source: trunk/source/geometry/volumes/include/G4AssemblyVolume.hh @ 1250

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27// $Id: G4AssemblyVolume.hh,v 1.7 2006/06/29 18:56:51 gunter Exp $
28// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03 $
31// Class G4AssemblyVolume
33// Class description:
35// G4AssemblyVolume is a helper class to make the build process of geometry
36// easier. It allows to combine several volumes together in an arbitrary way
37// in 3D space and then work with the result as with a single logical volume
38// for placement.
39// The resulting objects are independent copies of each of the assembled
40// logical volumes. The placements are not, however, bound one to each other
41// when placement is done. They are seen as independent physical volumes in
42// space.
44// Author:      Radovan Chytracek, John Apostolakis, Gabriele Cosmo
45// Date:        November 2000
47// History:
48// March 2006, I.Hrivnacova - Extended to support assembly of assemblies
49//             of volumes and reflections
50// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
54#include <vector>
56#include "G4Transform3D.hh"
57#include "G4AssemblyTriplet.hh"
59class G4VPhysicalVolume;
61class G4AssemblyVolume
63 public:  // with description
65  G4AssemblyVolume();   
66  G4AssemblyVolume( G4LogicalVolume* volume,
67                    G4ThreeVector& translation,
68                    G4RotationMatrix* rotation);
69  ~G4AssemblyVolume();
70    //
71    // Constructors & destructor.
72    // At destruction all the generated physical volumes and associated
73    // rotation matrices of the imprints will be destroyed.
74    //
75    // The rotation matrix passed as argument can be 0 (identity) or an address
76    // even of an object on the upper stack frame. During assembly imprint, a
77    // new matrix is created anyway and it is kept track of it so it can be
78    // automatically deleted later at the end of the application.
79    // This policy is adopted since user has no control on the way the
80    // rotations are combined.
82  void AddPlacedVolume( G4LogicalVolume* pPlacedVolume,
83                        G4ThreeVector& translation,
84                        G4RotationMatrix* rotation);
85    //
86    // Place the given volume 'pPlacedVolume' inside the assembly.
87    //
88    // The adopted approach:
89    //
90    // - Place it w.r.t. the assembly coordinate system.
91    //   This step is applied to each of the participating volumes.
92    //
93    // The other possible approaches:
94    //
95    // - Place w.r.t. the firstly added volume.
96    //   When placed the first, the virtual coordinate system becomes
97    //   the coordinate system of the first one.
98    //   Every next volume being added into the assembly will be placed
99    //   w.r.t to the first one.
100    //
101    // - Place w.r.t the last placed volume.
102    //   When placed the first, the virtual coordinate system becomes
103    //   the coordinate system of the first one.
104    //   Every next volume being added into the assembly will be placed
105    //   w.r.t to the previous one.
106    //
107    // The rotation matrix passed as argument can be 0 (identity) or an address
108    // even of an object on the upper stack frame. During assembly imprint, a
109    // new matrix is created anyway and it is kept track of it so it can be
110    // automatically deleted later at the end of the application.
111    // This policy is adopted since user has no control on the way the
112    // rotations are combined.
114  void AddPlacedVolume( G4LogicalVolume* pPlacedVolume,
115                        G4Transform3D&   transformation);
116    //
117    // The same as previous, but takes complete 3D transformation in space
118    // as its argument.
120  void AddPlacedAssembly( G4AssemblyVolume* pAssembly,
121                          G4Transform3D&    transformation);
122    //
123    // The same as previous AddPlacedVolume(), but takes an assembly volume
124    // as its argument.
126  void AddPlacedAssembly( G4AssemblyVolume* pAssembly,
127                          G4ThreeVector& translation,
128                          G4RotationMatrix* rotation);
129    //
130    // The same as above AddPlacedVolume(), but takes an assembly volume
131    // as its argument with translation and rotation.
133  void MakeImprint( G4LogicalVolume* pMotherLV,
134                    G4ThreeVector& translationInMother,
135                    G4RotationMatrix* pRotationInMother,
136                    G4int copyNumBase = 0,
137                    G4bool surfCheck = false );
138    //
139    // Creates instance of an assembly volume inside the given mother volume.
141  void MakeImprint( G4LogicalVolume* pMotherLV,
142                    G4Transform3D&   transformation,
143                    G4int copyNumBase = 0,
144                    G4bool surfCheck = false );
145    //
146    // The same as previous Imprint() method, but takes complete 3D
147    // transformation in space as its argument.
149  inline std::vector<G4VPhysicalVolume*>::iterator GetVolumesIterator();
150  inline unsigned int TotalImprintedVolumes() const;
151    //
152    // Methods to access the physical volumes imprinted with the assembly.
154  unsigned int GetImprintsCount() const;
155    //
156    // Return the number of made imprints.
158  unsigned int GetInstanceCount() const;
159    //
160    // Return the number of existing instance of G4AssemblyVolume class.
162  unsigned int GetAssemblyID()    const;
163    //
164    // Return instance number of this concrete object.
166 protected:
168  void SetInstanceCount( unsigned int value );
169  void SetAssemblyID( unsigned int value );
171  void InstanceCountPlus();
172  void InstanceCountMinus();
174  void SetImprintsCount( unsigned int value );
175  void ImprintsCountPlus();
176  void ImprintsCountMinus();
177    //
178    // Internal counting mechanism, used to compute unique the names of
179    // physical volumes created by MakeImprint() methods.
181 private:   
183  void MakeImprint( G4AssemblyVolume* pAssembly,
184                    G4LogicalVolume*  pMotherLV,
185                    G4Transform3D&    transformation,
186                    G4int copyNumBase = 0,
187                    G4bool surfCheck = false );
188    //   
189    // Function for placement of the given assembly in the given mother
190    // (called recursively if the assembly contains an assembly).
192 private:
194  std::vector<G4AssemblyTriplet> fTriplets;
195    //
196    // Participating volumes represented as a vector of
197    // <logical volume, translation, rotation>.
199  std::vector<G4VPhysicalVolume*> fPVStore;
200    //
201    // We need to keep list of physical volumes created by MakeImprint() method
202    // in order to be able to cleanup the objects when not needed anymore.
203    // This requires the user to keep assembly objects in memory during the
204    // whole job or during the life-time of G4Navigator, logical volume store
205    // and physical volume store keep pointers to physical volumes generated by
206    // the assembly volume.
207    // When an assembly object is about to die it will destroy all its
208    // generated physical volumes and rotation matrices as well !
210  unsigned int fImprintsCounter;
211    //
212    // Number of imprints of the given assembly volume.
214  static unsigned int fsInstanceCounter;
215    //
216    // Class instance counter.
218  unsigned int fAssemblyID;
219    //
220    // Assembly object ID derived from instance counter at construction time.
224#include "G4AssemblyVolume.icc"
226#endif // G4_ASSEMBLYVOLUME_H
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