// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // $Id: G4EllipticalCone.cc,v 1.16 2008/04/25 08:45:26 gcosmo Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-01 $ // // Implementation of G4EllipticalCone class // // This code implements an Elliptical Cone given explicitly by the // equation: // x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 = (z-h)^2 // and specified by the parameters (a,b,h) and a cut parallel to the // xy plane above z = 0. // // Author: Dionysios Anninos // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "globals.hh" #include "G4EllipticalCone.hh" #include "G4ClippablePolygon.hh" #include "G4SolidExtentList.hh" #include "G4VoxelLimits.hh" #include "G4AffineTransform.hh" #include "G4GeometryTolerance.hh" #include "meshdefs.hh" #include "Randomize.hh" #include "G4VGraphicsScene.hh" #include "G4Polyhedron.hh" #include "G4NURBS.hh" #include "G4NURBSbox.hh" #include "G4VisExtent.hh" //#define G4SPECSDEBUG 1 using namespace CLHEP; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Constructor - check parameters // G4EllipticalCone::G4EllipticalCone(const G4String& pName, G4double pxSemiAxis, G4double pySemiAxis, G4double pzMax, G4double pzTopCut) : G4VSolid(pName), fpPolyhedron(0), fCubicVolume(0.), fSurfaceArea(0.), zTopCut(0.) { kRadTolerance = G4GeometryTolerance::GetInstance()->GetRadialTolerance(); // Check Semi-Axis // if ( (pxSemiAxis > 0.) && (pySemiAxis > 0.) && (pzMax > 0.) ) { SetSemiAxis( pxSemiAxis, pySemiAxis, pzMax ); } else { G4cerr << "ERROR - G4EllipticalCone::G4EllipticalCone(): " << GetName() << G4endl << " Invalid semi-axis or height!" << G4endl; G4Exception("G4EllipticalCone::G4EllipticalCone()", "InvalidSetup", FatalException, "Invalid semi-axis or height."); } if ( pzTopCut > 0 ) { SetZCut(pzTopCut); } else { G4cerr << "ERROR - G4EllipticalCone::G4EllipticalCone(): " << GetName() << G4endl << " Invalid z-coordinate for cutting plane !" << G4endl; G4Exception("G4EllipticalCone::G4EllipticalCone()", "InvalidSetup", FatalException, "Invalid z-coordinate for cutting plane."); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Fake default constructor - sets only member data and allocates memory // for usage restricted to object persistency. // G4EllipticalCone::G4EllipticalCone( __void__& a ) : G4VSolid(a), fpPolyhedron(0), fCubicVolume(0.), fSurfaceArea(0.), zTopCut(0.) { } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Destructor // G4EllipticalCone::~G4EllipticalCone() { } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Calculate extent under transform and specified limit // G4bool G4EllipticalCone::CalculateExtent( const EAxis axis, const G4VoxelLimits &voxelLimit, const G4AffineTransform &transform, G4double &min, G4double &max ) const { G4SolidExtentList extentList( axis, voxelLimit ); // // We are going to divide up our elliptical face into small pieces // // // Choose phi size of our segment(s) based on constants as // defined in meshdefs.hh // G4int numPhi = kMaxMeshSections; G4double sigPhi = twopi/numPhi; // // We have to be careful to keep our segments completely outside // of the elliptical surface. To do so we imagine we have // a simple (unit radius) circular cross section (as in G4Tubs) // and then "stretch" the dimensions as necessary to fit the ellipse. // G4double rFudge = 1.0/std::cos(0.5*sigPhi); G4double dxFudgeBot = xSemiAxis*2.