob ; norm = TotNbofEvents*dTglob ; G4cout << " bin nbinTglob Tglob entries normalized " << G4endl ; for(G4int itt=0; itt0) {G4double R , dnorm, norm,sig ; G4cout << " R distribution " << G4endl ; G4cout << "#entries=" << entryR << " #underflows=" << underR << " #overflows=" << overR << G4endl ; if( entryR >0.) { Rmean /= entryR; sig = R2mean/entryR - Rmean*Rmean; if(sig<=0.) sig=0. ; else sig = std::sqrt(sig/entryR) ; G4cout << " mean lateral displacement at exit=" << Rmean/mm << " +- " << sig/mm << " mm." << G4endl ; R = Rlow - dR ; norm = TotNbofEvents*dR ; G4cout << " bin nb Rlow entries normalized " << G4endl ; for(G4int ier=0; ier0) {G4double Th,Thdeg, dnorm, norm,fac0,fnorm,pere,Thpere,Thmean,sum; G4cout << " angle distribution " << G4endl ; G4cout << "#entries=" << entryTh << " #underflows=" << underTh << " #overflows=" << overTh << G4endl ; if( entryTh>0.) { Th= Thlow - dTh ; norm = TotNbofEvents ; if(distTh[0] == 0.) fac0 = 1. ; else fac0 = 1./distTh[0] ; pere = 1./std::exp(1.) ; G4cout << " bin nb Thlowdeg Thlowrad " << " entries normalized " << G4endl ; Thpere = 0. ; sum = 0. ; Thmean = 0. ; for(G4int ien=0; ien pere) Thpere = Th ; G4cout << std::setw(5) << ien << std::setw(10) << Thdeg << " " << std::setw(10) << Th << " " << std::setw(12) << distTh[ien] << " " << std::setw(12) << dnorm << " " << std::setw(12) << fnorm <0) {G4double Thb,Thdegb, dnormb, normb,fac0b,fnormb,pereb,Thpereb,Thmeanb,sumb; G4cout << " backscattering angle distribution " << G4endl ; G4cout << "#entries=" << entryThback << " #underflows=" << underThback << " #overflows=" << overThback << G4endl ; if( entryThback>0.) { Thb= Thlowback - dThback ; normb = TotNbofEvents ; if(distThback[0] == 0.) fac0b = 1. ; else fac0b = 1./distThback[0] ; pereb = 1./std::exp(1.) ; G4cout << " bin nb Thlowdeg Thlowrad " << " entries normalized " << G4endl ; Thpereb = 0. ; sumb = 0. ; Thmeanb = 0. ; for(G4int ien=0; ien pereb) Thpereb = Thb ; G4cout << std::setw(5) << ien << std::setw(10) << Thdegb << " " << std::setw(10) << Thb << " " << std::setw(12) << distThback[ien] << " " << std::setw(12) << dnormb << " " << std::setw(12) << fnormb <0) {G4double E , fact,dnorm, norm ; G4cout << " gamma energy distribution " << G4endl ; G4cout << "#entries=" << entryGamma << " #underflows=" << underGamma << " #overflows=" << overGamma << G4endl ; if( entryGamma>0.) { fact=std::exp(dEGamma) ; E = ElowGamma/fact ; norm = TotNbofEvents*dEGamma; G4cout << " bin nb Elow entries normalized " << G4endl ; for(G4int itt=0; itt0) {G4double z , dnorm, norm ; G4cout << " vertex Z distribution " << G4endl ; G4cout << "#entries=" << entryvertexz << " #underflows=" << undervertexz << " #overflows=" << oververtexz << G4endl ; if( entryvertexz >0.) { z =zlow - dz ; norm = TotNbofEvents*dz ; G4cout << " bin nb zlow entries normalized " << G4endl ; for(G4int iez=0; iezApplyCommand("/vis/viewer/update"); } // Write histogram file #ifndef G4NOHIST hbookManager->write(); #endif // save Rndm status if (saveRndm == 1) { HepRandom::showEngineStatus(); HepRandom::saveEngineStatus("endOfRun.rndm"); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void F02RunAction::CountEvent() { TotNbofEvents += 1. ; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void F02RunAction::AddnStepsCharged(G4double ns) { nStepSumCharged += ns; nStepSum2Charged += ns*ns; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void F02RunAction::AddnStepsNeutral(G4double ns) { nStepSumNeutral += ns; nStepSum2Neutral += ns*ns; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void F02RunAction::AddEdeps(G4double Eabs) { EnergySumAbs += Eabs; EnergySquareSumAbs += Eabs*Eabs; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void F02RunAction::AddTrackLength(G4double tlabs) { tlSumAbs += tlabs; tlsquareSumAbs += tlabs*tlabs ; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void F02RunAction::AddTrRef(G4double tr,G4double ref) { Transmitted += tr ; Reflected += ref; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void F02RunAction::FillNbOfSteps(G4double ns) { #ifndef G4NOHIST const G4double eps = 1.e-10 ; G4double n,bin ; G4int ibin; if(histo1) { entryStep += 1. ; if(ns=Stephigh) overStep += 1. ; else { n = ns+eps ; bin = (n-Steplow)/dStep ; ibin= (G4int)bin ; distStep[ibin] += 1. ; } histo1->accumulate(ns) ; } #endif } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void F02RunAction::FillEn(G4double En) { #ifndef G4NOHIST G4double bin ; G4int ibin; if(histo2) { entryEn += 1. ; if(En < Enlow) underEn += 1. ; else if( En >= Enhigh) overEn += 1. ; else { bin = (En-Enlow)/dEn ; ibin= (G4int)bin ; distEn[ibin] += 1. ; } histo2->accumulate(En/keV) ; // was /MeV } #endif } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void F02RunAction::FillTt(G4double En) { #ifndef G4NOHIST G4double bin ; G4int ibin; if(histo5) { entryTt += 1. ; Ttmean += En ; Tt2mean += En*En ; if(En=Tthigh) overTt += 1. ; else { bin = (En-Ttlow)/dTt ; ibin= (G4int)bin ; distTt[ibin] += 1. ; } histo5->accumulate(En/MeV) ; } #endif } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void F02RunAction::FillTb(G4double En) { #ifndef G4NOHIST G4double bin ; G4int ibin; if(histo7) { entryTb += 1. ; Tbmean += En ; Tb2mean += En*En ; if(En=Tbhigh) overTb += 1. ; else { bin = (En-Tblow)/dTb ; ibin= (G4int)bin ; distTb[ibin] += 1. ; } histo7->accumulate(En/MeV) ; } #endif } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void F02RunAction::FillTsec(G4double En) { #ifndef G4NOHIST G4double bin ; G4int ibin; if(histo8) { entryTsec += 1. ; if(En=Tsechigh) overTsec += 1. ; else { bin = (En-Tseclow)/dTsec ; ibin= (G4int)bin ; distTsec[ibin] += 1. ; } histo8->accumulate(En/MeV) ; } #endif } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void F02RunAction::FillTglob(G4double En) { #ifndef G4NOHIST G4double bin ; G4int ibin; if( histo11 ) { entryTglob += 1. ; if ( En < Tgloblow ) underTglob += 1. ; else if( En >= Tglobhigh ) overTglob += 1. ; else { bin = ( En - Tgloblow )/dTglob ; ibin = (G4int)bin ; distTglob[ibin] += 1. ; } histo11->accumulate(En/ns) ; } #endif } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void F02RunAction::FillGammaSpectrum(G4double En) { #ifndef G4NOHIST G4double bin ; G4int ibin; if(histo10) { entryGamma += 1. ; if(En=EhighGamma) overGamma += 1. ; else { bin = std::log(En/ElowGamma)/dEGamma; ibin= (G4int)bin ; distGamma[ibin] += 1. ; } histo10->accumulate(std::log10(En/MeV)) ; } #endif } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void F02RunAction::FillTh(G4double Th) { #ifndef G4NOHIST static const G4double cn=pi/(64800.*dTh) ; static const G4double cs=pi/ (64800.*(std::cos(Thlow)-std::cos(Thlow+dTh))); G4double bin,Thbin ,wg; G4int ibin; if(histo3) { entryTh += 1. ; wg = 0.; if(Th=Thhigh) overTh += 1. ; else { bin = (Th-Thlow)/dTh ; ibin= (G4int)bin ; Thbin = Thlow+ibin*dTh ; if(Th > 0.001*dTh) wg=cn/std::sin(Th) ; else { G4double thdeg=Th*180./pi; G4cout << "theta < 0.001*dth (from plot excluded) theta=" << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(4) << thdeg << G4endl; wg=0. ; } distTh[ibin] += wg ; } histo3->accumulate(Th/deg, wg) ; } #endif } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void F02RunAction::FillThBack(G4double Th) { #ifndef G4NOHIST static const G4double cn=pi/(64800.