// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // $Id: GFlashSamplingShowerParameterisation.cc,v 1.6 2006/06/29 19:14:20 gunter Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: geant4-09-04-beta-01 $ // // // ------------------------------------------------------------ // GEANT 4 class implementation // // ------- GFlashSamplingShowerParameterisation ------- // // Authors: E.Barberio & Joanna Weng - 11.2005 // ------------------------------------------------------------ #include "GVFlashShowerParameterisation.hh" #include "GFlashSamplingShowerParameterisation.hh" #include #include "Randomize.hh" #include "G4ios.hh" #include "G4Material.hh" #include "G4MaterialTable.hh" GFlashSamplingShowerParameterisation:: GFlashSamplingShowerParameterisation(G4Material* aMat1, G4Material* aMat2, G4double dd1, G4double dd2, GFlashSamplingShowerTuning* aPar) : GVFlashShowerParameterisation() { if(!aPar) { thePar = new GFlashSamplingShowerTuning; } else { thePar = aPar; } SetMaterial(aMat1,aMat2 ); d1=dd1; d2=dd2; // Longitudinal Coefficients for a homogenious calo // shower max ParAveT1 = thePar->ParAveT1(); // ln (ln y -0.812) ParAveA1 = thePar->ParAveA1(); // ln a (0.81 + (0.458 + 2.26/Z)ln y) ParAveA2 = thePar->ParAveA2(); ParAveA3 = thePar->ParAveA3(); // Sampling ParsAveT1 = thePar->ParsAveT1(); // T_sam = log(exp( log T_hom) + t1*Fs-1 + t2*(1-ehat)); ParsAveT2 = thePar->ParsAveT2(); ParsAveA1 = thePar->ParsAveA1(); // Variance of shower max sampling ParsSigLogT1 = thePar->ParSigLogT1(); // Sigma T1 (-2.5 + 1.25 ln y)**-1 ParsSigLogT2 = thePar->ParSigLogT2(); // variance of 'alpha' ParsSigLogA1 = thePar->ParSigLogA1(); // Sigma a (-0.82 + 0.79 ln y)**-1 ParsSigLogA2 = thePar->ParSigLogA2(); // correlation alpha%T ParsRho1 = thePar->ParRho1(); // Rho = 0.784 -0.023 ln y ParsRho2 = thePar->ParRho2(); // Radial Coefficients // r_C (tau)= z_1 +z_2 tau // r_t (tau)= k1 (std::exp (k3(tau -k2 ))+std::exp (k_4 (tau- k_2)))) ParRC1 = thePar->ParRC1(); // z_1 = 0.0251 + 0.00319 ln E ParRC2 = thePar->ParRC2(); ParRC3 = thePar->ParRC3(); // z_2 = 0.1162 + - 0.000381 Z ParRC4 = thePar->ParRC4(); ParWC1 = thePar->ParWC1(); ParWC2 = thePar->ParWC2(); ParWC3 = thePar->ParWC3(); ParWC4 = thePar->ParWC4(); ParWC5 = thePar->ParWC5(); ParWC6 = thePar->ParWC6(); ParRT1 = thePar->ParRT1(); ParRT2 = thePar->ParRT2(); ParRT3 = thePar->ParRT3(); ParRT4 = thePar->ParRT4(); ParRT5 = thePar->ParRT5(); ParRT6 = thePar->ParRT6(); //additional sampling parameter ParsRC1= thePar->ParsRC1(); ParsRC2= thePar->ParsRC2(); ParsWC1= thePar->ParsWC1(); ParsWC2= thePar->ParsWC2(); ParsRT1= thePar->ParsRT1(); ParsRT2= thePar->ParsRT2(); // Coeff for fluctuedted radial profiles for a sampling media ParsSpotT1 = thePar->ParSpotT1(); // T_spot = T_hom =(0.698 + 0.00212) ParsSpotT2 = thePar->ParSpotT2(); ParsSpotA1 = thePar->ParSpotA1(); // a_spot= a_hom (0.639 + 0.00334) ParsSpotA2 = thePar->ParSpotA2(); ParsSpotN1 = thePar->ParSpotN1(); // N_Spot 93 * ln(Z) E ** 0.876 ParsSpotN2 = thePar->ParSpotN2(); SamplingResolution = thePar->SamplingResolution(); ConstantResolution = thePar->ConstantResolution(); NoiseResolution = thePar->NoiseResolution(); // Inits NSpot = 0.00; AlphaNSpot = 0.00; TNSpot = 0.00; BetaNSpot = 0.00; RadiusCore = 0.00; WeightCore = 0.00; RadiusTail = 0.00; ComputeZAX0EFFetc(); G4cout << "/********************************************/ " << G4endl; G4cout << " - GFlashSamplingShowerParameterisation::Constructor - " << G4endl; G4cout << "/********************************************/ " << G4endl; } // ------------------------------------------------------------ GFlashSamplingShowerParameterisation::~GFlashSamplingShowerParameterisation() {} // ------------------------------------------------------------ void