// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id: G4GeometryMessenger.cc,v 1.5 2006/06/29 18:36:57 gunter Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: $ // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // GEANT 4 class source file // // G4GeometryMessenger // // Author: G.Cosmo, CERN. // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include "G4GeometryMessenger.hh" #include "G4TransportationManager.hh" #include "G4GeometryManager.hh" #include "G4VPhysicalVolume.hh" #include "G4Navigator.hh" #include "G4UIdirectory.hh" #include "G4UIcommand.hh" #include "G4UIcmdWith3VectorAndUnit.hh" #include "G4UIcmdWith3Vector.hh" #include "G4UIcmdWithoutParameter.hh" #include "G4UIcmdWithABool.hh" #include "G4UIcmdWithAnInteger.hh" #include "G4UIcmdWithADouble.hh" #include "G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit.hh" #include "G4GeomTestStreamLogger.hh" #include "G4GeomTestVolume.hh" // // Constructor // G4GeometryMessenger::G4GeometryMessenger(G4TransportationManager* tman) : x(0,0,0), p(0,0,1), grdRes(100,100,100), cylRes(90,50,50), cylfZ(0.8), cylfR(0.8), newtol(false), tol(1E-4*mm), recLevel(0), recDepth(-1), tmanager(tman), tlogger(0), tvolume(0) { geodir = new G4UIdirectory( "/geometry/" ); geodir->SetGuidance( "Geometry control commands." ); // // Geometry navigator commands // navdir = new G4UIdirectory( "/geometry/navigator/" ); navdir->SetGuidance( "Geometry navigator control setup." ); resCmd = new G4UIcmdWithoutParameter( "/geometry/navigator/reset", this ); resCmd->SetGuidance( "Reset navigator and navigation history." ); resCmd->SetGuidance( "NOTE: must be called only after kernel has been" ); resCmd->SetGuidance( " initialized once through the run manager!" ); resCmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_Idle); verbCmd = new G4UIcmdWithAnInteger( "/geometry/navigator/verbose", this ); verbCmd->SetGuidance( "Set run-time verbosity for the navigator." ); verbCmd->SetGuidance(" 0 : Silent (default)"); verbCmd->SetGuidance(" 1 : Display volume positioning and step lengths"); verbCmd->SetGuidance(" 2 : Display step/safety info on point location"); verbCmd->SetGuidance(" 3 : Display minimal state at -every- step"); verbCmd->SetGuidance(" 4 : Maximum verbosity (very detailed!)"); verbCmd->SetGuidance( "NOTE: this command has effect -only- if Geant4 has" ); verbCmd->SetGuidance( " been installed with the G4VERBOSE flag set!" ); verbCmd->SetParameterName("level",true); verbCmd->SetDefaultValue(0); verbCmd->SetRange("level >=0 && level <=4"); chkCmd = new G4UIcmdWithABool( "/geometry/navigator/check_mode", this ); chkCmd->SetGuidance( "Set navigator in -check_mode- state." ); chkCmd->SetGuidance( "This will cause extra checks to be applied during" ); chkCmd->SetGuidance( "navigation. More strict and less tolerant conditions" ); chkCmd->SetGuidance( "are applied. A run-time performance penalty may be" ); chkCmd->SetGuidance( "observed when the -check_mode- state is activated." ); chkCmd->SetGuidance( "NOTE: this command has effect -only- if Geant4 has" ); chkCmd->SetGuidance( " been installed with the G4VERBOSE flag set!" ); chkCmd->SetParameterName("checkFlag",true); chkCmd->SetDefaultValue(false); chkCmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_Idle); // // Geometry verification test commands // testdir = new G4UIdirectory( "/geometry/test/" ); testdir->SetGuidance( "Geometry verification control setup." ); testdir->SetGuidance( "Helps in detecting possible overlapping regions." ); tolCmd = new G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit( "/geometry/test/tolerance",this ); tolCmd->SetGuidance( "Set error tolerance value." ); tolCmd->SetGuidance( "Initial default value: 1E-4*mm." ); tolCmd->SetParameterName( "Tolerance", true, true ); tolCmd->SetDefaultValue( 1E-4 ); tolCmd->SetDefaultUnit( "mm" ); tolCmd->SetUnitCategory( "Length" ); posCmd = new G4UIcmdWith3VectorAndUnit( "/geometry/test/position", this ); posCmd->SetGuidance( "Set starting position for the line_test." ); posCmd->SetParameterName( "X", "Y", "Z", true, true ); posCmd->SetDefaultUnit( "cm" ); dirCmd = new G4UIcmdWith3VectorAndUnit( "/geometry/test/direction", this ); dirCmd->SetGuidance( "Set momentum