// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // $Id: testG4Sphere2.cc,v 1.6 2007/05/18 10:24:32 gcosmo Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-cand-01 $ // // G4Sphere Test File // // o Basic asserts on each function + // awkward cases for tracking / geom algorithms // // o Add tests on dicovering bugs in G4Sphere.cc... // // History: // 28.03.95 P.Kent Initial version // 20.10.96 V.Grichine Final modifications to commit #include "G4ios.hh" #include #include #include "globals.hh" #include "geomdefs.hh" #include "G4GeometryTolerance.hh" #include "ApproxEqual.hh" #include "G4ThreeVector.hh" #include "G4RotationMatrix.hh" #include "G4AffineTransform.hh" #include "G4VoxelLimits.hh" #include "G4Sphere.hh" //const G4double kApproxEqualTolerance = kCarTolerance; // Return true if the double check is approximately equal to target // // Process: // // Return true is difference < kApproxEqualTolerance //G4bool ApproxEqual(const G4double check,const G4double target) //{ // return (std::fabs(check-target)GetAngularTolerance(); G4ThreeVector pzero(0,0,0),px(30,0,0),py(0,30,0),pz(0,0,30); G4ThreeVector Pmx(-30,0,0),pmy(0,-30,0),pmz(0,0,-30); G4ThreeVector pbigx(100,0,0),pbigy(0,100,0),pbigz(0,0,100); G4ThreeVector pbigmx(-100,0,0),pbigmy(0,-100,0),pbigmz(0,0,-100); G4ThreeVector ponrmin1(45,0,0),ponrmax1(50,0,0),ponzmax(0,0,50), ponrmin2(45/std::sqrt(2.),45/std::sqrt(2.),0), ponrmin3(0,0,-45),ponrminJ(0,0,-300),ponrmaxJ(0,0,-500), ponrmax2(50/std::sqrt(2.),50/std::sqrt(2.),0); G4ThreeVector ponphi1(48/std::sqrt(2.),-48/std::sqrt(2.),0), ponphi2(48/std::sqrt(2.),48/std::sqrt(2.),0), pInPhi(48*0.866,-24,0), pOverPhi(-48/std::sqrt(2.),48/std::sqrt(2.),0); G4ThreeVector pontheta1(0,48*std::sin(pi/4),48*std::cos(pi/4)), pontheta2(0,48*std::sin(pi/4),-48*std::cos(pi/4)); G4ThreeVector ptestphi1(-100,-45/std::sqrt(2.),0), ptestphi2(-100,45/std::sqrt(2.),0); G4ThreeVector ptesttheta1(0,48/std::sqrt(2.),100), ptesttheta2(0,48/std::sqrt(2.),-100); G4ThreeVector vx(1,0,0),vy(0,1,0),vz(0,0,1); G4ThreeVector vmx(-1,0,0),vmy(0,-1,0),vmz(0,0,-1); G4ThreeVector vxy(1/std::sqrt(2.),1/std::sqrt(2.),0), vmxmy(-1/std::sqrt(2.),-1/std::sqrt(2.),0); G4ThreeVector vxmy(1/std::sqrt(2.),-1/std::sqrt(2.),0), vmxy(-1/std::sqrt(2.),1/std::sqrt(2.),0); G4ThreeVector v345exit1(-0.8,0.6,0),v345exit2(0.8,0.6,0), v345exit3(0.6,0.8,0); G4ThreeVector norm,*pNorm; G4bool *pgoodNorm,goodNorm; pNorm=&norm; pgoodNorm=&goodNorm; G4bool checkPoint( const G4Sphere& pSph, G4ThreeVector origin, G4double d, G4ThreeVector dir, EInside exp); G4Sphere SpAroundX("SpAroundX", 10.*mm, 1000.*mm, -1.0*degree, 2.0*degree, 0.*degree, 180.0*degree ); G4double sinOneDeg = std::sin( 1.0 * degree ); G4double radOne = 100.0 * mm; G4ThreeVector ptPhiSurfExct= G4ThreeVector( radOne * std::cos( -1.0 * degree ) , - radOne * sinOneDeg, 0.0 ); G4cout << " Starting from point " << ptPhiSurfExct << G4endl; G4cout << " using direction " << vy << G4endl; checkPoint( SpAroundX, ptPhiSurfExct, -radOne * kAngTolerance * 1.5, vy, kOutside); checkPoint( SpAroundX, ptPhiSurfExct, -radOne * kAngTolerance * 0.49, vy, kSurface); checkPoint( SpAroundX, ptPhiSurfExct, -radOne * kAngTolerance * 0.25, vy, kSurface); checkPoint( SpAroundX, ptPhiSurfExct, 0.0, vy, kSurface); checkPoint( SpAroundX, ptPhiSurfExct, radOne * kAngTolerance * 0.25, vy, kSurface); checkPoint( SpAroundX, ptPhiSurfExct, radOne * kAngTolerance * 0.49, vy, kSurface); checkPoint( SpAroundX, ptPhiSurfExct, radOne * kAngTolerance * 1.5, vy, kInside); // Try one that has a 'deep' negative phi section // --> Vlad. Grichine test case, 30 Oct 2003 // G4cout << G4endl << G4endl << "" << G4endl; G4cout << "========================================================= " << G4endl; G4Sphere SphDeepNeg("DeepNegPhiSphere", 10.