source: trunk/source/intercoms/include/G4UImanager.hh @ 1283

Last change on this file since 1283 was 1256, checked in by garnier, 14 years ago

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27// $Id: G4UImanager.hh,v 1.22 2010/05/19 14:50:30 lgarnier Exp $
28// GEANT4 tag $Name:  $
31#ifndef G4UImanager_h
32#define G4UImanager_h 1
34#include "globals.hh"
36#include <vector>
37#include <fstream>
38#include "G4VStateDependent.hh"
39#include "G4UIcommandStatus.hh"
40class G4UIcommandTree;
41class G4UIcommand;
42class G4UIsession;
43class G4UIcontrolMessenger;
44class G4UnitsMessenger;
45class G4UIaliasList;
47// class description:
49//  This is a singlton class which controls the command manipulation
50// and the user interface(s). The constructor of this class MUST NOT
51// invoked by the user.
54class G4UImanager : public G4VStateDependent
56  public: // with description
57      static G4UImanager * GetUIpointer();
58      //  A static method to get the pointer to the only existing object
59      // of this class.
61  protected:
62      G4UImanager();
63  public:
64      ~G4UImanager();
65  private:
66      G4UImanager(const G4UImanager &right);
67      const G4UImanager & operator=(const G4UImanager &right);
68      G4int operator==(const G4UImanager &right) const;
69      G4int operator!=(const G4UImanager &right) const;
71  public: // with description
72      G4String GetCurrentValues(const char * aCommand);
73      //  This method returns a string which represents the current value(s)
74      // of the parameter(s) of the specified command. Null string will be
75      // returned if the given command is not defined or the command does
76      // not support the GetCurrentValues() method.
77      void AddNewCommand(G4UIcommand * newCommand);
78      //  This method register a new command.
79      void RemoveCommand(G4UIcommand * aCommand);
80      //  This command remove the registered command. After invokation of this
81      // command, that particular command cannot be applied.
82      void ExecuteMacroFile(const char * fileName);
83      //  A macro file defined by the argument will be read by G4UIbatch object.
84      void Loop(const char * macroFile,const char * variableName,
85                   G4double initialValue,G4double finalValue,G4double stepSize=1.0);
86      // Execute a macro file more than once with a loop counter.
87      void Foreach(const char * macroFile,const char * variableName,
88                                                        const char * candidates);
89      // Execute a macro file more than once with an aliased variable which takes
90      // a value in the candidate list.
91      G4int ApplyCommand(const char * aCommand);
92      G4int ApplyCommand(G4String aCommand);
93      //  A command (and parameter(s)) given
94      // by the method's argument will be applied. Zero will be returned in
95      // case the command is successfully executed. Positive non-zero value
96      // will be returned if the command couldn't be executed. The meaning of
97      // this non-zero value is the following.
98      //   The returned number : xyy
99      //        x00 : G4CommandStatus.hh enumeration
100      //         yy : the problematic parameter (first found)
101      void StoreHistory(const char* fileName = "G4history.macro");
102      void StoreHistory(G4bool historySwitch,
103                        const char* fileName = "G4history.macro");
104      //  The executed commands will be stored in the defined file. If
105      // "historySwitch" is false, saving will be suspended.
106      void ListCommands(const char* direc);
107      //  All commands registored under the given directory will be listed to
108      // G4cout.
109      void SetAlias(const char * aliasLine);
110      //  Define an alias. The first word of "aliasLine" string is the
111      // alias name and the remaining word(s) is(are) string value
112      // to be aliased.
113      void RemoveAlias(const char * aliasName);
114      //  Remove the defined alias.
115      void ListAlias();
116      //  Print all aliases.
117      G4String SolveAlias(const char* aCmd);
118      //  Convert a command string which contains alias(es).
119      void CreateHTML(const char* dir = "/");
120      //  Generate HTML files for defined UI commands
123  public: 
124      void LoopS(const char* valueList);
125      void ForeachS(const char* valueList);
126      //  These methods are used by G4UIcontrolMessenger to use Loop() and Foreach() methods.
127      virtual G4bool Notify(G4ApplicationState requestedState);
128      //  This method is exclusively invoked by G4StateManager and the user
129      // must not use this method.
131  private:
132      void PauseSession(const char* msg);
133      void CreateMessenger();
134      G4UIcommandTree* FindDirectory(const char* dirName);
136  //public:
137  // following three methods will be removed quite soon.
