// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id: G4UImanager.cc,v 1.33 2007/07/16 10:14:36 kmura Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-02 $ // // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "G4UImanager.hh" #include "G4UIcommandTree.hh" #include "G4UIcommand.hh" #include "G4UIsession.hh" #include "G4UIbatch.hh" #include "G4UIcontrolMessenger.hh" #include "G4UnitsMessenger.hh" #include "G4ios.hh" #include "G4strstreambuf.hh" #include "G4StateManager.hh" #include "G4UIaliasList.hh" #include "G4Tokenizer.hh" #include G4UImanager * G4UImanager::fUImanager = 0; G4bool G4UImanager::fUImanagerHasBeenKilled = false; G4UImanager * G4UImanager::GetUIpointer() { if(!fUImanager) { if(!fUImanagerHasBeenKilled) { fUImanager = new G4UImanager; fUImanager->CreateMessenger(); printf("G4UImanager::G4UImanager() :: Creation ================ %d\n",fUImanager); } } return fUImanager; } G4UImanager::G4UImanager() :G4VStateDependent(true) { savedCommand = 0; treeTop = new G4UIcommandTree("/"); aliasList = new G4UIaliasList; G4String nullString; savedParameters = nullString; verboseLevel = 0; saveHistory = false; session = NULL; SetCoutDestination(session); pauseAtBeginOfEvent = false; pauseAtEndOfEvent = false; maxHistSize = 20; } void G4UImanager::CreateMessenger() { UImessenger = new G4UIcontrolMessenger; UnitsMessenger = new G4UnitsMessenger; } G4UImanager::~G4UImanager() { SetCoutDestination(NULL); histVec.clear(); if(saveHistory) historyFile.close(); delete UImessenger; delete UnitsMessenger; delete treeTop; delete aliasList; fUImanagerHasBeenKilled = true; fUImanager = NULL; } G4UImanager::G4UImanager(const G4UImanager &) :G4VStateDependent(true) {;} const G4UImanager & G4UImanager::operator=(const G4UImanager &right) { return right; } G4int G4UImanager::operator==(const G4UImanager &right) const { return (this==&right); } G4int G4UImanager::operator!=(const G4UImanager &right) const { return (this!=&right); } G4String G4UImanager::GetCurrentValues(const char * aCommand) { G4String theCommand = aCommand; savedCommand = treeTop->FindPath( theCommand ); if( savedCommand == NULL ) { G4cerr << "command not found" << G4endl; return G4String(); } return savedCommand->GetCurrentValue(); } G4String G4UImanager::GetCurrentStringValue(const char * aCommand, G4int parameterNumber, G4bool reGet) { if(reGet || savedCommand == NULL) { savedParameters = GetCurrentValues( aCommand ); } G4Tokenizer savedToken( savedParameters ); G4String token; for(G4int i_thParameter=0;i_thParameterGetParameterEntries();i++) { if( aParameterName == savedCommand->GetParameter(i)->GetParameterName() ) return GetCurrentStringValue(aCommand,i+1,false); } return G4String(); } G4int G4UImanager::GetCurrentIntValue(const char * aCommand, const char * aParameterName, G4bool reGet) { G4String targetParameter = GetCurrentStringValue( aCommand, aParameterName, reGet ); G4int value; const char* t = targetParameter; std::istringstream is(t); is >> value; return value; } G4int G4UImanager::GetCurrentIntValue(const char * aCommand, G4int parameterNumber, G4bool reGet) { G4String targetParameter = GetCurrentStringValue( aCommand, parameterNumber, reGet ); G4int value; const char* t = targetParameter; std::istringstream is(t); is >> value; return value; } G4double G4UImanager::GetCurrentDoubleValue(const char * aCommand, const char * aParameterName, G4bool reGet) { G4String targetParameter = GetCurrentStringValue( aCommand, aParameterName, reGet ); G4double value; const char* t = targetParameter; std::istringstream is(t); is >> value; return value; } G4double G4UImanager::GetCurrentDoubleValue(const char * aCommand, G4int