// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id: testG4ExtrudedSolid.cc,v 1.4 2008/02/27 12:33:20 ivana Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-cand-01 $ // // testG4ExtrudedSolid // // Test file for class G4ExtrudedSolid. // In the functions createSolidN(...), there are defined several // test cases of extruded solid. These functions also fill in // the vectors with explicitely defined points inside, on the surface // and outside the solid. // All the test results for the definesd solids and // points can be printed via PrintResults() function. // The tests are then defined in testXYZ() functions // using assert() on the comparison with the expected // result value. // // The functions DistanceToIn, DistanceToOut on surface // point do not give always expected values, that's why // they are not yet included in the tests with assert. // To be added tests for SurfaceNormal(p) function. // Ensure asserts are compiled in. // // Author: // Ivana Hrivnacova, IPN Orsay // #include #include #include #include #include "globals.hh" #include "G4TwoVector.hh" #include "G4ThreeVector.hh" #include "G4ExtrudedSolid.hh" #include "G4TessellatedSolid.hh" #include "G4Box.hh" #include "G4UnionSolid.hh" #include "G4GeometryTolerance.hh" #include "G4Timer.hh" G4double kCarTolerance = G4GeometryTolerance::GetInstance()->GetSurfaceTolerance(); G4ThreeVector dirx(1,0,0); G4ThreeVector diry(0,1,0); G4ThreeVector dirz(0,0,1); //_____________________________________________________________________________ G4VSolid* createSolid0(std::vector& inside_points, std::vector& surface_points, std::vector& outside_points) { // Create extruded solid with triangular polygon // and fill vectors with points inside_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector( 0.0*cm, 0.0*cm, 0.0*cm)); inside_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector( 5.0*cm, 5.0*cm, 5.0*cm)); inside_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector(-10.0*cm, -5.0*cm, -15.0*cm)); surface_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector( 0.0*cm, 0.0*cm, 30.0*cm)); surface_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector( 5.0*cm, 5.0*cm, 30.0*cm)); surface_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector( -5.0*cm, -5.0*cm, -30.0*cm)); surface_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector(-15.0*cm, 0.0*cm, 10.0*cm)); surface_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector(+15.0*cm, 0.0*cm, -10.0*cm)); outside_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector( 0.0*cm, 0.0*cm, 40.0*cm)); outside_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector( 5.0*cm, 5.0*cm, 40.0*cm)); outside_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector( -5.0*cm, -5.0*cm, -40.0*cm)); outside_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector(-20.0*cm, 0.0*cm, 10.0*cm)); outside_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector(+20.0*cm, 0.0*cm, -10.0*cm)); outside_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector( -5.0*cm,-35.0*cm, -20.0*cm)); outside_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector( 5.0*cm, 40.0*cm, 10.0*cm)); std::vector polygon; polygon.push_back(G4TwoVector(-30.*cm, -30.*cm)); polygon.push_back(G4TwoVector( 0.*cm, 30.*cm)); polygon.push_back(G4TwoVector( 30.*cm, -30.*cm)); return new G4ExtrudedSolid( "extrudedSolid1", polygon, 30.*cm, G4TwoVector(), 1.0, G4TwoVector(), 1.0); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ G4VSolid* createSolid1(std::vector& inside_points, std::vector& surface_points, std::vector& outside_points) { // Create box defined as extruded solid // and fill vectors with points // The same solid can be defined as G4TessellatedSolid or G4Box, // when uncommenting the appropriate lines below. inside_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector( 0.0*cm, 0.0*cm, 0.0*cm)); inside_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector( 5.0*cm, 5.0*cm, 5.0*cm)); inside_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector(-10.0*cm, -5.0*cm, -15.0*cm)); surface_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector( 0.0*cm, 0.0*cm, 30.0*cm)); surface_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector( 5.0*cm, 5.0*cm, 30.0*cm)); surface_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector( 30.0*cm, 0.0*cm, 0.0*cm)); surface_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector( 30.0*cm, -5.0*cm, -5.0*cm)); surface_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector( 0.0*cm,-30.0*cm, 0.0*cm)); surface_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector( 5.0*cm,-30.0*cm, -5.0*cm)); outside_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector( 0.0*cm, 0.0*cm, 40.0*cm)); outside_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector( 5.0*cm, 5.0*cm, 40.0*cm)); outside_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector( -5.0*cm, -5.0*cm, -40.0*cm)); outside_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector(-35.0*cm, 0.0*cm, 10.0*cm)); outside_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector(+35.0*cm, 0.0*cm, -10.0*cm)); outside_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector( -5.0*cm,-40.0*cm, -20.0*cm)); outside_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector( 5.0*cm, 40.0*cm, 10.0*cm)); std::vector polygon; polygon.push_back(G4TwoVector(-30.