// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // $Id: G4Ellipsoid.cc,v 1.24 2009/09/24 15:51:02 gcosmo Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-01 $ // // class G4Ellipsoid // // Implementation for G4Ellipsoid class // // History: // // 10.11.99 G.Horton-Smith -- first writing, based on G4Sphere class // 25.02.05 G.Guerrieri -- Modified for future Geant4 release // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "globals.hh" #include "G4Ellipsoid.hh" #include "G4VoxelLimits.hh" #include "G4AffineTransform.hh" #include "G4GeometryTolerance.hh" #include "meshdefs.hh" #include "Randomize.hh" #include "G4VGraphicsScene.hh" #include "G4Polyhedron.hh" #include "G4NURBS.hh" #include "G4NURBSbox.hh" #include "G4VisExtent.hh" using namespace CLHEP; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // constructor - check parameters, convert angles so 02PI then reset to 2PI G4Ellipsoid::G4Ellipsoid(const G4String& pName, G4double pxSemiAxis, G4double pySemiAxis, G4double pzSemiAxis, G4double pzBottomCut, G4double pzTopCut) : G4VSolid(pName), fpPolyhedron(0), fCubicVolume(0.), fSurfaceArea(0.), zBottomCut(0.), zTopCut(0.) { // note: for users that want to use the full ellipsoid it is useful // to include a default for the cuts kRadTolerance = G4GeometryTolerance::GetInstance()->GetRadialTolerance(); // Check Semi-Axis if ( (pxSemiAxis>0.) && (pySemiAxis>0.) && (pzSemiAxis>0.) ) { SetSemiAxis(pxSemiAxis, pySemiAxis, pzSemiAxis); } else { G4cerr << "ERROR - G4Ellipsoid::G4Ellipsoid(): " << GetName() << G4endl << " Invalid semi-axis !" << G4endl; G4Exception("G4Ellipsoid::G4Ellipsoid()", "InvalidSetup", FatalException, "Invalid semi-axis."); } if ( pzBottomCut == 0 && pzTopCut == 0 ) { SetZCuts(-pzSemiAxis, pzSemiAxis); } else if ( (pzBottomCut < pzSemiAxis) && (pzTopCut > -pzSemiAxis) && (pzBottomCut < pzTopCut) ) { SetZCuts(pzBottomCut, pzTopCut); } else { G4cerr << "ERROR - G4Ellipsoid::G4Ellipsoid(): " << GetName() << G4endl << " Invalid z-coordinate for cutting plane !" << G4endl; G4Exception("G4Ellipsoid::G4Ellipsoid()", "InvalidSetup", FatalException, "Invalid z-coordinate for cutting plane."); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Fake default constructor - sets only member data and allocates memory // for usage restricted to object persistency. // G4Ellipsoid::G4Ellipsoid( __void__& a ) : G4VSolid(a), fpPolyhedron(0), fCubicVolume(0.), fSurfaceArea(0.) { } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Destructor G4Ellipsoid::~G4Ellipsoid() { } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Calculate extent under transform and specified limit G4bool G4Ellipsoid::CalculateExtent(const EAxis pAxis, const G4VoxelLimits& pVoxelLimit, const G4AffineTransform& pTransform, G4double& pMin, G4double& pMax) const { if (!pTransform.IsRotated()) { // Special case handling for unrotated solid ellipsoid // Compute x/y/z mins and maxs for bounding box respecting limits, // with early returns if outside limits. Then switch() on pAxis, // and compute exact x and y limit for x/y case G4double xoffset,xMin,xMax; G4double yoffset,yMin,yMax; G4double zoffset,zMin,zMax; G4double maxDiff,newMin,newMax; G4double xoff,yoff; xoffset=pTransform.NetTranslation().x(); xMin=xoffset - xSemiAxis; xMax=xoffset + xSemiAxis; if (pVoxelLimit.IsXLimited()) { if ( (xMin>pVoxelLimit.GetMaxXExtent()+kCarTolerance) || (xMaxpVoxelLimit.GetMaxXExtent()) { xMax=pVoxelLimit.GetMaxXExtent(); } } } yoffset=pTransform.NetTranslation().y(); yMin=yoffset - ySemiAxis; yMax=yoffset + ySemiAxis; if (pVoxelLimit.IsYLimited()) { if ( (yMin>pVoxelLimit.GetMaxYExtent()+kCarTolerance) || (yMaxpVoxelLimit.GetMaxYExtent()) { yMax=pVoxelLimit.GetMaxYExtent(); } } } zoffset=pTransform.NetTranslation().z(); zMin=zoffset + (-zSemiAxis > zBottomCut ? -zSemiAxis : zBottomCut); zMax=zoffset + ( zSemiAxis < zTopCut ? zSemiAxis : zTopCut); if (pVoxelLimit.IsZLimited()) { if ( (zMin>pVoxelLimit.GetMaxZExtent()+kCarTolerance) || (zMaxpVoxelLimit.GetMaxZExtent()) { zMax=pVoxelLimit.GetMaxZExtent(); } } } // if here, then known to cut bounding box around ellipsoid // xoff = (xoffset < xMin) ? (xMin-xoffset) : (xoffset > xMax) ? (xoffset-xMax) : 0.0; yoff = (yoffset < yMin) ? (yMin-yoffset) : (yoffset > yMax) ? (yoffset-yMax) : 0.0; // detailed calculations // NOTE: does not use X or Y offsets to adjust Z range, // and does not use Z offset to adjust X or Y range, // which is consistent with G4Sphere::CalculateExtent behavior // switch (pAxis) { case kXAxis: if (yoff==0.) { // YZ limits cross max/min x => no change // pMin=xMin; pMax=xMax; } else { // YZ limits don't cross max/min x => compute max delta x, // hence new mins/maxs // maxDiff= 1.0-sqr(yoff/ySemiAxis); if (maxDiff < 0.0) { return false; } maxDiff= xSemiAxis * std::sqrt(maxDiff); newMin=xoffset-maxDiff; newMax=xoffset+maxDiff; pMin=(newMinxMax) ? xMax : newMax; } break; case kYAxis: if (xoff==0.) { // XZ limits cross max/min y => no change // pMin=yMin; pMax=yMax; } else { // XZ limits don't cross max/min y => compute max delta y, // hence new mins/maxs // maxDiff= 1.0-sqr(xoff/xSemiAxis); if (maxDiff < 0.0) { return false; } maxDiff= ySemiAxis * std::sqrt(maxDiff); newMin=yoffset-maxDiff; newMax=yoffset+maxDiff; pMin=(newMinyMax) ? yMax : newMax; } break; case kZAxis: pMin=zMin; pMax=zMax; break; default: break; } pMin-=kCarTolerance; pMax+=kCarTolerance; return true; } else // not rotated { G4int i,j,noEntries,noBetweenSections; G4bool existsAfterClip=false; // Calculate rotated vertex coordinates G4int noPolygonVertices=0; G4ThreeVectorList* vertices = CreateRotatedVertices(pTransform,noPolygonVertices); pMin=+kInfinity; pMax=-kInfinity; noEntries=vertices->size(); // noPolygonVertices*noPhiCrossSections noBetweenSections=noEntries-noPolygonVertices; G4ThreeVectorList ThetaPolygon; for (i=0;i zTopCut+halfRadTolerance) { return in=kOutside; } rad2oo= sqr(p.x()/(xSemiAxis+halfRadTolerance)) + sqr(p.y()/(ySemiAxis+halfRadTolerance)) + sqr(p.z()/(zSemiAxis+halfRadTolerance)); if (rad2oo > 1.0) { return in=kOutside; } rad2oi= sqr(p.x()*(1.0+halfRadTolerance/xSemiAxis)/xSemiAxis) + sqr(p.y()*(1.0+halfRadTolerance/ySemiAxis)/ySemiAxis) + sqr(p.z()*(1.0+halfRadTolerance/zSemiAxis)/zSemiAxis); // Check radial surfaces // sets `in' (already checked for rad2oo > 1.0) // if (rad2oi < 1.0) { in = ( (p.z() < zBottomCut+halfRadTolerance) || (p.z() > zTopCut-halfRadTolerance) ) ? kSurface : kInside; if ( rad2oi > 1.0-halfRadTolerance ) { in=kSurface; } } else { in = kSurface; } return in; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Return unit normal of surface closest to p not protected against p=0 G4ThreeVector G4Ellipsoid::SurfaceNormal( const