// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id: G4AttCheck.cc,v 1.15 2006/11/07 11:50:22 allison Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: $ #include "G4AttCheck.hh" #include "globals.hh" #include "G4AttDef.hh" #include "G4AttDefStore.hh" #include "G4AttValue.hh" #include "G4UnitsTable.hh" #include "G4UIcommand.hh" G4AttCheck::G4AttCheck (const std::vector* values, const std::map* definitions): fpValues(values), fpDefinitions(definitions) { if (fFirst) { // Initialise static containers. fFirst = false; // Legal Unit Category Types... fUnitCategories.insert("Length"); fUnitCategories.insert("Energy"); fUnitCategories.insert("Time"); fUnitCategories.insert("Electric charge"); fUnitCategories.insert("Volumic Mass"); // (Density) // Corresponding Standard Units... fStandardUnits["Length"] = "m"; fStandardUnits["Energy"] = "MeV"; fStandardUnits["Time"] = "ns"; fStandardUnits["Electric charge"] = "e+"; fStandardUnits["Volumic Mass"] = "kg/m3"; // Legal Categories... fCategories.insert("Bookkeeping"); fCategories.insert("Draw"); fCategories.insert("Physics"); fCategories.insert("PickAction"); fCategories.insert("Association"); // Legal units... fUnits.insert(""); fUnits.insert("G4BestUnit"); // ...plus any legal unit symbol ("MeV", "km", etc.)... G4UnitsTable& units = G4UnitDefinition::GetUnitsTable(); for (size_t i = 0; i < units.size(); ++i) { if (fUnitCategories.find(units[i]->GetName()) != fUnitCategories.end()) { //G4cout << units[i]->GetName() << G4endl; G4UnitsContainer& container = units[i]->GetUnitsList(); for (size_t j = 0; j < container.size(); ++j) { //G4cout << container[j]->GetName() << ' ' // << container[j]->GetSymbol() << G4endl; fUnits.insert(container[j]->GetSymbol()); } } } // Legal Value Types... fValueTypes.insert("G4String"); fValueTypes.insert("G4int"); fValueTypes.insert("G4double"); fValueTypes.insert("G4ThreeVector"); fValueTypes.insert("G4bool"); } } G4AttCheck::~G4AttCheck() {} G4bool G4AttCheck::fFirst = true; std::set G4AttCheck::fUnitCategories; std::map G4AttCheck::fStandardUnits; std::set G4AttCheck::fCategories; std::set G4AttCheck::fUnits; std::set G4AttCheck::fValueTypes; G4bool G4AttCheck::Check(const G4String& leader) const { // Check only. Silent unless error - then G4cerr. Returns error. G4bool error = false; static G4int iError = 0; G4bool print = false; if (iError < 10 || iError%100 == 0) { print = true; } using namespace std; if (!fpValues) return error; // A null values vector is a valid situation. if (!fpDefinitions) { ++iError; error = true; if (print) { G4cerr << "\n*******************************************************"; if (leader != "") { G4cerr << '\n' << leader; } G4cerr << "\nG4AttCheck: ERROR " << iError << ": Null definitions pointer" "\n*******************************************************" << G4endl; return error; } } vector::const_iterator iValue; for (iValue = fpValues->begin(); iValue != fpValues->end(); ++iValue) { const G4String& valueName = iValue->GetName(); const G4String& value = iValue->GetValue(); map::const_iterator iDef = fpDefinitions->find(valueName); if (iDef == fpDefinitions->end()) { ++iError; error = true; if (print) { G4cerr << "\n*******************************************************"; if (leader != "") { G4cerr << '\n' << leader; } G4cerr << "\nG4AttCheck: ERROR " << iError << ": No G4AttDef for G4AttValue \"" << valueName << "\": " << value << "\n*******************************************************" << G4endl; } } else { const G4String& category = iDef->second.GetCategory(); const G4String& extra = iDef->second.GetExtra(); const G4String& valueType = iDef->second.GetValueType(); if (fCategories.find(category) == fCategories.end()) { ++iError; error = true; if (print) { G4cerr << "\n*******************************************************"; if (leader != "") { G4cerr << '\n' << leader; } G4cerr << "\nG4AttCheck: ERROR " << iError << ": Illegal Category Field \"" << category << "\" for G4AttValue \"" << valueName << "\": " << value << "\n Possible Categories:"; set::iterator i; for (i = fCategories.begin(); i != fCategories.end(); ++i) { G4cerr << ' ' << *i; } G4cerr << "\n*******************************************************" << G4endl; } } if(category == "Physics" && fUnits.find(extra) == fUnits.end()) { ++iError; error = true; if (print) { G4cerr << "\n*******************************************************"; if (leader != "") { G4cerr << '\n' << leader; } G4cerr << "\nG4AttCheck: ERROR " << iError << ": Illegal Extra field \"" << extra << "\" for G4AttValue \"" << valueName << "\": " << value << "\n Possible Extra fields if Category==\"Physics\":\n "; set::iterator i; for (i = fUnits.begin(); i != fUnits.end(); ++i) { G4cerr << ' ' << *i; } G4cerr << "\n*******************************************************" << G4endl; } } if (fValueTypes.find(valueType) == fValueTypes.end()) { ++iError; error = true; if (print) { G4cerr << "\n*******************************************************"; if (leader != "") { G4cerr << '\n' << leader; } G4cerr << "\nG4AttCheck: ERROR " << iError << ": Illegal Value Type field \"" << valueType << "\" for G4AttValue \"" << valueName << "\": " << value << "\n Possible Value Types:"; set::iterator i; for (i = fValueTypes.begin(); i != fValueTypes.end(); ++i) { G4cerr << ' ' << *i; } G4cerr << "\n*******************************************************" << G4endl; } } } } return error; } std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const G4AttCheck& ac) { using namespace std; if (!ac.fpDefinitions) { os << "G4AttCheck: ERROR: zero definitions pointer." << endl; return os; } G4String storeKey; if (G4AttDefStore::GetStoreKey(ac.fpDefinitions, storeKey)) { os << storeKey << ':' << endl; } if (!ac.fpValues) { // A null values vector is a valid situation. os << "G4AttCheck: zero values pointer." << endl; return os; } vector::const_iterator iValue; for (iValue = ac.fpValues->begin(); iValue != ac.fpValues->end(); ++iValue) { const G4String& valueName = iValue->GetName(); const G4String& value = iValue->GetValue(); map::const_iterator iDef = ac.fpDefinitions->find(valueName); G4bool error = false; if (iDef == ac.fpDefinitions->end()) { error = true; os << "G4AttCheck: ERROR: No G4AttDef for G4AttValue \"" << valueName << "\": " << value << endl; } else { const G4String& category = iDef->second.GetCategory(); const G4String& extra = iDef->second.GetExtra(); const G4String& valueType = iDef->second.GetValueType(); if (ac.fCategories.find(category) == ac.fCategories.end()) { error = true; os << "G4AttCheck: ERROR: Illegal Category Field \"" << category << "\" for G4AttValue \"" << valueName << "\": " << value << "\n Possible Categories:"; set::iterator i; for (i = ac.fCategories.begin(); i != ac.fCategories.end(); ++i) { os << ' ' << *i; } os << endl; } if(category == "Physics" && ac.fUnits.find(extra) == ac.fUnits.end()) { error = true; os << "G4AttCheck: ERROR: Illegal Extra field \""<< extra << "\" for G4AttValue \"" << valueName << "\": " << value << "\n Possible Extra fields if Category==\"Physics\":\n "; set::iterator i; for (i = ac.fUnits.begin(); i != ac.fUnits.end(); ++i) { os << ' ' << *i; } os << endl; } if (ac.fValueTypes.find(valueType) == ac.fValueTypes.end()) { error = true; os << "G4AttCheck: ERROR: Illegal Value Type field \"" << valueType << "\" for G4AttValue \"" << valueName << "\": " << value << "\n Possible Value Types:"; set::iterator i; for (i = ac.fValueTypes.begin(); i != ac.fValueTypes.end(); ++i) { os << ' ' << *i; } os << endl; } } if (!error) { os << iDef->second.GetDesc() << " (" << valueName << "): " << value; if (iDef->second.GetCategory() == "Physics" && !iDef->second.GetExtra().empty()) { os << " (" << iDef->second.GetExtra() << ")"; } os << endl; } } return os; } void G4AttCheck::AddValuesAndDefs (std::vector* standardValues, std::map* standardDefinitions, const G4String& oldName, const G4String& name, const G4String& value, const G4String& extra, const G4String& description) const { // Add new G4AttDeff... standardValues->push_back(G4AttValue(name,value,"")); // Copy original