source: trunk/source/graphics_reps/include/G4AttDef.hh @ 1351

Last change on this file since 1351 was 1337, checked in by garnier, 14 years ago

tag geant4.9.4 beta 1 + modifs locales

File size: 4.5 KB
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27// $Id: G4AttDef.hh,v 1.7 2006/10/17 16:14:08 allison Exp $
[1337]28// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-01 $
30#ifndef G4ATTDEF_HH
31#define G4ATTDEF_HH
33#include "globals.hh"
34#include "G4TypeKey.hh"
35#include <map>
37// Class Description:
39// @class G4AttDef
41// @brief This class represents a HepRep-style Attribute Definition.
42// The G4AttDef is used to define new kinds of attributes that can
43// then have values set for a Trajectory, Trajectory Point or Sensitive
44// Detector Hit.  These attributes are then made available to the end user
45// in an interactive visualization system (such as WIRED).
46// Values are set by creating G4AttValue objects and attaching them to the
47// relevant Trajectory, Trajectory Point or Sensitive Detector Hit.
48// The association between the G4AttValue and the G4AttDef object is
49// made through the data member "name".
50// For details, see the HepRep home page at
52// @author M.Frailis
53// @author R.Giannitrapani
54// @author J.Perl
55// Class Description - End:
58  class G4AttDef{
60  public:
61    G4AttDef(const G4String& name,
62             const G4String& desc,
63             const G4String& category,
64             const G4String& extra,
65             const G4String& valueType):
66      m_name(name),m_desc(desc),
67      m_category(category),
68      m_extra(extra),m_valueType(valueType){};
70    // G4Typekey based constructor
71    G4AttDef(const G4String& name,
72             const G4String& desc,
73             const G4String& category,
74             const G4String& extra,
75             const G4TypeKey& typeKey):
76      m_name(name),m_desc(desc),
77      m_category(category),
78      m_extra(extra),m_valueType("Null"), 
79      m_typeKey(typeKey)
80    {};
82    G4AttDef(){};
83    virtual ~G4AttDef(){};
85    const G4String& GetName()const{return m_name;};
86    const G4String& GetDesc()const{return m_desc;};
87    const G4String& GetCategory()const{return m_category;};
88    const G4String& GetExtra()const{return m_extra;};
89    const G4String& GetValueType()const{return m_valueType;};
90    const G4TypeKey& GetTypeKey()const{return m_typeKey;};
92    void SetName(const G4String& name){m_name = name;};
93    void SetDesc(const G4String& desc){m_desc = desc;};
94    void SetCategory(const G4String& cat){m_category = cat;};
95    void SetExtra(const G4String& extra){m_extra = extra;};
96    void SetValueType(const G4String& type){m_valueType = type;};
98  private:
99    /// The name of the attribute
100    G4String m_name;
101    /// A short description of the attribute
102    G4String m_desc;
103    /// The category (Draw, Physics, PickAction, Association, etc.)
104    G4String m_category;
105    /// Some extra property of the attribute (units, etc.)
106    G4String m_extra;
107    /// The type of the value of the attribute (int, double, vector, etc.)
108    G4String m_valueType;
109    // Type key
110    G4TypeKey m_typeKey;
112  };
114std::ostream& operator<<
115  (std::ostream& os, const std::map<G4String,G4AttDef>* definitions);
117#endif //G4ATTDEF_H
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