// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id: G4ExtrudedSolid.cc,v 1.17 2008/08/12 08:54:57 gcosmo Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: HEAD $ // // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // GEANT 4 class source file // // G4ExtrudedSolid.cc // // Author: Ivana Hrivnacova, IPN Orsay // -------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include "G4ExtrudedSolid.hh" #include "G4TriangularFacet.hh" #include "G4QuadrangularFacet.hh" //_____________________________________________________________________________ G4ExtrudedSolid::G4ExtrudedSolid( const G4String& pName, std::vector polygon, std::vector zsections) : G4TessellatedSolid(pName), fNv(polygon.size()), fNz(zsections.size()), fPolygon(), fZSections(), fTriangles(), fIsConvex(false), fGeometryType("G4ExtrudedSolid") { // General constructor G4String errorDescription = "InvalidSetup in \""; errorDescription += pName; errorDescription += "\""; // First check input parameters if ( fNv < 3 ) { G4Exception("G4ExtrudedSolid::G4ExtrudedSolid()", errorDescription, FatalException, "Number of polygon vertices < 3"); } if ( fNz < 2 ) { G4Exception("G4ExtrudedSolid::G4ExtrudedSolid()", errorDescription, FatalException, "Number of z-sides < 2"); } for ( G4int i=0; i zsections[i+1].fZ ) { G4Exception("G4ExtrudedSolid::G4ExtrudedSolid()", errorDescription, FatalException, "Z-sections have to be ordered by z value (z0 < z1 < z2 ...)"); } if ( std::fabs( zsections[i+1].fZ - zsections[i].fZ ) < kCarTolerance * 0.5 ) { G4Exception("G4ExtrudedSolid::G4ExtrudedSolid()", errorDescription, FatalException, "Z-sections with the same z position are not supported."); } } // Copy polygon // for ( G4int i=0; i polygon, G4double dz, G4TwoVector off1, G4double scale1, G4TwoVector off2, G4double scale2 ) : G4TessellatedSolid(pName), fNv(polygon.size()), fNz(2), fPolygon(), fZSections(), fTriangles(), fIsConvex(false), fGeometryType("G4ExtrudedSolid") { // Special constructor for solid with 2 z-sections G4String errorDescription = "InvalidSetup in \""; errorDescription += pName; errorDescription += "\""; // First check input parameters // if ( fNv < 3 ) { G4Exception("G4ExtrudedSolid::G4ExtrudedSolid()", errorDescription, FatalException, "Number of polygon vertices < 3"); } // Copy polygon // for ( G4int i=0; i fZSections[iz+1].fZ && iz < fNz-2 ) { ++iz; } G4double z0 = ( fZSections[iz+1].fZ + fZSections[iz].fZ )/2.0; G4TwoVector p2(point.x(), point.y()); G4double pscale = fKScales[iz]*(point.z()-z0) + fScale0s[iz]; G4TwoVector poffset = fKOffsets[iz]*(point.z()-z0) + fOffset0s[iz]; // G4cout << point << " projected to " // << iz << "-th z-segment polygon as " // << (p2 - poffset)/pscale << G4endl; // pscale is always >0 as it is an interpolation between two // positive scale values // return (p2 - poffset)/pscale; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ G4bool G4ExtrudedSolid::IsSameLine(G4TwoVector p, G4TwoVector l1, G4TwoVector l2) const { // Return true if p is on the line through l1, l2 if ( l1.x() == l2.x() ) { return std::fabs(p.x() - l1.x()) < kCarTolerance * 0.5; } return std::fabs (p.y() - l1.y() - ((l2.y() - l1.y())/(l2.x() - l1.x())) *(p.x() - l1.x())) < kCarTolerance * 0.5; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ G4bool G4ExtrudedSolid::IsSameLineSegment(G4TwoVector p, G4TwoVector l1, G4TwoVector l2) const { // Return true if p is on the line through l1, l2 and lies between // l1 and l2 if ( p.x() < std::min(l1.x(), l2.x()) - kCarTolerance * 0.5 || p.x() > std::max(l1.x(), l2.x()) + kCarTolerance * 0.5 || p.y() < std::min(l1.y(), l2.y()) - kCarTolerance * 0.5 || p.y() > std::max(l1.y(), l2.y()) + kCarTolerance * 0.5 ) { return false; } return IsSameLine(p, l1, l2); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ G4bool G4ExtrudedSolid::IsSameSide(G4TwoVector p1, G4TwoVector p2, G4TwoVector l1, G4TwoVector l2) const { // Return true if p1 and p2 are on the same side of the line through l1, l2 return ( (p1.x() - l1.x()) * (l2.y() - l1.y()) - (l2.x() - l1.x()) * (p1.y() - l1.y()) ) * ( (p2.x() - l1.x()) * (l2.y() - l1.y()) - (l2.x() - l1.x()) * (p2.y() - l1.y()) ) > 0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ G4bool G4ExtrudedSolid::IsPointInside(G4TwoVector a, G4TwoVector b, G4TwoVector c, G4TwoVector p) const { // Return true if p is inside of triangle abc or on its edges, // else returns false // Check extent first // if ( ( p.x() < a.x() && p.x() < b.x() && p.x() < c.x() ) || ( p.x() > a.x() && p.x() > b.x() && p.x() > c.x() ) || ( p.y() < a.y() && p.y() < b.y() && p.y() < c.y() ) || ( p.y() > a.y() && p.y() > b.y() && p.y() > c.y() ) ) return false; G4bool inside = IsSameSide(p, a, b, c) && IsSameSide(p, b, a, c) && IsSameSide(p, c, a, b); G4bool onEdge = IsSameLineSegment(p, a, b) || IsSameLineSegment(p, b, c) || IsSameLineSegment(p, c, a); return inside || onEdge; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ G4double G4ExtrudedSolid::GetAngle(G4TwoVector po, G4TwoVector pa, G4TwoVector pb) const { // Return the angle of the vertex in po G4TwoVector t1 = pa - po; G4TwoVector t2 = pb - po; G4double result = (std::atan2(t1.y(), t1.x()) - std::atan2(t2.y(), t2.x())); if ( result < 0 ) result += 2*pi; return result; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ G4VFacet* G4ExtrudedSolid::MakeDownFacet(G4int ind1, G4int ind2, G4int ind3) const { // Create a triangular facet from the polygon points given by indices // forming the down side ( the normal goes in -z) std::vector vertices; vertices.push_back(GetVertex(0, ind1)); vertices.push_back(GetVertex(0, ind2)); vertices.push_back(GetVertex(0, ind3)); // first vertex most left // G4ThreeVector cross = (vertices[1]-vertices[0]).cross(vertices[2]-vertices[1]); if ( cross.z() > 0.0 ) { // vertices ardered clock wise has to be reordered // G4cout << "G4ExtrudedSolid::MakeDownFacet: reordering vertices " // << ind1 << ", " << ind2 << ", " << ind3 << G4endl; G4ThreeVector tmp = vertices[1]; vertices[1] = vertices[2]; vertices[2] = tmp; } return new G4TriangularFacet(vertices[0], vertices[1], vertices[2], ABSOLUTE); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ G4VFacet* G4ExtrudedSolid::MakeUpFacet(G4int ind1, G4int ind2, G4int ind3) const { // Creates a triangular facet from the polygon points given by indices // forming the upper side ( z>0 ) std::vector vertices; vertices.push_back(GetVertex(fNz-1, ind1)); vertices.push_back(GetVertex(fNz-1, ind2)); vertices.push_back(GetVertex(fNz-1, ind3)); // first vertex most left // G4ThreeVector cross = (vertices[1]-vertices[0]).cross(vertices[2]-vertices[1]); if ( cross.z() < 0.0 ) { // vertices ordered clock wise has to be reordered // G4cout << "G4ExtrudedSolid::MakeUpFacet: reordering vertices " // << ind1 << ", " << ind2 << ", " << ind3 << G4endl; G4ThreeVector tmp = vertices[1]; vertices[1] = vertices[2]; vertices[2] = tmp; } return new G4TriangularFacet(vertices[0], vertices[1], vertices[2], ABSOLUTE); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ G4bool G4ExtrudedSolid::AddGeneralPolygonFacets() { // Decompose