G4ThreeVector& p) const { G4double distR, distZBottom, distZTop; // normal vector with special magnitude: parallel to normal, units 1/length // norm*p == 1.0 if on surface, >1.0 if outside, <1.0 if inside // G4ThreeVector norm(p.x()/(xSemiAxis*xSemiAxis), p.y()/(ySemiAxis*ySemiAxis), p.z()/(zSemiAxis*zSemiAxis)); G4double radius = 1.0/norm.mag(); // approximate distance to curved surface // distR = std::fabs( (p*norm - 1.0) * radius ) / 2.0; // Distance to z-cut plane // distZBottom = std::fabs( p.z() - zBottomCut ); distZTop = std::fabs( p.z() - zTopCut ); if ( (distZBottom < distR) || (distZTop < distR) ) { return G4ThreeVector(0.,0.,(distZBottom < distZTop) ? -1.0 : 1.0); } return ( norm *= radius ); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Calculate distance to shape from outside, along normalised vector // - return kInfinity if no intersection, or intersection distance <= tolerance // G4double G4Ellipsoid::DistanceToIn( const G4ThreeVector& p, const G4ThreeVector& v ) const { static const G4double halfCarTolerance=kCarTolerance*0.5; static const G4double halfRadTolerance=kRadTolerance*0.5; G4double distMin = std::min(xSemiAxis,ySemiAxis); const G4double dRmax = 100.*std::min(distMin,zSemiAxis); distMin= kInfinity; // check to see if Z plane is relevant if (p.z() <= zBottomCut+halfCarTolerance) { if (v.z() <= 0.0) { return distMin; } G4double distZ = (zBottomCut - p.z()) / v.z(); if ( (distZ > -halfRadTolerance) && (Inside(p+distZ*v) != kOutside) ) { // early exit since can't intercept curved surface if we reach here if ( std::abs(distZ) < halfRadTolerance ) { distZ=0.; } return distMin= distZ; } } if (p.z() >= zTopCut-halfCarTolerance) { if (v.z() >= 0.0) { return distMin;} G4double distZ = (zTopCut - p.z()) / v.z(); if ( (distZ > -halfRadTolerance) && (Inside(p+distZ*v) != kOutside) ) { // early exit since can't intercept curved surface if we reach here if ( std::abs(distZ) < halfRadTolerance ) { distZ=0.; } return distMin= distZ; } } // if fZCut1 <= p.z() <= fZCut2, then must hit curved surface // now check curved surface intercept G4double A,B,C; A= sqr(v.x()/xSemiAxis) + sqr(v.y()/ySemiAxis) + sqr(v.z()/zSemiAxis); C= sqr(p.x()/xSemiAxis) + sqr(p.y()/ySemiAxis) + sqr(p.z()/zSemiAxis) - 1.0; B= 2.0 * ( p.x()*v.x()/(xSemiAxis*xSemiAxis) + p.y()*v.y()/(ySemiAxis*ySemiAxis) + p.z()*v.z()/(zSemiAxis*zSemiAxis) ); C= B*B - 4.0*A*C; if (C > 0.0) { G4double distR= (-B - std::sqrt(C)) / (2.0*A); G4double intZ = p.z()+distR*v.z(); if ( (distR > halfRadTolerance) && (intZ >= zBottomCut-halfRadTolerance) && (intZ <= zTopCut+halfRadTolerance) ) { distMin = distR; } else if( (distR >- halfRadTolerance) && (intZ >= zBottomCut-halfRadTolerance) && (intZ <= zTopCut+halfRadTolerance) ) { // p is on the curved surface, DistanceToIn returns 0 or kInfinity: // DistanceToIn returns 0, if second root is positive (means going inside) // If second root is negative, DistanceToIn returns kInfinity (outside) // distR = (-B + std::sqrt(C) ) / (2.0*A); if(distR>0.) { distMin=0.; } } else { distR= (-B + std::sqrt(C)) / (2.0*A); intZ = p.z()+distR*v.z(); if ( (distR > halfRadTolerance) && (intZ >= zBottomCut-halfRadTolerance) && (intZ <= zTopCut+halfRadTolerance) ) { G4ThreeVector norm=SurfaceNormal(p); if (norm.dot(v)<0.) { distMin = distR; } } } if ( (distMin!