// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id: G4PolyhedraSide.cc,v 1.17 2010/02/24 11:31:49 gcosmo Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-01 $ // // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // GEANT 4 class source file // // // G4PolyhedraSide.cc // // Implementation of the face representing one segmented side of a Polyhedra // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "G4PolyhedraSide.hh" #include "G4IntersectingCone.hh" #include "G4ClippablePolygon.hh" #include "G4AffineTransform.hh" #include "G4SolidExtentList.hh" #include "G4GeometryTolerance.hh" #include "Randomize.hh" // // Constructor // // Values for r1,z1 and r2,z2 should be specified in clockwise // order in (r,z). // G4PolyhedraSide::G4PolyhedraSide( const G4PolyhedraSideRZ *prevRZ, const G4PolyhedraSideRZ *tail, const G4PolyhedraSideRZ *head, const G4PolyhedraSideRZ *nextRZ, G4int theNumSide, G4double thePhiStart, G4double thePhiTotal, G4bool thePhiIsOpen, G4bool isAllBehind ) { kCarTolerance = G4GeometryTolerance::GetInstance()->GetSurfaceTolerance(); fSurfaceArea=0.; fPhi.first = G4ThreeVector(0,0,0); fPhi.second= 0.0; // // Record values // r[0] = tail->r; z[0] = tail->z; r[1] = head->r; z[1] = head->z; G4double phiTotal; // // Set phi to our convention // startPhi = thePhiStart; while (startPhi < 0.0) startPhi += twopi; phiIsOpen = thePhiIsOpen; phiTotal = (phiIsOpen) ? thePhiTotal : twopi; allBehind = isAllBehind; // // Make our intersecting cone // cone = new G4IntersectingCone( r, z ); // // Construct side plane vector set // numSide = theNumSide; deltaPhi = phiTotal/theNumSide; endPhi = startPhi+phiTotal; vecs = new G4PolyhedraSideVec[numSide]; edges = new G4PolyhedraSideEdge[phiIsOpen ? numSide+1 : numSide]; // // ...this is where we start // G4double phi = startPhi; G4ThreeVector a1( r[0]*std::cos(phi), r[0]*std::sin(phi), z[0] ), b1( r[1]*std::cos(phi), r[1]*std::sin(phi), z[1] ), c1( prevRZ->r*std::cos(phi), prevRZ->r*std::sin(phi), prevRZ->z ), d1( nextRZ->r*std::cos(phi), nextRZ->r*std::sin(phi), nextRZ->z ), a2, b2, c2, d2; G4PolyhedraSideEdge *edge = edges; G4PolyhedraSideVec *vec = vecs; do { // // ...this is where we are going // phi += deltaPhi; a2 = G4ThreeVector( r[0]*std::cos(phi), r[0]*std::sin(phi), z[0] ); b2 = G4ThreeVector( r[1]*std::cos(phi), r[1]*std::sin(phi), z[1] ); c2 = G4ThreeVector( prevRZ->r*std::cos(phi), prevRZ->r*std::sin(phi), prevRZ->z ); d2 = G4ThreeVector( nextRZ->r*std::cos(phi), nextRZ->r*std::sin(phi), nextRZ->z ); G4ThreeVector tt; // // ...build some relevant vectors. // the point is to sacrifice a little memory with precalcs // to gain speed // vec->center = 0.25*( a1 + a2 + b1 + b2 ); tt = b2 + b1 - a2 - a1; vec->surfRZ = tt.unit(); if (vec==vecs) lenRZ = 0.25*tt.mag(); tt = b2 - b1 + a2 - a1; vec->surfPhi = tt.unit(); if (vec==vecs) { lenPhi[0] = 0.25*tt.mag(); tt = b2 - b1; lenPhi[1] = (0.5*tt.mag()-lenPhi[0])/lenRZ; } tt = vec->surfPhi.cross(vec->surfRZ); vec->normal = tt.unit(); // // ...edge normals are the average of the normals of // the two faces they connect. // // ...edge normals are necessary if we are to accurately // decide if a point is "inside" a face. For non-convex // shapes, it is absolutely necessary to know information // on adjacent faces to accurate determine this. // // ...we don't need them for the phi edges, since that // information is taken care of internally. The r/z edges, // however, depend on the adjacent G4PolyhedraSide. // G4ThreeVector a12, adj; a12 = a2-a1; adj = 0.5*(c1+c2-a1-a2); adj = adj.cross(a12); adj = adj.unit() + vec->normal; vec->edgeNorm[0] = adj.unit(); a12 = b1-b2; adj = 0.5*(d1+d2-b1-b2); adj = adj.cross(a12); adj = adj.unit() + vec->normal; vec->edgeNorm[1] = adj.unit(); // // ...the corners are crucial. It is important that // they are calculated consistently for adjacent // G4PolyhedraSides, to avoid gaps caused by roundoff. // vec->edges[0] = edge; edge->corner[0] = a1; edge->corner[1] = b1; edge++; vec->edges[1] = edge; a1 = a2; b1 = b2; c1 = c2; d1 = d2; } while( ++vec < vecs+numSide ); // // Clean up hanging edge // if (phiIsOpen) { edge->corner[0] = a2; edge->corner[1] = b2; } else { vecs[numSide-1].edges[1] = edges; } // // Go back and fill in remaining fields in edges // vec = vecs; G4PolyhedraSideVec *prev = vecs+numSide-1; do { edge = vec->edges[0]; // The edge between prev and vec // // Okay: edge normal is average of normals of adjacent faces // G4ThreeVector eNorm = vec->normal + prev->normal; edge->normal = eNorm.unit(); // // Vertex normal is average of norms of adjacent surfaces (all four) // However, vec->edgeNorm is unit vector in some direction // as the sum of normals of adjacent PolyhedraSide with vec. // The normalization used for this vector should be the same // for vec and prev. // eNorm = vec->edgeNorm[0] + prev->edgeNorm[0]; edge->cornNorm[0] = eNorm.unit(); eNorm = vec->edgeNorm[1] + prev->edgeNorm[1]; edge->cornNorm[1] = eNorm.unit(); } while( prev=vec, ++vec < vecs + numSide ); if (phiIsOpen) { // G4double rFact = std::cos(0.5*deltaPhi); // // If phi is open, we need to patch up normals of the // first and last edges and their corresponding // vertices. // // We use vectors that are in the plane of the // face. This should be safe. // vec = vecs; G4ThreeVector normvec = vec->edges[0]->corner[0] - vec->edges[0]->corner[1]; normvec = normvec.cross(vec->normal); if (normvec.dot(vec->surfPhi) > 0) normvec = -normvec; vec->edges[0]->normal = normvec.unit(); vec->edges[0]->cornNorm[0] = (vec->edges[0]->corner[0] - vec->center).unit(); vec->edges[0]->cornNorm[1] = (vec->edges[0]->corner[1] - vec->center).unit(); // // Repeat for ending phi // vec = vecs + numSide - 1; normvec = vec->edges[1]->corner[0] - vec->edges[1]->corner[1]; normvec = normvec.cross(vec->normal); if (normvec.dot(vec->surfPhi) < 0) normvec = -normvec; vec->edges[1]->normal = normvec.unit(); vec->edges[1]->cornNorm[0] = (vec->edges[1]->corner[0] - vec->center).unit(); vec->edges[1]->cornNorm[1] = (vec->edges[1]->corner[1] - vec->center).unit(); } // // edgeNorm is the factor one multiplies the distance along vector phi // on the surface of one of our sides in order to calculate the distance // from the edge. (see routine DistanceAway) // edgeNorm = 1.0/std::sqrt( 1.0 + lenPhi[1]*lenPhi[1] ); } // // Fake default constructor - sets only member data and allocates memory // for usage restricted to object persistency. // G4PolyhedraSide::G4PolyhedraSide( __void__&) : cone(0), vecs(0), edges(0) { } // // Destructor // G4PolyhedraSide::~G4PolyhedraSide() { delete cone; delete [] vecs; delete [] edges; } // // Copy constructor // G4PolyhedraSide::G4PolyhedraSide( const G4PolyhedraSide &source ) : G4VCSGface() { CopyStuff( source ); } // // Assignment operator // G4PolyhedraSide& G4PolyhedraSide::operator=( const G4PolyhedraSide &source ) { if (this == &source) return *this; delete cone; delete [] vecs; delete [] edges; CopyStuff( source ); return *this; } // // CopyStuff // void G4PolyhedraSide::CopyStuff( const G4PolyhedraSide &source ) { // // The