source: trunk/source/graphics_reps/src/ @ 850

Last change on this file since 850 was 850, checked in by garnier, 16 years ago

geant4.8.2 beta

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27// $Id:,v 1.9 2006/06/29 19:07:14 gunter Exp $
[850]28// GEANT4 tag $Name: HEAD $
31// John Allison  21st July 2001
33#include "G4Scale.hh"
35G4Scale::G4Scale (G4double length, const G4String& annotation,
36                  G4Scale::Direction direction,
37                  G4bool autoPlacing,
38                  G4double xmid, G4double ymid, G4double zmid):
39  fLength(length),
40  fAnnotation(annotation),
41  fDirection(direction),
42  fAutoPlacing(autoPlacing),
43  fXmid(xmid), fYmid(ymid), fZmid(zmid) {}
45G4Scale::~G4Scale () {}
47const G4String G4Scale::GuidanceString
49 "An annotated line in the specified direction with tick marks at the"
50 "\nend.  If autoPlacing is true it is required to be centred at the"
51 "\nfront, right, bottom corner of the world space, comfortably outside"
52 "\nthe existing bounding box/sphere so that existing objects do not"
53 "\nobscure it.  Otherwise it is required to be drawn with mid-point at"
54 "\n(xmid, ymid, zmid)."
55 "\n"
56 "\nThe auto placing algorithm might be:"
57 "\n  x = xmin + (1 + comfort) * (xmax - xmin);"
58 "\n  y = ymin - comfort * (ymax - ymin);"
59 "\n  z = zmin + (1 + comfort) * (zmax - zmin);"
60 "\n  if direction == x then (x - length,y,z) to (x,y,z);"
61 "\n  if direction == y then (x,y,z) to (x,y + length,z);"
62 "\n  if direction == z then (x,y,z - length) to (x,y,z);"
65const G4String& G4Scale::GetGuidanceString()
67  return GuidanceString;
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