parameterNumber, G4bool reGet) { G4String targetParameter = GetCurrentStringValue( aCommand, parameterNumber, reGet ); G4double value; const char* t = targetParameter; std::istringstream is(t); is >> value; return value; } void G4UImanager::AddNewCommand(G4UIcommand * newCommand) { treeTop->AddNewCommand( newCommand ); } void G4UImanager::RemoveCommand(G4UIcommand * aCommand) { treeTop->RemoveCommand( aCommand ); } void G4UImanager::ExecuteMacroFile(const char * fileName) { G4UIsession* batchSession = new G4UIbatch(fileName,session); session = batchSession; G4UIsession* previousSession = session->SessionStart(); delete session; session = previousSession; } void G4UImanager::LoopS(const char* valueList) { G4String vl = valueList; G4Tokenizer parameterToken(vl); G4String mf = parameterToken(); G4String vn = parameterToken(); G4String c1 = parameterToken(); c1 += " "; c1 += parameterToken(); c1 += " "; c1 += parameterToken(); const char* t1 = c1; std::istringstream is(t1); G4double d1; G4double d2; G4double d3; is >> d1 >> d2 >> d3; Loop(mf,vn,d1,d2,d3); } void G4UImanager::Loop(const char * macroFile,const char * variableName, G4double initialValue,G4double finalValue,G4double stepSize) { G4String cd; if (stepSize > 0) { for(G4double d=initialValue;d<=finalValue;d+=stepSize) { std::ostringstream os; os << d; cd += os.str(); cd += " "; } } else { for(G4double d=initialValue;d>=finalValue;d+=stepSize) { std::ostringstream os; os << d; cd += os.str(); cd += " "; } } Foreach(macroFile,variableName,cd); } void G4UImanager::ForeachS(const char* valueList) { G4String vl = valueList; G4Tokenizer parameterToken(vl); G4String mf = parameterToken(); G4String vn = parameterToken(); G4String c1 = parameterToken(); G4String ca; while(!((ca=parameterToken()).isNull())) { c1 += " "; c1 += ca; } Foreach(mf,vn,c1); } void G4UImanager::Foreach(const char * macroFile,const char * variableName, const char * candidates) { G4String candidatesString = candidates; G4Tokenizer parameterToken( candidatesString ); G4String cd; while(!((cd=parameterToken()).isNull())) { G4String vl = variableName; vl += " "; vl += cd; SetAlias(vl); ExecuteMacroFile(macroFile); } } G4String G4UImanager::SolveAlias(const char* aCmd) { G4String aCommand = aCmd; G4int ia = aCommand.index("{"); G4int iz = aCommand.index("#"); while((ia != G4int(std::string::npos))&&((iz==G4int(std::string::npos))||(ia0) subs = aCommand(0,ia); G4String alis = aCommand(ia+1,ibx-ia-1); G4String rems = aCommand(ibx+1,aCommand.length()-ibx); // G4cout << "<" << subs << "> <" << alis << "> <" << rems << ">" << G4endl; G4String* alVal = aliasList->FindAlias(alis); if(!alVal) { G4cerr << "Alias <" << alis << "> not found -- command ignored" << G4endl; G4String nullStr; return nullStr; } aCommand = subs+(*alVal)+rems; ia = aCommand.index("{"); } return aCommand; } G4int G4UImanager::ApplyCommand(G4String aCmd) { return ApplyCommand(aCmd.data()); } G4int G4UImanager::ApplyCommand(const char * aCmd) { G4String aCommand = SolveAlias(aCmd); if(aCommand.isNull()) return fAliasNotFound; if(verboseLevel) G4cout << aCommand << G4endl; G4String commandString; G4String commandParameter; G4int i = aCommand.index(" "); if( i != G4int(std::string::npos) ) { commandString = aCommand(0,i); commandParameter = aCommand(i+1,aCommand.length()-(i+1)); } else { commandString = aCommand; } // remove doubled slash G4int len = commandString.length(); G4int ll = 0; G4String a1; G4String a2; while(llFindPath( commandString ); if( targetCommand == NULL ) { return fCommandNotFound; } if(!