source: trunk/source/geometry/management/include/G4VSolid.hh @ 846

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27// $Id: G4VSolid.hh,v 2008/04/23 09:15:49 gcosmo Exp $
28// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-01-patch-02 $
31// class G4VSolid
33// Class description:
35// Abstract base class for solids, physical shapes that can be tracked through.
36// Each solid has a name, and the constructors and destructors automatically
37// add and subtract them from the G4SolidStore, a singleton `master' List
38// of available solids.
40// This class defines, but does not implement, functions to compute
41// distances to/from the shape. Functions are also defined
42// to check whether a point is inside the shape, to return the
43// surface normal of the shape at a given point, and to compute
44// the extent of the shape. [see descriptions below]
46// Some protected/private utility functions are implemented for the
47// clipping of regions for the computation of a solid's extent. Note that
48// the clipping mechanism is presently inefficient.
50// Some visualization/graphics functions are also defined.
52// Member Data:
54// G4String fshapeName
55//   - Name for this solid.
57// History:
58// 12.04.00 J.Allison     Implemented GetExtent() in terms of CalculateExtent()
59// 17.06.98 J.Apostolakis Added pure virtual function GetEntityType()
60// 26.07.96 P.Kent        Added ComputeDimensions for replication mechanism
61// 27.03.96 J.Allison     Methods for visualisation
62// 30.06.95 P.Kent        Initial version, no scoping or visualisation functions
63// --------------------------------------------------------------------
64#ifndef G4VSOLID_HH
65#define G4VSOLID_HH
67#include "G4Types.hh"
68#include "G4String.hh"
69#include "geomdefs.hh"
71class G4AffineTransform;
72class G4VoxelLimits;
74class G4VPVParameterisation;
75class G4VPhysicalVolume;
77class G4VGraphicsScene;
78class G4Polyhedron;
79class G4NURBS;
80class G4VisExtent;
81class G4DisplacedSolid;
83#include "G4ThreeVector.hh"
84#include <vector>
86typedef std::vector<G4ThreeVector> G4ThreeVectorList;
87typedef G4String   G4GeometryType;
89class G4VSolid
91  public:  // with description
93    G4VSolid(const G4String& name);
94      // Creates a new shape, with the supplied name. No provision is made
95      // for sharing a common name amongst multiple classes.
96    virtual ~G4VSolid();
97      // Default destructor.
99    inline G4bool operator==( const G4VSolid& s ) const;
100      // Return true only if addresses are the same.
102    friend std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream& os, const G4VSolid& e );
103      // Streaming operator, using DumpInfo().
105    inline G4String GetName() const;
106      // Returns the current shape's name.
107    inline void SetName(const G4String& name);
108      // Sets the current shape's name.
110    inline G4double GetTolerance() const;
111      // Returns the cached geometrical tolerance.
113    virtual G4bool CalculateExtent(const EAxis pAxis,
114                                   const G4VoxelLimits& pVoxelLimit,
115                                   const G4AffineTransform& pTransform,
116                                   G4double& pMin, G4double& pMax) const = 0;
117      // Calculate the minimum and maximum extent of the solid, when under the
118      // specified transform, and within the specified limits. If the solid
119      // is not intersected by the region, return false, else return true.
121    virtual EInside Inside(const G4ThreeVector& p) const = 0;
122      // Returns kOutside if the point at offset p is outside the shapes
123      // boundaries plus Tolerance/2, kSurface if the point is <= Tolerance/2
124      // from a surface, otherwise kInside.
126    virtual G4ThreeVector SurfaceNormal(const G4ThreeVector& p) const = 0;
127      // Returns the outwards pointing unit normal of the shape for the
128      // surface closest to the point at offset p.
130    virtual G4double DistanceToIn(const G4ThreeVector& p,
131                                  const G4ThreeVector& v) const = 0;
132      // Return the distance along the normalised vector v to the shape,
133      // from the point at offset p. If there is no intersection, return
134      // kInfinity. The first intersection resulting from `leaving' a
135      // surface/volume is discarded. Hence, it is tolerant of points on
136      // the surface of the shape.
