source: trunk/source/intercoms/include/G4UIcommand.hh @ 1350

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tag geant4.9.4 beta 1 + modifs locales

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2// ********************************************************************
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27// $Id: G4UIcommand.hh,v 1.15 2006/06/29 19:08:05 gunter Exp $
28// GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-01 $
32#ifndef G4UIcommand_h
33#define G4UIcommand_h 1
35#include "G4UIparameter.hh"
36class G4UImessenger;
37#include "globals.hh"
38#include "G4ApplicationState.hh"
39#include <vector>
40#include "G4UItokenNum.hh"
41#include "G4ThreeVector.hh"
43// class description:
45//  This G4UIcommand is the "concrete" base class which represents a command
46// used by Geant4 (G)UI. The user can use this class in case the parameter
47// arguments of a command are not suitable with respect to the derived command
48// classes.
49//  Some methods defined in this base class are used by the derived classes.
52class G4UIcommand 
54  public: 
55      G4UIcommand();
56  public: // with description
57      G4UIcommand(const char * theCommandPath, G4UImessenger * theMessenger);
58      //  Constructor. The command string with full path directory
59      // and the pointer to the messenger must be given.
60  public: 
61      virtual ~G4UIcommand();
63      G4int operator==(const G4UIcommand &right) const;
64      G4int operator!=(const G4UIcommand &right) const;
66      G4int DoIt(G4String parameterList);
67      G4String GetCurrentValue();
68  public: // with description
69      void AvailableForStates(G4ApplicationState s1);
70      void AvailableForStates(G4ApplicationState s1,G4ApplicationState s2);
71      void AvailableForStates(G4ApplicationState s1,G4ApplicationState s2,
72                              G4ApplicationState s3);
73      void AvailableForStates(G4ApplicationState s1,G4ApplicationState s2,
74                              G4ApplicationState s3,G4ApplicationState s4);
75      void AvailableForStates(G4ApplicationState s1,G4ApplicationState s2,
76                              G4ApplicationState s3,G4ApplicationState s4,
77                              G4ApplicationState s5);
78      //  These methods define the states where the command is available.
79      // Once one of these commands is invoked, the command application will
80      // be denied when Geant4 is NOT in the assigned states.
81  public:
82      G4bool IsAvailable();
83      virtual void List();
85  public: // with description
86      static G4String ConvertToString(G4bool boolVal);
87      static G4String ConvertToString(G4int intValue);
88      static G4String ConvertToString(G4double doubleValue);
89      static G4String ConvertToString(G4double doubleValue,const char* unitName);
90      static G4String ConvertToString(G4ThreeVector vec);
91      static G4String ConvertToString(G4ThreeVector vec,const char* unitName);
92      // Static methods for conversion from value(s) to a string. These methods are to be
93      // used by GetCurrentValues() methods of concrete messengers.
95      static G4bool ConvertToBool(const char* st);
96      static G4int ConvertToInt(const char* st);
97      static G4double ConvertToDouble(const char* st);
98      static G4double ConvertToDimensionedDouble(const char* st);
99      static G4ThreeVector ConvertTo3Vector(const char* st);
100      static G4ThreeVector ConvertToDimensioned3Vector(const char* st);
101      // Static methods for conversion from a string to a value of the returning type.
102      // These methods are to be used directly by SetNewValues() methods of concrete
103      // messengers, or GetNewXXXValue() of classes derived from this G4UIcommand class.
105      static G4double ValueOf(const char* unitName);
106      static G4String CategoryOf(const char* unitName);
107      static G4String UnitsList(const char* unitCategory);
108      // Static methods for unit and its category.
110  private: 
111      void G4UIcommandCommonConstructorCode (const char * theCommandPath);
112      G4UImessenger *messenger;
113      G4String commandPath;
114      G4String commandName;
115      G4String rangeString;
116      std::vector<G4UIparameter*> parameter;
117      std::vector<G4String> commandGuidance;
118      std::vector<G4ApplicationState> availabelStateList;
120  public: // with description
121      inline void SetRange(const char* rs)
122      { rangeString = rs; }
123      //  Defines the range the command parameter(s) can take.
