source: trunk/source/graphics_reps/include/G4VGraphicsScene.hh @ 982

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[850]27// $Id: G4VGraphicsScene.hh,v 1.11 2008/01/04 22:20:59 allison Exp $
28// GEANT4 tag $Name: HEAD $
[830]29// John Allison  19th July 1996
31// Class Description:
32// Abstract interface class for a graphics scene handler.
33// It is a minimal scene handler for the GEANT4 kernel.
34// See G4VSceneHandler for a fuller description.  G4VSceneHandler is
35// the full abstract interface to graphics systems.
40class G4VisAttributes;
41class G4VSolid;
42class G4Box;
43class G4Cons;
44class G4Tubs;
45class G4Trd;
46class G4Trap;
47class G4Sphere;
48class G4Ellipsoid;
49class G4Para;
50class G4Torus;
51class G4PhysicalVolumeModel;
52class G4Polycone;
53class G4Polyhedra;
54class G4VTrajectory;
55class G4VHit;
56class G4Polyline;
57class G4Scale;
58class G4Text;
59class G4Circle;
60class G4Square;
61class G4Polymarker;
62class G4Polyhedron;
63class G4NURBS;
65#include "G4Transform3D.hh"
67class G4VGraphicsScene {
69public: // With description
71  G4VGraphicsScene();
72  virtual ~G4VGraphicsScene();
74  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
75  // Methods for adding solids to the scene handler.  They
76  // must always be called in the triplet PreAddSolid, AddSolid and
77  // PostAddSolid.  The transformation and visualization attributes
78  // must be set by the call to PreAddSolid.  A possible default
79  // implementation is to request the solid to provide a G4Polyhedron
80  // or similar primitive - see, for example, G4VSceneHandler in the
81  // Visualization Category.
83  virtual void PreAddSolid (const G4Transform3D& objectTransformation,
84                            const G4VisAttributes& visAttribs) = 0;
85  // objectTransformation is the transformation in the world
86  // coordinate system of the object about to be added, and
87  // visAttribs is its visualization attributes.
89  virtual void PostAddSolid () = 0;
91  virtual void AddSolid (const G4Box&)       = 0;
92  virtual void AddSolid (const G4Cons&)      = 0;
93  virtual void AddSolid (const G4Tubs&)      = 0;
94  virtual void AddSolid (const G4Trd&)       = 0;
95  virtual void AddSolid (const G4Trap&)      = 0;
96  virtual void AddSolid (const G4Sphere&)    = 0;
97  virtual void AddSolid (const G4Para&)      = 0;
98  virtual void AddSolid (const G4Torus&)     = 0;
99  virtual void AddSolid (const G4Polycone&)  = 0;
100  virtual void AddSolid (const G4Polyhedra&) = 0;
101  virtual void AddSolid (const G4VSolid&)    = 0;  // For solids not above.
103  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
104  // Methods for adding "compound" GEANT4 objects to the scene
105  // handler.  These methods may either (a) invoke "user code" that
106  // uses the "user interface", G4VVisManager (see, for example,
107  // G4VSceneHandler in the Visualization Category, which for
108  // trajectories uses G4VTrajectory::DrawTrajectory, via
109  // G4TrajectoriesModel in the Modeling Category) or (b) invoke
110  // AddPrimitives below (between calls to Begin/EndPrimitives) or (c)
111  // use graphics-system-specific code or (d) any combination of the
112  // above.
114  virtual void AddCompound (const G4VTrajectory&) = 0;
115  virtual void AddCompound (const G4VHit&)        = 0;
117  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
118  // Methods for adding graphics primitives to the scene handler.  A
119  // sequence of calls to AddPrimitive must be sandwiched between
120  // calls to BeginPrimitives and EndPrimitives.  A sequence is any
121  // number of calls that have the same transformation.
123  virtual void BeginPrimitives
124  (const G4Transform3D& objectTransformation = G4Transform3D()) = 0;
125  // objectTransformation is the transformation in the world
126  // coordinate system of the object about to be added.
128  virtual void EndPrimitives () = 0;
130  virtual void BeginPrimitives2D
131  (const G4Transform3D& objectTransformation = G4Transform3D()) = 0;
[830]133  virtual void EndPrimitives2D () = 0;
134  // The x,y coordinates of the primitives passed to AddPrimitive are
135  // intrepreted as screen coordinates, -1 < x,y < 1.  The
136  // z-coordinate is ignored.
138  virtual void AddPrimitive (const G4Polyline&)   = 0;
139  virtual void AddPrimitive (const G4Scale&)      = 0;
140  virtual void AddPrimitive (const G4Text&)       = 0;
141  virtual void AddPrimitive (const G4Circle&)     = 0;
142  virtual void AddPrimitive (const G4Square&)     = 0;
143  virtual void AddPrimitive (const G4Polymarker&) = 0;
144  virtual void AddPrimitive (const G4Polyhedron&) = 0;
145  virtual void AddPrimitive (const G4NURBS&)      = 0;
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