simple stuff // numSide = source.numSide; r[0] = source.r[0]; r[1] = source.r[1]; z[0] = source.z[0]; z[1] = source.z[1]; startPhi = source.startPhi; deltaPhi = source.deltaPhi; endPhi = source.endPhi; phiIsOpen = source.phiIsOpen; allBehind = source.allBehind; lenRZ = source.lenRZ; lenPhi[0] = source.lenPhi[0]; lenPhi[1] = source.lenPhi[1]; edgeNorm = source.edgeNorm; kCarTolerance = source.kCarTolerance; fSurfaceArea = source.fSurfaceArea; cone = new G4IntersectingCone( *source.cone ); // // Duplicate edges // G4int numEdges = phiIsOpen ? numSide+1 : numSide; edges = new G4PolyhedraSideEdge[numEdges]; G4PolyhedraSideEdge *edge = edges, *sourceEdge = source.edges; do { *edge = *sourceEdge; } while( ++sourceEdge, ++edge < edges + numEdges); // // Duplicate vecs // vecs = new G4PolyhedraSideVec[numSide]; G4PolyhedraSideVec *vec = vecs, *sourceVec = source.vecs; do { *vec = *sourceVec; vec->edges[0] = edges + (sourceVec->edges[0] - source.edges); vec->edges[1] = edges + (sourceVec->edges[1] - source.edges); } while( ++sourceVec, ++vec < vecs + numSide ); } // // Intersect // // Decide if a line intersects the face. // // Arguments: // p = (in) starting point of line segment // v = (in) direction of line segment (assumed a unit vector) // A, B = (in) 2d transform variables (see note top of file) // normSign = (in) desired sign for dot product with normal (see below) // surfTolerance = (in) minimum distance from the surface // vecs = (in) Vector set array // distance = (out) distance to surface furfilling all requirements // distFromSurface = (out) distance from the surface // thisNormal = (out) normal vector of the intersecting surface // // Return value: // true if an intersection is found. Otherwise, output parameters are // undefined. // // Notes: // * normSign: if we are "inside" the shape and only want to find out how far // to leave the shape, we only want to consider intersections with surfaces in // which the trajectory is leaving the shape. Since the normal vectors to the // surface always point outwards from the inside, this means we want the dot // product of the trajectory direction v and the normal of the side normals[i] // to be positive. Thus, we should specify normSign as +1.0. Otherwise, if // we are outside and want to go in, normSign should be set to -1.0. // Don't set normSign to zero, or you will get no intersections! // // * surfTolerance: see notes on argument "surfTolerance" in routine // "IntersectSidePlane". // ----HOWEVER---- We should *not* apply this surface tolerance if the // starting point is not within phi or z of the surface. Specifically, // if the starting point p angle in x/y places it on a separate side from the // intersection or if the starting point p is outside the z bounds of the // segment, surfTolerance must be ignored or we should *always* accept the // intersection! // This is simply because the sides do not have infinite extent. // // G4bool G4PolyhedraSide::Intersect( const G4ThreeVector &p, const G4ThreeVector &v, G4bool outgoing, G4double surfTolerance, G4double &distance, G4double &distFromSurface, G4ThreeVector &normal, G4bool &isAllBehind ) { G4double normSign = outgoing ? +1 : -1; // // ------------------TO BE IMPLEMENTED--------------------- // Testing the intersection of individual phi faces is // pretty straight forward. The simple thing therefore is to // form a loop and check them all in sequence. // // But, I worry about one day someone making // a polygon with a thousands sides. A linear search // would not be ideal in