// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id: G4PhysicsVector.cc,v 1.46 2010/05/28 05:13:43 kurasige Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-01 $ // // // -------------------------------------------------------------- // GEANT 4 class implementation file // // G4PhysicsVector.cc // // History: // 02 Dec. 1995, G.Cosmo : Structure created based on object model // 03 Mar. 1996, K.Amako : Implemented the 1st version // 01 Jul. 1996, K.Amako : Hidden bin from the user introduced // 12 Nov. 1998, K.Amako : A bug in GetVectorLength() fixed // 11 Nov. 2000, H.Kurashige : use STL vector for dataVector and binVector // 18 Jan. 2001, H.Kurashige : removed ptrNextTable // 09 Mar. 2001, H.Kurashige : added G4PhysicsVector type // 05 Sep. 2008, V.Ivanchenko : added protections for zero-length vector // 11 May 2009, A.Bagulya : added new implementation of methods // ComputeSecondDerivatives - first derivatives at edge points // should be provided by a user // FillSecondDerivatives - default computation base on "not-a-knot" // algorithm // 19 Jun. 2009, V.Ivanchenko : removed hidden bin // 17 Nov. 2009, H.Kurashige : use pointer for DataVector // 04 May 2010 H.Kurashige : use G4PhyscisVectorCache // 28 May 2010 H.Kurashige : Stop using pointers to G4PVDataVector // -------------------------------------------------------------- #include "G4PhysicsVector.hh" #include // -------------------------------------------------------------- G4PhysicsVector::G4PhysicsVector(G4bool spline) : type(T_G4PhysicsVector), edgeMin(0.), edgeMax(0.), numberOfNodes(0), useSpline(spline) { cache = new G4PhysicsVectorCache(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------- G4PhysicsVector::~G4PhysicsVector() { delete cache; cache =0; } // -------------------------------------------------------------- G4PhysicsVector::G4PhysicsVector(const G4PhysicsVector& right) { cache = new G4PhysicsVectorCache(); CopyData(right); } // -------------------------------------------------------------- G4PhysicsVector& G4PhysicsVector::operator=(const G4PhysicsVector& right) { if (&right==this) { return *this; } if (type != right.type) { return *this; } //DeleteData(); CopyData(right); return *this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------- G4int G4PhysicsVector::operator==(const G4PhysicsVector &right) const { return (this == &right); } // -------------------------------------------------------------- G4int G4PhysicsVector::operator!=(const G4PhysicsVector &right) const { return (this != &right); } // -------------------------------------------------------------- void G4PhysicsVector::DeleteData() { secDerivative.clear(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------- void G4PhysicsVector::CopyData(const G4PhysicsVector& vec) { type = vec.type; edgeMin = vec.edgeMin; edgeMax = vec.edgeMax; numberOfNodes = vec.numberOfNodes; cache->lastEnergy = vec.GetLastEnergy(); cache->lastValue = vec.GetLastValue(); cache->lastBin = vec.GetLastBin(); useSpline = vec.useSpline; comment = vec.comment; size_t i; dataVector.clear(); for(i=0; i<(vec.dataVector).size(); i++){ dataVector.push_back( (vec.dataVector)[i] ); } binVector.clear(); for(i=0; i<(vec.binVector).size(); i++){ binVector.push_back( (vec.binVector)[i] ); } secDerivative.clear(); for(i=0; i<(vec.secDerivative).size(); i++){ secDerivative.push_back( (vec.secDerivative)[i] ); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------- G4double G4PhysicsVector::GetLowEdgeEnergy(size_t binNumber) const { return binVector[binNumber]; } // -------------------------------------------------------------- G4bool G4PhysicsVector::Store(std::ofstream& fOut, G4bool ascii) { // Ascii mode if (ascii) { fOut << *this; return true; } // Binary Mode // binning fOut.write((char*)(&edgeMin), sizeof edgeMin); fOut.write((char*)(&edgeMax), sizeof edgeMax); fOut.write((char*)(&numberOfNodes), sizeof numberOfNodes); // contents size_t size = dataVector.size(); fOut.write((char*)(&size), sizeof size); G4double* value = new G4double[2*size]; for(size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { value[2*i] = binVector[i]; value[2*i+1]= dataVector[i]; } fOut.write((char*)(value), 2*size*(sizeof (G4double))); delete [] value; return true; } // -------------------------------------------------------------- G4bool G4PhysicsVector::Retrieve(std::ifstream& fIn, G4bool ascii) { // clear properties; cache->lastEnergy=-DBL_MAX; cache->lastValue =0.; cache->lastBin =0; dataVector.clear(); binVector.clear(); secDerivative.clear(); comment = ""; // retrieve in ascii mode if (ascii) { // binning fIn >> edgeMin >> edgeMax >> numberOfNodes; if (fIn.fail()) { return false; } // contents size_t size=0; fIn >> size; if (fIn.fail()) { return false; } binVector.reserve(size); dataVector.reserve(size); G4double vBin, vData; for(size_t i = 0; i < size ; i++) { vBin = 0.; vData= 0.; fIn >> vBin >> vData; if (fIn.fail()) { return false; } binVector.push_back(vBin); dataVector.push_back(vData); } return true ; } // retrieve in binary mode // binning fIn.read((char*)(&edgeMin), sizeof edgeMin); fIn.read((char*)(&edgeMax), sizeof edgeMax); fIn.read((char*)(&numberOfNodes), sizeof numberOfNodes ); // contents size_t size; fIn.read((char*)(&size), sizeof