// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id: G4Polyhedra.cc,v 1.43 2010/06/16 08:24:14 gcosmo Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-01 $ // // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // GEANT 4 class source file // // // G4Polyhedra.cc // // Implementation of a CSG polyhedra, as an inherited class of G4VCSGfaceted. // // To be done: // * Cracks: there are probably small cracks in the seams between the // phi face (G4PolyPhiFace) and sides (G4PolyhedraSide) that are not // entirely leakproof. Also, I am not sure all vertices are leak proof. // * Many optimizations are possible, but not implemented. // * Visualization needs to be updated outside of this routine. // // Utility classes: // * G4EnclosingCylinder: I decided a quick check of geometry would be a // good idea (for CPU speed). If the quick check fails, the regular // full-blown G4VCSGfaceted version is invoked. // * G4ReduciblePolygon: Really meant as a check of input parameters, // this utility class also "converts" the GEANT3-like PGON/PCON // arguments into the newer ones. // Both these classes are implemented outside this file because they are // shared with G4Polycone. // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "G4Polyhedra.hh" #include "G4PolyhedraSide.hh" #include "G4PolyPhiFace.hh" #include "Randomize.hh" #include "G4Polyhedron.hh" #include "G4EnclosingCylinder.hh" #include "G4ReduciblePolygon.hh" #include "G4VPVParameterisation.hh" #include using namespace CLHEP; // // Constructor (GEANT3 style parameters) // // GEANT3 PGON radii are specified in the distance to the norm of each face. // G4Polyhedra::G4Polyhedra( const G4String& name, G4double phiStart, G4double thePhiTotal, G4int theNumSide, G4int numZPlanes, const G4double zPlane[], const G4double rInner[], const G4double rOuter[] ) : G4VCSGfaceted( name ), genericPgon(false) { if (theNumSide <= 0) { G4cerr << "ERROR - G4Polyhedra::G4Polyhedra(): " << GetName() << G4endl << " No sides specified !" << G4endl; G4Exception("G4Polyhedra::G4Polyhedra()", "InvalidSetup", FatalException, "Solid must have at least one side."); } // // Calculate conversion factor from G3 radius to G4 radius // G4double phiTotal = thePhiTotal; if ( (phiTotal <=0) || (phiTotal >= twopi*(1-DBL_EPSILON)) ) { phiTotal = twopi; } G4double convertRad = std::cos(0.5*phiTotal/theNumSide); // // Some historical stuff // original_parameters = new G4PolyhedraHistorical; original_parameters->numSide = theNumSide; original_parameters->Start_angle = phiStart; original_parameters->Opening_angle = phiTotal; original_parameters->Num_z_planes = numZPlanes; original_parameters->Z_values = new G4double[numZPlanes]; original_parameters->Rmin = new G4double[numZPlanes]; original_parameters->Rmax = new G4double[numZPlanes]; G4int i; for (i=0; i rOuter[i+1]) ||(rInner[i+1] > rOuter[i]) ) { DumpInfo(); G4cerr << "ERROR - G4Polyhedra::G4Polyhedra()" << G4endl << " Segments are not contiguous !" << G4endl << " rMin[" << i << "] = " << rInner[i] << " -- rMax[" << i+1 << "] = " << rOuter[i+1] << G4endl << " rMin[" << i+1 << "] = " << rInner[i+1] << " -- rMax[" << i << "] = " << rOuter[i] << G4endl; G4Exception("G4Polyhedra::G4Polyhedra()","InvalidSetup",FatalException, "Cannot create a