*cm, -30.*cm)); polygon.push_back(G4TwoVector(-30.*cm, 30.*cm)); polygon.push_back(G4TwoVector( 30.*cm, 30.*cm)); polygon.push_back(G4TwoVector( 30.*cm, -30.*cm)); G4ExtrudedSolid* extruded = new G4ExtrudedSolid( "extrudedSolid1", polygon, 30.*cm, G4TwoVector(), 1.0, G4TwoVector(), 1.0); //G4TessellatedSolid* tessellated // = new G4TessellatedSolid(*extruded); //return tessellated; //G4Box* box // = new G4Box("box", 30.*cm, 30*cm, 30*cm); // return box; return extruded; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ G4VSolid* createSolid2(std::vector& inside_points, std::vector& surface_points, std::vector& outside_points) { // Create extruded solid with concave polygon with 2 z- sections // and fill vectors with points inside_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector( 10.0*cm, 25.0*cm, 0.0*cm)); inside_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector(-50.0*cm, 10.0*cm, -20.0*cm)); inside_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector( 15.0*cm,-15.0*cm, 20.0*cm)); surface_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector( 20.0*cm, 30.0*cm, -25.0*cm)); surface_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector( 0.0*cm, 10.0*cm, 25.0*cm)); surface_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector(-40.0*cm, 0.0*cm, 0.0*cm)); surface_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector( 20.0*cm, -5.0*cm, 0.0*cm)); surface_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector( 20.0*cm, 5.0*cm, 0.0*cm)); outside_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector( 0.0*cm, 0.0*cm, 30.0*cm)); outside_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector( 10.0*cm, 5.0*cm, -40.0*cm)); outside_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector( 0.0*cm, 0.0*cm, 0.0*cm)); outside_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector(-40.0*cm, 0.0*cm, 10.0*cm)); outside_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector( 40.0*cm, 0.0*cm, -10.0*cm)); std::vector polygon; polygon.push_back(G4TwoVector(-30.*cm, -30.*cm)); polygon.push_back(G4TwoVector(-30.*cm, 30.*cm)); polygon.push_back(G4TwoVector( 30.*cm, 30.*cm)); polygon.push_back(G4TwoVector( 30.*cm, -30.*cm)); polygon.push_back(G4TwoVector( 15.*cm, -30.*cm)); polygon.push_back(G4TwoVector( 15.*cm, 15.*cm)); polygon.push_back(G4TwoVector(-15.*cm, 15.*cm)); polygon.push_back(G4TwoVector(-15.*cm, -30.*cm)); return new G4ExtrudedSolid( "extrudedSolid3", polygon, 25.*cm, G4TwoVector(-20.*cm, 10.*cm), 1.5, G4TwoVector(), 0.5); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ G4VSolid* createSolid3(std::vector& inside_points, std::vector& surface_points, std::vector& outside_points) { // Extruded solid with the same polygon as solid3 bit with 4 z-sections inside_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector(-50.0*cm, 10.0*cm, -35.0*cm)); inside_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector( 10.0*cm, 10.0*cm, 0.0*cm)); inside_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector(-15.0*cm, 0.0*cm, 12.0*cm)); inside_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector( 35.0*cm, -5.0*cm, 30.0*cm)); surface_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector(-50.0*cm, 10.0*cm, -40.0*cm)); surface_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector( 15.0*cm, 0.0*cm, 10.0*cm)); surface_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector( -5.0*cm, 10.5*cm, 15.0*cm)); surface_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector( 45.0*cm, 33.5*cm, 40.0*cm)); outside_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector(-50.0*cm, 10.0*cm, -50.0*cm)); outside_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector( 25.0*cm, 0.0*cm, 10.0*cm)); outside_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector( -5.0*cm, 5.0*cm, 15.0*cm)); outside_points.push_back(G4ThreeVector( 45.0*cm, 40.0*cm, 45.0*cm)); std::vector polygon; polygon.push_back(G4TwoVector(-30.*cm, -30.*cm)); polygon.push_back(G4TwoVector(-30.*cm, 30.