// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id: G4SimplexDownhill.icc,v 1.2 2007/05/11 13:05:53 gcosmo Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: $ // // Author: Tatsumi Koi (SLAC/SCCS), 2007 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include template void G4SimplexDownhill::init() { alpha = 2.0; // refrection coefficient: 0 < alpha beta = 0.5; // contraction coefficient: 0 < beta < 1 gamma = 2.0; // expantion coefficient: 1 < gamma maximum_no_trial = 10000; max_se = FLT_MIN; //max_ratio = FLT_EPSILON/1; max_ratio = DBL_EPSILON/1; minimized = false; } /* void G4SimplexDownhill:: SetFunction( G4int n , G4double( *afunc )( std::vector < G4double > ) ) { numberOfVariable = n; theFunction = afunc; minimized = false; } */ template G4double G4SimplexDownhill::GetMinimum() { initialize(); // First Tryal; //G4cout << "Begin First Trials" << G4endl; doDownhill(); //G4cout << "End First Trials" << G4endl; std::vector< G4double >::iterator it_minh = std::min_element( currentHeights.begin() , currentHeights.end() ); G4int imin = -1; G4int i = 0; for ( std::vector< G4double >::iterator it = currentHeights.begin(); it != currentHeights.end(); it++ ) { if ( it == it_minh ) { imin = i; } i++; } std::vector< G4double > minimumPoint = currentSimplex[ imin ]; // Second Trial //std::vector< G4double > minimumPoint = currentSimplex[ 0 ]; initialize(); currentSimplex[ numberOfVariable ] = minimumPoint; //G4cout << "Begin Second Trials" << G4endl; doDownhill(); //G4cout << "End Second Trials" << G4endl; G4double sum = std::accumulate( currentHeights.begin() , currentHeights.end() , 0.0 ); G4double average = sum/(numberOfVariable+1); G4double minimum = average; minimized = true; return minimum; } template void G4SimplexDownhill::initialize() { currentSimplex.resize( numberOfVariable+1 ); currentHeights.resize( numberOfVariable+1 ); for ( G4int i = 0 ; i < numberOfVariable ; i++ ) { std::vector< G4double > avec ( numberOfVariable , 0.0 ); avec[ i ] = 1.0; currentSimplex[ i ] = avec; } //std::vector< G4double > avec ( numberOfVariable , 0.0 ); std::vector< G4double > avec ( numberOfVariable , 1 ); currentSimplex[ numberOfVariable ] = avec; } template void G4SimplexDownhill::calHeights() { for ( G4int i = 0 ; i <= numberOfVariable ; i++ ) { currentHeights[i] = getValue ( currentSimplex[i] ); } } template std::vector< G4double > G4SimplexDownhill::calCentroid( G4int ih ) { std::vector< G4double > centroid ( numberOfVariable , 0.0 ); G4int i = 0; for ( std::vector< std::vector< G4double > >::iterator it = currentSimplex.begin(); it != currentSimplex.end() ; it++ ) { if ( i != ih ) { for ( G4int j = 0 ; j < numberOfVariable ; j++ ) { centroid[j] += (*it)[j]/numberOfVariable; } } i++; } return centroid; } template std::vector< G4double > G4SimplexDownhill:: getReflectionPoint( std::vector< G4double > p , std::vector< G4double > centroid ) { //G4cout << "Reflection" << G4endl; std::vector< G4double > reflectionP ( numberOfVariable , 0.0 ); for ( G4int i = 0 ; i < numberOfVariable ; i++ ) { reflectionP[ i ] = ( 1 + alpha ) * centroid[ i ] - alpha * p[ i ]; } return reflectionP; } template std::vector< G4double > G4SimplexDownhill:: getExpansionPoint( std::vector< G4double > p , std::vector< G4double > centroid ) { //G4cout << "Expantion" << G4endl; std::vector< G4double > expansionP ( numberOfVariable , 0.0 ); for ( G4int i = 0 ; i < numberOfVariable ; i++ ) { expansionP[i] = ( 1 - gamma ) * centroid[i] + gamma * p[i]; } return expansionP; } template std::vector< G4double > G4SimplexDownhill:: getContractionPoint( std::vector< G4double > p , std::vector< G4double > centroid ) { //G4cout << "Contraction" << G4endl; std::vector< G4double > contractionP ( numberOfVariable , 0.0 ); for ( G4int i = 0 ; i < numberOfVariable ; i++ ) { contractionP[i] = ( 1 - beta ) * centroid[i] + beta * p[i]; } return contractionP; } template G4bool