Polyhedra with no contiguous segments."); } } original_parameters->Z_values[i] = zPlane[i]; original_parameters->Rmin[i] = rInner[i]/convertRad; original_parameters->Rmax[i] = rOuter[i]/convertRad; } // // Build RZ polygon using special PCON/PGON GEANT3 constructor // G4ReduciblePolygon *rz = new G4ReduciblePolygon( rInner, rOuter, zPlane, numZPlanes ); rz->ScaleA( 1/convertRad ); // // Do the real work // Create( phiStart, phiTotal, theNumSide, rz ); delete rz; } // // Constructor (generic parameters) // G4Polyhedra::G4Polyhedra( const G4String& name, G4double phiStart, G4double phiTotal, G4int theNumSide, G4int numRZ, const G4double r[], const G4double z[] ) : G4VCSGfaceted( name ), genericPgon(true) { G4ReduciblePolygon *rz = new G4ReduciblePolygon( r, z, numRZ ); Create( phiStart, phiTotal, theNumSide, rz ); // Set original_parameters struct for consistency // SetOriginalParameters(); delete rz; } // // Create // // Generic create routine, called by each constructor // after conversion of arguments // void G4Polyhedra::Create( G4double phiStart, G4double phiTotal, G4int theNumSide, G4ReduciblePolygon *rz ) { // // Perform checks of rz values // if (rz->Amin() < 0.0) { G4cerr << "ERROR - G4Polyhedra::Create() " << GetName() << G4endl << " All R values must be >= 0 !" << G4endl; G4Exception("G4Polyhedra::Create()", "InvalidSetup", FatalException, "Illegal input parameters."); } G4double rzArea = rz->Area(); if (rzArea < -kCarTolerance) rz->ReverseOrder(); else if (rzArea < -kCarTolerance) { G4cerr << "ERROR - G4Polyhedra::Create() " << GetName() << G4endl << " R/Z cross section is zero or near zero: " << rzArea << G4endl; G4Exception("G4Polyhedra::Create()", "InvalidSetup", FatalException, "Illegal input parameters."); } if ( (!rz->RemoveDuplicateVertices( kCarTolerance )) || (!rz->RemoveRedundantVertices( kCarTolerance )) ) { G4cerr << "ERROR - G4Polyhedra::Create() " << GetName() << G4endl << " Too few unique R/Z values !" << G4endl; G4Exception("G4Polyhedra::Create()", "InvalidSetup", FatalException, "Illegal input parameters."); } if (rz->CrossesItself( 1/kInfinity )) { G4cerr << "ERROR - G4Polyhedra::Create() " << GetName() << G4endl << " R/Z segments cross !" << G4endl; G4Exception("G4Polyhedra::Create()", "InvalidSetup", FatalException, "Illegal input parameters."); } numCorner = rz->NumVertices(); startPhi = phiStart; while( startPhi < 0 ) startPhi += twopi; // // Phi opening? Account for some possible roundoff, and interpret // nonsense value as representing no phi opening // if ( (phiTotal <= 0) || (phiTotal > twopi*(1-DBL_EPSILON)) ) { phiIsOpen = false; endPhi = phiStart+twopi; } else { phiIsOpen = true; // // Convert phi into our convention // endPhi = phiStart+phiTotal; while( endPhi < startPhi ) endPhi += twopi; } // // Save number sides // numSide = theNumSide; // // Allocate corner array. // corners = new G4PolyhedraSideRZ[numCorner]; // // Copy corners // G4ReduciblePolygonIterator iterRZ(rz); G4PolyhedraSideRZ *next = corners; iterRZ.Begin(); do { next->r = iterRZ.GetA(); next->z = iterRZ.GetB(); } while( ++next, iterRZ.Next() ); // // Allocate face pointer array // numFace = phiIsOpen ? numCorner+2 : numCorner; faces = new G4VCSGface*[numFace]; // // Construct side faces // // To do so