*mm, 1000.*mm, -270.0*degree, 280.0*degree, // start Phi, delta Phi 0.*degree, 180.0*degree ); // start Theta, delta Theta G4double phiPoint = 160.0 * degree; G4ThreeVector StartPt( radOne * std::cos(phiPoint), radOne * std::sin(phiPoint), 0.0); G4cout << "For sphere " << SphDeepNeg.GetName() << G4endl; G4cout << " Starting from point " << ptPhiSurfExct << G4endl; checkPoint( SphDeepNeg, StartPt, 0.0, vy, kInside); // Try the edges G4ThreeVector NegEdgePt( radOne * std::cos(-270.0*degree), radOne * std::sin(-270.0*degree), 0.0); G4ThreeVector PosEdgePt( radOne * std::cos(10.0*degree), radOne * std::sin(10.0*degree), 0.0); G4cout << "--------------------------------------------------------" << G4endl; G4cout << " New point " << NegEdgePt << " should be at Neg edge of -270.0 degrees " << G4endl; checkPoint( SphDeepNeg, NegEdgePt, 0.0, -vx, kSurface); checkPoint( SphDeepNeg, NegEdgePt, radOne*kAngTolerance * 0.25, -vx, kSurface); checkPoint( SphDeepNeg, NegEdgePt, -radOne*kAngTolerance * 0.25, -vx, kSurface); checkPoint( SphDeepNeg, NegEdgePt, radOne*kAngTolerance * 1.25, -vx, kInside); checkPoint( SphDeepNeg, NegEdgePt, -radOne*kAngTolerance * 1.25, -vx, kOutside); G4cout << "--------------------------------------------------------" << G4endl; G4cout << " New point " << PosEdgePt << " should be at Pos edge of +10.0 degrees " << G4endl; checkPoint( SphDeepNeg, PosEdgePt, 0.0, -vy, kSurface); checkPoint( SphDeepNeg, PosEdgePt, radOne*kAngTolerance * 0.25, -vy, kSurface); checkPoint( SphDeepNeg, PosEdgePt, -radOne*kAngTolerance * 0.25, -vy, kSurface); checkPoint( SphDeepNeg, PosEdgePt, -radOne*kAngTolerance * 1.25, -vy, kOutside); checkPoint( SphDeepNeg, PosEdgePt, radOne*kAngTolerance * 1.25, -vy, kInside); G4double radMax= 1000.0 * mm; NegEdgePt = G4ThreeVector( radMax * std::cos(-270.0*degree), radMax * std::sin(-270.0*degree), 0.0); G4cout << "--------------------------------------------------------" << G4endl; G4cout << " New point " << NegEdgePt << " should be at RadMax / Neg edge of -270.0 degrees " << G4endl; checkPoint( SphDeepNeg, NegEdgePt, 0.0, -vx, kSurface); checkPoint( SphDeepNeg, NegEdgePt, radMax*kAngTolerance * 0.25, -vx, kSurface); checkPoint( SphDeepNeg, NegEdgePt, -radMax*kAngTolerance * 0.25, -vx, kSurface); checkPoint( SphDeepNeg, NegEdgePt, radMax*kAngTolerance * 1.25, -vx, kSurface); checkPoint( SphDeepNeg, NegEdgePt, -radMax*kAngTolerance * 1.25, -vx, kOutside); PosEdgePt= G4ThreeVector( radMax * std::cos(10.0*degree), radMax * std::sin(10.0*degree), 0.0); G4cout << "--------------------------------------------------------" << G4endl; G4cout << " New point " << PosEdgePt << " should be at RadMax Pos edge of +10.0 degrees " << G4endl; checkPoint( SphDeepNeg, PosEdgePt, 0.0, -vy, kSurface); checkPoint( SphDeepNeg, PosEdgePt, radMax*kAngTolerance * 0.25, -vy, kSurface); checkPoint( SphDeepNeg, PosEdgePt, -radMax*kAngTolerance * 0.25, -vy, kSurface); checkPoint( SphDeepNeg, PosEdgePt, -radMax*kAngTolerance * 1.25, -vy, kOutside); checkPoint( SphDeepNeg, PosEdgePt, radMax*kAngTolerance * 1.25, -vy, kSurface); G4ThreeVector NormInDir = - std::cos(10.0*degree) * vy + std::sin(10.0*degree) * vx; checkPoint( SphDeepNeg, PosEdgePt, 0.0, -vy, kSurface); checkPoint( SphDeepNeg, PosEdgePt, radMax*kAngTolerance * 0.25, NormInDir, kSurface); checkPoint( SphDeepNeg, PosEdgePt, -radMax*kAngTolerance * 