// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id: G4VoxelNavigation.cc,v 1.7 2007/05/11 13:43:59 gcosmo Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: HEAD $ // // // class G4VoxelNavigation Implementation // // Author: P.Kent, 1996 // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "G4VoxelNavigation.hh" #include "G4GeometryTolerance.hh" // ******************************************************************** // Constructor // ******************************************************************** // G4VoxelNavigation::G4VoxelNavigation() : fVoxelDepth(-1), fVoxelAxisStack(kNavigatorVoxelStackMax,kXAxis), fVoxelNoSlicesStack(kNavigatorVoxelStackMax,0), fVoxelSliceWidthStack(kNavigatorVoxelStackMax,0.), fVoxelNodeNoStack(kNavigatorVoxelStackMax,0), fVoxelHeaderStack(kNavigatorVoxelStackMax,(G4SmartVoxelHeader*)0), fVoxelNode(0), fCheck(false), fVerbose(0) { kCarTolerance = G4GeometryTolerance::GetInstance()->GetSurfaceTolerance(); } // ******************************************************************** // Destructor // ******************************************************************** // G4VoxelNavigation::~G4VoxelNavigation() { #ifdef G4DEBUG_NAVIGATION G4cout << "G4VoxelNavigation::~G4VoxelNavigation() called." << G4endl; #endif } // ******************************************************************** // ComputeStep // ******************************************************************** // G4double G4VoxelNavigation::ComputeStep( const G4ThreeVector& localPoint, const G4ThreeVector& localDirection, const G4double currentProposedStepLength, G4double& newSafety, G4NavigationHistory& history, G4bool& validExitNormal, G4ThreeVector& exitNormal, G4bool& exiting, G4bool& entering, G4VPhysicalVolume *(*pBlockedPhysical), G4int& blockedReplicaNo ) { G4VPhysicalVolume *motherPhysical, *samplePhysical, *blockedExitedVol=0; G4LogicalVolume *motherLogical; G4VSolid *motherSolid; G4ThreeVector sampleDirection; G4double ourStep=currentProposedStepLength, motherSafety, ourSafety; G4int localNoDaughters, sampleNo; G4bool initialNode, noStep; G4SmartVoxelNode *curVoxelNode; G4int curNoVolumes, contentNo; G4double voxelSafety; motherPhysical = history.GetTopVolume(); motherLogical = motherPhysical->GetLogicalVolume(); motherSolid = motherLogical->GetSolid(); // // Compute mother safety // motherSafety = motherSolid->DistanceToOut(localPoint); ourSafety = motherSafety; // Working isotropic safety #ifdef G4VERBOSE if ( fCheck ) { if(fVerbose == 1 ) { G4cout << "*** G4VoxelNavigation::ComputeStep(): ***" << G4endl << " Invoked DistanceToOut(p) for mother solid: " << motherSolid->GetName() << ". Solid replied: " << motherSafety << G4endl << " For local point p: " << localPoint << ", to be considered as 'mother safety'." << G4endl; } if( motherSafety < 0.0 ) { G4cout << "ERROR - G4VoxelNavigation::ComputeStep()" << G4endl << " Current solid " << motherSolid->GetName() << " gave negative safety: " << motherSafety << G4endl << " for the current (local) point " << localPoint << G4endl; motherSolid->DumpInfo(); G4Exception("G4VoxelNavigation::ComputeStep()", "NegativeSafetyMotherVol", FatalException, "Negative Safety In Voxel Navigation !" ); } if( motherSolid->Inside(localPoint)==kOutside ) { G4cout << "WARNING - G4VoxelNavigation::ComputeStep()" << G4endl << " Point " << localPoint << " is outside current volume " << motherPhysical->GetName() << G4endl; G4double estDistToSolid= motherSolid->DistanceToIn(localPoint); G4cout << " Estimated isotropic distance to solid (distToIn)= " << estDistToSolid << G4endl; if( estDistToSolid > 100.0 * kCarTolerance ) { motherSolid->DumpInfo(); G4Exception("G4VoxelNavigation::ComputeStep()", "FarOutsideCurrentVolume", FatalException, "Point is far outside Current Volume !"); } else G4Exception("G4VoxelNavigation::ComputeStep()", "OutsideCurrentVolume", JustWarning, "Point is a little outside Current Volume."); } } #endif // // Compute daughter safeties & intersections // // Exiting normal optimisation // if ( exiting && validExitNormal ) { if ( localDirection.dot(exitNormal)>=kMinExitingNormalCosine ) { // Block exited daughter volume // blockedExitedVol = *pBlockedPhysical; ourSafety = 0; } } exiting = false; entering = false; localNoDaughters = motherLogical->GetNoDaughters(); fBList.Enlarge(localNoDaughters); fBList.Reset(); initialNode = true; noStep = true; while (noStep) { curVoxelNode = fVoxelNode; curNoVolumes = curVoxelNode->GetNoContained(); for (contentNo=curNoVolumes-1; contentNo>=0; contentNo--) { sampleNo = curVoxelNode->GetVolume(contentNo); if ( !fBList.IsBlocked(sampleNo) ) { fBList.BlockVolume(sampleNo); samplePhysical = motherLogical->GetDaughter(sampleNo); if ( samplePhysical!=blockedExitedVol ) { G4AffineTransform sampleTf(samplePhysical->GetRotation(), samplePhysical->GetTranslation()); sampleTf.Invert(); const G4ThreeVector samplePoint = sampleTf.TransformPoint(localPoint); const G4VSolid *sampleSolid = samplePhysical->GetLogicalVolume()->GetSolid(); const G4double sampleSafety = sampleSolid->DistanceToIn(samplePoint); #ifdef G4VERBOSE if(( fCheck ) && ( fVerbose == 1 )) { G4cout << "*** G4VoxelNavigation::ComputeStep(): ***" << G4endl << " Invoked DistanceToIn(p) for daughter solid: " << sampleSolid->GetName() << ". Solid replied: " << sampleSafety << G4endl << " For local point p: " << samplePoint << ", to be considered as 'daughter safety'." << G4endl; } #endif if ( sampleSafetyDistanceToIn(samplePoint, sampleDirection); #ifdef G4VERBOSE if(( fCheck ) && ( fVerbose == 1 )) { G4cout << "*** G4VoxelNavigation::ComputeStep(): ***" << G4endl << " Invoked DistanceToIn(p,v) for daughter solid: " << sampleSolid->GetName() << ". Solid replied: " << sampleStep << G4endl << " For local point p: " << samplePoint << G4endl << " Direction v: " << sampleDirection << ", to be considered as 'daughter step'." << G4endl; } #endif if ( sampleStep<=ourStep ) { ourStep = sampleStep; entering = true; exiting = false; *pBlockedPhysical = samplePhysical; blockedReplicaNo = -1; #ifdef G4VERBOSE // Check to see that the resulting point is indeed in/on volume. // This check could eventually be made only for successful // candidate. if ( ( fCheck ) && ( sampleStep < kInfinity ) ) { G4ThreeVector intersectionPoint; intersectionPoint= samplePoint + sampleStep * sampleDirection; EInside insideIntPt= sampleSolid->Inside(intersectionPoint); G4String solidResponse = "-kInside-"; if (insideIntPt == kOutside) solidResponse = "-kOutside-"; else if (insideIntPt == kSurface) solidResponse = "-kSurface-"; if( fVerbose == 1 ) { G4cout << "*** G4VoxelNavigation::ComputeStep(): ***"<GetName() << ". Solid replied: " << solidResponse << G4endl << " For point p: " << intersectionPoint << ", considered as 'intersection' point." << G4endl; } if( insideIntPt != kSurface ) { G4int oldcoutPrec = G4cout.precision(16); G4cout << "WARNING - G4VoxelNavigation::ComputeStep()" << G4endl << " Inaccurate solid DistanceToIn" << " for solid " << sampleSolid->GetName() << G4endl; G4cout << " Solid gave DistanceToIn = " << sampleStep << " yet returns " << solidResponse << " for this point !" << G4endl; G4cout << " Point = " << intersectionPoint << G4endl; if ( insideIntPt != kInside ) G4cout << " DistanceToIn(p) = " << sampleSolid->DistanceToIn(intersectionPoint) << G4endl; if ( insideIntPt != kOutside ) G4cout << " DistanceToOut(p) = " << sampleSolid->DistanceToOut(intersectionPoint) << G4endl; G4Exception("G4VoxelNavigation::ComputeStep()", "InaccurateDistanceToIn", JustWarning, "Navigator gets conflicting response from Solid."); G4cout.precision(oldcoutPrec); } } #endif } } } } } if (initialNode) { initialNode = false; voxelSafety = ComputeVoxelSafety(localPoint); if ( voxelSafetyDistanceToOut(localPoint, localDirection, true, &validExitNormal, &exitNormal); #ifdef G4VERBOSE if ( fCheck ) { if(fVerbose == 1) { G4cout << "*** G4VoxelNavigation::ComputeStep(): ***" << G4endl << " Invoked DistanceToOut(p,v,...) for mother solid: " << motherSolid->GetName() << ". Solid replied: " << motherStep << G4endl << " For local point p: " << localPoint << G4endl << " Direction v: " << localDirection << ", to be considered as 'mother step'." << G4endl; } if( ( motherStep < 0.0 ) || ( motherStep >= kInfinity) ) { G4int oldPrOut= G4cout.precision(16); G4int oldPrErr= G4cerr.precision(16); G4cerr << "ERROR - G4VoxelNavigation::ComputeStep()" << G4endl << " Problem in Navigation" << G4endl << " Point (local coordinates): " << localPoint << G4endl << " Local Direction: " << localDirection << G4endl << " Solid: " << motherSolid->GetName() << G4endl; motherSolid->DumpInfo(); G4Exception("G4VoxelNavigation::ComputeStep()", "PointOutsideCurrentVolume", FatalException, "Current point is outside the current solid !"); G4cout.precision(oldPrOut); G4cerr.precision(oldPrErr); } } #endif if ( motherStep<=ourStep ) { ourStep = motherStep; exiting = true; entering = false; if ( validExitNormal ) { const G4RotationMatrix *rot = motherPhysical->GetRotation(); if (rot) { exitNormal *= rot->inverse(); } } } else { validExitNormal = false; } } } newSafety = ourSafety; } if (noStep) { noStep = LocateNextVoxel(localPoint, localDirection, ourStep); } } // end -while (noStep)- loop return ourStep; } // ******************************************************************** // ComputeVoxelSafety // // Computes safety from specified point to voxel boundaries // using already located point // o collected boundaries for most derived level // o adjacent boundaries for previous levels // ******************************************************************** // G4double G4VoxelNavigation::ComputeVoxelSafety(const G4ThreeVector& localPoint) const { G4SmartVoxelHeader *curHeader; G4double voxelSafety, curNodeWidth; G4double curNodeOffset, minCurCommonDelta, maxCurCommonDelta; G4int minCurNodeNoDelta, maxCurNodeNoDelta; G4int localVoxelDepth, curNodeNo; EAxis curHeaderAxis; localVoxelDepth = fVoxelDepth; curHeader = fVoxelHeaderStack[localVoxelDepth]; curHeaderAxis = fVoxelAxisStack[localVoxelDepth]; curNodeNo = fVoxelNodeNoStack[localVoxelDepth]; curNodeWidth = fVoxelSliceWidthStack[localVoxelDepth]; // Compute linear intersection distance to boundaries of max/min // to collected nodes at current level // curNodeOffset = curNodeNo*curNodeWidth; maxCurNodeNoDelta = fVoxelNode->GetMaxEquivalentSliceNo()-curNodeNo; minCurNodeNoDelta = curNodeNo-fVoxelNode->GetMinEquivalentSliceNo(); minCurCommonDelta = localPoint(curHeaderAxis) - curHeader->GetMinExtent() - curNodeOffset; maxCurCommonDelta = curNodeWidth-minCurCommonDelta; if ( minCurNodeNoDelta0) && (voxelSafety>0) ) { localVoxelDepth--; curHeader = fVoxelHeaderStack[localVoxelDepth]; curHeaderAxis = fVoxelAxisStack[localVoxelDepth]; curNodeNo = fVoxelNodeNoStack[localVoxelDepth]; curNodeWidth = fVoxelSliceWidthStack[localVoxelDepth]; curNodeOffset = curNodeNo*curNodeWidth; minCurCommonDelta = localPoint(curHeaderAxis) - curHeader->GetMinExtent() - curNodeOffset; maxCurCommonDelta = curNodeWidth-minCurCommonDelta; if ( minCurCommonDeltaGetMinExtent(); workCoord = targetPoint(workHeaderAxis); minVal = workMinExtent+workNodeNo*workNodeWidth; if ( minVal<=workCoord+kCarTolerance*0.5 ) { maxVal = minVal+workNodeWidth; if ( maxVal<=workCoord-kCarTolerance*0.5 ) { // Must consider next voxel // newNodeNo = workNodeNo+1; newHeader = workHeader; newDistance = (maxVal-localPoint(workHeaderAxis)) / localDirection(workHeaderAxis); isNewVoxel = true; newDepth = depth; } } else { newNodeNo = workNodeNo-1; newHeader = workHeader; newDistance = (minVal-localPoint(workHeaderAxis)) / localDirection(workHeaderAxis); isNewVoxel = true; newDepth = depth; } currentDistance = newDistance; } targetPoint = localPoint+localDirection*currentDistance; // Check if end of Step within collected boundaries of current voxel // depth = fVoxelDepth; { workHeader = fVoxelHeaderStack[depth]; workHeaderAxis = fVoxelAxisStack[depth]; workNodeNo = fVoxelNodeNoStack[depth]; workNodeWidth = fVoxelSliceWidthStack[depth]; workMinExtent = workHeader->GetMinExtent(); workCoord = targetPoint(workHeaderAxis); minVal = workMinExtent+fVoxelNode->GetMinEquivalentSliceNo()*workNodeWidth; if ( minVal<=workCoord+kCarTolerance*0.5 ) { maxVal = workMinExtent+(fVoxelNode->GetMaxEquivalentSliceNo()+1) *workNodeWidth; if ( maxVal<=workCoord-kCarTolerance*0.5 ) { newNodeNo = fVoxelNode->GetMaxEquivalentSliceNo()+1; newHeader = workHeader; newDistance = (maxVal-localPoint(workHeaderAxis)) / localDirection(workHeaderAxis); isNewVoxel = true; newDepth = depth; } } else { newNodeNo = fVoxelNode->GetMinEquivalentSliceNo()-1; newHeader = workHeader; newDistance = (minVal-localPoint(workHeaderAxis)) / localDirection(workHeaderAxis); isNewVoxel = true; newDepth = depth; } currentDistance = newDistance; } if (isNewVoxel) { // Compute new voxel & adjust voxel stack // // newNodeNo=Candidate node no at // newDepth =refinement depth of crossed voxel boundary // newHeader=Header for crossed voxel // newDistance=distance to crossed voxel boundary (along the track) // if ( (newNodeNo<0) || (newNodeNo>=newHeader->GetNoSlices())) { // Leaving mother volume // isNewVoxel = false; } else { // Compute intersection point on the least refined // voxel boundary that is hit // voxelPoint = localPoint+localDirection*newDistance; fVoxelNodeNoStack[newDepth] = newNodeNo; fVoxelDepth = newDepth; newVoxelNode = 0; while ( !newVoxelNode ) { newProxy = newHeader->GetSlice(newNodeNo); if (newProxy->IsNode()) { newVoxelNode = newProxy->GetNode(); } else { fVoxelDepth++; newHeader = newProxy->GetHeader(); newHeaderAxis = newHeader->GetAxis(); newHeaderNoSlices = newHeader->GetNoSlices(); newHeaderMin = newHeader->GetMinExtent(); newHeaderNodeWidth = (newHeader->GetMaxExtent()-newHeaderMin) / newHeaderNoSlices; newNodeNo = G4int( (voxelPoint(newHeaderAxis)-newHeaderMin) / newHeaderNodeWidth ); // Rounding protection // if ( newNodeNo<0 ) { newNodeNo=0; } else if ( newNodeNo>=newHeaderNoSlices ) { newNodeNo = newHeaderNoSlices-1; } // Stack info for stepping // fVoxelAxisStack[fVoxelDepth] = newHeaderAxis; fVoxelNoSlicesStack[fVoxelDepth] = newHeaderNoSlices; fVoxelSliceWidthStack[fVoxelDepth] = newHeaderNodeWidth; fVoxelNodeNoStack[fVoxelDepth] = newNodeNo; fVoxelHeaderStack[fVoxelDepth] = newHeader; } } fVoxelNode = newVoxelNode; } } return isNewVoxel; } // ******************************************************************** // ComputeSafety // // Calculates the isotropic distance to the nearest boundary from the // specified point in the local coordinate system. // The localpoint utilised must be within the current volume. // ******************************************************************** // G4double G4VoxelNavigation::ComputeSafety(const G4ThreeVector& localPoint, const G4NavigationHistory& history, const G4double ) { G4VPhysicalVolume *motherPhysical, *samplePhysical; G4LogicalVolume *motherLogical; G4VSolid *motherSolid; G4double motherSafety, ourSafety; G4int localNoDaughters, sampleNo; G4SmartVoxelNode *curVoxelNode; G4int curNoVolumes, contentNo; G4double voxelSafety; motherPhysical = history.GetTopVolume(); motherLogical = motherPhysical->GetLogicalVolume(); motherSolid = motherLogical->GetSolid(); // // Compute mother safety // motherSafety = motherSolid->DistanceToOut(localPoint); ourSafety = motherSafety; // Working isotropic safety #ifdef G4VERBOSE if(( fCheck ) && ( fVerbose == 1 )) { G4cout << "*** G4VoxelNavigation::ComputeSafety(): ***" << G4endl << " Invoked DistanceToOut(p) for mother solid: " << motherSolid->GetName() << ". Solid replied: " << motherSafety << G4endl << " For local point p: " << localPoint << ", to be considered as 'mother safety'." << G4endl; } #endif // // Compute daughter safeties // localNoDaughters = motherLogical->GetNoDaughters(); // Look only inside the current Voxel only (in the first version). // curVoxelNode = fVoxelNode; curNoVolumes = curVoxelNode->GetNoContained(); for ( contentNo=curNoVolumes-1; contentNo>=0; contentNo-- ) { sampleNo = curVoxelNode->GetVolume(contentNo); samplePhysical = motherLogical->GetDaughter(sampleNo); G4AffineTransform sampleTf(samplePhysical->GetRotation(), samplePhysical->GetTranslation()); sampleTf.Invert(); const G4ThreeVector samplePoint = sampleTf.TransformPoint(localPoint); const G4VSolid *sampleSolid = samplePhysical->GetLogicalVolume()->GetSolid(); G4double sampleSafety = sampleSolid->DistanceToIn(samplePoint); if ( sampleSafetyGetName() << ". Solid replied: " << sampleSafety << G4endl << " For local point p: " << samplePoint << ", to be considered as 'daughter safety'." << G4endl; } #endif } voxelSafety = ComputeVoxelSafety(localPoint); if ( voxelSafety