=kInfinity) && (distMin>dRmax) ) { // Avoid rounding errors due to precision issues on // 64 bits systems. Split long distances and recompute G4double fTerm = distMin-std::fmod(distMin,dRmax); distMin = fTerm + DistanceToIn(p+fTerm*v,v); } } if (std::abs(distMin) 0.0) { G4double distZ = (zTopCut - p.z()) / v.z(); if (distZ < 0.0) { distZ= 0.0; if (!calcNorm) {return 0.0;} } distMin= distZ; surface= kPlaneSurf; } // normal vector: parallel to normal, magnitude 1/(characteristic radius) // G4ThreeVector nearnorm(p.x()/(xSemiAxis*xSemiAxis), p.y()/(ySemiAxis*ySemiAxis), p.z()/(zSemiAxis*zSemiAxis)); // now check curved surface intercept // G4double A,B,C; A= sqr(v.x()/xSemiAxis) + sqr(v.y()/ySemiAxis) + sqr(v.z()/zSemiAxis); C= (p * nearnorm) - 1.0; B= 2.0 * (v * nearnorm); C= B*B - 4.0*A*C; if (C > 0.0) { G4double distR= (-B + std::sqrt(C) ) / (2.0*A); if (distR < 0.0) { distR= 0.0; if (!calcNorm) {return 0.0;} } if (distR < distMin) { distMin= distR; surface= kCurvedSurf; } } // set normal if requested // if (calcNorm) { if (surface == kNoSurf) { *validNorm = false; } else { *validNorm = true; switch (surface) { case kPlaneSurf: *n= G4ThreeVector(0.,0.,(v.z() > 0.0 ? 1. : -1.)); break; case kCurvedSurf: { G4ThreeVector pexit= p + distMin*v; G4ThreeVector truenorm(pexit.x()/(xSemiAxis*xSemiAxis), pexit.y()/(ySemiAxis*ySemiAxis), pexit.z()/(zSemiAxis*zSemiAxis)); truenorm *= 1.0/truenorm.mag(); *n= truenorm; } break; default: G4cout.precision(16); G4cout << G4endl; DumpInfo(); G4cout << "Position:" << G4endl << G4endl; G4cout << "p.x() = " << p.x()/mm << " mm" << G4endl; G4cout << "p.y() = " << p.y()/mm << " mm" << G4endl; G4cout << "p.z() = " << p.z()/mm << " mm" << G4endl << G4endl; G4cout << "Direction:" << G4endl << G4endl; G4cout << "v.x() = " << v.x() << G4endl; G4cout << "v.y() = " << v.y() << G4endl; G4cout << "v.z() = " << v.z() << G4endl << G4endl; G4cout << "Proposed distance :" << G4endl << G4endl; G4cout << "distMin = " << distMin/mm << " mm" << G4endl << G4endl; G4Exception("G4Ellipsoid::DistanceToOut(p,v,..)", "Notification", JustWarning, "Undefined side for valid surface normal to solid."); break; } } } return distMin; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Calculate distance (<=actual) to closest surface of shape from inside G4double G4Ellipsoid::DistanceToOut(const G4ThreeVector& p) const { G4double distR, distZ; #ifdef G4SPECSDEBUG if( Inside(p) == kOutside ) { G4cout.precision(16) ; G4cout << G4endl ; DumpInfo(); G4cout << "Position:" << G4endl << G4endl ; G4cout << "p.x() = " << p.x()/mm << " mm" << G4endl ; G4cout << "p.y() = " << p.y()/mm << " mm" << G4endl ; G4cout << "p.z() = " << p.z()/mm << " mm" << G4endl << G4endl ; G4Exception("G4Ellipsoid::DistanceToOut(p)", "Notification", JustWarning, "Point p is outside !?" ); } #endif // Normal vector: parallel to normal, magnitude 1/(characteristic radius) // G4ThreeVector norm(p.x()/(xSemiAxis*xSemiAxis), p.y()/(ySemiAxis*ySemiAxis), p.z()/(zSemiAxis*zSemiAxis)); // the following is a safe inlined "radius= min(1.0/norm.mag(),p.mag()) // G4double radius= p.mag(); G4double tmp= norm.mag(); if ( (tmp > 0.0) && (1.0 < radius*tmp) ) {radius = 1.0/tmp;} // Approximate distance to curved surface ( <= actual distance ) // distR = (1.0 - p*norm) * radius / 2.0; // Distance to z-cut plane // distZ = p.z() - zBottomCut; if (distZ < 