direction for the line_test." ); dirCmd->SetGuidance( "Direction needs not to be a unit vector." ); dirCmd->SetParameterName( "Px", "Py", "Pz", true, true ); dirCmd->SetRange( "Px != 0 || Py != 0 || Pz != 0" ); linCmd = new G4UIcmdWithABool( "/geometry/test/line_test", this ); linCmd->SetGuidance( "Performs test along a single specified direction/position." ); linCmd->SetGuidance( "Use position and direction commands to change default." ); linCmd->SetGuidance( "Initial default: position(0,0,0), direction(0,0,1)." ); linCmd->SetGuidance( "If recursion flag is set to TRUE, the intersection checks" ); linCmd->SetGuidance( "will be performed recursively in the geometry tree." ); linCmd->SetParameterName("recursionFlag",true); linCmd->SetDefaultValue(false); linCmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_Idle); grzCmd = new G4UIcmdWith3Vector( "/geometry/test/grid_cells", this ); grzCmd->SetGuidance( "Define resolution of grid geometry as number of cells," ); grzCmd->SetGuidance( "specifying them for each dimension, X, Y and Z." ); grzCmd->SetGuidance( "Will be applied to grid_test and recursive_test commands." ); grzCmd->SetGuidance( "Initial default values: X=100, Y=100, Z=100." ); grzCmd->SetParameterName( "X", "Y", "Z", true, true ); grzCmd->SetDefaultValue( G4ThreeVector(100, 100, 100) ); grdCmd = new G4UIcmdWithABool( "/geometry/test/grid_test", this ); grdCmd->SetGuidance( "Start running the default grid test." ); grdCmd->SetGuidance( "A grid of lines parallel to a cartesian axis is used;" ); grdCmd->SetGuidance( "By default, only direct daughters of the mother volumes are checked." ); grdCmd->SetGuidance( "If recursion flag is set to TRUE, the intersection checks" ); grdCmd->SetGuidance( "will be performed recursively in the geometry tree." ); grdCmd->SetGuidance( "NOTE: the recursion may take a very long time," ); grdCmd->SetGuidance( " depending on the geometry complexity !"); grdCmd->SetParameterName("recursionFlag",true); grdCmd->SetDefaultValue(false); grdCmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_Idle); cyzCmd = new G4UIcmdWith3Vector( "/geometry/test/cylinder_geometry", this ); cyzCmd->SetGuidance( "Define details of the cylinder geometry, specifying:" ); cyzCmd->SetGuidance( " nPhi - number of lines per Phi" ); cyzCmd->SetGuidance( " nZ - number of Z points" ); cyzCmd->SetGuidance( " nRho - number of Rho points" ); cyzCmd->SetGuidance( "Will be applied to the cylinder_test command." ); cyzCmd->SetGuidance( "Initial default values: nPhi=90, nZ=50, nRho=50." ); cyzCmd->SetParameterName( "nPhi", "nZ", "nRho", true, true ); cyzCmd->SetDefaultValue( G4ThreeVector(90, 50, 50) ); cfzCmd = new G4UIcmdWithADouble( "/geometry/test/cylinder_scaleZ", this ); cfzCmd->SetGuidance( "Define the resolution of the cylinder geometry, specifying" ); cfzCmd->SetGuidance( "the fraction scale for points along Z." ); cfzCmd->SetGuidance( "Initial default values: fracZ=0.8" ); cfzCmd->SetParameterName("fracZ",true); cfzCmd->SetDefaultValue(0.8); cfrCmd = new G4UIcmdWithADouble( "/geometry/test/cylinder_scaleRho", this ); cfrCmd->SetGuidance( "Define the resolution of the cylinder geometry, specifying" ); cfrCmd->SetGuidance( "the fraction scale for points along Rho." ); cfrCmd->SetGuidance( "Initial default values: fracRho=0.8" ); cfrCmd->SetParameterName("fracRho",true); cfrCmd->SetDefaultValue(0.8); cylCmd = new G4UIcmdWithABool( "/geometry/test/cylinder_test", this ); cylCmd->SetGuidance( "Start running the cylinder test." ); cylCmd->SetGuidance( "A set of lines in a cylindrical pattern of gradually" ); cylCmd->SetGuidance( "increasing mesh size." ); cylCmd->SetGuidance( "By default, only direct daughters of the mother volumes are checked." ); cylCmd->SetGuidance( "If recursion flag is set to TRUE, the intersection checks" ); cylCmd->SetGuidance( "will be performed recursively in the geometry tree." ); cylCmd->SetGuidance( "NOTE: the recursion may take a very long time," ); cylCmd->SetGuidance( " depending on the geometry complexity !"); cylCmd->SetParameterName("recursionFlag",true); cylCmd->SetDefaultValue(false); cylCmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_Idle); rcsCmd = new