// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id: G4ReplicaNavigation.cc,v 1.19 2008/04/28 15:39:55 gcosmo Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: HEAD $ // // // class G4ReplicaNavigation Implementation // // Author: P.Kent, 1996 // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "G4ReplicaNavigation.hh" #include "G4AffineTransform.hh" #include "G4SmartVoxelProxy.hh" #include "G4SmartVoxelNode.hh" #include "G4VSolid.hh" #include "G4GeometryTolerance.hh" #include // ******************************************************************** // Constructor // ******************************************************************** // G4ReplicaNavigation::G4ReplicaNavigation() : fCheck(false), fVerbose(0) { kCarTolerance = G4GeometryTolerance::GetInstance()->GetSurfaceTolerance(); kRadTolerance = G4GeometryTolerance::GetInstance()->GetRadialTolerance(); kAngTolerance = G4GeometryTolerance::GetInstance()->GetAngularTolerance(); } // ******************************************************************** // Destructor // ******************************************************************** // G4ReplicaNavigation::~G4ReplicaNavigation() { } // ******************************************************************** // Inside // ******************************************************************** // EInside G4ReplicaNavigation::Inside(const G4VPhysicalVolume *pVol, const G4int replicaNo, const G4ThreeVector &localPoint) const { EInside in = kOutside; // Replication data // EAxis axis; G4int nReplicas; G4double width, offset; G4bool consuming; G4double coord, rad2, rmin, tolRMax2, rmax, tolRMin2; pVol->GetReplicationData(axis, nReplicas, width, offset, consuming); assert(consuming); switch (axis) { case kXAxis: case kYAxis: case kZAxis: coord = std::fabs(localPoint(axis))-width*0.5; if ( coord<=-kCarTolerance*0.5 ) { in = kInside; } else if ( coord<=kCarTolerance*0.5 ) { in = kSurface; } break; case kPhi: if ( localPoint.y()||localPoint.x() ) { coord = std::fabs(std::atan2(localPoint.y(),localPoint.x()))-width*0.5; if ( coord<=-kAngTolerance*0.5 ) { in = kInside; } else if ( coord<=kAngTolerance*0.5 ) { in = kSurface; } } else { in = kSurface; } break; case kRho: rad2 = localPoint.perp2(); rmax = (replicaNo+1)*width+offset; tolRMax2 = rmax-kRadTolerance*0.5; tolRMax2 *= tolRMax2; if ( rad2>tolRMax2 ) { tolRMax2 = rmax+kRadTolerance*0.5; tolRMax2 *= tolRMax2; if ( rad2<=tolRMax2 ) { in = kSurface; } } else { // Known to be inside outer radius // if ( replicaNo||offset ) { rmin = rmax-width; tolRMin2 = rmin-kRadTolerance*0.5; tolRMin2 *= tolRMin2; if ( rad2>tolRMin2 ) { tolRMin2 = rmin+kRadTolerance*0.5; tolRMin2 *= tolRMin2; if ( rad2>=tolRMin2 ) { in = kInside; } else { in = kSurface; } } } else { in = kInside; } } break; default: G4Exception("G4ReplicaNavigation::Inside()", "WrongArgumentValue", FatalException, "Unknown axis!"); break; } return in; } // ******************************************************************** // DistanceToOut // ******************************************************************** // G4double G4ReplicaNavigation::DistanceToOut(const G4VPhysicalVolume *pVol, const G4int replicaNo, const G4ThreeVector &localPoint) const { // Replication data // EAxis axis; G4int nReplicas; G4double width,offset; G4bool consuming; G4double safety=0.; G4double safe1,safe2; G4double coord, rho, rmin, rmax; pVol->GetReplicationData(axis, nReplicas, width, offset, consuming); assert(consuming); switch(axis) { case