// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id: G4SIunits.hh,v 1.5 2006/09/15 08:16:10 gcosmo Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-01 $ // // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Class description: // // This file is a modified version of SystemOfUnits.h // It is provided for checking the overall 'units coherence' of the // Geant4 kernel. // ------- // Warning: if you use it, do not forget to recompile the whole Geant4 kernel // ------- // The basic units are those of the International System: // // meter // second // kilogram // ampere // degree kelvin // the amount of substance (mole) // luminous intensity (candela) // radian // steradian // // // The SI numerical value of the positron charge is defined here, // as it is needed for conversion factor : positron charge = e_SI (coulomb) // // The others physical constants are defined in the header file : // PhysicalConstants.h // // Authors: M.Maire, S.Giani // // History: // // 10.03.99 created // 01.03.01 parsec #ifndef G4UNITSTEST_HH #define G4UNITSTEST_HH // // Length [L] // static const double meter = 1.; static const double meter2 = meter*meter; static const double meter3 = meter*meter*meter; static const double millimeter = 0.001*meter; static const double millimeter2 = millimeter*millimeter; static const double millimeter3 = millimeter*millimeter*millimeter; static const double centimeter = 10.*millimeter; static const double centimeter2 = centimeter*centimeter; static const double centimeter3 = centimeter*centimeter*centimeter; static const double kilometer = 1000.*meter; static const double kilometer2 = kilometer*kilometer; static const double kilometer3 = kilometer*kilometer*kilometer; static const double parsec = 3.0856775807e+16*meter; static const double micrometer = 1.e-6 *meter; static const double nanometer = 1.e-9 *meter; static const double angstrom = 1.e-10*meter; static const double fermi = 1.e-15*meter; static const double barn = 1.e-28*meter2; static const double millibarn = 1.e-3 *barn; static const double microbarn = 1.e-6 *barn; static const double nanobarn = 1.e-9 *barn; static const double picobarn = 1.e-12*barn; // symbols static const double mm = millimeter; static const double mm2 = millimeter2; static const double mm3 = millimeter3; static const double cm = centimeter; static const double cm2 = centimeter2; static const double cm3 = centimeter3; static const double m = meter; static const double m2 = meter2; static const double m3 = meter3; static const double km = kilometer; static const double km2 = kilometer2; static const double km3 = kilometer3; static const double pc = parsec; // // Angle // static const double radian = 1.; static const double milliradian = 1.e-3*radian; static const double degree = (3.14159265358979323846/180.0)*radian; static const double steradian = 1.; // symbols static const double rad = radian; static const double mrad = milliradian; static const double sr = steradian; static const double deg = degree; // // Time [T] // static const double second = 1.; static const double nanosecond = 1.e-9 *second; static const double millisecond = 1.e-3 *second; static const double microsecond = 1.e-6 *second; static const double picosecond = 1.e-12*second; static const double hertz = 1./second; static const double kilohertz = 1.e+3*hertz; static const double megahertz = 1.e+6*hertz; // symbols static const double ns = nanosecond; static const double s = second; static const double ms = millisecond; // // Mass [E][T^2][L^-2] // static const double kilogram = 1.; static const double gram = 1.e-3*kilogram; static const double milligram = 1.e-3*gram; // symbols static const double kg = kilogram; static const double g = gram; static const double mg = milligram; // // Electric current [Q][T^-1] // static const double ampere = 1.; static const double milliampere = 1.e-3*ampere; static const double microampere = 1.e-6*ampere; static const double nanoampere = 1.e-9*ampere; // // Electric charge [Q] // static const double coulomb = ampere*second; static const double e_SI = 1.60217733e-19; // positron charge in coulomb static const double eplus = e_SI*coulomb ; // positron charge // // Energy [E] // static const double joule = kg*m*m/(s*s); static const double electronvolt = e_SI*joule; static const double kiloelectronvolt = 1.e+3*electronvolt; static const double megaelectronvolt = 1.e+6*electronvolt; static const double gigaelectronvolt = 1.e+9*electronvolt; static const double teraelectronvolt = 1.e+12*electronvolt; static const double petaelectronvolt = 1.e+15*electronvolt; // symbols static const double MeV = megaelectronvolt; static const double eV = electronvolt; static const double keV = kiloelectronvolt; static const double GeV = gigaelectronvolt; static const double TeV = teraelectronvolt; static const double PeV = petaelectronvolt; // // Power [E][T^-1] // static const double watt = joule/second; // watt = 6.24150 e+3 * MeV/ns // // Force [E][L^-1] // static const double newton = joule/meter; // newton = 6.24150 e+9 * MeV/mm // // Pressure [E][L^-3] // #define pascal hep_pascal // a trick to avoid warnings static const double hep_pascal = newton/m2; // pascal = 6.24150 e+3 * MeV/mm3 static const double bar = 100000*pascal; // bar = 6.24150 e+8 * MeV/mm3 static const double atmosphere = 101325*pascal; // atm = 6.32420 e+8 * MeV/mm3 // // Electric potential [E][Q^-1] // static const double megavolt = megaelectronvolt/eplus; static const double kilovolt = 1.e-3*megavolt; static const double volt = 1.e-6*megavolt; // // Electric resistance [E][T][Q^-2] // static const double ohm = volt/ampere; // ohm = 1.60217e-16*(MeV/eplus)/(eplus/ns) // // Electric capacitance [Q^2][E^-1] // static const double farad = coulomb/volt; // farad = 6.24150e+24 * eplus/Megavolt static const double millifarad = 1.e-3*farad; static const double microfarad = 1.e-6*farad; static const double nanofarad = 1.e-9*farad; static const double picofarad = 1.e-12*farad; // // Magnetic Flux [T][E][Q^-1] // static const double weber = volt*second; // weber = 1000*megavolt*ns // // Magnetic Field [T][E][Q^-1][L^-2] // static const double tesla = volt*second/meter2; // tesla =0.001*megavolt*ns/mm2 static const double gauss = 1.e-4*tesla; static const double kilogauss = 1.e-1*tesla; // // Inductance [T^2][E][Q^-2] // static const double henry = weber/ampere; // henry = 1.60217e-7*MeV*(ns/eplus)**2 // // Temperature // static const double kelvin = 1.; // // Amount of substance // static const double mole = 1.; // // Activity [T^-1] // static const double becquerel = 1./second ; static const double curie = 3.7e+10 * becquerel; // // Absorbed dose [L^2][T^-2] // static const double gray = joule/kilogram ; // // Luminous intensity [I] // static const double candela = 1.; // // Luminous flux [I] // static const double lumen = candela*steradian; // // Illuminance [I][L^-2] // static const double lux = lumen/meter2; // // Miscellaneous // static const double perCent = 0.01 ; static const double perThousand = 0.001; static const double perMillion = 0.000001; #endif /* G4UNITSTEST_HH */