source: trunk/source/graphics_reps/include/G4VMarker.hh @ 1265

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27// $Id: G4VMarker.hh,v 1.13 2009/02/24 10:58:04 allison Exp $
28// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-03 $
31// G4VMarker - base class for markers - circles, squares, etc.
32// John Allison  17/11/96.
34// Class Description:
35// G4VMarkers are 2-dimensional G4VVisPrims with the special
36// properties (a) of always facing the camera and (b) of having the
37// possibility of a size defined in screen units (pixels) or paper
38// units (points - there are 72 points per inch).  The convention is
39// that if a world size is not specified, then the marker will be
40// drawn to the given screen size or paper size independent of the
41// viewing transformation in effect.
43// "Size" means "overall size", e.g., diameter of circle, side of
44// square, height of text (but diameter and radius access functions
45// are defined to avoid ambiguity).
47// So the user who constructs the marker decides whether it should be
48// drawn to a given size in world coordinates by setting the world
49// size.  Alternatively, the user can set the screen size (internally,
50// the world size is set to zero) and the marker is drawn to its
51// screen size.  Finally, the user may decide not to set any size; in
52// that case, it is drawn according to the sizes specified in the
53// default marker specified in G4ViewParameters.
55// Also in G4ViewParameters is a "global marker scale" which is a
56// factor by which all marker sizes are multiplied before drawing.
58// Thus the graphics system driver scene handler code might look like:
60// void G4XXXGraphicsSceneHandler::AddPrimitive (const G4Circle& circle) {
61//   G4bool hidden = !(fpView -> GetViewParameters().IsMarkerNotHidden());
62//   const G4Colour&     colour = GetColour (circle); 
63//                                   // Base class GetColour.
64//   G4VMarker::FillStyle style = circle.GetFillStyle();
65//   const G4Point3D&    centre = circle.GetPosition();
66//   MarkerSizeType sizeType;
67//   G4double size = GetMarkerSize (circle, sizeType);
68//   switch (sizeType) {
69//   default:
70//   case screen:
71//     // Draw in screen coordinates.
72//     // ...
73//     break;
74//   case world:
75//     // Draw in world coordinates.
76//     // ...
77//     break;
78//   }
79// }
80// Class Description - End:
83#ifndef G4VMARKER_HH
84#define G4VMARKER_HH
86#include "globals.hh"
87#include "G4Visible.hh"
88#include "G4Point3D.hh"
89#include "G4Colour.hh"
90#include "G4Color.hh"
92class G4VMarker: public G4Visible {
94  friend std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const G4VMarker&);
96public: // With description
98  enum FillStyle {noFill, hashed, filled};
99  enum SizeType {none, world, screen};
101  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
102  // Constructors...
103  G4VMarker ();
104  G4VMarker (const G4Point3D& pos);
106  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
107  // Destructor...
108  virtual ~G4VMarker ();
110  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
111  // Logical...
112  G4bool operator != (const G4VMarker&) const;
114  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
115  // Get functions...
116  G4Point3D GetPosition       () const;
117  SizeType  GetSizeType       () const;
118  G4double  GetWorldSize      () const;
119  G4double  GetWorldDiameter  () const;
120  G4double  GetWorldRadius    () const;
121  G4double  GetScreenSize     () const;
122  G4double  GetScreenDiameter () const;
123  G4double  GetScreenRadius   () const;
124  FillStyle GetFillStyle      () const;
126  /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
127  // Set functions...
128  void SetPosition       (const G4Point3D&);
129  void SetSize           (SizeType, G4double);
130  void SetDiameter       (SizeType, G4double);
131  void SetRadius         (SizeType, G4double);
132  void SetWorldSize      (G4double);
133  void SetWorldDiameter  (G4double);
134  void SetWorldRadius    (G4double);
135  void SetScreenSize     (G4double);
136  void SetScreenDiameter (G4double);
137  void SetScreenRadius   (G4double);
138  void SetFillStyle      (FillStyle);
140  // Access functions to the string for user customizable information
141  virtual   const G4String&  GetInfo() const;
142  virtual   void             SetInfo( const G4String& info );
145  G4Point3D fPosition;
146  G4double  fWorldSize;   // Default 0. means use screen size.
147  G4double  fScreenSize;  // Default 0. means use global default.
148  FillStyle fFillStyle;
150  // String for user customizable information
151  G4String  fInfo ;
155#include "G4VMarker.icc"
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