size); G4double* value = new G4double[2*size]; fIn.read((char*)(value), 2*size*(sizeof(G4double)) ); if (G4int(fIn.gcount()) != G4int(2*size*(sizeof(G4double))) ) { delete [] value; return false; } binVector.reserve(size); dataVector.reserve(size); for(size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { binVector.push_back(value[2*i]); dataVector.push_back(value[2*i+1]); } delete [] value; return true; } // -------------------------------------------------------------- void G4PhysicsVector::ScaleVector(G4double factorE, G4double factorV) { size_t n = dataVector.size(); size_t i; if(n > 0) { for(i=0; i 0) { for(i=0; ilastEnergy = factorE*(cache->lastEnergy); cache->lastValue = factorV*(cache->lastValue); } // -------------------------------------------------------------- void G4PhysicsVector::ComputeSecondDerivatives(G4double firstPointDerivative, G4double endPointDerivative) // A standard method of computation of second derivatives // First derivatives at the first and the last point should be provided // See for example W.H. Press et al. "Numerical reciptes and C" // Cambridge University Press, 1997. { if(4 > numberOfNodes) // cannot compute derivatives for less than 4 bins { ComputeSecDerivatives(); return; } if(!SplinePossible()) { return; } G4int n = numberOfNodes-1; G4double* u = new G4double [n]; G4double p, sig, un; u[0] = (6.0/(binVector[1]-binVector[0])) * ((dataVector[1]-dataVector[0])/(binVector[1]-binVector[0]) - firstPointDerivative); secDerivative[0] = - 0.5; // Decomposition loop for tridiagonal algorithm. secDerivative[i] // and u[i] are used for temporary storage of the decomposed factors. for(G4int i=1; i0; --k) { secDerivative[k] *= (secDerivative[k+1] - u[k]*(binVector[k+1]-binVector[k-1])/(binVector[k+1]-binVector[k])); } secDerivative[0] = 0.5*(u[0] - secDerivative[1]); delete [] u; } // -------------------------------------------------------------- void G4PhysicsVector::FillSecondDerivatives() // Computation of second derivatives using "Not-a-knot" endpoint conditions // B.I. Kvasov "Methods of shape-preserving spline approximation" // World Scientific, 2000 { if(5 > numberOfNodes) // cannot compute derivatives for less than 4 points { ComputeSecDerivatives(); return; } if(!SplinePossible()) { return; } G4int n = numberOfNodes-1; //G4cout << "G4PhysicsVector::FillSecondDerivatives() n= " << n << G4endl; // G4cout << *this << G4endl; G4double* u = new G4double [n]; G4double p, sig; u[1] = ((dataVector[2]-dataVector[1])/(binVector[2]-binVector[1]) - (dataVector[1]-dataVector[0])/(binVector[1]-binVector[0])); u[1] = 6.0*u[1]*(binVector[2]-binVector[1]) / ((binVector[2]-binVector[0])*(binVector[2]-binVector[0])); // Decomposition loop for tridiagonal algorithm. secDerivative[i] // and u[i] are used for temporary storage of the decomposed factors. secDerivative[1] = (2.0*binVector[1]-binVector[0]-binVector[2]) / (2.0*binVector[2]-binVector[0]-binVector[1]); for(G4int i=2; i1; --k) { secDerivative[k] *= (secDerivative[k+1] - u[k]*(binVector[k+1]-binVector[k-1])/(binVector[k+1]-binVector[k])); } secDerivative[n] = (secDerivative[n-1] - (1.0-sig)*secDerivative[n-2])/sig; sig = 1.0 - ((binVector[2]-binVector[1])/(binVector[2]-binVector[0])); secDerivative[1] *= (secDerivative[2] - u[1]/(1.0-sig)); secDerivative[0] = (secDerivative[1] - sig*secDerivative[2])/(1.0-sig); delete [] u; } // -------------------------------------------------------------- void G4PhysicsVector::ComputeSecDerivatives() // A simplified method of computation of second derivatives { if(!SplinePossible()) { return; } if(3 > numberOfNodes) // cannot compute derivatives for less than 4 bins { useSpline = false; return; } size_t n = numberOfNodes-1; for(size_t i=1; i 0) { if(binVector[j]-binVector[j-1] <= 0.) { useSpline = false; } } } return useSpline; } // -------------------------------------------------------------- std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const G4PhysicsVector& pv) { // binning out << std::setprecision(12) << pv.edgeMin; out <<" " << pv.edgeMax <<" " << pv.numberOfNodes << G4endl; // contents out << pv.dataVector.size() << G4endl; for(size_t i = 0; i < pv.dataVector.size(); i++) { out << std::setprecision(12) << pv.binVector[i] << " " << pv.dataVector[i] << G4endl; } return out; } //--------------------------------------------------------------- G4double G4PhysicsVector::Value(G4double theEnergy) { // Use cache for speed up - check if the value 'theEnergy' is same as the // last call. If it is same, then use the last bin location. Also the // value 'theEnergy' lies between the last energy and low edge of of the // bin of last call, then the last bin location is used. if( theEnergy == cache->lastEnergy ) { } else if( theEnergy < cache->lastEnergy && theEnergy >= binVector[cache->lastBin]) { cache->lastEnergy = theEnergy; Interpolation(cache->lastBin); } else if( theEnergy <= edgeMin ) { cache->lastBin = 0; cache->lastEnergy = edgeMin; cache->lastValue = dataVector[0]; } else if( theEnergy >= edgeMax ){ cache->lastBin = numberOfNodes-1; cache->lastEnergy = edgeMax; cache->lastValue = dataVector[cache->lastBin]; } else { cache->lastBin = FindBinLocation(theEnergy); cache->lastEnergy = theEnergy; Interpolation(cache->lastBin); } return cache->lastValue; }