properly, we need to keep track of four successive RZ // corners. // // But! Don't construct a face if both points are at zero radius! // G4PolyhedraSideRZ *corner = corners, *prev = corners + numCorner-1, *nextNext; G4VCSGface **face = faces; do { next = corner+1; if (next >= corners+numCorner) next = corners; nextNext = next+1; if (nextNext >= corners+numCorner) nextNext = corners; if (corner->r < 1/kInfinity && next->r < 1/kInfinity) continue; // // We must decide here if we can dare declare one of our faces // as having a "valid" normal (i.e. allBehind = true). This // is never possible if the face faces "inward" in r *unless* // we have only one side // G4bool allBehind; if ((corner->z > next->z) && (numSide > 1)) { allBehind = false; } else { // // Otherwise, it is only true if the line passing // through the two points of the segment do not // split the r/z cross section // allBehind = !rz->BisectedBy( corner->r, corner->z, next->r, next->z, kCarTolerance ); } *face++ = new G4PolyhedraSide( prev, corner, next, nextNext, numSide, startPhi, endPhi-startPhi, phiIsOpen ); } while( prev=corner, corner=next, corner > corners ); if (phiIsOpen) { // // Construct phi open edges // *face++ = new G4PolyPhiFace( rz, startPhi, phiTotal/numSide, endPhi ); *face++ = new G4PolyPhiFace( rz, endPhi, phiTotal/numSide, startPhi ); } // // We might have dropped a face or two: recalculate numFace // numFace = face-faces; // // Make enclosingCylinder // enclosingCylinder = new G4EnclosingCylinder( rz, phiIsOpen, phiStart, phiTotal ); } // // Fake default constructor - sets only member data and allocates memory // for usage restricted to object persistency. // G4Polyhedra::G4Polyhedra( __void__& a ) : G4VCSGfaceted(a), genericPgon(false), corners(0), original_parameters(0), enclosingCylinder(0) { } // // Destructor // G4Polyhedra::~G4Polyhedra() { delete [] corners; if (original_parameters) delete original_parameters; delete enclosingCylinder; } // // Copy constructor // G4Polyhedra::G4Polyhedra( const G4Polyhedra &source ) : G4VCSGfaceted( source ) { CopyStuff( source ); } // // Assignment operator // const G4Polyhedra &G4Polyhedra::operator=( const G4Polyhedra &source ) { if (this == &source) return *this; G4VCSGfaceted::operator=( source ); delete [] corners; if (original_parameters) delete original_parameters; delete enclosingCylinder; CopyStuff( source ); return *this; } // // CopyStuff // void G4Polyhedra::CopyStuff( const G4Polyhedra &source ) { // // Simple stuff // numSide = source.numSide; startPhi = source.startPhi; endPhi = source.endPhi; phiIsOpen = source.phiIsOpen; numCorner = source.numCorner; genericPgon= source.genericPgon; // // The corner array // corners = new G4PolyhedraSideRZ[numCorner]; G4PolyhedraSideRZ *corn = corners, *sourceCorn = source.corners; do { *corn = *sourceCorn; } while( ++sourceCorn, ++corn < corners+numCorner ); // // Original parameters // if (source.original_parameters) { original_parameters = new G4PolyhedraHistorical( *source.original_parameters ); } // // Enclosing cylinder // enclosingCylinder = new G4EnclosingCylinder( *source.enclosingCylinder ); } // // Reset // // Recalculates and reshapes the solid, given pre-assigned scaled // original_parameters. // G4bool