*cm)); polygon.push_back(G4TwoVector( 30.*cm, 30.*cm)); polygon.push_back(G4TwoVector( 30.*cm, -30.*cm)); polygon.push_back(G4TwoVector( 15.*cm, -30.*cm)); polygon.push_back(G4TwoVector( 15.*cm, 15.*cm)); polygon.push_back(G4TwoVector(-15.*cm, 15.*cm)); polygon.push_back(G4TwoVector(-15.*cm, -30.*cm)); std::vector zsections; zsections.push_back(G4ExtrudedSolid::ZSection(-40.*cm, G4TwoVector(-20.*cm, 10.*cm), 1.5)); zsections.push_back(G4ExtrudedSolid::ZSection( 10.*cm, G4TwoVector( 0.*cm, 0.*cm), 0.5)); zsections.push_back(G4ExtrudedSolid::ZSection( 15.*cm, G4TwoVector( 0.*cm, 0.*cm), 0.7)); zsections.push_back(G4ExtrudedSolid::ZSection( 40.*cm, G4TwoVector( 20.*cm, 20.*cm), 0.9)); G4ExtrudedSolid* extruded = new G4ExtrudedSolid("extrudedSolid4", polygon, zsections); return extruded; G4TessellatedSolid* tessellated = new G4TessellatedSolid(*extruded); return tessellated; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ G4VSolid* createSolid4(std::vector& /*inside_points*/, std::vector& /*surface_points*/, std::vector& /*outside_points*/) { // Extruded solid with 4 z-sections, with 2 sections with the same z position // defined via union solid std::vector polygon; polygon.push_back(G4TwoVector(-30.*cm, -30.*cm)); polygon.push_back(G4TwoVector(-30.*cm, 30.*cm)); polygon.push_back(G4TwoVector( 30.*cm, 30.*cm)); polygon.push_back(G4TwoVector( 30.*cm, -30.*cm)); polygon.push_back(G4TwoVector( 15.*cm, -30.*cm)); polygon.push_back(G4TwoVector( 15.*cm, 15.*cm)); polygon.push_back(G4TwoVector(-15.*cm, 15.*cm)); polygon.push_back(G4TwoVector(-15.*cm, -30.*cm)); G4ExtrudedSolid* xtruS1 = new G4ExtrudedSolid("XtruS1", polygon, 25.*cm, G4TwoVector(-20.*cm, 10.*cm), 1.5, G4TwoVector(), 0.5); G4ExtrudedSolid* xtruS2 = new G4ExtrudedSolid("XtruS2", polygon, 15.*cm, G4TwoVector(), 0.7, G4TwoVector(20.*cm, 20.*cm), 0.9); return new G4UnionSolid( "unionExtrudedSolid", xtruS1, xtruS2, 0, G4ThreeVector(0., 0., 40.*cm)); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ G4VSolid* createSolid(G4int testCase, std::vector& inside_points, std::vector& surface_points, std::vector& outside_points) { // Create selected test solid and fill vectors with points switch ( testCase ) { case 0: return createSolid0(inside_points, surface_points, outside_points); case 1: return createSolid1(inside_points, surface_points, outside_points); case 2: return createSolid2(inside_points, surface_points, outside_points); case 3: return createSolid3(inside_points, surface_points, outside_points); case 4: return createSolid4(inside_points, surface_points, outside_points); default: return 0; } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void printResults(G4int testCase) { std::vector inside_points; std::vector surface_points; std::vector outside_points; G4VSolid* solid = createSolid(testCase, inside_points, surface_points, outside_points); // Set precision G4cout << std::setprecision(20) << G4endl; // // Test Inside // for (G4int i=0; iInside(inside_points[i]) << G4endl; } G4cout << G4endl; for (G4int i=0; iInside(surface_points[i]) << G4endl; } G4cout << G4endl; for (G4int i=0; iInside(outside_points[i]) << G4endl; } G4cout << G4endl; // // Test DistanceToIn(p, v) // for (G4int i=0; iDistanceToIn(surface_points[i], dirx) << G4endl; G4cout << i << "th surface_point DistanceToIn(p, -vx) " << solid->DistanceToIn(surface_points[i], -dirx) << G4endl; G4cout << i << "th surface_point DistanceToIn(p, vy) " << solid->DistanceToIn(surface_points[i], diry) << G4endl; G4cout << i << "th surface_point DistanceToIn(p, -vy) " << solid->DistanceToIn(surface_points[i], -diry) << G4endl; G4cout << i << "th surface_point DistanceToIn(p, vz) " << solid->DistanceToIn(surface_points[i], dirz) << G4endl; G4cout << i << "th surface_point DistanceToIn(p, -vz) " << solid->DistanceToIn(surface_points[i], -dirz) << G4endl; } G4cout << G4endl; for (G4int i=0; iDistanceToIn(outside_points[i], dirx) << G4endl; G4cout << i << "th outside_point DistanceToIn(p, -vx) " << solid->DistanceToIn(outside_points[i], -dirx) << G4endl; G4cout << i << "th outside_point DistanceToIn(p, vy) " << solid->DistanceToIn(outside_points[i], diry) << G4endl; G4cout << i << "th outside_point DistanceToIn(p, -vy) " << solid->DistanceToIn(outside_points[i], -diry) << G4endl; G4cout << i << "th outside_point DistanceToIn(p, vz) " << solid->DistanceToIn(outside_points[i], dirz) << G4endl; G4cout << i << "th outside_point DistanceToIn(p, -vz) " << solid->DistanceToIn(outside_points[i], -dirz) << G4endl; } G4cout << G4endl; // // Test DistanceToOut(p, v) function. // for (G4int i=0; iDistanceToOut(surface_points[i], dirx, false, 0, 0) << G4endl; G4cout << i << "th surface_point