source: trunk/source/geometry/navigation/include/G4AuxiliaryNavServices.icc @ 850

Last change on this file since 850 was 850, checked in by garnier, 16 years ago

geant4.8.2 beta

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27// $Id: G4AuxiliaryNavServices.icc,v 1.4 2007/05/22 07:48:08 gcosmo Exp $
[850]28// GEANT4 tag $Name: HEAD $
31// class G4AuxiliaryNavServices Inline implementation
33// --------------------------------------------------------------------
35inline G4bool
37CheckPointOnSurface( const G4VSolid* sampleSolid,
38                     const G4ThreeVector& localPoint,
39                     const G4ThreeVector* globalDirection,
40                     const G4AffineTransform& sampleTransform,
41                     const G4bool locatedOnEdge)
43  G4ThreeVector localDirection, sampleNormal;
44  G4bool        enter = false;
46  EInside insideSolid = sampleSolid->Inside(localPoint);
47  if ( insideSolid!=kOutside )
48  {
49    G4bool checkDirection= locatedOnEdge && (globalDirection!=0);
50    if( (insideSolid==kSurface) && checkDirection)
51    {
52      // We are probably located on an edge.
53      //
54      localDirection= sampleTransform.TransformAxis(*globalDirection);
56      // Check whether we enter the volume
57      //
58      sampleNormal = sampleSolid->SurfaceNormal(localPoint);
59      if ( <= 0 )
60      {
61        if( == 0 )
62        {
63          // We can't decide yet, let's make sure we're entering the solid.
64          // If by a confusion we entered the next solid we find out now
65          // whether to leave or to enter.
66          // This happens when we're on the surface or edge shared by two
67          // solids
68          //
69          G4double distanceToIn =
70                   sampleSolid->DistanceToIn( localPoint, localDirection );
71          if( distanceToIn != kInfinity )
72          {
73            enter = true;
74          }
75        }
76        else
77        {
78          enter = true;
79        }
80      }
81    }
82    else
83    {
84      enter = true;
85    }
86  }
87  return enter;
90// --------------------------------------------------------------------
92inline G4bool
94CheckPointExiting( const G4VSolid* sampleSolid,
95                   const G4ThreeVector& localPoint,
96                   const G4ThreeVector* globalDirection,
97                   const G4AffineTransform& sampleTransform )
99  if( !globalDirection )  { return false; }
101  G4ThreeVector localDirection, sampleNormal;
102  G4bool        exiting = false;
104  EInside insideSolid = sampleSolid->Inside(localPoint);
105  if( (insideSolid==kSurface) )
106  {
107    localDirection= sampleTransform.TransformAxis(*globalDirection);
109    // Check whether we are exiting the volume
110    //
111    sampleNormal = sampleSolid->SurfaceNormal(localPoint);
112    if ( >= 0 )
113    {
114      if( == 0 )
115      {
116        // We can't decide yet, let's make sure we're entering the solid.
117        // If by a confusion we entered the next solid we find out now
118        // whether to leave or to exiting.
119        // This happens when we're on the surface or edge shared by two
120        // solids
121        //
122        G4double distanceToIn =
123                 sampleSolid->DistanceToIn( localPoint, localDirection );
124        if( distanceToIn != kInfinity )
125        {
126          exiting = true;
127        }
128      }
129      else
130      {
131        exiting = true;
132      }
133    }
134  }
135  return exiting;
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