G4Polyhedra::Reset() { if (genericPgon) { G4cerr << "Solid " << GetName() << " built using generic construct." << G4endl << "Not applicable to the generic construct !" << G4endl; G4Exception("G4Polyhedra::Reset()", "NotApplicableConstruct", JustWarning, "Parameters NOT resetted."); return 1; } // // Clear old setup // G4VCSGfaceted::DeleteStuff(); delete [] corners; delete enclosingCylinder; // // Rebuild polyhedra // G4ReduciblePolygon *rz = new G4ReduciblePolygon( original_parameters->Rmin, original_parameters->Rmax, original_parameters->Z_values, original_parameters->Num_z_planes ); Create( original_parameters->Start_angle, original_parameters->Opening_angle, original_parameters->numSide, rz ); delete rz; return 0; } // // Inside // // This is an override of G4VCSGfaceted::Inside, created in order // to speed things up by first checking with G4EnclosingCylinder. // EInside G4Polyhedra::Inside( const G4ThreeVector &p ) const { // // Quick test // if (enclosingCylinder->MustBeOutside(p)) return kOutside; // // Long answer // return G4VCSGfaceted::Inside(p); } // // DistanceToIn // // This is an override of G4VCSGfaceted::Inside, created in order // to speed things up by first checking with G4EnclosingCylinder. // G4double G4Polyhedra::DistanceToIn( const G4ThreeVector &p, const G4ThreeVector &v ) const { // // Quick test // if (enclosingCylinder->ShouldMiss(p,v)) return kInfinity; // // Long answer // return G4VCSGfaceted::DistanceToIn( p, v ); } // // DistanceToIn // G4double G4Polyhedra::DistanceToIn( const G4ThreeVector &p ) const { return G4VCSGfaceted::DistanceToIn(p); } // // ComputeDimensions // void G4Polyhedra::ComputeDimensions( G4VPVParameterisation* p, const G4int n, const G4VPhysicalVolume* pRep ) { p->ComputeDimensions(*this,n,pRep); } // // GetEntityType // G4GeometryType G4Polyhedra::GetEntityType() const { return G4String("G4Polyhedra"); } // // Stream object contents to an output stream // std::ostream& G4Polyhedra::StreamInfo( std::ostream& os ) const { os << "-----------------------------------------------------------\n" << " *** Dump for solid - " << GetName() << " ***\n" << " ===================================================\n" << " Solid type: G4Polyhedra\n" << " Parameters: \n" << " starting phi angle : " << startPhi/degree << " degrees \n" << " ending phi angle : " << endPhi/degree << " degrees \n"; G4int i=0; if (!genericPgon) { G4int numPlanes = original_parameters->Num_z_planes; os << " number of Z planes: " << numPlanes << "\n" << " Z values: \n"; for (i=0; iZ_values[i] << "\n"; } os << " Tangent distances to inner surface (Rmin): \n"; for (i=0; iRmin[i] << "\n"; } os << " Tangent distances to outer surface (Rmax): \n"; for (i=0; iRmax[i] << "\n"; } } os << " number of RZ points: " << numCorner << "\n" << " RZ values (corners): \n"; for (i=0; i=0.) && (chose < aOne) ) { lambda1 = RandFlat::shoot(0.,1.); lambda2 = RandFlat::shoot(0.,lambda1); return (p2+lambda1*v+lambda2*w); } lambda1 = RandFlat::shoot(0.,1.); lambda2 = RandFlat::shoot(0.,lambda1); return (p0+lambda1*t+lambda2*u); } // // GetPointOnTriangle // // Auxiliary method for get point on surface // G4ThreeVector G4Polyhedra::GetPointOnTriangle(G4ThreeVector p1, G4ThreeVector p2, G4ThreeVector p3) const { G4double