*dThback) ; static const G4double cs=pi/ (64800.*(std::cos(Thlowback)-std::cos(Thlowback+dThback))); G4double bin,Thbin,wg ; G4int ibin; if(histo6) { entryThback += 1. ; if(Th=Thhighback) overThback += 1. ; else { bin = (Th-Thlowback)/dThback ; ibin= (G4int)bin ; Thbin = Thlowback+ibin*dThback ; if(Th > 0.001*dThback) wg=cn/std::sin(Th) ; else { G4double thdeg=Th*180./pi; G4cout << "theta < 0.001*dth (from plot excluded) theta=" << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(4) << thdeg << G4endl; wg=0. ; } distThback[ibin] += wg ; } histo6->accumulate(Th/deg, wg) ; } #endif } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void F02RunAction::FillR(G4double R ) { #ifndef G4NOHIST G4double bin ; G4int ibin; if(histo4) { entryR += 1. ; Rmean += R ; R2mean += R*R ; if(R =Rhigh) overR += 1. ; else { bin = (R -Rlow)/dR ; ibin= (G4int)bin ; distR[ibin] += 1. ; } histo4->accumulate(R/mm) ; } #endif } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void F02RunAction::Fillvertexz(G4double z ) { #ifndef G4NOHIST G4double bin ; G4int ibin; if(histo9) { entryvertexz += 1. ; if(z =zhigh) oververtexz += 1. ; else { bin = (z -zlow)/dz ; ibin = (G4int)bin ; distvertexz[ibin] += 1. ; } histo9->accumulate(z/mm) ; } #endif } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void F02RunAction::SethistName(G4String name) { histName = name ; G4cout << " hist file = " << histName << G4endl; } void F02RunAction::SetnbinStep(G4int nbin) { nbinStep = nbin ; if(nbinStep>0) G4cout << " Nb of bins in #step plot = " << nbinStep << G4endl ; } void F02RunAction::SetSteplow(G4double low) { Steplow = low ; if(nbinStep>0) G4cout << " low in the #step plot = " << Steplow << G4endl ; } void F02RunAction::SetStephigh(G4double high) { Stephigh = high ; if(nbinStep>0) G4cout << " high in the #step plot = " << Stephigh << G4endl ; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void F02RunAction::SetnbinEn(G4int nbin) { nbinEn = nbin ; if(nbinEn > 0) G4cout << " Nb of bins in Edep plot = " << nbinEn << G4endl ; } void F02RunAction::SetEnlow(G4double Elow) { Enlow = Elow ; if(nbinEn>0) G4cout << " Elow in the Edep plot = " << Enlow << G4endl ; } void F02RunAction::SetEnhigh(G4double Ehigh) { Enhigh = Ehigh ; if(nbinEn>0) G4cout << " Ehigh in the Edep plot = " << Enhigh << G4endl ; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void F02RunAction::SetnbinGamma(G4int nbin) { nbinGamma = nbin ; if(nbinGamma>0) G4cout << " Nb of bins in gamma spectrum plot = " << nbinGamma << G4endl ; } void F02RunAction::SetElowGamma(G4double Elow) { ElowGamma = Elow ; if(nbinGamma>0) G4cout << " Elow in the gamma spectrum plot = " << ElowGamma << G4endl ; } void F02RunAction::SetEhighGamma(G4double Ehigh) { EhighGamma = Ehigh ; if(nbinGamma>0) G4cout << " Ehigh in the gamma spectrum plot = " << EhighGamma << G4endl ; } void F02RunAction::SetnbinTt(G4int nbin) { nbinTt = nbin ; if(nbinTt>0) G4cout << " Nb of bins in Etransmisssion plot = " << nbinTt << G4endl ; } void F02RunAction::SetTtlow(G4double Elow) { Ttlow = Elow ; if(nbinTt>0) G4cout << " Elow in the Etransmission plot = " << Ttlow << G4endl ; } void F02RunAction::SetTthigh(G4double