DistanceToOut(p, -vx) " << solid->DistanceToOut(surface_points[i], -dirx, false, 0, 0) << G4endl; G4cout << i << "th surface_point DistanceToOut(p, vy) " << solid->DistanceToOut(surface_points[i], diry, false, 0, 0) << G4endl; G4cout << i << "th surface_point DistanceToOut(p, -vy) " << solid->DistanceToOut(surface_points[i], -diry, false, 0, 0) << G4endl; G4cout << i << "th surface_point DistanceToOut(p, vz) " << solid->DistanceToOut(surface_points[i], dirz, false, 0, 0) << G4endl; G4cout << i << "th surface_point DistanceToOut(p, -vz) " << solid->DistanceToOut(surface_points[i], -dirz, false, 0, 0) << G4endl; } G4cout << G4endl; for (G4int i=0; iDistanceToOut(inside_points[i], dirx, false, 0, 0) << G4endl; G4cout << i << "th inside_point DistanceToOut(p, -vx) " << solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[i], -dirx, false, 0, 0) << G4endl; G4cout << i << "th inside_point DistanceToOut(p, vy) " << solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[i], diry, false, 0, 0) << G4endl; G4cout << i << "th inside_point DistanceToOut(p, -vy) " << solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[i], -diry, false, 0, 0) << G4endl; G4cout << i << "th inside_point DistanceToOut(p, vz) " << solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[i], dirz, false, 0, 0) << G4endl; G4cout << i << "th inside_point DistanceToOut(p, -vz) " << solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[i], -dirz, false, 0, 0) << G4endl; } G4cout << G4endl; // // Test surface area // G4cout << "Surface: " << solid->GetSurfaceArea() << G4endl; G4cout << G4endl; // // Test volume // G4int ntrial = 10; G4double sum = 0; G4double min = DBL_MAX; G4double max = -DBL_MAX; G4cout << "Evaluating volume ..." << G4endl; G4Timer time; time.Start(); for (G4int i=0; iGetCubicVolume(); sum += value; if ( value < min ) min = value; if ( value > max ) max = value; delete solid0; } time.Stop(); G4cout << "Average volume after " << ntrial << " trials: " << sum/ntrial << G4endl; G4cout << " in the interval: " << max-min << G4endl; G4cout << "Time taken was: " << time.GetRealElapsed() << " seconds. " << G4endl; G4cout << G4endl; delete solid; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void testInside(G4int testCase) { // Test Inside std::vector inside_points; std::vector surface_points; std::vector outside_points; G4VSolid* solid = createSolid(testCase, inside_points, surface_points, outside_points); // // Test Inside // for (G4int i=0; iInside(inside_points[i]) == kInside ); } for (G4int i=0; iInside(surface_points[i]) == kSurface ); } for (G4int i=0; iInside(outside_points[i]) == kOutside ); } delete solid; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void testDistanceToInPV(G4int testCase) { // Test DistanceToIn std::vector inside_points; std::vector surface_points; std::vector outside_points; G4VSolid* solid = createSolid(testCase, inside_points, surface_points, outside_points); if ( testCase == 0 ) { assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToIn(outside_points[0], -dirz) - 100.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToIn(outside_points[1], -dirz) - 100.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToIn(outside_points[2], dirz) - 100.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToIn(outside_points[3], dirx) - 50.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToIn(outside_points[4], -dirx) - 50.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToIn(outside_points[4], -diry) - 100.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToIn(outside_points[5], diry) - 50.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToIn(outside_points[6], -diry) - 200.0 )< kCarTolerance ); // For points on surface we get testDistanceToIn = 9e+99, is it ok ? } else if ( testCase == 1 ) { assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToIn(outside_points[0], -dirz) - 100.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToIn(outside_points[1], -dirz) - 100.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToIn(outside_points[2], dirz) - 100.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToIn(outside_points[3], dirx) - 50.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToIn(outside_points[4], -dirx) - 50.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToIn(outside_points[5], diry) - 100.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToIn(outside_points[6], -diry) - 100.0 )< kCarTolerance ); // Add points on surface } else if ( testCase == 2 ) { //assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToIn(outside_points[0], -dirz) - 100.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToIn(outside_points[1], dirz) - 150.