such a case. // // So, it would be nice to be able to quickly decide // which face would be intersected. One can make a very // good guess by using the intersection with a cone. // However, this is only reliable in 99% of the cases. // // My solution: make a decent guess as to the one or // two potential faces might get intersected, and then // test them. If we have the wrong face, use the test // to make a better guess. // // Since we might have two guesses, form a queue of // potential intersecting faces. Keep an array of // already tested faces to avoid doing one more than // once. // // Result: at worst, an iterative search. On average, // a little more than two tests would be required. // G4ThreeVector q = p + v; G4int face = 0; G4PolyhedraSideVec *vec = vecs; do { // // Correct normal? // G4double dotProd = normSign*v.dot(vec->normal); if (dotProd <= 0) continue; // // Is this face in front of the point along the trajectory? // G4ThreeVector delta = p - vec->center; distFromSurface = -normSign*delta.dot(vec->normal); if (distFromSurface < -surfTolerance) continue; // // phi // c -------- d ^ // | | | // a -------- b +---> r/z // // // Do we remain on this particular segment? // G4ThreeVector qc = q - vec->edges[1]->corner[0]; G4ThreeVector qd = q - vec->edges[1]->corner[1]; if (normSign*qc.cross(qd).dot(v) < 0) continue; G4ThreeVector qa = q - vec->edges[0]->corner[0]; G4ThreeVector qb = q - vec->edges[0]->corner[1]; if (normSign*qa.cross(qb).dot(v) > 0) continue; // // We found the one and only segment we might be intersecting. // Do we remain within r/z bounds? // if (r[0] > 1/kInfinity && normSign*qa.cross(qc).dot(v) < 0) return false; if (r[1] > 1/kInfinity && normSign*qb.cross(qd).dot(v) > 0) return false; // // We allow the face to be slightly behind the trajectory // (surface tolerance) only if the point p is within // the vicinity of the face // if (distFromSurface < 0) { G4ThreeVector ps = p - vec->center; G4double rz = ps.dot(vec->surfRZ); if (std::fabs(rz) > lenRZ+surfTolerance) return false; G4double pp = ps.dot(vec->surfPhi); if (std::fabs(pp) > lenPhi[0] + lenPhi[1]*rz + surfTolerance) return false; } // // Intersection found. Return answer. // distance = distFromSurface/dotProd; normal = vec->normal; isAllBehind = allBehind; return true; } while( ++vec, ++face < numSide ); // // Oh well. Better luck next time. // return false; } G4double G4PolyhedraSide::Distance( const G4ThreeVector &p, G4bool outgoing ) { G4double normSign = outgoing ? -1 : +1; // // Try the closest phi segment first // G4int iPhi = ClosestPhiSegment( GetPhi(p) ); G4ThreeVector pdotc = p - vecs[iPhi].center; G4double normDist = pdotc.dot(vecs[iPhi].normal); if (normSign*normDist > -0.5*kCarTolerance) { return DistanceAway( p, vecs[iPhi], &normDist ); } // // Now we have an interesting problem... do we try to find the // closest facing side?? // // Considered carefully, the answer is no. We know that if we // are asking for the distance out, we are supposed to be inside, // and vice versa. // return kInfinity; } // // Inside // EInside G4PolyhedraSide::Inside( const G4ThreeVector &p, G4double tolerance, G4double *bestDistance ) { // // Which phi segment is closest to this point? // G4int iPhi = ClosestPhiSegment( GetPhi(p) ); G4double norm; // // Get distance to this segment // *bestDistance = DistanceToOneSide( p, vecs[iPhi], &norm ); // // Use distance along normal to decide return value // if ( (std::fabs(norm) < tolerance) && (*bestDistance < 2.0*tolerance) ) return kSurface; else