lambda1,lambda2; G4ThreeVector v=p3-p1, w=p1-p2; lambda1 = RandFlat::shoot(0.,1.); lambda2 = RandFlat::shoot(0.,lambda1); return (p2 + lambda1*w + lambda2*v); } // // GetPointOnSurface // G4ThreeVector G4Polyhedra::GetPointOnSurface() const { if( !genericPgon ) // Polyhedra by faces { G4int j, numPlanes = original_parameters->Num_z_planes, Flag=0; G4double chose, totArea=0., Achose1, Achose2, rad1, rad2, sinphi1, sinphi2, cosphi1, cosphi2; G4double a, b, l2, rang, totalPhi, ksi, area, aTop=0., aBottom=0., zVal=0.; G4ThreeVector p0, p1, p2, p3; std::vector aVector1; std::vector aVector2; std::vector aVector3; totalPhi= (phiIsOpen) ? (endPhi-startPhi) : twopi; ksi = totalPhi/numSide; G4double cosksi = std::cos(ksi/2.); // Below we generate the areas relevant to our solid // for(j=0; jRmax[j+1]; b = original_parameters->Rmax[j]; l2 = sqr(original_parameters->Z_values[j] -original_parameters->Z_values[j+1]) + sqr(b-a); area = std::sqrt(l2-sqr((a-b)*cosksi))*(a+b)*cosksi; aVector1.push_back(area); } for(j=0; jRmin[j+1];//*cosksi; b = original_parameters->Rmin[j];//*cosksi; l2 = sqr(original_parameters->Z_values[j] -original_parameters->Z_values[j+1]) + sqr(b-a); area = std::sqrt(l2-sqr((a-b)*cosksi))*(a+b)*cosksi; aVector2.push_back(area); } for(j=0; jRmax[j] -original_parameters->Rmin[j] +original_parameters->Rmax[j+1] -original_parameters->Rmin[j+1]) *std::fabs(original_parameters->Z_values[j+1] -original_parameters->Z_values[j])); } else { aVector3.push_back(0.); } } for(j=0; jRmax[numPlanes-1] != 0.) { a = original_parameters->Rmax[numPlanes-1]; b = original_parameters->Rmin[numPlanes-1]; l2 = sqr(a-b); aTop = std::sqrt(l2-sqr((a-b)*cosksi))*(a+b)*cosksi; } if(original_parameters->Rmax[0] != 0.) { a = original_parameters->Rmax[0]; b = original_parameters->Rmin[0]; l2 = sqr(a-b); aBottom = std::sqrt(l2-sqr((a-b)*cosksi))*(a+b)*cosksi; } Achose1 = 0.; Achose2 = numSide*(aVector1[0]+aVector2[0])+2.*aVector3[0]; chose = RandFlat::shoot(0.,totArea+aTop+aBottom); if( (chose >= 0.) && (chose < aTop + aBottom) ) { chose = RandFlat::shoot(startPhi,startPhi+totalPhi); rang = std::floor((chose-startPhi)/ksi-0.01); if(rang<0) { rang=0; } rang = std::fabs(rang); sinphi1 = std::sin(startPhi+rang*ksi); sinphi2 = std::sin(startPhi+(rang+1)*ksi); cosphi1 = std::cos(startPhi+rang*ksi); cosphi2 = std::cos(startPhi+(rang+1)*ksi); chose = RandFlat::shoot(0., aTop + aBottom); if(chose>=0. && choseRmin[numPlanes-1]; rad2 = original_parameters->Rmax[numPlanes-1]; zVal = original_parameters->Z_values[numPlanes-1]; } else { rad1 = original_parameters->Rmin[0]; rad2 = original_parameters->Rmax[0]; zVal = original_parameters->Z_values[0]; } p0 = G4ThreeVector(rad1*cosphi1,rad1*sinphi1,zVal); p1 = G4ThreeVector(rad2*cosphi1,rad2*sinphi1,zVal); p2 = G4ThreeVector(rad2*cosphi2,rad2*sinphi2,zVal); p3 = G4ThreeVector(rad1*cosphi2,rad1*sinphi2,zVal); return GetPointOnPlane(p0,p1,p2,p3); } else { for (j=0; j= Achose1) && (chose < Achose2)) || (j == numPlanes-2) ) { Flag = j; break; } Achose1 += numSide*(aVector1[j]+aVector2[j])+2.*aVector3[j]; Achose2 = Achose1 + numSide*(aVector1[j+1]+aVector2[j+1]) + 2.*aVector3[j+1]; } } // At this point we have chosen a subsection // between to adjacent plane cuts... j = Flag; totArea = numSide*(aVector1[j]+aVector2[j])+2.