kXAxis: case kYAxis: case kZAxis: coord = localPoint(axis); safe1 = width*0.5-coord; safe2 = width*0.5+coord; safety = (safe1<=safe2) ? safe1 : safe2; break; case kPhi: if ( localPoint.y()<=0 ) { safety = localPoint.x()*std::sin(width*0.5) + localPoint.y()*std::cos(width*0.5); } else { safety = localPoint.x()*std::sin(width*0.5) - localPoint.y()*std::cos(width*0.5); } break; case kRho: rho = localPoint.perp(); rmax = width*(replicaNo+1)+offset; if ( replicaNo||offset ) { rmin = rmax-width; safe1 = rho-rmin; safe2 = rmax-rho; safety = (safe1<=safe2) ? safe1 : safe2; } else { safety = rmax-rho; } break; default: G4Exception("G4ReplicaNavigation::DistanceToOut()", "WrongArgumentValue", FatalException, "Unknown axis!"); break; } return (safety >= kCarTolerance) ? safety : 0; } // ******************************************************************** // DistanceToOut // ******************************************************************** // G4double G4ReplicaNavigation::DistanceToOut(const G4VPhysicalVolume *pVol, const G4int replicaNo, const G4ThreeVector &localPoint, const G4ThreeVector &localDirection) const { // Replication data // EAxis axis; G4int nReplicas; G4double width, offset; G4bool consuming; G4double Dist=kInfinity; G4double coord, Comp, lindist; pVol->GetReplicationData(axis, nReplicas, width, offset, consuming); assert(consuming); switch(axis) { case kXAxis: case kYAxis: case kZAxis: coord = localPoint(axis); Comp = localDirection(axis); if ( Comp>0 ) { lindist = width*0.5-coord; Dist = (lindist>0) ? lindist/Comp : 0; } else if ( Comp<0 ) { lindist = width*0.5+coord; Dist = (lindist>0) ? -lindist/Comp : 0; } else { Dist = kInfinity; } break; case kPhi: Dist = DistanceToOutPhi(localPoint, localDirection, width); break; case kRho: Dist=DistanceToOutRad(localPoint,localDirection,width,offset,replicaNo); break; default: G4Exception("G4ReplicaNavigation::DistanceToOut()", "WrongArgumentValue", FatalException, "Unknown axis!"); break; } return Dist; } // ******************************************************************** // DistanceToOutPhi // ******************************************************************** // G4double G4ReplicaNavigation::DistanceToOutPhi(const G4ThreeVector &localPoint, const G4ThreeVector &localDirection, const G4double width) const { // Phi Intersection // NOTE: width<=pi by definition // G4double sinSPhi, cosSPhi; G4double pDistS, pDistE, compS, compE, Dist, dist2, yi; if ( localPoint.x()||localPoint.y() ) { sinSPhi = std::sin(-width*0.5); // SIN of starting phi plane cosSPhi = std::cos(width*0.5); // COS of starting phi plane // pDist -ve when inside // pDistS = localPoint.x()*sinSPhi-localPoint.y()*cosSPhi; pDistE = localPoint.x()*sinSPhi+localPoint.y()*cosSPhi; // Comp -ve when in direction of outwards normal // compS = -sinSPhi*localDirection.x()+cosSPhi*localDirection.y(); compE = -sinSPhi*localDirection.x()-cosSPhi*localDirection.y(); if ( (pDistS<=0)&&(pDistE<=0) ) { // Inside both phi *full* planes // if ( compS<0 ) { dist2 = pDistS/compS; yi = localPoint.y()+dist2*localDirection.y(); // Check intersecting with correct half-plane (no -> no intersect) // if ( yi<=0 ) { Dist = (pDistS<=-kCarTolerance*0.5) ? dist2 : 0; } else { Dist = kInfinity; } } else { Dist = kInfinity; } if ( compE<0 ) { dist2 = pDistE/compE; // Only check further if < starting phi intersection // if ( dist2=0 ) { // Leaving via ending phi // Dist = (pDistE<=-kCarTolerance*0.5) ? dist2 : 0; } } } } else if ( (pDistS>=0)&&(pDistE>=0) ) { // Outside both *full* phi planes // if towards both >=0 then once inside will remain inside // Dist = ((compS>=0)&&(compE>=0)) ? kInfinity : 0; } else if ( (pDistS>0)&&(pDistE<0) ) { // Outside full starting plane, inside full ending plane // if ( compE<0 ) { dist2 = pDistE/compE; yi = localPoint.y()+dist2*localDirection.y(); // Check intersection in correct half-plane // (if not -> remain in extent) // Dist = (yi>0) ? dist2 : kInfinity; } else // Leaving immediately by starting phi { Dist = kInfinity; } } else { // Must be (pDistS<0)&&(pDistE>0) // Inside full starting plane, outside full ending plane // if ( compE>=0 ) { if ( compS<0 ) { dist2 = pDistS/compS; yi = localPoint.y()+dist2*localDirection.y(); // Check intersection in correct half-plane // (if not -> remain in extent) // Dist = (yi<0) ? dist2 : kInfinity; } else { Dist = kInfinity; } } else { // Leaving immediately by ending phi // Dist = 0; } } } else { // On z axis + travel not || to z axis -> use direction vector // Dist = (std::fabs(localDirection.phi())<=width*0.5) ? kInfinity : 0; } return Dist; } // ******************************************************************** // DistanceToOutRad // ******************************************************************** // G4double G4ReplicaNavigation::DistanceToOutRad(const G4ThreeVector &localPoint, const G4ThreeVector &localDirection, const G4double width, const G4double offset, const G4int replicaNo) const { G4double rmin, rmax, t1, t2, t3, deltaR; G4double b, c, d2, sr; // // Radial Intersections // // Find intersction with cylinders at rmax/rmin // Intersection point (xi,yi,zi) on line // x=localPoint.x+t*localDirection.x etc. // // Intersects with x^2+y^2=R^2 // // Hence (localDirection.x^2+localDirection.y^2)t^2+ // 2t(localPoint.x*localDirection.x+localPoint.y*localDirection.y)+ // localPoint.x^2+localPoint.y^2-R^2=0 // // t1 t2 t3 rmin = replicaNo*width+offset; rmax = (replicaNo+1)*width+offset; t1 = 1.0-localDirection.z()*localDirection.z(); // since v normalised t2 = localPoint.x()*localDirection.x()+localPoint.y()*localDirection.y(); t3 = localPoint.x()*localPoint.x()+localPoint.y()*localPoint.y(); if ( t1>0 ) // Check not parallel { // Calculate sr, r exit distance // if ( t2>=0 ) { // Delta r not negative => leaving via rmax // deltaR = t3-rmax*rmax; // NOTE: Should use // rho-rmax<-kRadTolerance*0.5 - [no sqrts for efficiency] // if ( deltaR<-kRadTolerance*0.5 ) { b = t2/t1; c = deltaR/t1; sr = -b+std::sqrt(b*b-c); } else { // On tolerant boundary & heading outwards (or locally // perpendicular to) outer radial surface -> leaving immediately // sr = 0; } } else { // Possible rmin intersection // if (rmin) { deltaR = t3-rmin*rmin; b = t2/t1; c = deltaR/t1; d2 = b*b-c; if ( d2>=0 ) { // Leaving via rmin // NOTE: Should use // rho-rmin>kRadTolerance*0.5 - [no sqrts for efficiency] // sr = (deltaR>kRadTolerance*0.5) ? -b-std::sqrt(d2) : 0; } else { // No rmin intersect -> must be rmax intersect // deltaR = t3-rmax*rmax; c = deltaR/t1; sr = -b+std::sqrt(b*b-c); } } else { // No rmin intersect -> must be rmax intersect // deltaR = t3-rmax*rmax; b = t2/t1; c = deltaR/t1; sr = -b+std::sqrt(b*b-c); } } } else { sr=kInfinity; } return sr; } // ******************************************************************** // ComputeTransformation // // Setup transformation and transform point into local