*zheight*rFudge, dyFudgeBot = ySemiAxis*2.*zheight*rFudge; G4double dxFudgeTop = xSemiAxis*(zheight-zTopCut)*rFudge, dyFudgeTop = ySemiAxis*(zheight-zTopCut)*rFudge; // // As we work around the elliptical surface, we build // a "phi" segment on the way, and keep track of two // additional polygons for the two ends. // G4ClippablePolygon endPoly1, endPoly2, phiPoly; G4double phi = 0, cosPhi = std::cos(phi), sinPhi = std::sin(phi); G4ThreeVector v0( dxFudgeTop*cosPhi, dyFudgeTop*sinPhi, +zTopCut ), v1( dxFudgeBot*cosPhi, dyFudgeBot*sinPhi, -zTopCut ), w0, w1; transform.ApplyPointTransform( v0 ); transform.ApplyPointTransform( v1 ); do { phi += sigPhi; if (numPhi == 1) phi = 0; // Try to avoid roundoff cosPhi = std::cos(phi), sinPhi = std::sin(phi); w0 = G4ThreeVector( dxFudgeTop*cosPhi, dyFudgeTop*sinPhi, +zTopCut ); w1 = G4ThreeVector( dxFudgeBot*cosPhi, dyFudgeBot*sinPhi, -zTopCut ); transform.ApplyPointTransform( w0 ); transform.ApplyPointTransform( w1 ); // // Add a point to our z ends // endPoly1.AddVertexInOrder( v0 ); endPoly2.AddVertexInOrder( v1 ); // // Build phi polygon // phiPoly.ClearAllVertices(); phiPoly.AddVertexInOrder( v0 ); phiPoly.AddVertexInOrder( v1 ); phiPoly.AddVertexInOrder( w1 ); phiPoly.AddVertexInOrder( w0 ); if (phiPoly.PartialClip( voxelLimit, axis )) { // // Get unit normal // phiPoly.SetNormal( (v1-v0).cross(w0-v0).unit() ); extentList.AddSurface( phiPoly ); } // // Next vertex // v0 = w0; v1 = w1; } while( --numPhi > 0 ); // // Process the end pieces // if (endPoly1.PartialClip( voxelLimit, axis )) { static const G4ThreeVector normal(0,0,+1); endPoly1.SetNormal( transform.TransformAxis(normal) ); extentList.AddSurface( endPoly1 ); } if (endPoly2.PartialClip( voxelLimit, axis )) { static const G4ThreeVector normal(0,0,-1); endPoly2.SetNormal( transform.TransformAxis(normal) ); extentList.AddSurface( endPoly2 ); } // // Return min/max value // return extentList.GetExtent( min, max ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Return whether point inside/outside/on surface // Split into radius, phi, theta checks // Each check modifies `in', or returns as approprate // EInside G4EllipticalCone::Inside(const G4ThreeVector& p) const { G4double rad2oo, // outside surface outer tolerance rad2oi; // outside surface inner tolerance EInside in; // check this side of z cut first, because that's fast // if ( (p.z() < -zTopCut - 0.5*kCarTolerance) || (p.z() > zTopCut + 0.5*kCarTolerance ) ) { return in = kOutside; } rad2oo= sqr(p.x()/( xSemiAxis + 0.5*kRadTolerance )) + sqr(p.y()/( ySemiAxis + 0.5*kRadTolerance )); if ( rad2oo > sqr( zheight-p.z() ) ) { return in = kOutside; } // rad2oi= sqr( p.x()*(1.0 + 0.5*kRadTolerance/(xSemiAxis*xSemiAxis)) ) // + sqr( p.y()*(1.0 + 0.5*kRadTolerance/(ySemiAxis*ySemiAxis)) ); rad2oi = sqr(p.x()/( xSemiAxis - 0.5*kRadTolerance )) + sqr(p.y()/( ySemiAxis - 0.5*kRadTolerance )); if (rad2oi < sqr( zheight-p.z() ) ) { in = ( ( p.z() < -zTopCut + 0.5*kRadTolerance ) || ( p.z() > zTopCut - 0.5*kRadTolerance ) ) ? kSurface : kInside; } else { in = kSurface; } return in; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Return unit normal of surface closest to p not protected against p=0 // G4ThreeVector G4EllipticalCone::SurfaceNormal( const G4ThreeVector& p) const { G4double rx = sqr(p.x()/xSemiAxis), ry = sqr(p.y()/ySemiAxis); G4double rad = std::sqrt(rx + ry); G4ThreeVector norm; if( (p.z() < -zTopCut) && ((rx+ry) < sqr(zTopCut + zheight)) ) { return G4ThreeVector( 0., 0., -1. ); } if( (p.z() > (zheight > zTopCut ? zheight : zTopCut)) && ((rx+ry) < sqr(zheight-zTopCut)) ) { return G4ThreeVector( 0., 0., 1. ); } if( p.z() > rad + 2.*zTopCut - zheight ) { if ( p.z() > zTopCut ) { if( p.x() == 0. ) { norm = G4ThreeVector( 0., p.y() < 0. ? -1. : 1., 1. ); return norm /= norm.mag(); } if( p.y() == 0. ) { norm = G4ThreeVector( p.x() < 0. ? -1. : 1., 0., 1. ); return norm /= norm.mag(); } G4double m = std::fabs(p.x()/p.y()); G4double c2 = sqr(zheight-zTopCut)/(1./sqr(xSemiAxis)+sqr(m/ySemiAxis)); G4double x = std::sqrt(c2); G4double y = m*x; x /= sqr(xSemiAxis); y /= sqr(ySemiAxis); norm = G4ThreeVector( p.x() < 0. ? -x : x, p.y() < 0. ? -y : y, zheight - zTopCut ); norm /= norm.mag(); norm += G4ThreeVector( 0., 0., 1. ); return norm /= norm.mag(); } return G4ThreeVector( 0., 0., 1. ); } if( p.z() < rad - 2.*zTopCut - zheight ) { if( p.x() == 0. ) { norm = G4ThreeVector( 0., p.y() < 0. ? -1. : 1., -1. ); return norm /= norm.mag(); } if( p.y() == 0. ) { norm = G4ThreeVector( p.x() < 0. ? -1. : 1., 0., -1. ); return norm /= norm.mag(); } G4double m = std::fabs(p.x()/p.y()); G4double c2 = sqr(zheight+zTopCut)/(1./sqr(xSemiAxis)+sqr(m/ySemiAxis)); G4double x = std::sqrt(c2); G4double y = m*x; x /= sqr(xSemiAxis); y /= sqr(ySemiAxis); norm = G4ThreeVector( p.x() < 0. ? -x : x, p.y() < 0. ? -y : y, zheight - zTopCut ); norm /= norm.mag(); norm += G4ThreeVector( 0., 0., -1. ); return norm /= norm.mag(); } norm = G4ThreeVector(p.x()/sqr(xSemiAxis), p.y()/sqr(ySemiAxis), rad); G4double m = std::tan(pi/8.); G4double c = -zTopCut - m*(zTopCut + zheight); if( p.z() < -m*rad + c ) return G4ThreeVector (0.,0.,-1.); return norm /= norm.mag(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Calculate distance to shape from outside, along normalised vector // return kInfinity if no intersection, or intersection distance <= tolerance // G4double G4EllipticalCone::DistanceToIn( const G4ThreeVector& p, const G4ThreeVector& v ) const { static const G4double halfTol = 0.5*kCarTolerance; G4double distMin = kInfinity; // code from EllipticalTube G4double sigz = p.z()+zTopCut; // // Check z = -dz planer surface // if (sigz < halfTol) { // // We are "behind" the shape in z, and so can // potentially hit the rear face. Correct direction? // if (v.z() <= 0) { // // As long as we are far enough away, we know we // can't intersect // if (sigz < 0) return kInfinity; // // Otherwise, we don't intersect unless we are // on the surface of the ellipse // if ( sqr(p.x()/( xSemiAxis - halfTol )) + sqr(p.y()/( ySemiAxis - halfTol )) <= sqr( zheight+zTopCut ) ) return kInfinity; } else { // // How far? // G4double s = -sigz/v.z(); // // Where does that place us? // G4double xi = p.x() + s*v.x(), yi = p.y() + s*v.y(); // // Is this on the surface (within ellipse)? // if ( sqr(xi/xSemiAxis) + sqr(yi/ySemiAxis) <= sqr( zheight + zTopCut ) ) { // // Yup. Return s, unless we are on the surface // return (sigz < -halfTol) ? s : 0; } else if (xi/(xSemiAxis*xSemiAxis)*v.x() + yi/(ySemiAxis*ySemiAxis)*v.y() >= 0) { // // Else, if we are traveling outwards, we know // we must miss // // return kInfinity; } } } // // Check z = +dz planer surface // sigz = p.z() - zTopCut; if (sigz > -halfTol) { if (v.z() >= 0) { if (sigz > 0) return kInfinity; if ( sqr(p.x()/( xSemiAxis - halfTol )) + sqr(p.y()/( ySemiAxis - halfTol )) <= sqr( zheight-zTopCut ) ) return kInfinity; } else { G4double s = -sigz/v.z(); G4double xi = p.x() + s*v.x(), yi = p.y() + s*v.y(); if ( sqr(xi/xSemiAxis) + sqr(yi/ySemiAxis) <= sqr( zheight - zTopCut ) ) { return (sigz > -halfTol) ? s : 0; } else if (xi/(xSemiAxis*xSemiAxis)*v.x() + yi/(ySemiAxis*ySemiAxis)*v.y() >= 0) { // return kInfinity; } } } #if 0 // check to see if Z plane is relevant // if (p.z() < -zTopCut - 0.5*kCarTolerance) { if (v.z() <= 0.0) return distMin; G4double lambda = (-zTopCut - p.z())/v.z(); if ( sqr((lambda*v.x()+p.x())/xSemiAxis) + sqr((lambda*v.y()+p.y())/ySemiAxis) <= sqr(zTopCut + zheight + 0.5*kRadTolerance) ) { return distMin = std::fabs(lambda); } } if (p.z() > zTopCut+0.5*kCarTolerance) { if (v.z() >= 0.0) { return distMin; } G4double lambda = (zTopCut - p.z()) / v.z(); if ( sqr((lambda*v.x() + p.x())/xSemiAxis) + sqr((lambda*v.y() + p.y())/ySemiAxis) <= sqr(zheight - zTopCut + 0.5*kRadTolerance) ) { return distMin = std::fabs(lambda); } } if (p.z() > zTopCut - 0.5*kCarTolerance && p.z() < zTopCut + 0.5*kCarTolerance ) { if (v.z() > 0.) { return kInfinity; } return distMin = 0.; } if (p.z() < -zTopCut + 0.5*kCarTolerance && p.z() > -zTopCut - 0.5*kCarTolerance) { if (v.z() < 0.) { return distMin = kInfinity; } return distMin = 0.; } #endif // if we are here then it either intersects or grazes the curved surface // or it does not intersect at all // G4double A = sqr(v.x()/xSemiAxis) + sqr(v.y()/ySemiAxis) - sqr(v.z()); G4double B = 2*(v.x()*p.x()/sqr(xSemiAxis) + v.y()*p.y()/sqr(ySemiAxis) + v.z()*(zheight-p.z())); G4double C = sqr(p.x()/xSemiAxis) + sqr(p.y()/ySemiAxis) - sqr(zheight - p.z()); G4double discr = B*B - 4.*A*C; // if the discriminant is negative it never hits the curved object // if ( discr < -0.5*kCarTolerance ) { return distMin; } //case below is when it hits or grazes the surface // if ( (discr >= - 0.5*kCarTolerance ) && (discr < 0.5*kCarTolerance ) ) { return distMin = std::fabs(-B/(2.*A)); } G4double plus = (-B+std::sqrt(discr))/(2.*A); G4double minus = (-B-std::sqrt(discr))/(2.*A); // G4double lambda = std::fabs(plus) < std::fabs(minus) ? plus : minus; G4double lambda = 0; if ( minus > halfTol && minus < distMin ) { lambda = minus ; // check normal vector n * v < 0 G4ThreeVector pin = p + lambda*v; G4ThreeVector truenorm(pin.x()/(xSemiAxis*xSemiAxis), pin.y()/(ySemiAxis*ySemiAxis), - ( pin.z() - zheight )); if ( truenorm*v < 0) { // yes, going inside the solid distMin = lambda; } } if ( plus > halfTol && plus < distMin ) { lambda = plus ; // check normal vector n * v < 0 G4ThreeVector pin = p + lambda*v; G4ThreeVector truenorm(pin.x()/(xSemiAxis*xSemiAxis), pin.y()/(ySemiAxis*ySemiAxis), - ( pin.z() - zheight ) ); if ( truenorm*v < 0) { // yes, going inside the solid distMin = lambda; } } #ifdef G4SPECSDEBUG // G4cout << "DToIn: plus,minus, lambda = " << plus // << ", " << minus << ", " << lambda << G4endl ; // G4cout << "DToIn: distMin = " << distMin << G4endl ; #endif return distMin ; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Calculate distance (<= actual) to closest surface of shape from outside // Return 0 if point inside // G4double G4EllipticalCone::DistanceToIn(const G4ThreeVector& p) const { G4double distR, distR2, distZ, maxDim; G4double distRad; // check if the point lies either below z=-zTopCut in bottom elliptical // region or on top within cut elliptical region // if( (p.z() <= -zTopCut) && (sqr(p.x()/xSemiAxis) + sqr(p.y()/ySemiAxis) <= sqr(zTopCut + zheight + 0.5*kCarTolerance )) ) { //return distZ = std::fabs(zTopCut - p.z()); return distZ = std::fabs(zTopCut + p.z()); } if( (p.z() >= zTopCut) && (sqr(p.x()/xSemiAxis)+sqr(p.y()/ySemiAxis) <= sqr(zheight - zTopCut + kCarTolerance/2.0 )) ) { return distZ = std::fabs(p.z() - zTopCut); } // below we use the following approximation: we take the largest of the // axes and find the shortest distance to the circular (cut) cone of that // radius. // maxDim = xSemiAxis >= ySemiAxis ? xSemiAxis:ySemiAxis; distRad = std::sqrt(p.x()*p.x()+p.y()*p.y()); if( p.z() > maxDim*distRad + zTopCut*(1.+maxDim)-sqr(maxDim)*zheight ) { distR2 = sqr(p.z() - zTopCut) + sqr(distRad - maxDim*(zheight - zTopCut)); return std::sqrt( distR2 ); } if( distRad > maxDim*( zheight - p.z() ) ) { if( p.z() > maxDim*distRad - (zTopCut*(1.+maxDim)+sqr(maxDim)*zheight) ) { G4double zVal = (p.z()-maxDim*(distRad-maxDim*zheight))/(1.+sqr(maxDim)); G4double rVal = maxDim*(zheight - zVal); return distR = std::sqrt(sqr(p.z() - zVal) + sqr(distRad - rVal)); } } if( distRad <= maxDim*(zheight - p.z()) ) { distR2 = sqr(distRad - maxDim*(zheight + zTopCut)) + sqr(p.z() + zTopCut); return std::sqrt( distR2 ); } return distR = 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Calculate distance to surface of shape from `inside', // allowing for tolerance // G4double G4EllipticalCone::DistanceToOut(const G4ThreeVector& p, const G4ThreeVector& v, const G4bool calcNorm, G4bool *validNorm, G4ThreeVector *n ) const { G4double distMin, lambda; enum surface_e {kPlaneSurf, kCurvedSurf, kNoSurf} surface; distMin = kInfinity; surface = kNoSurf; if (v.z() < 0.0) { lambda = (-p.z() - zTopCut)/v.z(); if ( (sqr((p.x() + lambda*v.x())/xSemiAxis) + sqr((p.y() + lambda*v.y())/ySemiAxis)) < sqr(zheight + zTopCut + 0.5*kCarTolerance) ) { distMin = std::fabs(lambda); if (!calcNorm) { return distMin; } } distMin = std::fabs(lambda); surface = kPlaneSurf; } if (v.z() > 0.0) { lambda = (zTopCut - p.z()) / v.z(); if ( (sqr((p.x() + lambda*v.x())/xSemiAxis) + sqr((p.y() + lambda*v.y())/ySemiAxis) ) < (sqr(zheight - zTopCut + 0.5*kCarTolerance)) ) { distMin = std::fabs(lambda); if (!calcNorm) { return distMin; } } distMin = std::fabs(lambda); surface = kPlaneSurf; } // if we are here then it either intersects or grazes the // curved surface... // G4double A = sqr(v.x()/xSemiAxis) + sqr(v.y()/ySemiAxis) - sqr(v.z()); G4double B = 2.