// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // $Id: G4PathFinder.hh,v 1.34 2007/11/02 12:28:31 japost Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-01 $ // // class G4PathFinder // // Class description: // // This class directs the lock-stepped propagation of a track in the // 'mass' and other parallel geometries. It ensures that tracking // in a magnetic field sees these parallel geometries at each trial step, // and that the earliest boundary limits the step. // // For the movement in field, it relies on the class G4PropagatorInField // // History: // ------- // 7.10.05 John Apostolakis, Draft design // 26.04.06 John Apostolakis, Revised design and first implementation // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef G4PATHFINDER_HH #define G4PATHFINDER_HH 1 #include #include "G4Types.hh" #include "G4FieldTrack.hh" class G4TransportationManager; class G4Navigator; #include "G4TouchableHandle.hh" #include "G4FieldTrack.hh" #include "G4MultiNavigator.hh" class G4PropagatorInField; class G4PathFinder { public: // with description static G4PathFinder* GetInstance(); // // Retrieve singleton instance G4double ComputeStep( const G4FieldTrack &pFieldTrack, G4double pCurrentProposedStepLength, G4int navigatorId, // Identifies the geometry G4int stepNo, // See next step/check G4double &pNewSafety, // Only for this geometry ELimited &limitedStep, G4FieldTrack &EndState, G4VPhysicalVolume* currentVolume ); // // Compute the next geometric Step -- Curved or linear // If it is called with a larger 'stepNo' it will execute a new step; // if 'stepNo' is same as last call, then the results for // the geometry with Id. number 'navigatorId' will be returned. void Locate( const G4ThreeVector& position, const G4ThreeVector& direction, G4bool relativeSearch=true); // // Make primary relocation of global point in all navigators, // and update them. void ReLocate( const G4ThreeVector& position ); // // Make secondary relocation of global point (within safety only) // in all navigators, and update them. void PrepareNewTrack( const G4ThreeVector& position, const G4ThreeVector& direction, G4VPhysicalVolume* massStartVol=0); // // Check and cache set of active navigators. G4TouchableHandle CreateTouchableHandle( G4int navId ) const; inline G4VPhysicalVolume* GetLocatedVolume( G4int navId ) const; // ----------------------------------------------------------------- inline void SetChargeMomentumMass( G4double charge, // in e+ units G4double momentum, // in Geant4 units G4double pMass ); inline G4bool IsParticleLooping() const; inline G4double GetCurrentSafety() const; // Minimum value of safety after last ComputeStep inline G4double GetMinimumStep() const; // Get the minimum step size from the last ComputeStep call // - in case full step is taken, this is kInfinity inline unsigned int GetNumberGeometriesLimitingStep() const; G4double ComputeSafety( const G4ThreeVector& globalPoint); // Recompute safety for the relevant point the endpoint of the last step!! // Maintain vector of individual safety values (for next method) G4double ObtainSafety( G4int navId, G4ThreeVector& globalCenterPoint ); // Obtain safety for navigator/geometry navId for last point 'computed' // --> last point for which ComputeSafety was called // Returns the point (center) for which this safety is valid void EnableParallelNavigation( G4bool enableChoice=true ); // // Must call it to ensure that PathFinder is prepared, // especially for curved tracks. If true it switches PropagatorInField // to use MultiNavigator. Must call it with false to undo (=PiF use // Navigator for tracking!) inline G4int SetVerboseLevel(G4int lev=-1); public: // with description inline G4int GetMaxLoopCount() const; inline void SetMaxLoopCount( G4int new_max ); // // A maximum for the number of steps that a (looping) particle can take. public: // without description inline void MovePoint(); // // Signal that location will be moved -- internal use primarily // To provide best compatibility between Coupled and Old Transportation // the next two methods are provided: G4double LastPreSafety( G4int navId, G4ThreeVector& globalCenterPoint, G4double& minSafety ); // Obtain last safety needed in ComputeStep (for geometry navId) // --> last point at which ComputeStep recalculated safety // Returns the point (center) for which this safety is valid // and also the minimum safety over all navigators (ie full) void PushPostSafetyToPreSafety(); // Tell PathFinder to copy PostStep Safety to PreSafety (for use at next step) G4String& LimitedString( ELimited lim ); // Convert ELimited to string protected: // without description G4double DoNextLinearStep( const G4FieldTrack &FieldTrack, G4double proposedStepLength); G4double DoNextCurvedStep( const G4FieldTrack &FieldTrack, G4double proposedStepLength, G4VPhysicalVolume* pCurrentPhysVolume); void WhichLimited(); void PrintLimited(); // // Print key details out - for debugging // void ClearState(); // // Clear all the State of this class and its current associates inline G4bool UseSafetyForOptimization( G4bool ); // // Whether use safety to discard unneccesary calls to navigator void ReportMove( const G4ThreeVector& OldV, const G4ThreeVector& NewV, const G4String& Quantity ) const; // Helper method to report movement (likely of initial point) protected: G4PathFinder(); // Singleton ~G4PathFinder(); inline G4Navigator* GetNavigator(G4int n) const; private: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // DATA Members // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- G4MultiNavigator *fpMultiNavigator; // // Object that enables G4PropagatorInField to see many geometries G4int fNoActiveNavigators; G4bool fNewTrack; // Flag a new track (ensure first step) static const G4int fMaxNav = 8; // rename to kMaxNoNav ?? // Global state (retained during stepping for one track) G4Navigator* fpNavigator[fMaxNav]; // State changed in a step computation ELimited fLimitedStep[fMaxNav]; G4bool fLimitTruth[fMaxNav]; G4double fCurrentStepSize[fMaxNav]; G4int fNoGeometriesLimiting; // How many processes contribute to limit G4ThreeVector fPreSafetyLocation; // last initial position for which safety evaluated G4double fPreSafetyMinValue; // /\ corresponding value of full safety G4double fPreSafetyValues[ fMaxNav ]; // Safeties for the above point // This part of the state can be retained for severall calls --> CARE G4ThreeVector fPreStepLocation; // point where last ComputeStep called G4double fMinSafety_PreStepPt; // /\ corresponding value of full safety G4double fCurrentPreStepSafety[ fMaxNav ]; // Safeties for the above point // This changes at each step, // so it can differ when steps inside min-safety are made G4bool fPreStepCenterRenewed; // Whether PreSafety coincides with PreStep point G4double fMinStep; // As reported by Navigators -- can be kInfinity G4double fTrueMinStep; // Corrected in case >= proposed // State after calling 'locate' G4VPhysicalVolume* fLocatedVolume[fMaxNav]; G4ThreeVector fLastLocatedPosition; // State after calling 'ComputeStep' (others member variables will be affected) G4FieldTrack fEndState; // Point, velocity, ... at proposed step end G4bool fFieldExertedForce; // In current proposed step G4bool fRelocatedPoint; // Signals that point was or is being moved // from the position of the last location // or the endpoint resulting from ComputeStep // -- invalidates fEndState // State for 'ComputeSafety' and related methods G4ThreeVector fSafetyLocation; // point where ComputeSafety is called G4double fMinSafety_atSafLocation; // /\ corresponding value of safety G4double fNewSafetyComputed[ fMaxNav ]; // Safeties for last ComputeSafety // State for Step numbers G4int fLastStepNo, fCurrentStepNo; G4bool fParticleIsLooping; G4int fVerboseLevel; // For debuging purposes G4int fMax_loop_count; // Limit for the number of sub-steps taken in one call to ComputeStep G4TransportationManager* fpTransportManager; // Cache for frequent use G4PropagatorInField* fpFieldPropagator; G4double kCarTolerance; static G4PathFinder* fpPathFinder; }; // ******************************************************************** // Inline methods. // ******************************************************************** inline G4VPhysicalVolume* G4PathFinder::GetLocatedVolume( G4int navId ) const { G4VPhysicalVolume* vol=0; if( (navId < fMaxNav) && (navId >=0) ) { vol= fLocatedVolume[navId]; } return vol; } inline G4int G4PathFinder::SetVerboseLevel(G4int newLevel) { G4int old= fVerboseLevel; fVerboseLevel= newLevel; return old; } inline G4double G4PathFinder::GetMinimumStep() const { return fMinStep; } inline unsigned int G4PathFinder::GetNumberGeometriesLimitingStep() const { unsigned int noGeometries=fNoGeometriesLimiting; return noGeometries; } inline G4double G4PathFinder::GetCurrentSafety() const { return fMinSafety_PreStepPt; } inline void G4PathFinder::MovePoint() { fRelocatedPoint= true; } inline G4Navigator* G4PathFinder::GetNavigator(G4int n) const { if( (n>fNoActiveNavigators)||(n<0)) { n=0; } return fpNavigator[n]; } inline G4double G4PathFinder::ObtainSafety( G4int navId, G4ThreeVector& globalCenterPoint ) { globalCenterPoint= fSafetyLocation; // navId = std::min( navId, fMaxNav-1 ); return fNewSafetyComputed[ navId ]; } inline G4double G4PathFinder::LastPreSafety( G4int navId, G4ThreeVector& globalCenterPoint, G4double& minSafety ) { globalCenterPoint= fPreSafetyLocation; minSafety= fPreSafetyMinValue; // navId = std::min( navId, fMaxNav-1 ); return fPreSafetyValues[ navId ]; } #endif