G4AttDef... (*standardDefinitions)[name] = fpDefinitions->find(oldName)->second; // ...and make appropriate changes... (*standardDefinitions)[name].SetName(name); (*standardDefinitions)[name].SetExtra(extra); if (description != "") (*standardDefinitions)[name].SetDesc(description); } G4bool G4AttCheck::Standard (std::vector* standardValues, std::map* standardDefinitions) const { // Places standard versions in provided vector and map and returns error. // Assumes valid input. Use Check to check. using namespace std; G4bool error = false; vector::const_iterator iValue; for (iValue = fpValues->begin(); iValue != fpValues->end(); ++iValue) { const G4String& valueName = iValue->GetName(); const G4String& value = iValue->GetValue(); map::const_iterator iDef = fpDefinitions->find(valueName); if (iDef == fpDefinitions->end()) { error = true; } else { const G4String& category = iDef->second.GetCategory(); const G4String& extra = iDef->second.GetExtra(); const G4String& valueType = iDef->second.GetValueType(); if (fCategories.find(category) == fCategories.end() || (category == "Physics" && fUnits.find(extra) == fUnits.end()) || fValueTypes.find(valueType) == fValueTypes.end()) { error = true; } else { if (category != "Physics") { // Simply copy... standardValues->push_back(*iValue); (*standardDefinitions)[valueName] = fpDefinitions->find(valueName)->second; } else { // "Physics"... if (extra.empty()) { // Dimensionless... if (valueType == "G4ThreeVector") { // Split vector into 3... G4ThreeVector internalValue = G4UIcommand::ConvertTo3Vector(value); AddValuesAndDefs (standardValues,standardDefinitions, valueName,valueName+"-X", G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(internalValue.x()),"", fpDefinitions->find(valueName)->second.GetDesc()+"-X"); AddValuesAndDefs (standardValues,standardDefinitions, valueName,valueName+"-Y", G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(internalValue.y()),"", fpDefinitions->find(valueName)->second.GetDesc()+"-Y"); AddValuesAndDefs (standardValues,standardDefinitions, valueName,valueName+"-Z", G4UIcommand::ConvertToString(internalValue.z()),"", fpDefinitions->find(valueName)->second.GetDesc()+"-Z"); } else { // Simply copy... standardValues->push_back(*iValue); (*standardDefinitions)[valueName] = fpDefinitions->find(valueName)->second; } } else { // Dimensioned... G4String valueAndUnit; G4String unit; if (extra == "G4BestUnit") { valueAndUnit = value; valueAndUnit = valueAndUnit.strip(); unit = valueAndUnit.substr(valueAndUnit.rfind(' ')+1); } else { valueAndUnit = value + ' ' + extra; valueAndUnit = valueAndUnit.strip(); unit = extra; } G4String unitCategory = G4UnitDefinition::GetCategory(unit); if (fUnitCategories.find(unitCategory) != fUnitCategories.end()) { G4String standardUnit = fStandardUnits[unitCategory]; G4double valueOfStandardUnit = G4UnitDefinition::GetValueOf(standardUnit); G4String extra = iDef->second.GetExtra(); if (valueType == "G4ThreeVector") { // Split vector into 3... G4ThreeVector internalValue = G4UIcommand::ConvertToDimensioned3Vector(valueAndUnit); AddValuesAndDefs (standardValues,standardDefinitions, valueName,valueName+"-X", G4UIcommand::ConvertToString (internalValue.x()/valueOfStandardUnit), standardUnit, fpDefinitions->find(valueName)->second.GetDesc()+"-X"); AddValuesAndDefs (standardValues,standardDefinitions, valueName,valueName+"-Y", G4UIcommand::ConvertToString (internalValue.y()/valueOfStandardUnit), standardUnit, fpDefinitions->find(valueName)->second.GetDesc()+"-Y"); AddValuesAndDefs (standardValues,standardDefinitions, valueName,valueName+"-Z", G4UIcommand::ConvertToString (internalValue.z()/valueOfStandardUnit), standardUnit, fpDefinitions->find(valueName)->second.GetDesc()+"-Z"); } else { G4double internalValue = G4UIcommand::ConvertToDimensionedDouble(valueAndUnit); AddValuesAndDefs (standardValues,standardDefinitions, valueName,valueName, G4UIcommand::ConvertToString (internalValue/valueOfStandardUnit), standardUnit); } } } } } } } if (error) { G4cerr << "G4AttCheck::Standard: Conversion error." << G4endl; } return error; }