0.0) {distZ= zTopCut - p.z();} // Distance to closest surface from inside // if ( (distZ < 0.0) || (distR < 0.0) ) { return 0.0; } else { return (distZ < distR) ? distZ : distR; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Create a List containing the transformed vertices // Ordering [0-3] -fDz cross section // [4-7] +fDz cross section such that [0] is below [4], // [1] below [5] etc. // Note: // Caller has deletion resposibility // Potential improvement: For last slice, use actual ending angle // to avoid rounding error problems. G4ThreeVectorList* G4Ellipsoid::CreateRotatedVertices(const G4AffineTransform& pTransform, G4int& noPolygonVertices) const { G4ThreeVectorList *vertices; G4ThreeVector vertex; G4double meshAnglePhi, meshRMaxFactor, crossAnglePhi, coscrossAnglePhi, sincrossAnglePhi, sAnglePhi; G4double meshTheta, crossTheta, startTheta; G4double rMaxX, rMaxY, rMaxZ, rMaxMax, rx, ry, rz; G4int crossSectionPhi, noPhiCrossSections, crossSectionTheta, noThetaSections; // Phi cross sections // noPhiCrossSections=G4int (twopi/kMeshAngleDefault)+1; if (noPhiCrossSectionskMaxMeshSections) { noPhiCrossSections=kMaxMeshSections; } meshAnglePhi=twopi/(noPhiCrossSections-1); // Set start angle such that mesh will be at fRMax // on the x axis. Will give better extent calculations when not rotated. sAnglePhi = -meshAnglePhi*0.5; // Theta cross sections noThetaSections = G4int(pi/kMeshAngleDefault)+3; if (noThetaSectionskMaxMeshSections) { noThetaSections=kMaxMeshSections; } meshTheta= pi/(noThetaSections-2); // Set start angle such that mesh will be at fRMax // on the z axis. Will give better extent calculations when not rotated. startTheta = -meshTheta*0.5; meshRMaxFactor = 1.0/std::cos(0.5* std::sqrt(meshAnglePhi*meshAnglePhi+meshTheta*meshTheta)); rMaxMax= (xSemiAxis > ySemiAxis ? xSemiAxis : ySemiAxis); if (zSemiAxis > rMaxMax) rMaxMax= zSemiAxis; rMaxX= xSemiAxis + rMaxMax*(meshRMaxFactor-1.0); rMaxY= ySemiAxis + rMaxMax*(meshRMaxFactor-1.0); rMaxZ= zSemiAxis + rMaxMax*(meshRMaxFactor-1.0); G4double* cosCrossTheta = new G4double[noThetaSections]; G4double* sinCrossTheta = new G4double[noThetaSections]; vertices=new G4ThreeVectorList(noPhiCrossSections*noThetaSections); if (vertices && cosCrossTheta && sinCrossTheta) { for (crossSectionTheta=0; crossSectionTheta zTopCut) { rz= zTopCut; } vertex= G4ThreeVector(rx,ry,rz); vertices->push_back(pTransform.TransformPoint(vertex)); } // Theta forward } // Phi noPolygonVertices = noThetaSections ; } else { DumpInfo(); G4Exception("G4Ellipsoid::CreateRotatedVertices()", "FatalError", FatalException, "Error in allocation of vertices. Out of memory !"); } delete[] cosCrossTheta; delete[] sinCrossTheta; return vertices; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // G4EntityType G4GeometryType G4Ellipsoid::GetEntityType() const { return G4String("G4Ellipsoid"); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Stream object contents to an output stream std::ostream& G4Ellipsoid::StreamInfo( std::ostream& os ) const { os << "-----------------------------------------------------------\n" << " *** Dump for solid - " << GetName() << " ***\n" << " ===================================================\n" << " Solid type: G4Ellipsoid\n" << " Parameters: \n" << " semi-axis x: " << xSemiAxis/mm << " mm \n" << " semi-axis y: " << ySemiAxis/mm << " mm \n" << " semi-axis z: " << zSemiAxis/mm << " mm \n" << " max semi-axis: " << semiAxisMax/mm << " mm \n" << " lower cut plane level z: " << zBottomCut/mm << " mm \n" << " upper cut plane level z: " << zTopCut/mm << " mm \n" << "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"; return os; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // GetPointOnSurface G4ThreeVector G4Ellipsoid::GetPointOnSurface() const { G4double aTop, aBottom, aCurved, chose, xRand, yRand, zRand, phi, theta; G4double cosphi, sinphi, costheta, sintheta, alpha, beta, max1, max2, max3; max1 = xSemiAxis > ySemiAxis ? xSemiAxis : ySemiAxis; max1 = max1 > zSemiAxis ? max1 : zSemiAxis; if (max1 == xSemiAxis) { max2 = ySemiAxis; max3 = zSemiAxis; } else if (max1 == ySemiAxis) { max2 = xSemiAxis; max3 = zSemiAxis; } else { max2 = xSemiAxis; max3 = ySemiAxis; } phi = RandFlat::shoot(0.,twopi); theta = RandFlat::shoot(0.,pi); cosphi = std::cos(phi); sinphi = std::sin(phi); costheta = RandFlat::shoot(zBottomCut,zTopCut)/zSemiAxis; sintheta = std::sqrt(1.-sqr(costheta)); alpha = 1.-sqr(max2/max1); beta = 1.-sqr(max3/max1); aTop = pi*xSemiAxis*ySemiAxis*(1 - sqr(zTopCut/zSemiAxis)); aBottom = pi*xSemiAxis*ySemiAxis*(1 - sqr(zBottomCut/zSemiAxis)); // approximation // from:" http://www.citr.auckland.ac.nz/techreports/2004/CITR-TR-139.pdf" aCurved = 4.*pi*max1*max2*(1.-1./6.*(alpha+beta)- 1./120.*(3.*sqr(alpha)+2.*alpha*beta+3.*sqr(beta))); aCurved *= 0.5*(1.2*zTopCut/zSemiAxis - 1.2*zBottomCut/zSemiAxis); if( ( zTopCut >= zSemiAxis && zBottomCut <= -1.*zSemiAxis ) || ( zTopCut == 0 && zBottomCut ==0 ) ) { aTop = 0; aBottom = 0; } chose = RandFlat::shoot(0.,aTop + aBottom + aCurved); if(chose < aCurved) { xRand = xSemiAxis*sintheta*cosphi; yRand = ySemiAxis*sintheta*sinphi; zRand = zSemiAxis*costheta; return G4ThreeVector (xRand,yRand,zRand); } else if(chose >= aCurved && chose < aCurved + aTop) { xRand = RandFlat::shoot(-1.,1.)*xSemiAxis * std::sqrt(1-sqr(zTopCut/zSemiAxis)); yRand = RandFlat::shoot(-1.,1.)*ySemiAxis * std::sqrt(1.-sqr(zTopCut/zSemiAxis)-sqr(xRand/xSemiAxis)); zRand = zTopCut; return G4ThreeVector (xRand,yRand,zRand); } else { xRand = RandFlat::shoot(-1.,1.)*xSemiAxis * std::sqrt(1-sqr(zBottomCut/zSemiAxis)); yRand = RandFlat::shoot(-1.,1.)*ySemiAxis * std::sqrt(1.-sqr(zBottomCut/zSemiAxis)-sqr(xRand/xSemiAxis)); zRand = zBottomCut; return G4ThreeVector (xRand,yRand,zRand); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Methods for visualisation void G4Ellipsoid::DescribeYourselfTo (G4VGraphicsScene& scene) const { scene.AddSolid(*this); } G4VisExtent G4Ellipsoid::GetExtent() const { // Define the sides of the box into which the G4Ellipsoid instance would fit. // return G4VisExtent (-semiAxisMax, semiAxisMax, -semiAxisMax, semiAxisMax, -semiAxisMax, semiAxisMax); } G4NURBS* G4Ellipsoid::CreateNURBS () const { // Box for now!!! // return new G4NURBSbox(semiAxisMax, semiAxisMax, semiAxisMax); } G4Polyhedron* G4Ellipsoid::CreatePolyhedron () const { return new G4PolyhedronEllipsoid(xSemiAxis, ySemiAxis, zSemiAxis, zBottomCut, zTopCut); } G4Polyhedron* G4Ellipsoid::GetPolyhedron () const { if (!fpPolyhedron || fpPolyhedron->GetNumberOfRotationStepsAtTimeOfCreation() != fpPolyhedron->GetNumberOfRotationSteps()) { delete fpPolyhedron; fpPolyhedron = CreatePolyhedron(); } return fpPolyhedron; }