Ehigh) { Tthigh = Ehigh ; if(nbinTt>0) G4cout << " Ehigh in the Etransmission plot = " << Tthigh << G4endl ; } void F02RunAction::SetnbinTb(G4int nbin) { nbinTb = nbin ; if(nbinTb>0) G4cout << " Nb of bins in Ebackscattered plot = " << nbinTb << G4endl ; } void F02RunAction::SetTblow(G4double Elow) { Tblow = Elow ; if(nbinTb>0) G4cout << " Elow in the Ebackscattered plot = " << Tblow << G4endl ; } void F02RunAction::SetTbhigh(G4double Ehigh) { Tbhigh = Ehigh ; if(nbinTb>0) G4cout << " Ehigh in the Ebackscattered plot = " << Tbhigh << G4endl ; } void F02RunAction::SetnbinTsec(G4int nbin) { nbinTsec = nbin ; if(nbinTsec>0) G4cout << " Nb of bins in Tsecondary plot = " << nbinTsec << G4endl ; } void F02RunAction::SetTseclow(G4double Elow) { Tseclow = Elow ; if(nbinTsec>0) G4cout << " Elow in the Tsecondary plot = " << Tseclow << G4endl ; } void F02RunAction::SetTsechigh(G4double Ehigh) { Tsechigh = Ehigh ; if(nbinTsec>0) G4cout << " Ehigh in the Tsecondary plot = " << Tsechigh << G4endl ; } void F02RunAction::SetnbinTglob(G4int nbin) { nbinTglob = nbin ; if(nbinTglob>0) G4cout << " Nb of bins in Tglob plot = " << nbinTglob << G4endl ; } void F02RunAction::SetTgloblow(G4double Elow) { Tgloblow = Elow ; if(nbinTglob>0) G4cout << " Elow in the Tglob plot = " << Tgloblow/ns <<" ns"<< G4endl ; } void F02RunAction::SetTglobhigh(G4double Ehigh) { Tglobhigh = Ehigh ; if(nbinTglob>0) G4cout << " Ehigh in the Tglob plot = " << Tglobhigh/ns <<" ns"<< G4endl ; } void F02RunAction::SetnbinR(G4int nbin) { nbinR = nbin ; if(nbinR>0) G4cout << " Nb of bins in R plot = " << nbinR << G4endl ; } void F02RunAction::SetRlow(G4double rlow) { Rlow = rlow ; if(nbinR>0) G4cout << " Rlow in the R plot = " << Rlow << G4endl ; } void F02RunAction::SetRhigh(G4double rhigh) { Rhigh = rhigh ; if(nbinR>0) G4cout << " Rhigh in the R plot = " << Rhigh << G4endl ; } void F02RunAction::Setnbinzvertex(G4int nbin) { nbinvertexz = nbin ; if(nbinvertexz>0) G4cout << " Nb of bins in Z plot = " << nbinvertexz << G4endl ; } void F02RunAction::Setzlow(G4double z) { zlow = z ; if(nbinvertexz>0) G4cout << " zlow in the Z plot = " << zlow << G4endl ; } void F02RunAction::Setzhigh(G4double z) { zhigh = z ; if(nbinvertexz>0) G4cout << " zhigh in the Z plot = " << zhigh << G4endl ; } void F02RunAction::SetnbinTh(G4int nbin) { nbinTh = nbin ; if(nbinTh>0) G4cout << " Nb of bins in Theta plot = " << nbinTh << G4endl ; } void F02RunAction::SetThlow(G4double Tlow) { Thlow = Tlow ; if(nbinTh>0) G4cout << " Tlow in the Theta plot = " << Thlow << G4endl ; } void F02RunAction::SetThhigh(G4double Thigh) { Thhigh = Thigh ; if(nbinTh>0) G4cout << " Thigh in the Theta plot = " << Thhigh << G4endl ; } void F02RunAction::SetnbinThBack(G4int nbin) { nbinThback = nbin ; if(nbinThback>0) G4cout << " Nb of bins in Theta plot = " << nbinThback << G4endl ; } void F02RunAction::SetThlowBack(G4double Tlow) { Thlowback = Tlow ; if(nbinThback>0) G4cout << " Tlow in the Theta plot = " << Thlowback << G4endl ; } void F02RunAction::SetThhighBack(G4double Thigh) { Thhighback = Thigh ; if(nbinThback>0) G4cout << " Thigh in the Theta plot = " << Thhighback << G4endl ; } void F02RunAction::CountParticles(G4double nch,G4double nne) { SumCharged += nch ; SumNeutral += nne ; Sum2Charged += nch*nch ; Sum2Neutral += nne*nne ; } void F02RunAction::AddEP(G4double nele,G4double npos) { Selectron += nele; Spositron += npos; } // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////