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToIn(outside_points[2], dirx) - 50.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToIn(outside_points[2], diry) - 200.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToIn(outside_points[3], dirx) - 100.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToIn(outside_points[3], -dirz) - 100.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToIn(outside_points[4], -dirx) - 180.0 )< kCarTolerance ); // Add points on surface } else if ( testCase == 3 ) { assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToIn(outside_points[0], dirz) - 100.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToIn(outside_points[1], -dirx) - 100.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToIn(outside_points[1], dirz) - 88.4615384615384670045 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToIn(outside_points[1], -dirz) - 500.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToIn(outside_points[2], dirx) - 155.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToIn(outside_points[2], -dirx) - 55.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToIn(outside_points[2], diry) - 55.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToIn(outside_points[2], dirz) - 80.882352941176478112 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToIn(outside_points[3], -dirz) - 50.0 )< kCarTolerance ); // Add points on surface } delete solid; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void testDistanceToOutPV(G4int testCase) { // Test DistanceToOutPV std::vector inside_points; std::vector surface_points; std::vector outside_points; G4VSolid* solid = createSolid(testCase, inside_points, surface_points, outside_points); if ( testCase == 0 ) { assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[0], dirx) - 150.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[0], -dirx) - 150.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[0], diry) - 300.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[0], -diry) - 300.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[0], dirz) - 300.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[0], -dirz) - 300.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[1], dirx) - 75.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[1], -dirx) - 175.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[1], diry) - 150.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[1], -diry) - 350.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[1], dirz) - 250.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[1], -dirz) - 350.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[2], dirx) - 275.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[2], -dirx) - 75.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[2], diry) - 150.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[2], -diry) - 250.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[2], dirz) - 450.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[2], -dirz) - 150.0 )< kCarTolerance ); // For Add points on surface } else if ( testCase == 1 ) { assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[0], dirx) - 300.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[0], -dirx) - 300.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[0], diry) - 300.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[0], -diry) - 300.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[0], dirz) - 300.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[0], -dirz) - 300.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[1], dirx) - 250.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[1], -dirx) - 350.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[1], diry) - 250.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[1], -diry) - 350.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[1], dirz) - 250.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[1], -dirz) - 350.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[2], dirx) - 400.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[2], -dirx) - 200.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[2], diry) - 350.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[2], -diry) - 250.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[2], dirz) - 450.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[2], -dirz) - 150.0 )< kCarTolerance ); // For Add points on surface } else if ( testCase == 2 ) { assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[0], dirx) - 100.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[0], -dirx) - 500.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[0], diry) - 100.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[0], -diry) - 500.