if (norm < 0) return kInside; else return kOutside; } // // Normal // G4ThreeVector G4PolyhedraSide::Normal( const G4ThreeVector &p, G4double *bestDistance ) { // // Which phi segment is closest to this point? // G4int iPhi = ClosestPhiSegment( GetPhi(p) ); // // Get distance to this segment // G4double norm; *bestDistance = DistanceToOneSide( p, vecs[iPhi], &norm ); return vecs[iPhi].normal; } // // Extent // G4double G4PolyhedraSide::Extent( const G4ThreeVector axis ) { if (axis.perp2() < DBL_MIN) { // // Special case // return axis.z() < 0 ? -cone->ZLo() : cone->ZHi(); } G4int iPhi, i1, i2; G4double best; G4ThreeVector *list[4]; // // Which phi segment, if any, does the axis belong to // iPhi = PhiSegment( GetPhi(axis) ); if (iPhi < 0) { // // No phi segment? Check front edge of first side and // last edge of second side // i1 = 0; i2 = numSide-1; } else { // // Check all corners of matching phi side // i1 = iPhi; i2 = iPhi; } list[0] = vecs[i1].edges[0]->corner; list[1] = vecs[i1].edges[0]->corner+1; list[2] = vecs[i2].edges[1]->corner; list[3] = vecs[i2].edges[1]->corner+1; // // Who's biggest? // best = -kInfinity; G4ThreeVector **vec = list; do { G4double answer = (*vec)->dot(axis); if (answer > best) best = answer; } while( ++vec < list+4 ); return best; } // // CalculateExtent // // See notes in G4VCSGface // void G4PolyhedraSide::CalculateExtent( const EAxis axis, const G4VoxelLimits &voxelLimit, const G4AffineTransform &transform, G4SolidExtentList &extentList ) { // // Loop over all sides // G4PolyhedraSideVec *vec = vecs; do { // // Fill our polygon with the four corners of // this side, after the specified transformation // G4ClippablePolygon polygon; polygon.AddVertexInOrder(transform. TransformPoint(vec->edges[0]->corner[0])); polygon.AddVertexInOrder(transform. TransformPoint(vec->edges[0]->corner[1])); polygon.AddVertexInOrder(transform. TransformPoint(vec->edges[1]->corner[1])); polygon.AddVertexInOrder(transform. TransformPoint(vec->edges[1]->corner[0])); // // Get extent // if (polygon.PartialClip( voxelLimit, axis )) { // // Get dot product of normal along target axis // polygon.SetNormal( transform.TransformAxis(vec->normal) ); extentList.AddSurface( polygon ); } } while( ++vec < vecs+numSide ); return; } // // IntersectSidePlane // // Decide if a line correctly intersects one side plane of our segment. // It is assumed that the correct side has been chosen, and thus only // the z bounds (of the entire segment) are checked. // // normSign - To be multiplied against normal: // = +1.0 normal is unchanged // = -1.0 normal is reversed (now points inward) // // Arguments: // p - (in) Point // v - (in) Direction // vec - (in) Description record of the side plane // normSign - (in) Sign (+/- 1) to apply to normal // surfTolerance - (in) Surface tolerance (generally > 0, see below) // distance - (out) Distance along v to intersection // distFromSurface - (out) Distance from surface normal // // Notes: // surfTolerance - Used to decide if a point is behind the surface, // a point is allow to be -surfTolerance behind the // surface (as measured along the normal), but *only* // if the point is within the r/z bounds + surfTolerance // of the segment. // G4bool G4PolyhedraSide::IntersectSidePlane( const G4ThreeVector &p, const G4ThreeVector &v, const G4PolyhedraSideVec vec, G4double normSign, G4double surfTolerance, G4double &distance, G4double &distFromSurface ) { // // Correct normal? Here we have straight sides, and can safely ignore // intersections where the