(targetCommand->IsAvailable())) { return fIllegalApplicationState; } if(saveHistory) historyFile << aCommand << G4endl; if( G4int(histVec.size()) >= maxHistSize ) { histVec.erase(histVec.begin()); } histVec.push_back(aCommand); return targetCommand->DoIt( commandParameter ); } void G4UImanager::StoreHistory(const char* fileName) { StoreHistory(true,fileName); } void G4UImanager::StoreHistory(G4bool historySwitch,const char* fileName) { if(historySwitch) { if(saveHistory) { historyFile.close(); } historyFile.open((char*)fileName); saveHistory = true; } else { historyFile.close(); saveHistory = false; } saveHistory = historySwitch; } void G4UImanager::PauseSession(const char* msg) { if(session) session->PauseSessionStart(msg); } void G4UImanager::ListCommands(const char* direct) { G4UIcommandTree* comTree = FindDirectory(direct); if(comTree) { comTree->List(); } else { G4cout << direct << " is not found." << G4endl; } } G4UIcommandTree* G4UImanager::FindDirectory(const char* dirName) { G4String aDirName = dirName; G4String targetDir = aDirName.strip(G4String::both); if( targetDir( targetDir.length()-1 ) != '/' ) { targetDir += "/"; } G4UIcommandTree* comTree = treeTop; if( targetDir == "/" ) { return comTree; } G4int idx = 1; while( idx < G4int(targetDir.length())-1 ) { G4int i = targetDir.index("/",idx); G4String targetDirString = targetDir(0,i+1); comTree = comTree->GetTree(targetDirString); if( comTree == NULL ) { return NULL; } idx = i+1; } return comTree; } G4bool G4UImanager::Notify(G4ApplicationState requestedState) { //G4cout << G4StateManager::GetStateManager()->GetStateString(requestedState) << " <--- " << G4StateManager::GetStateManager()->GetStateString(G4StateManager::GetStateManager()->GetPreviousState()) << G4endl; if(pauseAtBeginOfEvent) { if(requestedState==G4State_EventProc && G4StateManager::GetStateManager()->GetPreviousState()==G4State_GeomClosed) { PauseSession("BeginOfEvent"); } } if(pauseAtEndOfEvent) { if(requestedState==G4State_GeomClosed && G4StateManager::GetStateManager()->GetPreviousState()==G4State_EventProc) { PauseSession("EndOfEvent"); } } return true; } //void G4UImanager::Interact() //{ // Interact(G4String("G4> ")); //} //void G4UImanager::Interact(const char * pC) //{ // G4cerr << "G4UImanager::Interact() is out of date and is not used anymore." << G4endl; // G4cerr << "This method will be removed shortly!!!" << G4endl; // G4cerr << "In case of main() use" << G4endl; // G4cerr << " G4UIsession * session = new G4UIterminal;" << G4endl; // G4cerr << " session->SessionStart();" << G4endl; // G4cerr << "In other cases use" << G4endl; // G4cerr << " G4StateManager::GetStateManager()->Pause();" << G4endl; //} void G4UImanager::SetSession(G4UIsession *const value) { session = value; } void G4UImanager::SetCoutDestination(G4UIsession *const value) { G4coutbuf.SetDestination(value); G4cerrbuf.SetDestination(value); } void G4UImanager::SetAlias(const char * aliasLine) { G4String aLine = aliasLine; G4int i = aLine.index(" "); G4String aliasName = aLine(0,i); G4String aliasValue = aLine(i+1,aLine.length()-(i+1)); if(aliasValue(0)=='"') { G4String strippedValue; if(aliasValue(aliasValue.length()-1)=='"') { strippedValue = aliasValue(1,aliasValue.length()-2); } else { strippedValue = aliasValue(1,aliasValue.length()-1); } aliasValue = strippedValue; } aliasList->ChangeAlias(aliasName,aliasValue); } void G4UImanager::RemoveAlias(const char * aliasName) { G4String aL = aliasName; G4String targetAlias = aL.strip(G4String::both); aliasList->RemoveAlias(targetAlias); } void G4UImanager::ListAlias() { aliasList->List(); } void G4UImanager::CreateHTML(const char* dir) { G4UIcommandTree* tr = FindDirectory(dir); if(tr!=0) { tr->CreateHTML(); } else { G4cerr << "Directory <" << dir << "> is not found." << G4endl; } }