124      //  The variable name(s) appear in the range expression must be same
125      // as the name(s) of the parameter(s).
126      //  All the C++ syntax of relational operators are allowed for the
127      // range expression.
128  public:
129      inline const G4String & GetRange() const
130      { return rangeString; };
131      inline G4int GetGuidanceEntries() const
132      { return commandGuidance.size(); }
133      inline const G4String & GetGuidanceLine(G4int i) const
134      { return commandGuidance[i]; }
135      inline const G4String & GetCommandPath() const
136      { return commandPath; }
137      inline const G4String & GetCommandName() const
138      { return commandName; }
139      inline G4int GetParameterEntries() const
140      { return parameter.size(); }
141      inline G4UIparameter * GetParameter(G4int i) const
142      { return parameter[i]; }
143      inline std::vector<G4ApplicationState>* GetStateList()
144      { return &availabelStateList; }
145  public: // with description
146      inline void SetParameter(G4UIparameter *const newParameter)
147      {
148        parameter.push_back( newParameter );
149        newVal.resize( parameter.size() );
150      }
151      //  Defines a parameter. This method is used by the derived command classes
152      // but the user can directly use this command when he/she defines a command
153      // by hem(her)self without using the derived class. For this case, the order
154      // of the parameters is the order of invoking this method.
155      inline void SetGuidance(const char * aGuidance)
156      { 
157        commandGuidance.push_back( G4String( aGuidance ) ); 
158      }
159      //  Adds a guidance line. Unlimitted number of invokation of this method is
160      // allowed. The given lines of guidance will appear for the help. The first
161      // line of the guidance will be used as the title of the command, i.e. one
162      // line list of the commands.
163  public:
164      inline const G4String GetTitle() const
165      {
166            if(commandGuidance.size() == 0)
167            { return G4String("...Title not available..."); }
168            else
169            { return commandGuidance[0]; }
170      }
172  protected:
173    G4int CheckNewValue(const char* newValue);
175    // --- the following is used by CheckNewValue() --------
176  private:
177    G4int TypeCheck(const char* t);
178    G4int RangeCheck(const char* t);
179    G4int IsInt(const char* str, short maxLength);
180    G4int IsDouble(const char* str);
181    G4int ExpectExponent(const char* str);
182    //  syntax nodes
183    yystype Expression( void );
184    yystype LogicalORExpression( void );
185    yystype LogicalANDExpression( void );
186    yystype EqualityExpression ( void );
187    yystype RelationalExpression( void );
188    yystype AdditiveExpression( void );
189    yystype MultiplicativeExpression( void );
190    yystype UnaryExpression( void );
191    yystype PrimaryExpression( void );
192    //  semantics routines
193    G4int Eval2( yystype arg1, G4int op, yystype arg2 );
194    G4int CompareInt( G4int arg1, G4int op, G4int arg2);
195    G4int CompareDouble( G4double arg1, G4int op, G4double arg2);
196    //  utility
197    tokenNum Yylex( void );      // returns next token
198    unsigned IndexOf( const char* ); // returns the index of the var name
199    unsigned IsParameter( const char* ); // returns 1 or 0
200    G4int G4UIpGetc( void );      // read one char from rangeBuf
201    G4int G4UIpUngetc( G4int c );   // put back 
202    G4int Backslash( G4int c );
203    G4int Follow( G4int expect, G4int ifyes, G4int ifno );
204    G4String TokenToStr(G4int token);
205    void PrintToken(void);      // for debug
206    //  data
207    G4String rangeBuf;
208    G4int bp;                      // buffer pointer for rangeBuf
209    tokenNum token;
210    yystype yylval;
211    std::vector<yystype>  newVal;
212    G4int paramERR;
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