dot product with the normal is zero. // G4double dotProd = normSign*v.dot(vec.normal); if (dotProd <= 0) return false; // // Calculate distance to surface. If the side is too far // behind the point, we must reject it. // G4ThreeVector delta = p - vec.center; distFromSurface = -normSign*delta.dot(vec.normal); if (distFromSurface < -surfTolerance) return false; // // Calculate precise distance to intersection with the side // (along the trajectory, not normal to the surface) // distance = distFromSurface/dotProd; // // Do we fall off the r/z extent of the segment? // // Calculate this very, very carefully! Why? // 1. If a RZ end is at R=0, you can't miss! // 2. If you just fall off in RZ, the answer must // be consistent with adjacent G4PolyhedraSide faces. // (2) implies that only variables used by other G4PolyhedraSide // faces may be used, which includes only: p, v, and the edge corners. // It also means that one side is a ">" or "<", which the other // must be ">=" or "<=". Fortunately, this isn't a new problem. // The solution below I borrowed from Joseph O'Rourke, // "Computational Geometry in C (Second Edition)" // See: http://cs.smith.edu/~orourke/ // G4ThreeVector ic = p + distance*v - vec.center; G4double atRZ = vec.surfRZ.dot(ic); if (atRZ < 0) { if (r[0]==0) return true; // Can't miss! if (atRZ < -lenRZ*1.2) return false; // Forget it! Missed by a mile. G4ThreeVector q = p + v; G4ThreeVector qa = q - vec.edges[0]->corner[0], qb = q - vec.edges[1]->corner[0]; G4ThreeVector qacb = qa.cross(qb); if (normSign*qacb.dot(v) < 0) return false; if (distFromSurface < 0) { if (atRZ < -lenRZ-surfTolerance) return false; } } else if (atRZ > 0) { if (r[1]==0) return true; // Can't miss! if (atRZ > lenRZ*1.2) return false; // Missed by a mile G4ThreeVector q = p + v; G4ThreeVector qa = q - vec.edges[0]->corner[1], qb = q - vec.edges[1]->corner[1]; G4ThreeVector qacb = qa.cross(qb); if (normSign*qacb.dot(v) >= 0) return false; if (distFromSurface < 0) { if (atRZ > lenRZ+surfTolerance) return false; } } return true; } // // LineHitsSegments // // Calculate which phi segments a line intersects in three dimensions. // No check is made as to whether the intersections are within the z bounds of // the segment. // G4int G4PolyhedraSide::LineHitsSegments( const G4ThreeVector &p, const G4ThreeVector &v, G4int *i1, G4int *i2 ) { G4double s1, s2; // // First, decide if and where the line intersects the cone // G4int n = cone->LineHitsCone( p, v, &s1, &s2 ); if (n==0) return 0; // // Try first intersection. // *i1 = PhiSegment( std::atan2( p.y() + s1*v.y(), p.x() + s1*v.x() ) ); if (n==1) { return (*i1 < 0) ? 0 : 1; } // // Try second intersection // *i2 = PhiSegment( std::atan2( p.y() + s2*v.y(), p.x() + s2*v.x() ) ); if (*i1 == *i2) return 0; if (*i1 < 0) { if (*i2 < 0) return 0; *i1 = *i2; return 1; } if (*i2 < 0) return 1; return 2; } // // ClosestPhiSegment // // Decide which phi segment is closest in phi to the point. // The result is the same as PhiSegment if there is no phi opening. // G4int G4PolyhedraSide::ClosestPhiSegment( G4double phi0 ) { G4int iPhi = PhiSegment( phi0 ); if (iPhi >= 0) return iPhi; // // Boogers! The points falls inside the phi segment. // Look for the closest point: the start, or end // G4double phi = phi0; while( phi < startPhi ) phi += twopi; G4double d1 = phi-endPhi; while( phi > startPhi ) phi -= twopi; G4double d2 = startPhi-phi; return (d2 < d1) ? 