G4UIcmdWithAnInteger( "/geometry/test/recursion_start", this ); rcsCmd->SetGuidance( "Set the initial level in the geometry tree for recursion." ); rcsCmd->SetGuidance( "recursive_test will then start from the specified level." ); rcsCmd->SetParameterName("initial_level",true); rcsCmd->SetDefaultValue(0); rcdCmd = new G4UIcmdWithAnInteger( "/geometry/test/recursion_depth", this ); rcdCmd->SetGuidance( "Set the depth in the geometry tree for recursion." ); rcdCmd->SetGuidance( "recursive_test will then stop after reached the specified depth." ); rcdCmd->SetGuidance( "By default, recursion will proceed for the whole depth." ); rcdCmd->SetParameterName("recursion_depth",true); rcdCmd->SetDefaultValue(-1); // Obsolete verification commands ... runCmd = new G4UIcmdWithABool( "/geometry/test/run", this ); runCmd->SetGuidance( "Start running the default grid test." ); runCmd->SetGuidance( "Same as the grid_test command." ); runCmd->SetGuidance( "If recursion flag is set to TRUE, the intersection checks" ); runCmd->SetGuidance( "will be performed recursively in the geometry tree." ); runCmd->SetGuidance( "NOTE: the recursion may take a very long time," ); runCmd->SetGuidance( " depending on the geometry complexity !"); runCmd->SetParameterName("recursionFlag",true); runCmd->SetDefaultValue(false); runCmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_Idle); recCmd = new G4UIcmdWithoutParameter( "/geometry/test/recursive_test", this ); recCmd->SetGuidance( "Start running the recursive grid test." ); recCmd->SetGuidance( "A grid of lines along a cartesian axis is recursively" ); recCmd->SetGuidance( "to all daughters and daughters of daughters, etc." ); recCmd->SetGuidance( "NOTE: it may take a very long time," ); recCmd->SetGuidance( " depending on the geometry complexity !"); recCmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_Idle); } // // Destructor // G4GeometryMessenger::~G4GeometryMessenger() { delete linCmd; delete posCmd; delete dirCmd; delete grzCmd; delete grdCmd; delete recCmd; delete runCmd; delete rcsCmd; delete rcdCmd; delete cyzCmd; delete cfzCmd; delete cfrCmd; delete cylCmd; delete tolCmd; delete resCmd; delete verbCmd; delete chkCmd; delete geodir; delete navdir; delete testdir; delete tvolume; delete tlogger; } // // Init // void G4GeometryMessenger::Init() { // Clean old allocated loggers... // if (tlogger) delete tlogger; if (tvolume) delete tvolume; // Create a logger to send errors/output to cout // tlogger = new G4GeomTestStreamLogger(std::cout); // Get the world volume // G4VPhysicalVolume* world = tmanager->GetNavigatorForTracking()->GetWorldVolume(); // Test the actual detector... // tvolume = new G4GeomTestVolume(world, tlogger); } // // SetNewValue // void G4GeometryMessenger::SetNewValue( G4UIcommand* command, G4String newValues ) { if (command == resCmd) { ResetNavigator(); } else if (command == verbCmd) { SetVerbosity( newValues ); } else if (command == chkCmd) { SetCheckMode( newValues ); } else if (command == posCmd) { x = posCmd->GetNew3VectorValue( newValues ); } else if (command == dirCmd) { p = dirCmd->GetNew3VectorValue( newValues ); if (p.mag() < DBL_MIN) { G4cerr << "Please specify non-zero momentum!" << G4endl; p = G4ThreeVector(0,0,1); } } else if (command == tolCmd) { tol = tolCmd->GetNewDoubleValue( newValues ); newtol = true; } else if (command == linCmd) { Init(); if (linCmd->GetNewBoolValue( newValues )) RecursiveLineTest(); else LineTest(); } else if ((command == grdCmd) || (command == runCmd)){ Init(); if (grdCmd->GetNewBoolValue( newValues ) || runCmd->GetNewBoolValue( newValues )) RecursiveGridTest(); else GridTest(); } else if (command == grzCmd) { grdRes = grzCmd->GetNew3VectorValue( newValues ); if (grdRes.mag() < DBL_MIN) { G4cerr << "Please specify non-zero resolution!" << G4endl; grdRes = G4ThreeVector(100,100,100); } } else if (command == cyzCmd) { cylRes = cyzCmd->GetNew3VectorValue( newValues ); } else if (command == cfzCmd) { cylfZ = cfzCmd->GetNewDoubleValue( newValues ); } else if (command == cfrCmd) { cylfR = cfrCmd->GetNewDoubleValue( newValues ); } else if (command == rcsCmd) { recLevel = rcsCmd->GetNewIntValue( newValues ); } else if (command == rcdCmd) { recDepth = rcdCmd->GetNewIntValue( newValues ); } else if (command == recCmd) { Init(); RecursiveGridTest(); } else if (command == cylCmd) { Init(); if (cylCmd->GetNewBoolValue( newValues )) RecursiveCylinderTest(); else CylinderTest(); } } // // GetCurrentValue // G4String G4GeometryMessenger::GetCurrentValue(G4UIcommand* command ) { G4String cv = ""; if (command == posCmd) { cv = posCmd->ConvertToString( x, "cm" ); } else if (command == tolCmd) { cv = tolCmd->ConvertToString( tol, "mm" ); } else if (command == dirCmd) { cv = dirCmd->ConvertToString( p, "GeV" ); } return cv; } // // CheckGeometry // void G4GeometryMessenger::CheckGeometry() { // Verify that the geometry is closed // G4GeometryManager* geomManager = G4GeometryManager::GetInstance(); if (!geomManager->IsGeometryClosed()) { geomManager->OpenGeometry(); geomManager->CloseGeometry(true); } } // // ResetNavigator // void G4GeometryMessenger::ResetNavigator() { // Close geometry and reset optimisation if necessary // CheckGeometry(); // Reset navigator's state // G4ThreeVector pt(0,0,0); G4Navigator* navigator = tmanager->GetNavigatorForTracking(); navigator->LocateGlobalPointAndSetup(pt,0,false); } // // Set navigator verbosity // void G4GeometryMessenger::SetVerbosity(G4String input) { G4int level = verbCmd->GetNewIntValue(input); G4Navigator* navigator = tmanager->GetNavigatorForTracking(); navigator->SetVerboseLevel(level); } // // Set navigator mode // void G4GeometryMessenger::SetCheckMode(G4String input) { G4bool mode = chkCmd->GetNewBoolValue(input); G4Navigator* navigator = tmanager->GetNavigatorForTracking(); navigator->CheckMode(mode); } // // LineTest // void G4GeometryMessenger::LineTest() { // Close geometry if necessary // CheckGeometry(); // Verify if error tolerance has changed // if (newtol) tvolume->SetTolerance(tol); // Make test on single line supplied by user // tvolume->TestOneLine( x, p ); // Print out any errors, if found // tvolume->ReportErrors(); } // // RecursiveLineTest // void G4GeometryMessenger::RecursiveLineTest() { // Close geometry if necessary // CheckGeometry(); // Verify if error tolerance has changed // if (newtol) tvolume->SetTolerance(tol); // Make test on single line supplied by user recursively // tvolume->TestRecursiveLine( x, p, recLevel, recDepth ); // Print out any errors, if found // tvolume->ReportErrors(); } // // GridTest // void G4GeometryMessenger::GridTest() { // Close geometry if necessary // CheckGeometry(); // Verify if error tolerance has changed // if (newtol) tvolume->SetTolerance(tol); // Apply set of trajectories in a 3D grid pattern // tvolume->TestCartGridXYZ( G4int(grdRes.x()), G4int(grdRes.y()), G4int(grdRes.z()) ); // Print out any errors, if found // tvolume->ReportErrors(); } // // RecursiveGridTest // void G4GeometryMessenger::RecursiveGridTest() { // Close geometry if necessary // CheckGeometry(); // Verify if error tolerance has changed // if (newtol) tvolume->SetTolerance(tol); // Apply set of trajectories in a 3D grid pattern recursively // tvolume->TestRecursiveCartGrid( G4int(grdRes.x()), G4int(grdRes.y()), G4int(grdRes.z()), recLevel, recDepth ); // Print out any errors, if found // tvolume->ReportErrors(); } // // CylinderTest // void G4GeometryMessenger::CylinderTest() { // Close geometry if necessary // CheckGeometry(); // Verify if error tolerance has changed // if (newtol) tvolume->SetTolerance(tol); // Apply default set of lines in a cylindrical pattern of gradually // increasing mesh size of trajectories in a 3D grid pattern // tvolume->TestCylinder(G4int(cylRes.x()), G4int(cylRes.y()), G4int(cylRes.z()), cylfZ, cylfR, true); // Print out any errors, if found // tvolume->ReportErrors(); } // // RecursiveCylinderTest // void G4GeometryMessenger::RecursiveCylinderTest() { // Close geometry if necessary // CheckGeometry(); // Verify if error tolerance has changed // if (newtol) tvolume->SetTolerance(tol); // Apply default set of lines in a cylindrical pattern of gradually // increasing mesh size of trajectories in a 3D grid pattern recursively // tvolume->TestRecursiveCylinder(G4int(cylRes.x()), G4int(cylRes.y()), G4int(cylRes.z()), cylfZ, cylfR, true, recLevel, recDepth ); // Print out any errors, if found // tvolume->ReportErrors(); }