*(v.x()*p.x()/sqr(xSemiAxis) + v.y()*p.y()/sqr(ySemiAxis) + v.z()*(zheight-p.z())); G4double C = sqr(p.x()/xSemiAxis) + sqr(p.y()/ySemiAxis) - sqr(zheight - p.z()); G4double discr = B*B - 4.*A*C; if ( discr >= - 0.5*kCarTolerance && discr < 0.5*kCarTolerance ) { if(!calcNorm) { return distMin = std::fabs(-B/(2.*A)); } } else if ( discr > 0.5*kCarTolerance ) { G4double plus = (-B+std::sqrt(discr))/(2.*A); G4double minus = (-B-std::sqrt(discr))/(2.*A); if ( plus > 0.5*kCarTolerance && minus > 0.5*kCarTolerance ) { // take the shorter distance // lambda = std::fabs(plus) < std::fabs(minus) ? plus : minus; } else { // at least one solution is close to zero or negative // so, take small positive solution or zero // lambda = plus > -0.5*kCarTolerance ? plus : 0; } if ( std::fabs(lambda) < distMin ) { distMin = std::fabs(lambda); surface = kCurvedSurf; } } // set normal if requested // if (calcNorm) { if (surface == kNoSurf) { *validNorm = false; } else { *validNorm = true; switch (surface) { case kPlaneSurf: { *n = G4ThreeVector(0.,0.,(v.z() > 0.0 ? 1. : -1.)); } break; case kCurvedSurf: { G4ThreeVector pexit = p + distMin*v; G4ThreeVector truenorm(pexit.x()/(xSemiAxis*xSemiAxis), pexit.y()/(ySemiAxis*ySemiAxis), pexit.z() - zheight ); truenorm /= truenorm.mag(); *n= truenorm; } break; default: G4cout.precision(16); G4cout << G4endl; DumpInfo(); G4cout << "Position:" << G4endl << G4endl; G4cout << "p.x() = " << p.x()/mm << " mm" << G4endl; G4cout << "p.y() = " << p.y()/mm << " mm" << G4endl; G4cout << "p.z() = " << p.z()/mm << " mm" << G4endl << G4endl; G4cout << "Direction:" << G4endl << G4endl; G4cout << "v.x() = " << v.x() << G4endl; G4cout << "v.y() = " << v.y() << G4endl; G4cout << "v.z() = " << v.z() << G4endl << G4endl; G4cout << "Proposed distance :" << G4endl << G4endl; G4cout << "distMin = " << distMin/mm << " mm" << G4endl << G4endl; G4Exception("G4EllipticalCone::DistanceToOut(p,v,..)", "Notification", JustWarning, "Undefined side for valid surface normal to solid."); break; } } } return distMin; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Calculate distance (<=actual) to closest surface of shape from inside // G4double G4EllipticalCone::DistanceToOut(const G4ThreeVector& p) const { G4double rad,roo,roo1, distR, distZ, distMin=0.; G4double minAxis = xSemiAxis < ySemiAxis ? xSemiAxis : ySemiAxis; #ifdef G4SPECSDEBUG if( Inside(p) == kOutside ) { G4cout.precision(16) ; G4cout << G4endl ; DumpInfo(); G4cout << "Position:" << G4endl << G4endl ; G4cout << "p.x() = " << p.x()/mm << " mm" << G4endl ; G4cout << "p.y() = " << p.y()/mm << " mm" << G4endl ; G4cout << "p.z() = " << p.z()/mm << " mm" << G4endl << G4endl ; G4Exception("G4Ellipsoid::DistanceToOut(p)", "Notification", JustWarning, "Point p is outside !?" ); } #endif // since we have made the above warning, below we are working assuming p // is inside check how close it is to the circular cone with radius equal // to the smaller of the axes // if( sqr(p.x()/minAxis)+sqr(p.y()/minAxis) < sqr(zheight - p.z()) ) { rad = std::sqrt(sqr(p.x()) + sqr(p.y())); roo = minAxis*(zheight-p.z()); // radius of cone at z= p.z() roo1 = minAxis*(zheight-zTopCut); // radius of cone at z=+zTopCut distZ=zTopCut - std::fabs(p.z()) ; distR=(roo-rad)/(std::sqrt(1+sqr(minAxis))); if(rad>roo1) { distMin=(zTopCut-p.z())*(roo-rad)/(roo-roo1); distMin=std::min(distMin,distR); } distMin=std::min(distR,distZ); } return distMin; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // GetEntityType // G4GeometryType G4EllipticalCone::GetEntityType() const { return G4String("G4EllipticalCone"); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Stream object contents to an output stream // std::ostream& G4EllipticalCone::StreamInfo( std::ostream& os ) const { os << "-----------------------------------------------------------\n" << " *** Dump for solid - " << GetName() << " ***\n" << " ===================================================\n" << " Solid type: G4EllipticalCone\n" << " Parameters: \n" << " semi-axis x: " << xSemiAxis/mm << " mm \n" << " semi-axis y: " << ySemiAxis/mm << " mm \n" << " height z: " << zheight/mm << " mm \n" << " half length in z: " << zTopCut/mm << " mm \n" << "-----------------------------------------------------------\n"; return os; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // GetPointOnSurface // // returns quasi-uniformly distributed point on surface of elliptical cone // G4ThreeVector G4EllipticalCone::GetPointOnSurface() const { G4double phi, sinphi, cosphi, aOne, aTwo, aThree, chose, zRand, rRand1, rRand2; G4double rOne = std::sqrt(sqr(xSemiAxis) + sqr(ySemiAxis))*(zheight - zTopCut); G4double rTwo = std::sqrt(sqr(xSemiAxis) + sqr(ySemiAxis))*(zheight + zTopCut); aOne = pi*(rOne + rTwo)*std::sqrt(sqr(rOne - rTwo)+sqr(2.*zTopCut)); aTwo = pi*xSemiAxis*ySemiAxis*sqr(zheight+zTopCut); aThree = pi*xSemiAxis*ySemiAxis*sqr(zheight-zTopCut); phi = RandFlat::shoot(0.,twopi); cosphi = std::cos(phi); sinphi = std::sin(phi); if(zTopCut >= zheight) aThree = 0.; chose = RandFlat::shoot(0.,aOne+aTwo+aThree); if((chose>=0.) && (chose=aOne) && (chose= rRand1 ) ; // rRand2 = RandFlat::shoot(0.,std::sqrt(1.-sqr(rRand1))); return G4ThreeVector(rRand1*xSemiAxis*(zheight+zTopCut)*cosphi, rRand1*ySemiAxis*(zheight+zTopCut)*sinphi, -zTopCut); } // else // do { rRand1 = RandFlat::shoot(0.,1.) ; rRand2 = RandFlat::shoot(0.,1.) ; } while ( rRand2 >= rRand1 ) ; return G4ThreeVector(rRand1*xSemiAxis*(zheight-zTopCut)*cosphi, rRand1*ySemiAxis*(zheight-zTopCut)*sinphi, zTopCut); } // // Methods for visualisation // void G4EllipticalCone::DescribeYourselfTo (G4VGraphicsScene& scene) const { scene.AddSolid(*this); } G4VisExtent G4EllipticalCone::GetExtent() const { // Define the sides of the box into which the solid instance would fit. // G4double maxDim; maxDim = xSemiAxis > ySemiAxis ? xSemiAxis : ySemiAxis; maxDim = maxDim > zTopCut ? maxDim : zTopCut; return G4VisExtent (-maxDim, maxDim, -maxDim, maxDim, -maxDim, maxDim); } G4NURBS* G4EllipticalCone::CreateNURBS () const { // Box for now!!! // return new G4NURBSbox(xSemiAxis, ySemiAxis,zheight); } G4Polyhedron* G4EllipticalCone::CreatePolyhedron () const { return new G4PolyhedronEllipticalCone(xSemiAxis, ySemiAxis, zheight, zTopCut); } G4Polyhedron* G4EllipticalCone::GetPolyhedron () const { if ( (!fpPolyhedron) || (fpPolyhedron->GetNumberOfRotationStepsAtTimeOfCreation() != fpPolyhedron->GetNumberOfRotationSteps()) ) { delete fpPolyhedron; fpPolyhedron = CreatePolyhedron(); } return fpPolyhedron; }