system // ******************************************************************** // void G4ReplicaNavigation::ComputeTransformation(const G4int replicaNo, G4VPhysicalVolume* pVol, G4ThreeVector& point) const { G4double val,cosv,sinv,tmpx,tmpy; // Replication data // EAxis axis; G4int nReplicas; G4double width,offset; G4bool consuming; pVol->GetReplicationData(axis, nReplicas, width, offset, consuming); assert(consuming); switch (axis) { case kXAxis: val = -width*0.5*(nReplicas-1)+width*replicaNo; pVol->SetTranslation(G4ThreeVector(val,0,0)); point.setX(point.x()-val); break; case kYAxis: val = -width*0.5*(nReplicas-1)+width*replicaNo; pVol->SetTranslation(G4ThreeVector(0,val,0)); point.setY(point.y()-val); break; case kZAxis: val = -width*0.5*(nReplicas-1)+width*replicaNo; pVol->SetTranslation(G4ThreeVector(0,0,val)); point.setZ(point.z()-val); break; case kPhi: val = -(offset+width*(replicaNo+0.5)); SetPhiTransformation(val,pVol); cosv = std::cos(val); sinv = std::sin(val); tmpx = point.x()*cosv-point.y()*sinv; tmpy = point.x()*sinv+point.y()*cosv; point.setY(tmpy); point.setX(tmpx); break; case kRho: // No setup required for radial case default: break; } } // ******************************************************************** // ComputeTransformation // // Setup transformation into local system // ******************************************************************** // void G4ReplicaNavigation::ComputeTransformation(const G4int replicaNo, G4VPhysicalVolume* pVol) const { G4double val; // Replication data // EAxis axis; G4int nReplicas; G4double width, offset; G4bool consuming; pVol->GetReplicationData(axis, nReplicas, width, offset, consuming); assert(consuming); switch (axis) { case kXAxis: val = -width*0.5*(nReplicas-1)+width*replicaNo; pVol->SetTranslation(G4ThreeVector(val,0,0)); break; case kYAxis: val = -width*0.5*(nReplicas-1)+width*replicaNo; pVol->SetTranslation(G4ThreeVector(0,val,0)); break; case kZAxis: val = -width*0.5*(nReplicas-1)+width*replicaNo; pVol->SetTranslation(G4ThreeVector(0,0,val)); break; case kPhi: val = -(offset+width*(replicaNo+0.5)); SetPhiTransformation(val,pVol); break; case kRho: // No setup required for radial case default: break; } } // ******************************************************************** // ComputeStep // ******************************************************************** // G4double G4ReplicaNavigation::ComputeStep(const G4ThreeVector &globalPoint, const G4ThreeVector &globalDirection, const G4ThreeVector &localPoint, const G4ThreeVector &localDirection, const G4double currentProposedStepLength, G4double &newSafety, G4NavigationHistory &history, G4bool &validExitNormal, G4ThreeVector &exitNormal, G4bool &exiting, G4bool &entering, G4VPhysicalVolume *(*pBlockedPhysical), G4int &blockedReplicaNo ) { G4VPhysicalVolume *repPhysical, *motherPhysical; G4VPhysicalVolume *samplePhysical, *blockedExitedVol=0; G4LogicalVolume *repLogical; G4VSolid *motherSolid; G4ThreeVector repPoint, repDirection, sampleDirection; G4double ourStep=currentProposedStepLength; G4double ourSafety=kInfinity; G4double sampleStep, sampleSafety, motherStep, motherSafety; G4int localNoDaughters, sampleNo; G4int depth; // Exiting normal optimisation // if ( exiting&&validExitNormal ) { if ( localDirection.dot(exitNormal)>=kMinExitingNormalCosine ) { // Block exited daughter volume // blockedExitedVol = *pBlockedPhysical; ourSafety = 0; } } exiting = false; entering = false; repPhysical = history.GetTopVolume(); repLogical = repPhysical->GetLogicalVolume(); // // Compute intersection with replica boundaries & replica safety // sampleSafety = DistanceToOut(repPhysical, history.GetTopReplicaNo(), localPoint); if ( sampleSafetyGetLogicalVolume()->GetSolid(); motherSafety = motherSolid->DistanceToOut(repPoint); repDirection = history.GetTransform(depth).TransformAxis(globalDirection); motherStep = motherSolid->DistanceToOut(repPoint,repDirection,true, &validExitNormal,&exitNormal); // Push in principle no longer necessary. G4Navigator now takes care of ... // Removing this will however generate warnings for pushed particles from // G4Navigator, particularly for the case of 3D replicas (Cartesian or // combined Radial/Phi cases). // Requires further investigation and eventually reimplementation of // LevelLocate() to take into account point and direction ... // if ( ( !ourStep && (sampleSafety<0.5*kCarTolerance) ) && ( repLogical->GetSolid()->Inside(localPoint)==kSurface ) ) { ourStep += kCarTolerance; } if ( motherSafetyInside(localPoint)==kOutside ) { G4cout << "WARNING - G4ReplicaNavigation::ComputeStep()" << G4endl << " Point " << localPoint << " is outside current volume " << motherPhysical->GetName() << G4endl; G4double estDistToSolid= motherSolid->DistanceToIn(localPoint); G4cout << " Estimated isotropic distance to solid (distToIn)= " << estDistToSolid << G4endl; if( estDistToSolid > 100.0 * kCarTolerance ) { motherSolid->DumpInfo(); G4Exception("G4ReplicaNavigation::ComputeStep()", "FarOutsideCurrentVolume", FatalException, "Point is far outside Current Volume !" ); } else G4Exception("G4ReplicaNavigation::ComputeStep()", "OutsideCurrentVolume", JustWarning, "Point is a little outside Current Volume."); } } #endif // May need precision protection // if ( motherSafety<=ourStep ) { if ( motherStep<=ourStep ) { ourStep = motherStep; exiting = true; if ( validExitNormal ) { const G4RotationMatrix* rot = motherPhysical->GetRotation(); if ( rot ) { exitNormal *= rot->inverse(); } } } else { validExitNormal = false; } } // // Compute daughter safeties & intersections // localNoDaughters = repLogical->GetNoDaughters(); for ( sampleNo=localNoDaughters-1; sampleNo>=0; sampleNo-- ) { samplePhysical = repLogical->GetDaughter(sampleNo); if ( samplePhysical!=blockedExitedVol ) { G4AffineTransform sampleTf(samplePhysical->GetRotation(), samplePhysical->GetTranslation()); sampleTf.Invert(); const G4ThreeVector samplePoint = sampleTf.TransformPoint(localPoint); const G4VSolid* sampleSolid = samplePhysical->GetLogicalVolume()->GetSolid(); const G4double sampleSafetyDistance = sampleSolid->DistanceToIn(samplePoint); if ( sampleSafetyDistanceDistanceToIn(samplePoint,sampleDirection); if ( sampleStepDistance<=ourStep ) { ourStep = sampleStepDistance; entering = true; exiting = false; *pBlockedPhysical = samplePhysical; blockedReplicaNo = -1; #ifdef G4VERBOSE // Check to see that the resulting point is indeed in/on volume. // This check could eventually be made only for successful candidate. if ( ( fCheck ) && ( sampleStepDistance < kInfinity ) ) { G4ThreeVector intersectionPoint; intersectionPoint= samplePoint + sampleStepDistance * sampleDirection; EInside insideIntPt= sampleSolid->Inside(intersectionPoint); if ( insideIntPt != kSurface ) { G4int oldcoutPrec = G4cout.precision(16); G4cout << "WARNING - G4ReplicaNavigation::ComputeStep()" << G4endl << " Inaccurate DistanceToIn for