// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id: G4PhysicsVector.hh,v 1.25 2009/11/04 11:32:43 vnivanch Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: global-V09-02-10 $ // // //--------------------------------------------------------------- // GEANT 4 class header file // // G4PhysicsVector.hh // // Class description: // // A physics vector which has values of energy-loss, cross-section, // and other physics values of a particle in matter in a given // range of the energy, momentum, etc. // This class serves as the base class for a vector having various // energy scale, for example like 'log', 'linear', 'free', etc. // History: // 02 Dec. 1995, G.Cosmo : Structure created based on object model // 03 Mar. 1996, K.Amako : Implemented the 1st version // 27 Apr. 1996, K.Amako : Cache mechanism added // 01 Jul. 1996, K.Amako : Now GetValue not virtual // 21 Sep. 1996, K.Amako : Added [] and () operators // 11 Nov. 2000, H.Kurashige : Use STL vector for dataVector and binVector // 09 Mar. 2001, H.Kurashige : Added G4PhysicsVectorType & Store/Retrieve() // 02 Apr. 2008, A.Bagulya : Added SplineInterpolation() and SetSpline() // 11 May 2009, V.Ivanchenko : Added ComputeSecondDerivatives // 19 Jun. 2009, V.Ivanchenko : Removed hidden bin // //--------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef G4PhysicsVector_h #define G4PhysicsVector_h 1 #include #include "globals.hh" #include "G4ios.hh" #include #include #include "G4PhysicsVectorType.hh" class G4PhysicsVector { public: G4PhysicsVector(G4bool spline = false); // constructor // This class is an abstract class with pure virtual method of // virtual size_t FindBinLocation(G4double theEnergy) const // So, default constructor is not supposed to be invoked explicitly G4PhysicsVector(const G4PhysicsVector&); G4PhysicsVector& operator=(const G4PhysicsVector&); // Copy constructor and assignment operator. public: // with description virtual ~G4PhysicsVector(); // destructor inline G4double Value(G4double theEnergy); // Get the cross-section/energy-loss value corresponding to the // given energy. An appropriate interpolation is used to calculate // the value. inline G4double GetValue(G4double theEnergy, G4bool& isOutRange); // Obolete method to get value, isOutRange is not used anymore. // This method is kept for the compatibility reason. G4int operator==(const G4PhysicsVector &right) const ; G4int operator!=(const G4PhysicsVector &right) const ; inline G4double operator[](const size_t binNumber) const ; // Returns simply the value in the bin specified by 'binNumber' // of the dataVector. The boundary check will not be done. inline G4double operator()(const size_t binNumber) const ; // Returns simply the value in the bin specified by 'binNumber' // of the dataVector. The boundary check will not be Done. inline void PutValue(size_t index, G4double theValue); // Put 'theValue' into the bin specified by 'binNumber'. // Take note that the 'index' starts from '0'. // To fill the vector, you have beforehand to construct a vector // by the constructor with Emin, Emax, Nbin. 'theValue' should // be the crosssection/energyloss value corresponding to the // energy of the index. You can get this energy by the next method // or by the old method GetLowEdgeEnergy(). void ScaleVector(G4double factorE, G4double factorV); // Scale all values of the vector and second derivatives // by factorV, energies by vectorE. This method may be applied // for example after Retrieve a vector from an external file to // convert values into Geant4 units inline G4double Energy(size_t index) const; // Returns simply the value in the energy specified by 'index' // of the energy vector. The boundary check will not be done. // Use this function when you fill physis vector by PutValue(). virtual G4double GetLowEdgeEnergy(size_t binNumber) const; // Obsolete method // Get the energy value at the low edge of the specified bin. // Take note that the 'binNumber' starts from '0'. // This value should be defined before the call. // The boundary check will not be done. inline size_t GetVectorLength() const; // Get the toal length (bin number) of the vector. void FillSecondDerivatives(); // Initialise second derivatives for spline keeping // 3d derivative continues - default algorithm void ComputeSecDerivatives(); // Initialise second derivatives for spline using algorithm // which garantee only 1st derivative continues // Warning: this method should be called when the vector // is already filled void ComputeSecondDerivatives(G4double firstPointDerivative, G4double endPointDerivative); // Initialise second derivatives for spline using // user defined 1st derivatives at edge points // Warning: this method should be called when the vector // is already filled inline G4bool IsFilledVectorExist() const; // Is non-empty physics vector already exist? inline void PutComment(const G4String& theComment); // Put a comment to the G4PhysicsVector. This may help to check // whether your are accessing to the one you want. inline const G4String& GetComment() const; // Retrieve the comment of the G4PhysicsVector. inline G4PhysicsVectorType GetType() const; // Get physics vector type inline void SetSpline(G4bool); // Activate/deactivate Spline interpolation. virtual G4bool Store(std::ofstream& fOut, G4bool ascii=false); virtual G4bool Retrieve(std::ifstream& fIn, G4bool ascii=false); // To store/retrieve persistent data to/from file streams. friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const G4PhysicsVector&); protected: virtual size_t FindBinLocation(G4double theEnergy) const=0; // Find the bin# in which theEnergy belongs - pure virtual function void DeleteData(); void CopyData(const G4PhysicsVector& vec); // Internal methods for allowing copy of objects protected: typedef std::vector G4PVDataVector; G4PhysicsVectorType type; // The type of PhysicsVector (enumerator) G4double edgeMin; // Energy of first point G4double edgeMax; // Energy of the last point size_t numberOfNodes; G4double lastEnergy; // Cache the last input value G4double lastValue; // Cache the last output value size_t lastBin; // Cache the last bin location G4PVDataVector dataVector; // Vector to keep the crossection/energyloss G4PVDataVector binVector; // Vector to keep energy G4PVDataVector secDerivative; // Vector to keep second derivatives private: G4bool SplinePossible(); inline G4double LinearInterpolation(); // Linear interpolation function inline G4double SplineInterpolation(); // Spline interpolation function inline void Interpolation(); G4String comment; G4bool useSpline; }; #include "G4PhysicsVector.icc" #endif