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[0], dirz) - 125.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[0], -dirz) - 250.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[1], dirx) - 110.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[1], -dirx) - 100.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[1], diry) - 410.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[1], -diry) - 430.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[1], dirz) - 100.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[1], -dirz) - 50.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[2], dirx) - 10.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[2], -dirx) - 80.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[2], diry) - 340.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[2], -diry) - 20.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[2], dirz) - 50.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[2], -dirz) - 450.0 )< kCarTolerance ); // For Add points on surface } else if ( testCase == 3 ) { assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[0], dirx) - 110.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[0], -dirx) - 100.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[0], diry) - 410.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[0], -diry) - 430.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[0], dirz) - 100.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[0], -dirz) - 50.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[1], dirx) - 70.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[1], -dirx) - 35.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[1], diry) - 130.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[1], -diry) - 290.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[1], dirz) - 141.66666666666668561 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[1], -dirz) - 400.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[2], dirx) - 63.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[2], -dirx) - 24.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[2], diry) - 174.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[2], -diry) - 174.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[2], dirz) - 137.1428571428571388 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[2], -dirz) - 20.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[3], dirx) - 16.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[3], -dirx) - 107.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[3], diry) - 416.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[3], -diry) - 76.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[3], dirz) - 100.0 )< kCarTolerance ); assert( std::fabs(solid->DistanceToOut(inside_points[3], -dirz) - 15.384615384615381473 )< kCarTolerance ); // For Add points on surface } delete solid; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void testSurface(G4int testCase) { // Test surface std::vector inside_points; std::vector surface_points; std::vector outside_points; G4VSolid* solid = createSolid(testCase, inside_points, surface_points, outside_points); if ( testCase == 0 ) { assert( std::fabs(solid->GetSurfaceArea() - 1524984.4718999243341 ) < 1e-6 ); } if ( testCase == 1 ) { assert( std::fabs(solid->GetSurfaceArea() - 2160000 ) < 1e-6 ); } if ( testCase == 2 ) { assert( std::fabs(solid->GetSurfaceArea() - 2506922.4391292142682 ) < 1e-6 ); } if ( testCase == 3 ) { assert( std::fabs(solid->GetSurfaceArea() - 3638542.9775616745465 ) < 1e-6 ); } delete solid; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void testVolume(G4int testCase) { // Test volume // The volume is evaluated via G4VSolid, that's why the precision is very low std::vector inside_points; std::vector surface_points; std::vector outside_points; G4VSolid* solid = createSolid(testCase, inside_points, surface_points, outside_points); if ( testCase == 0 ) { assert( std::fabs(solid->GetCubicVolume() - 108.0e+6 ) < 1.0e+6 ); } if ( testCase == 1 ) { assert( std::fabs(solid->GetCubicVolume() - 216.0e+6 ) < 1.0e+6 ); } if ( testCase == 2 ) { assert( std::fabs(solid->GetCubicVolume() - 121.7e+6 ) < 1.0e+6 ); } if ( testCase == 3 ) { assert( std::fabs(solid->GetCubicVolume() - 162.1e+6 ) < 1.0e+6 ); } delete solid; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ int main() { // Uncomment this line to print the results for a tested solid case // printResults(1); for ( G4int testCase = 0; testCase < 4; ++testCase ) { testInside(testCase); testDistanceToInPV(testCase); testDistanceToOutPV(testCase); testSurface(testCase); testVolume(testCase); } return 0; }