G4SimplexDownhill::isItGoodEnough() { G4bool result = false; G4double sum = std::accumulate( currentHeights.begin() , currentHeights.end() , 0.0 ); G4double average = sum/(numberOfVariable+1); //G4cout << "average " << average << G4endl; G4double delta = 0.0; for ( G4int i = 0 ; i <= numberOfVariable ; i++ ) { delta += std::abs ( currentHeights[ i ] - average ); } //G4cout << "ratio of delta to average is " // << delta / (numberOfVariable+1) / average << G4endl; if ( delta/(numberOfVariable+1)/average < max_ratio ) { result = true; } /* G4double sigma = 0.0; G4cout << "average " << average << G4endl; for ( G4int i = 0 ; i <= numberOfVariable ; i++ ) { sigma += ( currentHeights[ i ] - average ) *( currentHeights[ i ] - average ); } G4cout << "standard error of hs " << std::sqrt ( sigma ) / (numberOfVariable+1) << G4endl; if ( std::sqrt ( sigma ) / (numberOfVariable+1) < max_se ) { result = true; } */ return result; } template void G4SimplexDownhill::doDownhill() { G4int nth_trial = 0; while ( nth_trial < maximum_no_trial ) { /* G4cout << "Begining " << nth_trial << "th trial " << G4endl; for ( G4int j = 0 ; j <= numberOfVariable ; j++ ) { G4cout << "SimplexPoint " << j << ": "; for ( G4int i = 0 ; i < numberOfVariable ; i++ ) { G4cout << currentSimplex[j][i] << " "; } G4cout << G4endl; } */ calHeights(); if ( isItGoodEnough() ) { break; } std::vector< G4double >::iterator it_maxh = std::max_element( currentHeights.begin() , currentHeights.end() ); std::vector< G4double >::iterator it_minh = std::min_element( currentHeights.begin() , currentHeights.end() );; G4double h_H = *it_maxh; G4double h_L = *it_minh; G4int ih = 0;; G4int il = 0; G4double h_H2 =0.0; G4int i = 0; for ( std::vector< G4double >::iterator it = currentHeights.begin(); it != currentHeights.end(); it++ ) { if ( it == it_maxh ) { ih = i; } else { h_H2 = std::max( h_H2 , *it ); } if ( it == it_minh ) { il = i; } i++; } //G4cout << "max " << h_H << " " << ih << G4endl; //G4cout << "max-dash " << h_H2 << G4endl; //G4cout << "min " << h_L << " " << il << G4endl; std::vector< G4double > centroidPoint = calCentroid ( ih ); // REFLECTION std::vector< G4double > reflectionPoint = getReflectionPoint( currentSimplex[ ih ] , centroidPoint ); G4double h = getValue( reflectionPoint ); if ( h <= h_L ) { // EXPANSION std::vector< G4double > expansionPoint = getExpansionPoint( reflectionPoint , centroidPoint ); G4double hh = getValue( expansionPoint ); if ( hh <= h_L ) { // Replace currentSimplex[ ih ] = expansionPoint; //G4cout << "A" << G4endl; } else { // Replace currentSimplex[ ih ] = reflectionPoint; //G4cout << "B1" << G4endl; } } else { if ( h <= h_H2 ) { // Replace currentSimplex[ ih ] = reflectionPoint; //G4cout << "B2" << G4endl; } else { if ( h <= h_H ) { // Replace currentSimplex[ ih ] = reflectionPoint; //G4cout << "BC" << G4endl; } // CONTRACTION std::vector< G4double > contractionPoint = getContractionPoint( currentSimplex[ ih ] , centroidPoint ); G4double hh = getValue( contractionPoint ); if ( hh <= h_H ) { // Replace currentSimplex[ ih ] = contractionPoint; //G4cout << "C" << G4endl; } else { // Replace for ( G4int j = 0 ; j <= numberOfVariable ; j++ ) { std::vector< G4double > vec ( numberOfVariable , 0.0 ); for ( G4int k = 0 ; k < numberOfVariable ; k++ ) { vec[ k ] = ( currentSimplex[ j ][ k ] + currentSimplex[ il ][ k ] ) / 2.0; } currentSimplex[ j ] = vec; } //G4cout << "D" << G4endl; } } } nth_trial++; } } template std::vector< G4double > G4SimplexDownhill::GetMinimumPoint() { if ( minimized != true ) { GetMinimum(); } std::vector< G4double >::iterator it_minh = std::min_element( currentHeights.begin() , currentHeights.end() );; G4int imin = -1; G4int i = 0; for ( std::vector< G4double >::iterator it = currentHeights.begin(); it != currentHeights.end(); it++ ) { if ( it == it_minh ) { imin = i; } i++; } std::vector< G4double > minimumPoint = currentSimplex[ imin ]; return minimumPoint; }