solid " << sampleSolid->GetName() << G4endl; G4cout << " Solid gave DistanceToIn = " << sampleStepDistance << " yet returns " ; if ( insideIntPt == kInside ) G4cout << "-kInside-"; else if ( insideIntPt == kOutside ) G4cout << "-kOutside-"; else G4cout << "-kSurface-"; G4cout << " for this point !" << G4endl; G4cout << " Point = " << intersectionPoint << G4endl; if ( insideIntPt != kInside ) G4cout << " DistanceToIn(p) = " << sampleSolid->DistanceToIn(intersectionPoint) << G4endl; if ( insideIntPt != kOutside ) G4cout << " DistanceToOut(p) = " << sampleSolid->DistanceToOut(intersectionPoint) << G4endl; G4Exception("G4ReplicaNavigation::ComputeStep()", "InaccurateDistanceToIn", JustWarning, "Navigator gets conflicting response from Solid."); G4cout.precision(oldcoutPrec); } } #endif } } } } newSafety = ourSafety; return ourStep; } // ******************************************************************** // ComputeSafety // // Compute the isotropic distance to current volume's boundaries // and to daughter volumes. // ******************************************************************** // G4double G4ReplicaNavigation::ComputeSafety(const G4ThreeVector &globalPoint, const G4ThreeVector &localPoint, G4NavigationHistory &history, const G4double ) { G4VPhysicalVolume *repPhysical, *motherPhysical; G4VPhysicalVolume *samplePhysical, *blockedExitedVol=0; G4LogicalVolume *repLogical; G4VSolid *motherSolid; G4ThreeVector repPoint; G4double ourSafety=kInfinity; G4double sampleSafety; G4int localNoDaughters, sampleNo; G4int depth; repPhysical = history.GetTopVolume(); repLogical = repPhysical->GetLogicalVolume(); // // Compute intersection with replica boundaries & replica safety // sampleSafety = DistanceToOut(history.GetTopVolume(), history.GetTopReplicaNo(), localPoint); if ( sampleSafetyGetLogicalVolume()->GetSolid(); sampleSafety = motherSolid->DistanceToOut(repPoint); if ( sampleSafetyGetNoDaughters(); for ( sampleNo=localNoDaughters-1; sampleNo>=0; sampleNo-- ) { samplePhysical = repLogical->GetDaughter(sampleNo); if ( samplePhysical!=blockedExitedVol ) { G4AffineTransform sampleTf(samplePhysical->GetRotation(), samplePhysical->GetTranslation()); sampleTf.Invert(); const G4ThreeVector samplePoint = sampleTf.TransformPoint(localPoint); const G4VSolid *sampleSolid = samplePhysical->GetLogicalVolume()->GetSolid(); const G4double sampleSafetyDistance = sampleSolid->DistanceToIn(samplePoint); if ( sampleSafetyDistance=0; mdepth-- ) { if ( history.GetVolumeType(mdepth)!=kReplica ) { pNRMother = history.GetVolume(mdepth); break; } } if( pNRMother==0 ) { // All the tree of mother volumes were Replicas. // This is an error, as the World volume must be a Placement // G4cerr << "The World volume must be a Placement!" << G4endl; G4Exception("G4ReplicaNavigation::BackLocate()", "InvalidSetup", FatalException, "The World volume must be a Placement!"); } motherSolid = pNRMother->GetLogicalVolume()->GetSolid(); goodPoint = history.GetTransform(mdepth).TransformPoint(globalPoint); insideCode = motherSolid->Inside(goodPoint); if ( (insideCode==kOutside)||((insideCode==kSurface)&&exiting) ) { // Outside mother -> back up to mother level // Locate.. in Navigator will back up one more level // localPoint not required // history.BackLevel(cdepth-mdepth); // localPoint = goodPoint; } else { notKnownInside = false; // Still within replications // Check down: if on outside stop at this level // for ( depth=mdepth+1; depth