0.25, NormInDir, kSurface); checkPoint( SphDeepNeg, PosEdgePt, -radMax*kAngTolerance * 1.25, NormInDir, kOutside); checkPoint( SphDeepNeg, PosEdgePt, radMax*kAngTolerance * 1.25, NormInDir, kSurface); return 0; } // Given the sphere 'rSphere', a point 'origin' // --> --> --> // the function below checks that the point pnew=( origin + dist * direction ) // - the point (p+dist*dir) is located in the part of the solid given by 'expectedInResult' // - and that from there, the DistanceToIn along 'dir' is not negative or Infinite // // Use cases expected: // - 'origin' is on/near a surface and 'direction' is pointing towards the inside of the solid G4bool checkPoint( const G4Sphere &rSphere, G4ThreeVector origin, G4double dist, G4ThreeVector direction, EInside expectedInResult) { G4int verbose = 0, verboseErr= 2; G4bool testAll = false ; // if false, do not call DistToIn if Outside etc. G4double kAngTolerance = G4GeometryTolerance::GetInstance()->GetAngularTolerance(); G4ThreeVector newPoint; G4double distIn = -1.0, distOut = -1.0; newPoint = origin + dist * direction; G4int oldPrecision= G4cout.precision(10); // G4cout << " --- Sphere " << rSphere.GetName() << "" << G4endl; if( verbose > 0 ) { G4cout << G4endl; if (verbose > 2 ) G4cout << " Sphere " << rSphere.GetName(); G4cout.precision(10); if (verbose > 1 ) G4cout << " dir= " << direction; G4cout << " dist= " << dist; } EInside inSphere= rSphere.Inside( newPoint ) ; /*======*/ G4cout.precision(15); // G4cout << " NewPoint " << newPoint << " is " G4bool goodIn= (inSphere == expectedInResult); if ( !goodIn ) { G4cout << " ************ Unexpected Result for Inside *************** " << G4endl; } if ( verbose || !goodIn ) { G4cout << " New point " << " is " << OutputInside( inSphere ) << " vs " << OutputInside( expectedInResult ) << " expected." << G4endl ; } G4bool goodDistIn = true; distIn = rSphere.DistanceToIn( newPoint, direction ); /*===========*/ if ( verbose ) G4cout << " DistToIn (p, dir) = " << distIn << G4endl; if( (inSphere == kOutside) && (distIn < 0.0 ) // Cannot use 0.5*kCarTolerance for Angular tolerance!! ) { G4cout << " ********** Unexpected Result for DistanceToIn from outside ********* " << G4endl; // G4cout << " It should be " << G4endl; goodDistIn = false; } if( (inSphere == kSurface ) && ( (distIn < 0.0) || (distIn >= kInfinity )) ) { G4cout << " ********** Unexpected Result for DistanceToIn on surface ********* " << G4endl; // if ( (distIn != 0.0) ) // - Can check that the return value must be 0.0 // But in general case the direction can be away from the solid, // and then a finite or kInfinity answer is correct // --> must check the direction against the normal // in order to perform this check in general case. goodDistIn = false; } if ( verbose || !goodDistIn ) { G4cout << " DistToIn (p, dir) = " << distIn << G4endl; } G4bool good= (goodIn && goodDistIn); if ( !good ) { // There was an error -- document the use case! G4cout << " --- Sphere " << rSphere.GetName() << "" << G4endl; if ( verboseErr > 1 ) { G4cout << " dist= " << dist ; // << G4endl; G4cout << " Direction= " << direction ; // << G4endl; G4cout << " dist/kAngTolerance = " << dist / kAngTolerance << G4endl; G4cout << " Original pt= " << origin << G4endl; } G4cout << " Actual-point= " << newPoint << G4endl; G4cout << " Rho= " << G4ThreeVector(newPoint.x(), newPoint.y(), 0.).mag() << G4endl; } if( testAll || (inSphere!=kOutside) ) { distOut = rSphere.DistanceToOut( newPoint, direction ); /*=============*/ if ( verbose ) G4cout << " DistToOut (p, dir) = " << distOut << G4endl; } G4cout.precision(oldPrecision); return good; }