138  //    void Interact();
139  //    void Interact(const char * promptCharacters);
141  private:
142      static G4UImanager * fUImanager;
143      static G4bool fUImanagerHasBeenKilled;
144      G4UIcommandTree * treeTop;
145      G4UIsession * session;
146      G4UIsession * g4UIWindow;
147      G4UIcontrolMessenger * UImessenger;
148      G4UnitsMessenger * UnitsMessenger;
149      G4String savedParameters;
150      G4UIcommand * savedCommand;
151      G4int verboseLevel;
152      std::ofstream historyFile;
153      G4bool saveHistory;
154      std::vector<G4String> histVec;
155      G4UIaliasList* aliasList;
156      G4int maxHistSize;
157      G4bool pauseAtBeginOfEvent;
158      G4bool pauseAtEndOfEvent;
161  public: // with description
162      G4String GetCurrentStringValue(const char * aCommand, 
163            G4int parameterNumber=1, G4bool reGet=true);
164      G4int GetCurrentIntValue(const char * aCommand, 
165            G4int parameterNumber=1, G4bool reGet=true);
166      G4double GetCurrentDoubleValue(const char * aCommand,
167            G4int parameterNumber=1, G4bool reGet=true);
168      G4String GetCurrentStringValue(const char * aCommand, 
169            const char * aParameterName, G4bool reGet=true);
170      G4int GetCurrentIntValue(const char * aCommand, 
171            const char * aParameterName, G4bool reGet=true);
172      G4double GetCurrentDoubleValue(const char * aCommand,
173            const char * aParameterName, G4bool reGet=true);
174      //  These six methods returns the current value of a parameter of the
175      // given command. For the first three methods, the ordering number of
176      // the parameter (1 is the first parameter) can be given, whereas,
177      // other three methods can give the parameter name.
178      //  If "reGet" is true, actual request of returning the current value
179      // will be sent to the corresponding messenger, while, if it is false,
180      // the value stored in G4Umanager will be used. The later case is valid
181      // for the sequential invokation for the same command.
183      inline void SetPauseAtBeginOfEvent(G4bool vl)
184      { pauseAtBeginOfEvent = vl; }
185      inline G4bool GetPauseAtBeginOfEvent() const
186      { return pauseAtBeginOfEvent; }
187      inline void SetPauseAtEndOfEvent(G4bool vl)
188      { pauseAtEndOfEvent = vl; }
189      inline G4bool GetPauseAtEndOfEvent() const
190      { return pauseAtEndOfEvent; }
191      //  If the boolean flags are true, Pause() method of G4StateManager is invoked
192      // at the very begining (before generating a G4Event object) or at the end of
193      // each event. So that, in case a (G)UI session is defined, the user can interact.
196  public:
197      inline G4UIcommandTree * GetTree() const
198      { return treeTop; }
199      inline G4UIsession * GetSession() const
200      { return session; }
201      inline G4UIsession * GetG4UIWindow() const
202      { return g4UIWindow; }
203  public: // with description
204      inline void SetSession(G4UIsession *const value)
205      { session = value; }
206      inline void SetG4UIWindow(G4UIsession *const value)
207      { g4UIWindow = value; }
208      //  This method defines the active (G)UI session.
209     void SetCoutDestination(G4UIsession *const value);
210     //  This method defines the destination of G4cout/G4cerr stream.
211     // For usual cases, this method will be invoked by a concrete
212     // (G)UI session class object and thus the user needs not to invoke
213     // this method by him(her)self.
215  public:
216      inline void SetVerboseLevel(G4int val)
217      { verboseLevel = val; }
218      inline G4int GetVerboseLevel() const
219      { return verboseLevel; }
220      inline G4int GetNumberOfHistory() const
221      { return histVec.size(); }
222      inline G4String GetPreviousCommand(G4int i) const
223      { 
224        G4String st;
225        if(i>=0 && i<G4int(histVec.size()))
226        { st = histVec[i]; }
227        return st;
228      }
229      inline void SetMaxHistSize(G4int mx)
230      { maxHistSize = mx; }
231      inline G4int GetMaxHistSize() const
232      { return maxHistSize; }
234  // Old methods kept for backward compatibility
235  //    inline G4UIcommandTree * GetTree() const
236  //    { return treeTop; };
237  //    inline G4UIsession * GetSession() const
238  //    { return session; };
239  //    inline void SetSession(G4UIsession *const  value)
240  //    { session = value; };
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