*aVector3[j]; chose = RandFlat::shoot(0.,totArea); if( (chose>=0.) && (choseRmax[j]; rad2 = original_parameters->Rmax[j+1]; sinphi1 = std::sin(startPhi+rang*ksi); sinphi2 = std::sin(startPhi+(rang+1)*ksi); cosphi1 = std::cos(startPhi+rang*ksi); cosphi2 = std::cos(startPhi+(rang+1)*ksi); zVal = original_parameters->Z_values[j]; p0 = G4ThreeVector(rad1*cosphi1,rad1*sinphi1,zVal); p1 = G4ThreeVector(rad1*cosphi2,rad1*sinphi2,zVal); zVal = original_parameters->Z_values[j+1]; p2 = G4ThreeVector(rad2*cosphi2,rad2*sinphi2,zVal); p3 = G4ThreeVector(rad2*cosphi1,rad2*sinphi1,zVal); return GetPointOnPlane(p0,p1,p2,p3); } else if ( (chose >= numSide*aVector1[j]) && (chose <= numSide*(aVector1[j]+aVector2[j])) ) { chose = RandFlat::shoot(startPhi,startPhi+totalPhi); rang = std::floor((chose-startPhi)/ksi-0.01); if(rang<0) { rang=0; } rang = std::fabs(rang); rad1 = original_parameters->Rmin[j]; rad2 = original_parameters->Rmin[j+1]; sinphi1 = std::sin(startPhi+rang*ksi); sinphi2 = std::sin(startPhi+(rang+1)*ksi); cosphi1 = std::cos(startPhi+rang*ksi); cosphi2 = std::cos(startPhi+(rang+1)*ksi); zVal = original_parameters->Z_values[j]; p0 = G4ThreeVector(rad1*cosphi1,rad1*sinphi1,zVal); p1 = G4ThreeVector(rad1*cosphi2,rad1*sinphi2,zVal); zVal = original_parameters->Z_values[j+1]; p2 = G4ThreeVector(rad2*cosphi2,rad2*sinphi2,zVal); p3 = G4ThreeVector(rad2*cosphi1,rad2*sinphi1,zVal); return GetPointOnPlane(p0,p1,p2,p3); } chose = RandFlat::shoot(0.,2.2); if( (chose>=0.) && (chose < 1.) ) { rang = startPhi; } else { rang = endPhi; } cosphi1 = std::cos(rang); rad1 = original_parameters->Rmin[j]; sinphi1 = std::sin(rang); rad2 = original_parameters->Rmax[j]; p0 = G4ThreeVector(rad1*cosphi1,rad1*sinphi1, original_parameters->Z_values[j]); p1 = G4ThreeVector(rad2*cosphi1,rad2*sinphi1, original_parameters->Z_values[j]); rad1 = original_parameters->Rmax[j+1]; rad2 = original_parameters->Rmin[j+1]; p2 = G4ThreeVector(rad1*cosphi1,rad1*sinphi1, original_parameters->Z_values[j+1]); p3 = G4ThreeVector(rad2*cosphi1,rad2*sinphi1, original_parameters->Z_values[j+1]); return GetPointOnPlane(p0,p1,p2,p3); } else // Generic polyhedra { return GetPointOnSurfaceGeneric(); } } // // CreatePolyhedron // G4Polyhedron* G4Polyhedra::CreatePolyhedron() const { if (!genericPgon) { return new G4PolyhedronPgon( original_parameters->Start_angle, original_parameters->Opening_angle, original_parameters->numSide, original_parameters->Num_z_planes, original_parameters->Z_values, original_parameters->Rmin, original_parameters->Rmax); } else { // The following code prepares for: // HepPolyhedron::createPolyhedron(int Nnodes, int Nfaces, // const double xyz[][3], // const int faces_vec[][4]) // Here is an extract from the header file HepPolyhedron.h: /** * Creates user defined polyhedron. * This function allows to the user to define arbitrary polyhedron. * The faces of the polyhedron should be either triangles or planar * quadrilateral. Nodes of a face are defined by indexes pointing to * the elements in the xyz array. Numeration of the elements in the * array starts from 1 (like in fortran). The indexes can be positive * or negative. Negative sign means that the corresponding edge is * invisible. The normal of the face should be directed to exterior * of the polyhedron. * * @param Nnodes number of nodes * @param Nfaces number of faces * @param xyz nodes * @param faces_vec faces (quadrilaterals or triangles) * @return status of the operation - is non-zero in case of problem */ G4int nNodes; G4int nFaces; typedef G4double double3[3]; double3* xyz; typedef G4int int4[4]; int4* faces_vec; if (phiIsOpen) { // Triangulate open ends. Simple ear-chopping algorithm... // I'm not sure how robust this algorithm is (J.Allison). // std::vector chopped(numCorner, false); std::vector triQuads; G4int remaining = numCorner; G4int iStarter = 0; while (remaining >= 3) { // Find unchopped corners... // G4int A = -1, B = -1, C = -1; G4int iStepper = iStarter; do { if (A < 0) { A = iStepper; } else if (B < 0) { B = iStepper; } else if (C < 0) { C = iStepper; } do { if (++iStepper >= numCorner) iStepper = 0; } while (chopped[iStepper]); } while (C < 0 && iStepper != iStarter); // Check triangle at B is pointing outward (an "ear"). // Sign of z cross product determines... G4double BAr = corners[A].r - corners[B].r; G4double BAz = corners[A].z - corners[B].z; G4double BCr = corners[C].r - corners[B].r; G4double BCz = corners[C].z - corners[B].z; if (BAr * BCz - BAz * BCr < kCarTolerance) { G4int* tq = new G4int[3]; tq[0] = A + 1; tq[1] = B + 1; tq[2] = C + 1; triQuads.push_back(tq); chopped[B] = true; --remaining; } else { do { if (++iStarter >= numCorner) { iStarter = 0; } } while (chopped[iStarter]); } } // Transfer to faces... nNodes = (numSide + 1) * numCorner; nFaces = numSide * numCorner + 2 * triQuads.size(); faces_vec = new int4[nFaces]; G4int iface = 0; G4int addition = numCorner * numSide; G4int d = numCorner - 1; for (G4int iEnd = 0; iEnd < 2; ++iEnd) { for (size_t i = 0; i < triQuads.size(); ++i) { // Negative for soft/auxiliary/normally invisible edges... // G4int a, b, c; if (iEnd == 0) { a = triQuads[i][0]; b = triQuads[i][1]; c = triQuads[i][2]; } else { a = triQuads[i][0] + addition; b = triQuads[i][2] + addition; c = triQuads[i][1] + addition; } G4int ab = std::abs(b - a); G4int bc = std::abs(c - b); G4int ca = std::abs(a - c); faces_vec[iface][0] = (ab == 1 || ab == d)? a: -a; faces_vec[iface][1] = (bc == 1 || bc == d)? b: -b; faces_vec[iface][2] = (ca == 1 || ca == d)? c: -c; faces_vec[iface][3] = 0; ++iface; } } // Continue with sides... xyz = new double3[nNodes]; const G4double dPhi = (endPhi - startPhi) / numSide; G4double phi = startPhi; G4int ixyz = 0; for (G4int iSide = 0; iSide < numSide; ++iSide) { for (G4int iCorner = 0; iCorner < numCorner; ++iCorner) { xyz[ixyz][0] = corners[iCorner].r * std::cos(phi); xyz[ixyz][1] = corners[iCorner].r * std::sin(phi); xyz[ixyz][2] = corners[iCorner].z; if (iCorner < numCorner - 1) { faces_vec[iface][0] = ixyz + 1; faces_vec[iface][1] = ixyz + numCorner + 1; faces_vec[iface][2] = ixyz + numCorner + 2; faces_vec[iface][3] = ixyz + 2; } else { faces_vec[iface][0] = ixyz + 1; faces_vec[iface][1] = ixyz + numCorner + 1; faces_vec[iface][2] = ixyz + 2; faces_vec[iface][3] = ixyz - numCorner + 2; } ++iface; ++ixyz; } phi += dPhi; } // Last corners... for (G4int iCorner = 0; iCorner < numCorner; ++iCorner) { xyz[ixyz][0] = corners[iCorner].r * std::cos(phi); xyz[ixyz][1] = corners[iCorner].r * std::sin(phi); xyz[ixyz][2] = corners[iCorner].z; ++ixyz; } } else // !phiIsOpen - i.e., a complete 360 degrees. { nNodes = numSide * numCorner; nFaces = numSide * numCorner;; xyz = new double3[nNodes]; faces_vec = new int4[nFaces]; // const G4double dPhi = (endPhi - startPhi) / numSide; const G4double dPhi = twopi / numSide; // !phiIsOpen endPhi-startPhi = 360 degrees. G4double phi = startPhi; G4int ixyz = 0, iface = 0; for (G4int iSide = 0; iSide < numSide; ++iSide) { for (G4int iCorner = 0; iCorner < numCorner; ++iCorner) { xyz[ixyz][0] = corners[iCorner].r * std::cos(phi); xyz[ixyz][1] = corners[iCorner].r * std::sin(phi); xyz[ixyz][2] = corners[iCorner].z; if (iSide < numSide - 1) { if (iCorner < numCorner - 1) { faces_vec[iface][0] = ixyz + 1; faces_vec[iface][1] = ixyz + numCorner + 1; faces_vec[iface][2] = ixyz + numCorner + 2; faces_vec[iface][3] = ixyz + 2; } else { faces_vec[iface][0] = ixyz + 1; faces_vec[iface][1] = ixyz + numCorner + 1; faces_vec[iface][2] = ixyz + 2; faces_vec[iface][3] = ixyz - numCorner + 2; } } else // Last side joins ends... { if (iCorner < numCorner - 1) { faces_vec[iface][0] = ixyz + 1; faces_vec[iface][1] = ixyz + numCorner - nFaces + 1; faces_vec[iface][2] = ixyz + numCorner - nFaces + 2; faces_vec[iface][3] = ixyz + 2; } else { faces_vec[iface][0] = ixyz + 1; faces_vec[iface][1] = ixyz - nFaces + numCorner + 1; faces_vec[iface][2] = ixyz - nFaces + 2; faces_vec[iface][3] = ixyz - numCorner + 2; } } ++ixyz; ++iface; } phi += dPhi; } } G4Polyhedron* polyhedron = new G4Polyhedron; G4int problem = polyhedron->createPolyhedron(nNodes, nFaces, xyz, faces_vec); delete [] faces_vec; delete [] xyz; if (problem) { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "Problem creating G4Polyhedron for: " << GetName(); G4Exception("G4Polyhedra::CreatePolyhedron()", "BadPolyhedron", JustWarning, oss.str().c_str()); delete polyhedron; return 0; } else { return polyhedron; } } } // // CreateNURBS // G4NURBS *G4Polyhedra::CreateNURBS() const { return 0; } // // G4PolyhedraHistorical stuff // G4PolyhedraHistorical::G4PolyhedraHistorical() : Z_values(0), Rmin(0), Rmax(0) { } G4PolyhedraHistorical::~G4PolyhedraHistorical() { delete [] Z_values; delete [] Rmin; delete [] Rmax; } G4PolyhedraHistorical:: G4PolyhedraHistorical( const G4PolyhedraHistorical& source ) { Start_angle = source.Start_angle; Opening_angle = source.Opening_angle; numSide = source.numSide; Num_z_planes = source.Num_z_planes; Z_values = new G4double[Num_z_planes]; Rmin = new G4double[Num_z_planes]; Rmax = new G4double[Num_z_planes]; for( G4int i = 0; i < Num_z_planes; i++) { Z_values[i] = source.Z_values[i]; Rmin[i] = source.Rmin[i]; Rmax[i] = source.Rmax[i]; } } G4PolyhedraHistorical& G4PolyhedraHistorical::operator=( const G4PolyhedraHistorical& right ) { if ( &right == this ) return *this; if (&right) { Start_angle = right.Start_angle; Opening_angle = right.Opening_angle; numSide = right.numSide; Num_z_planes = right.Num_z_planes; delete [] Z_values; delete [] Rmin; delete [] Rmax; Z_values = new G4double[Num_z_planes]; Rmin = new G4double[Num_z_planes]; Rmax = new G4double[Num_z_planes]; for( G4int i = 0; i < Num_z_planes; i++) { Z_values[i] = right.Z_values[i]; Rmin[i] = right.Rmin[i]; Rmax[i] = right.Rmax[i]; } } return *this; }