polygonal sides in triangular facets typedef std::pair < G4TwoVector, G4int > Vertex; // Fill one more vector // std::vector< Vertex > verticesToBeDone; for ( G4int i=0; i ears; std::vector< Vertex >::iterator c1 = verticesToBeDone.begin(); std::vector< Vertex >::iterator c2 = c1+1; std::vector< Vertex >::iterator c3 = c1+2; while ( verticesToBeDone.size()>2 ) { // G4cout << "Looking at triangle : " // << c1->second << " " << c2->second // << " " << c3->second << G4endl; // skip concave vertices // G4double angle = GetAngle(c2->first, c3->first, c1->first); if ( angle > pi ) { // G4cout << "Skipping concave vertex " << c2->second << G4endl; // try next three consecutive vertices // c1 = c2; c2 = c3; ++c3; if ( c3 == verticesToBeDone.end() ) { c3 = verticesToBeDone.begin(); } // G4cout << "Looking at triangle : " // << c1->second << " " << c2->second // << " " << c3->second << G4endl; } G4bool good = true; std::vector< Vertex >::iterator it; for ( it=verticesToBeDone.begin(); it != verticesToBeDone.end(); ++it ) { // skip vertices of tested triangle // if ( it == c1 || it == c2 || it == c3 ) { continue; } if ( IsPointInside(c1->first, c2->first, c3->first, it->first) ) { // G4cout << "Point " << it->second << " is inside" << G4endl; good = false; // try next three consecutive vertices // c1 = c2; c2 = c3; ++c3; if ( c3 == verticesToBeDone.end() ) { c3 = verticesToBeDone.begin(); } break; } // else // { G4cout << "Point " << it->second << " is outside" << G4endl; } } if ( good ) { // all points are outside triangle, we can make a facet // G4cout << "Found triangle : " // << c1->second << " " << c2->second // << " " << c3->second << G4endl; G4bool result; result = AddFacet( MakeDownFacet(c1->second, c2->second, c3->second) ); if ( ! result ) { return false; } result = AddFacet( MakeUpFacet(c1->second, c2->second, c3->second) ); if ( ! result ) { return false; } std::vector triangle(3); triangle[0] = c1->second; triangle[1] = c2->second; triangle[2] = c3->second; fTriangles.push_back(triangle); // remove the ear point from verticesToBeDone // verticesToBeDone.erase(c2); c1 = verticesToBeDone.begin(); c2 = c1+1; c3 = c1+2; } } return true; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ G4bool G4ExtrudedSolid::MakeFacets() { // Define facets G4bool good; // Decomposition of polygonal sides in the facets // if ( fNv == 3 ) { good = AddFacet( new G4TriangularFacet( GetVertex(0, 0), GetVertex(0, 1), GetVertex(0, 2), ABSOLUTE) ); if ( ! good ) { return false; } good = AddFacet( new G4TriangularFacet( GetVertex(fNz-1, 2), GetVertex(fNz-1, 1), GetVertex(fNz-1, 0), ABSOLUTE) ); if ( ! good ) { return false; } std::vector triangle(3); triangle[0] = 0; triangle[1] = 1; triangle[2] = 2; fTriangles.push_back(triangle); } else if ( fNv == 4 ) { good = AddFacet( new G4QuadrangularFacet( GetVertex(0, 0),GetVertex(0, 1), GetVertex(0, 2),GetVertex(0, 3), ABSOLUTE) ); if ( ! good ) { return false; } good = AddFacet( new G4QuadrangularFacet( GetVertex(fNz-1, 3), GetVertex(fNz-1, 2), GetVertex(fNz-1, 1), GetVertex(1, 0), ABSOLUTE) ); if ( ! good ) { return false; } std::vector triangle1(3); triangle1[0] = 0; triangle1[1] = 1; triangle1[2] = 2; fTriangles.push_back(triangle1); std::vector triangle2(3); triangle2[0] = 0; triangle2[1] = 2; triangle2[2] = 3; fTriangles.push_back(triangle2); } else { good = AddGeneralPolygonFacets(); if ( ! good ) { return false; } } // The quadrangular sides // for ( G4int iz = 0; iz < fNz-1; ++iz ) { for ( G4int i = 0; i < fNv; ++i ) { G4int j = (i+1) % fNv; good = AddFacet( new G4QuadrangularFacet ( GetVertex(iz, j), GetVertex(iz, i), GetVertex(iz+1, i), GetVertex(iz+1, j), ABSOLUTE) ); if ( ! good ) { return false; } } } SetSolidClosed(true); return good; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ G4bool G4ExtrudedSolid::IsConvex() const { // Get polygon convexity (polygon is convex if all vertex angles are < pi ) for ( G4int i=0; i< fNv; ++i ) { G4int j = ( i + 1 ) % fNv; G4int k = ( i + 2 ) % fNv; G4TwoVector v1 = fPolygon[i]-fPolygon[j]; G4TwoVector v2 = fPolygon[k]-fPolygon[j]; G4double dphi = v2.phi() - v1.phi(); if ( dphi < 0. ) { dphi += 2.*pi; } if ( dphi >= pi ) { return false; } } return true; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ G4GeometryType G4ExtrudedSolid::GetEntityType () const { // Return entity type return fGeometryType; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ EInside G4ExtrudedSolid::Inside (const G4ThreeVector &p) const { // Override the base class function as it fails in case of concave polygon. // Project the point in the original polygon scale and check if it is inside // for each triangle. // Check first if outside extent // if ( p.x() < GetMinXExtent() - kCarTolerance * 0.5 || p.x() > GetMaxXExtent() + kCarTolerance * 0.5 || p.y() < GetMinYExtent() - kCarTolerance * 0.5 || p.y() > GetMaxYExtent() + kCarTolerance * 0.5 || p.z() < GetMinZExtent() - kCarTolerance * 0.5 || p.z() > GetMaxZExtent() + kCarTolerance * 0.5 ) { // G4cout << "G4ExtrudedSolid::Outside extent: " << p << G4endl; return kOutside; } // Project point p(z) to the polygon scale p0 // G4TwoVector pscaled = ProjectPoint(p); // Check if on surface of polygon // for ( G4int i=0; i >::const_iterator it = fTriangles.begin(); G4bool inside = false; do { if ( IsPointInside(fPolygon[(*it)[0]], fPolygon[(*it)[1]], fPolygon[(*it)[2]], pscaled) ) { inside = true; } ++it; } while ( (inside == false) && (it != fTriangles.end()) ); if ( inside ) { // Check if on surface of z sides // if ( std::fabs( p.z() - fZSections[0].fZ ) < kCarTolerance * 0.5 || std::fabs( p.z() - fZSections[fNz-1].fZ ) < kCarTolerance * 0.5 ) { // G4cout << "G4ExtrudedSolid::Inside return Surface (on z side)" // << G4endl; return kSurface; } // G4cout << "G4ExtrudedSolid::Inside return Inside" << G4endl; return kInside; } // G4cout << "G4ExtrudedSolid::Inside return Outside " << G4endl; return kOutside; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ G4double G4ExtrudedSolid::DistanceToOut (const G4ThreeVector &p, const G4ThreeVector &v, const G4bool calcNorm, G4bool *validNorm, G4ThreeVector *n) const { // Override the base class function to redefine validNorm // (the solid can be concave) G4double distOut = G4TessellatedSolid::DistanceToOut(p, v, calcNorm, validNorm, n); if (validNorm) { *validNorm = fIsConvex; } return distOut; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ G4double G4ExtrudedSolid::DistanceToOut (const G4ThreeVector &p) const { // Override the overloaded base class function return G4TessellatedSolid::DistanceToOut(p); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ std::ostream& G4ExtrudedSolid::StreamInfo(std::ostream &os) const { os << "-----------------------------------------------------------\n" << " *** Dump for solid - " << GetName() << " ***\n" << " ===================================================\n" << " Solid geometry type: " << fGeometryType << G4endl; if ( fIsConvex) { os << " Convex polygon; list of vertices:" << G4endl; } else { os << " Concave polygon; list of vertices:" << G4endl; } for ( G4int i=0; i