138    virtual G4double DistanceToIn(const G4ThreeVector& p) const = 0;
139      // Calculate the distance to the nearest surface of a shape from an
140      // outside point. The distance can be an underestimate.
142    virtual G4double DistanceToOut(const G4ThreeVector& p,
143                                   const G4ThreeVector& v,
144                                   const G4bool calcNorm=false,
145                                   G4bool *validNorm=0,
146                                   G4ThreeVector *n=0) const = 0;
147      // Return the distance along the normalised vector v to the shape,
148      // from a point at an offset p inside or on the surface of the shape.
149      // Intersections with surfaces, when the point is < Tolerance/2 from a
150      // surface must be ignored.
151      // If calcNorm==true:
152      //    validNorm set true if the solid lies entirely behind or on the
153      //              exiting surface.
154      //    n set to exiting outwards normal vector (undefined Magnitude).
155      //    validNorm set to false if the solid does not lie entirely behind
156      //              or on the exiting surface
157      // If calcNorm==false:
158      //    validNorm and n are unused.
159      //
160      // Must be called as solid.DistanceToOut(p,v) or by specifying all
161      // the parameters.
163    virtual G4double DistanceToOut(const G4ThreeVector& p) const = 0;
164      // Calculate the distance to the nearest surface of a shape from an
165      // inside point. The distance can be an underestimate.
168    virtual void ComputeDimensions(G4VPVParameterisation* p,
169                                   const G4int n,
170                                   const G4VPhysicalVolume* pRep);
171      // Throw exception if ComputeDimensions called frrom an illegal
172      // derived class.
174    virtual G4double GetCubicVolume();
175      // Returns an estimation of the solid volume in internal units.
176      // This method may be overloaded by derived classes to compute the
177      // exact geometrical quantity for solids where this is possible,
178      // or anyway to cache the computed value.
179      // Note: the computed value is NOT cached.
181    virtual G4double GetSurfaceArea();
182      // Return an estimation of the solid surface area in internal units.
183      // This method may be overloaded by derived classes to compute the
184      // exact geometrical quantity for solids where this is possible,
185      // or anyway to cache the computed value.
186      // Note: the computed value is NOT cached.
188    virtual G4GeometryType  GetEntityType() const = 0;
189      // Provide identification of the class of an object.
190      // (required for persistency and STEP interface)
192    virtual G4ThreeVector GetPointOnSurface() const;
193      // Returns a random point located on the surface of the solid.
195    virtual std::ostream& StreamInfo(std::ostream& os) const = 0;
196      // Dumps contents of the solid to a stream.
197    inline void DumpInfo() const;
198      // Dumps contents of the solid to the standard output.
200    // Visualization functions
202    virtual void DescribeYourselfTo (G4VGraphicsScene& scene) const = 0;
203      // A "double dispatch" function which identifies the solid
204      // to the graphics scene.
205    virtual G4VisExtent   GetExtent        () const;
206      // Provide extent (bounding box) as possible hint to the graphics view.
207    virtual G4Polyhedron* CreatePolyhedron () const;
208    virtual G4NURBS*      CreateNURBS      () const;
209      // Create a G4Polyhedron/G4NURBS/...  (It is the caller's responsibility
210      // to delete it).  A null pointer means "not created".
211    virtual G4Polyhedron* GetPolyhedron () const;
212      // Smart access function - creates on request and stores for future
213      // access.  A null pointer means "not available".
215    virtual const G4VSolid* GetConstituentSolid(G4int no) const;
216    virtual       G4VSolid* GetConstituentSolid(G4int no);
217      // If the solid is made up from a Boolean operation of two solids,
218      // return the "no" solid. If the solid is not a "Boolean", return 0.
220    virtual const G4DisplacedSolid* GetDisplacedSolidPtr() const; 
221    virtual       G4DisplacedSolid* GetDisplacedSolidPtr(); 
222      // If the solid is a "G4DisplacedSolid", return a self pointer
223      // else return 0.