0 : numSide-1; } // // PhiSegment // // Decide which phi segment an angle belongs to, counting from zero. // A value of -1 indicates that the phi value is outside the shape // (only possible if phiTotal < 360 degrees). // G4int G4PolyhedraSide::PhiSegment( G4double phi0 ) { // // How far are we from phiStart? Come up with a positive answer // that is less than 2*PI // G4double phi = phi0 - startPhi; while( phi < 0 ) phi += twopi; while( phi > twopi ) phi -= twopi; // // Divide // G4int answer = (G4int)(phi/deltaPhi); if (answer >= numSide) { if (phiIsOpen) { return -1; // Looks like we missed } else { answer = numSide-1; // Probably just roundoff } } return answer; } // // GetPhi // // Calculate Phi for a given 3-vector (point), if not already cached for the // same point, in the attempt to avoid consecutive computation of the same // quantity // G4double G4PolyhedraSide::GetPhi( const G4ThreeVector& p ) { G4double val=0.; if (fPhi.first != p) { val = p.phi(); fPhi.first = p; fPhi.second = val; } else { val = fPhi.second; } return val; } // // DistanceToOneSide // // Arguments: // p - (in) Point to check // vec - (in) vector set of this side // normDist - (out) distance normal to the side or edge, as appropriate, signed // Return value = total distance from the side // G4double G4PolyhedraSide::DistanceToOneSide( const G4ThreeVector &p, const G4PolyhedraSideVec &vec, G4double *normDist ) { G4ThreeVector pc = p - vec.center; // // Get normal distance // *normDist = vec.normal.dot(pc); // // Add edge penalty // return DistanceAway( p, vec, normDist ); } // // DistanceAway // // Add distance from side edges, if necesssary, to total distance, // and updates normDist appropriate depending on edge normals. // G4double G4PolyhedraSide::DistanceAway( const G4ThreeVector &p, const G4PolyhedraSideVec &vec, G4double *normDist ) { G4double distOut2; G4ThreeVector pc = p - vec.center; G4double distFaceNorm = *normDist; // // Okay, are we inside bounds? // G4double pcDotRZ = pc.dot(vec.surfRZ); G4double pcDotPhi = pc.dot(vec.surfPhi); // // Go through all permutations. // Phi // | | ^ // B | H | E | // ------[1]------------[3]----- | // |XXXXXXXXXXXXXX| +----> RZ // C |XXXXXXXXXXXXXX| F // |XXXXXXXXXXXXXX| // ------[0]------------[2]---- // A | G | D // | | // // It's real messy, but at least it's quick // if (pcDotRZ < -lenRZ) { G4double lenPhiZ = lenPhi[0] - lenRZ*lenPhi[1]; G4double distOutZ = pcDotRZ+lenRZ; // // Below in RZ // if (pcDotPhi < -lenPhiZ) { // // ...and below in phi. Find distance to point (A) // G4double distOutPhi = pcDotPhi+lenPhiZ; distOut2 = distOutPhi*distOutPhi + distOutZ*distOutZ; G4ThreeVector pa = p - vec.edges[0]->corner[0]; *normDist = pa.dot(vec.edges[0]->cornNorm[0]); } else if (pcDotPhi > lenPhiZ) { // // ...and above in phi. Find distance to point (B) // G4double distOutPhi = pcDotPhi-lenPhiZ; distOut2 = distOutPhi*distOutPhi + distOutZ*distOutZ; G4ThreeVector pb = p - vec.edges[1]->corner[0]; *normDist = pb.dot(vec.edges[1]->cornNorm[0]); } else { // // ...and inside in phi. Find distance to line (C) // G4ThreeVector pa = p - vec.edges[0]->corner[0]; distOut2 = distOutZ*distOutZ; *normDist = pa.dot(vec.edgeNorm[0]); } } else if (pcDotRZ > lenRZ) { G4double lenPhiZ = lenPhi[0] + lenRZ*lenPhi[1]; G4double distOutZ = pcDotRZ-lenRZ; // // Above in RZ // if (pcDotPhi < -lenPhiZ) { // // ...and below in phi. Find distance to point (D) // G4double distOutPhi = pcDotPhi+lenPhiZ; distOut2 = distOutPhi*distOutPhi + distOutZ*distOutZ; G4ThreeVector pd = p - vec.edges[0]->corner[1]; *normDist = pd.dot(vec.edges[0]->cornNorm[1]); } else if (pcDotPhi > lenPhiZ) { // // ...and