$Id: README,v 1.1 2008/09/03 13:34:03 gcosmo Exp $ ------------------------------------------------------------------- In this directory you can find the test for Geant4 Solids with Optical Photons. The test was created from a user application in order to test the replay of the Solids. ============= How it works : ============= - The Solid is situated in the center of the World Volume. It can be choosen via macro command. - The primary particle (e- of 20 veV) is shooting from Randomly Position on the Shpere around the Solid to the center of the World Volume. - This primary particle 'enters' in the Solid and create Optical Photons. The boundary between Solid and World is declared as Boundary with Reflection. If a optical Photon is going outside Solid, it is a Error. This error is detected, warning or error message is printed. This message also containts the information that can be useful for debugging: -Position p and Direction v of the Point (Global Coordinates), were Error is detected. -Inside(p): If p is Inside, the DistanceToOut(p,v,norm) is given If p is Outside,the DistanceToIn(p,-v) is given If p is On the Surface, both values are given. ===================== How to run this test : ===================== To build the application, first setup your Geant4 environmental variables, do not forget to setup the visualisation part. and then do : make and to run it : AXPETDemonstrator run1.mac ================================== Via command line user can choose : ================================== the solis : /mydet/SelectDetector nameOfSolid the rotation: /mydet/RotateX angleInDegree /mydet/RotateY angleInDegree /mydet/RotateZ angleInDegree In case of Error(Optical Photon escaping Solid) warning or Abortion of the Run can be chosen. It can be useful for large statistics. Coomand for Abort Run : /mydet/AbortRun 1 ============ The examples are given in vis.mac(shooting 30 e- in all solids) ============ run1.mac(shooting 3000 e- in shoosen solid, Ellipsoid) run2.mac(shooting 3000 e- in shoosen solid, Shell=Subtraction of Spheres)