source: trunk/source/global/management/include/G4SystemOfUnits.hh @ 850

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27#include <CLHEP/Units/SystemOfUnits.h>
29using CLHEP::millimeter;
30using CLHEP::millimeter2;
31using CLHEP::millimeter3;
32using CLHEP::centimeter;
33using CLHEP::centimeter2;
34using CLHEP::centimeter3;
35using CLHEP::meter;
36using CLHEP::meter2;
37using CLHEP::meter3;
38using CLHEP::kilometer;
39using CLHEP::kilometer2;
40using CLHEP::kilometer3;
41using CLHEP::parsec;
42using CLHEP::micrometer;
43using CLHEP::nanometer;
44using CLHEP::angstrom;
45using CLHEP::fermi;
46using CLHEP::barn;
47using CLHEP::millibarn;
48using CLHEP::microbarn;
49using CLHEP::nanobarn;
50using CLHEP::picobarn;
51using CLHEP::mm;
52using CLHEP::um;
53using CLHEP::nm;
54using CLHEP::mm2;
55using CLHEP::mm3;
56using CLHEP::cm;
57using CLHEP::cm2;
58using CLHEP::cm3;
59using CLHEP::m;
60using CLHEP::m2;
61using CLHEP::m3;
62using CLHEP::km;
63using CLHEP::km2;
64using CLHEP::km3;
65using CLHEP::pc;
66using CLHEP::radian;
67using CLHEP::milliradian;
68using CLHEP::degree;
69using CLHEP::steradian;
70using CLHEP::rad;
71using CLHEP::mrad;
72using CLHEP::sr;
73using CLHEP::deg;
74using CLHEP::nanosecond;
75using CLHEP::second;
76using CLHEP::millisecond;
77using CLHEP::microsecond;
78using CLHEP::picosecond;
79using CLHEP::hertz;
80using CLHEP::kilohertz;
81using CLHEP::megahertz;
82using CLHEP::ns;
83using CLHEP::s;
84using CLHEP::ms;
85using CLHEP::eplus;
86using CLHEP::e_SI;
87using CLHEP::coulomb;
88using CLHEP::megaelectronvolt;
89using CLHEP::electronvolt;
90using CLHEP::kiloelectronvolt;
91using CLHEP::gigaelectronvolt;
92using CLHEP::teraelectronvolt;
93using CLHEP::petaelectronvolt;
94using CLHEP::joule;
95using CLHEP::MeV;
96using CLHEP::eV;
97using CLHEP::keV;
98using CLHEP::GeV;
99using CLHEP::TeV;
100using CLHEP::PeV;
101using CLHEP::kilogram;
102using CLHEP::gram;
103using CLHEP::milligram;
104using CLHEP::kg;
105using CLHEP::g;
106using CLHEP::mg;
107using CLHEP::watt;
108using CLHEP::newton;
109using CLHEP::hep_pascal;
110using CLHEP::bar;
111using CLHEP::atmosphere;
112using CLHEP::ampere;
113using CLHEP::milliampere;
114using CLHEP::microampere;
115using CLHEP::nanoampere;
116using CLHEP::megavolt;
117using CLHEP::kilovolt;
118using CLHEP::volt;
119using CLHEP::ohm;
120using CLHEP::farad;
121using CLHEP::millifarad;
122using CLHEP::microfarad;
123using CLHEP::nanofarad;
124using CLHEP::picofarad;
125using CLHEP::weber;
126using CLHEP::tesla;
127using CLHEP::gauss;
128using CLHEP::kilogauss;
129using CLHEP::henry;
130using CLHEP::kelvin;
131using CLHEP::mole;
132using CLHEP::becquerel;
133using CLHEP::curie;
134using CLHEP::gray;
135using CLHEP::candela;
136using CLHEP::lumen;
137using CLHEP::lux;
138using CLHEP::perCent;
139using CLHEP::perThousand;
140using CLHEP::perMillion;
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