225  public:  // without description
227    G4VSolid(__void__&);
228      // Fake default constructor for usage restricted to direct object
229      // persistency for clients requiring preallocation of memory for
230      // persistifiable objects.
232  protected:  // with description
234    void CalculateClippedPolygonExtent(G4ThreeVectorList& pPolygon,
235                                       const G4VoxelLimits& pVoxelLimit,
236                                       const EAxis pAxis, 
237                                       G4double& pMin, G4double& pMax) const;
238      // Calculate the maximum and minimum extents of the convex polygon
239      // pPolygon along the axis pAxis, within the limits pVoxelLimit.
240      //
241      // If the minimum is <pMin pMin is set to the new minimum.
242      // If the maximum is >pMax pMax is set to the new maximum.
243      //
244      // Modifications to pPolygon are made - it is left in an undefined state.
246    void ClipCrossSection(G4ThreeVectorList* pVertices,
247                          const G4int pSectionIndex,
248                          const G4VoxelLimits& pVoxelLimit,
249                          const EAxis pAxis, 
250                          G4double& pMin, G4double& pMax) const;
251      // Calculate the maximum and minimum extents of the polygon described
252      // by the vertices: pSectionIndex->pSectionIndex+1->
253      //                  pSectionIndex+2->pSectionIndex+3->pSectionIndex
254      // in the List pVertices.
255      //
256      // If the minimum is <pMin pMin is set to the new minimum.
257      // If the maximum is >pMax pMax is set to the new maximum.
258      //
259      // No modifications are made to pVertices.
261    void ClipBetweenSections(G4ThreeVectorList* pVertices,
262                             const G4int pSectionIndex,
263                             const G4VoxelLimits& pVoxelLimit,
264                             const EAxis pAxis, 
265                             G4double& pMin, G4double& pMax) const;
266      // Calculate the maximum and minimum extents of the polygons
267      // joining the CrossSections at pSectionIndex->pSectionIndex+3 and
268      //                              pSectionIndex+4->pSectionIndex7
269      // in the List pVertices, within the boundaries of the voxel limits
270      // pVoxelLimit.
271      //
272      // If the minimum is <pMin pMin is set to the new minimum.
273      // If the maximum is >pMax pMax is set to the new maximum.
274      //
275      // No modifications are made to pVertices.
277    void ClipPolygon(      G4ThreeVectorList& pPolygon,
278                     const G4VoxelLimits& pVoxelLimit,
279                     const EAxis              pAxis      ) const;
280      // Clip the specified convex polygon to the given limits, where
281      // the polygon is described by the vertices at (0),(1),...,(n),(0) in
282      // pPolygon.
283      // If the polygon is completely clipped away, the polygon is cleared.
286    G4double EstimateCubicVolume(G4int nStat, G4double epsilon) const;
287      // Calculate cubic volume based on Inside() method.
288      // Accuracy is limited by the second argument or the statistics
289      // expressed by the first argument.
291    G4double EstimateSurfaceArea(G4int nStat, G4double ell) const;
292      // Calculate surface area only based on Inside() method.
293      // Accuracy is limited by the second argument or the statistics
294      // expressed by the first argument.
296  protected:  // without description
298    G4VSolid(const G4VSolid& rhs);
299    G4VSolid& operator=(const G4VSolid& rhs); 
300      // Protected copy constructor and assignment operator.
302  protected:
304    G4double kCarTolerance;      // Cached geometrical tolerance
306  private:
308    void ClipPolygonToSimpleLimits(G4ThreeVectorList& pPolygon,
309                                   G4ThreeVectorList& outputPolygon,
310                             const G4VoxelLimits&     pVoxelLimit   ) const;
311      // Clip the specified convex polygon to the given limits, storing the
312      // result in outputPolygon. The voxel limits must be limited in one
313      // *plane* only: This is achieved by having only x or y or z limits,
314      // and either the minimum or maximum limit set to -+kInfinity
315      // respectively.
317    G4String fshapeName;         // Name
320#include "G4VSolid.icc"
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