above in phi. Find distance to point (E) // G4double distOutPhi = pcDotPhi-lenPhiZ; distOut2 = distOutPhi*distOutPhi + distOutZ*distOutZ; G4ThreeVector pe = p - vec.edges[1]->corner[1]; *normDist = pe.dot(vec.edges[1]->cornNorm[1]); } else { // // ...and inside in phi. Find distance to line (F) // distOut2 = distOutZ*distOutZ; G4ThreeVector pd = p - vec.edges[0]->corner[1]; *normDist = pd.dot(vec.edgeNorm[1]); } } else { G4double lenPhiZ = lenPhi[0] + pcDotRZ*lenPhi[1]; // // We are inside RZ bounds // if (pcDotPhi < -lenPhiZ) { // // ...and below in phi. Find distance to line (G) // G4double distOut = edgeNorm*(pcDotPhi+lenPhiZ); distOut2 = distOut*distOut; G4ThreeVector pd = p - vec.edges[0]->corner[1]; *normDist = pd.dot(vec.edges[0]->normal); } else if (pcDotPhi > lenPhiZ) { // // ...and above in phi. Find distance to line (H) // G4double distOut = edgeNorm*(pcDotPhi-lenPhiZ); distOut2 = distOut*distOut; G4ThreeVector pe = p - vec.edges[1]->corner[1]; *normDist = pe.dot(vec.edges[1]->normal); } else { // // Inside bounds! No penalty. // return std::fabs(distFaceNorm); } } return std::sqrt( distFaceNorm*distFaceNorm + distOut2 ); } // // Calculation of surface area of a triangle. // At the same time a random point in the triangle is given // G4double G4PolyhedraSide::SurfaceTriangle( G4ThreeVector p1, G4ThreeVector p2, G4ThreeVector p3, G4ThreeVector *p4 ) { G4ThreeVector v, w; v = p3 - p1; w = p1 - p2; G4double lambda1 = G4UniformRand(); G4double lambda2 = lambda1*G4UniformRand(); *p4=p2 + lambda1*w + lambda2*v; return 0.5*(v.cross(w)).mag(); } // // GetPointOnPlane // // Auxiliary method for GetPointOnSurface() // G4ThreeVector G4PolyhedraSide::GetPointOnPlane( G4ThreeVector p0, G4ThreeVector p1, G4ThreeVector p2, G4ThreeVector p3, G4double *Area ) { G4double chose,aOne,aTwo; G4ThreeVector point1,point2; aOne = SurfaceTriangle(p0,p1,p2,&point1); aTwo = SurfaceTriangle(p2,p3,p0,&point2); *Area= aOne+aTwo; chose = G4UniformRand()*(aOne+aTwo); if( (chose>=0.) && (chose < aOne) ) { return (point1); } return (point2); } // // SurfaceArea() // G4double G4PolyhedraSide::SurfaceArea() { if( fSurfaceArea==0. ) { // Define the variables // G4double area,areas; G4ThreeVector point1; G4ThreeVector v1,v2,v3,v4; G4PolyhedraSideVec *vec = vecs; areas=0.; // Do a loop on all SideEdge // do { // Define 4points for a Plane or Triangle // G4ThreeVector v1=vec->edges[0]->corner[0]; G4ThreeVector v2=vec->edges[0]->corner[1]; G4ThreeVector v3=vec->edges[1]->corner[1]; G4ThreeVector v4=vec->edges[1]->corner[0]; point1=GetPointOnPlane(v1,v2,v3,v4,&area); areas+=area; } while( ++vec < vecs + numSide); fSurfaceArea=areas; } return fSurfaceArea; } // // GetPointOnFace() // G4ThreeVector G4PolyhedraSide::GetPointOnFace() { // Define the variables // std::vectorareas; std::vectorpoints; G4double area=0; G4double result1; G4ThreeVector point1; G4ThreeVector v1,v2,v3,v4; G4PolyhedraSideVec *vec = vecs; // Do a loop on all SideEdge // do { // Define 4points for a Plane or Triangle // G4ThreeVector v1=vec->edges[0]->corner[0]; G4ThreeVector v2=vec->edges[0]->corner[1]; G4ThreeVector v3=vec->edges[1]->corner[1]; G4ThreeVector v4=vec->edges[1]->corner[0]; point1=GetPointOnPlane(v1,v2,v3,v4,&result1); points.push_back(point1); areas.push_back(result1); area+=result1; } while( ++vec < vecs+numSide ); // Choose randomly one of the surfaces and point on it // G4double chose = area*G4UniformRand(); G4double Achose1,Achose2; Achose1=0;Achose2=0.; G4int i=0; do { Achose2+=areas[i]; if(chose>=Achose1 && chose