GFlashSamplingShowerParameterisation:: SetMaterial(G4Material *mat1, G4Material *mat2) { G4double Es = 21*MeV; material1= mat1; Z1 = GetEffZ(material1); A1 = GetEffA(material1); density1 = material1->GetDensity(); X01 = material1->GetRadlen(); Ec1 = 2.66 * std::pow((X01 * Z1 / A1),1.1); Rm1 = X01*Es/Ec1; material2= mat2; Z2 = GetEffZ(material2); A2 = GetEffA(material2); density2 = material2->GetDensity(); X02 = material2->GetRadlen(); Ec2 = 2.66 * std::pow((X02 * Z2 / A2),1.1); Rm2 = X02*Es/Ec2; // PrintMaterial(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------ void GFlashSamplingShowerParameterisation::ComputeZAX0EFFetc() { G4cout << "/************ ComputeZAX0EFFetc ************/" << G4endl; G4cout << " - GFlashSamplingShowerParameterisation::Material - " << G4endl; G4double Es = 21*MeV; //constant // material and geometry parameters for a sampling calorimeter G4double denominator = (d1*density1 + d2*density2); G4double W1 = (d1*density1) / denominator; G4double W2 = (d2*density2)/denominator; Zeff = ( W1*Z2 ) + (W2*Z1); //X0*Es/Ec; Aeff = ( W1*A1 ) + (W2*A2); X0eff =(1/ (( W1 / X01) +( W2 / X02))); Rhoeff = ( (d1 *density1 ) + (d2 * density2 ))/G4double (d2 + d1 ); Rmeff = 1/ ((((W1*Ec1)/ X01) + ((W2* Ec2)/ X02) ) / Es ) ; Eceff = X0eff *((W1*Ec1)/ X01 + (W2* Ec2)/ X02 ); Fs = X0eff/G4double ((d1/mm )+(d2/mm) ); ehat = (1. / (1+ 0.007*(Z1- Z2))); G4cout << "W1= " << W1 << G4endl; G4cout << "W2= " << W2 << G4endl; G4cout << "effective quantities Zeff = "<0.0 && DEne > 0.00) { G4float x1=DEne/Resolution; G4float x2 = CLHEP::RandGamma::shoot(x1, 1.0)*Resolution; DEneFluctuated=x2; } return DEneFluctuated; } // ------------------------------------------------------------ G4double GFlashSamplingShowerParameterisation:: IntegrateEneLongitudinal(G4double LongitudinalStep) { G4double LongitudinalStepInX0 = LongitudinalStep / X0eff; G4float x1= Betah*LongitudinalStepInX0; G4float x2= Alphah; float x3 = gam(x1,x2); G4double DEne=x3; return DEne; } // ------------------------------------------------------------ G4double GFlashSamplingShowerParameterisation:: IntegrateNspLongitudinal(G4double LongitudinalStep) { G4double LongitudinalStepInX0 = LongitudinalStep / X0eff; G4float x1 = BetaNSpot*LongitudinalStepInX0; G4float x2 = AlphaNSpot; G4float x3 = gam(x1,x2); G4double DNsp = x3; return DNsp; } // ------------------------------------------------------------ G4double GFlashSamplingShowerParameterisation:: GenerateRadius(G4int ispot, G4double Energy, G4double LongitudinalPosition) { if(ispot < 1) { // Determine lateral parameters in the middle of the step. // They depend on energy & position along step // G4double Tau = ComputeTau(LongitudinalPosition); ComputeRadialParameters(Energy,Tau); } G4double Radius; G4double Random1 = G4UniformRand(); G4double Random2 = G4UniformRand(); if(Random1 = T* a /(a - 1) * (Alpha-1.00) /Alpha * std::exp(AveLogAlpha)/(std::exp(AveLogAlpha)-1.); //ok return tau; } // ------------------------------------------------------------ void GFlashSamplingShowerParameterisation:: ComputeRadialParameters(G4double Energy, G4double Tau) { G4double z1 = ParRC1 + ParRC2* std::log(Energy/GeV); //ok G4double z2 = ParRC3+ParRC4*Zeff; //ok RadiusCore = z1 + z2 * Tau; //ok G4double p1 = ParWC1+ParWC2*Zeff; //ok G4double p2 = ParWC3+ParWC4*Zeff; //ok G4double p3 = ParWC5+ParWC6*std::log(Energy/GeV); //ok WeightCore = p1 * std::exp( (p2-Tau)/p3- std::exp( (p2-Tau) /p3) ); //ok G4double k1 = ParRT1+ParRT2*Zeff; // ok G4double k2 = ParRT3; // ok G4double k3 = ParRT4; // ok G4double k4 = ParRT5+ParRT6* std::log(Energy/GeV); // ok RadiusTail = k1*(std::exp(k3*(Tau-k2)) + std::exp(k4*(Tau-k2)) ); //ok // sampling calorimeter RadiusCore = RadiusCore + ParsRC1*(1-ehat) + ParsRC2/Fs*std::exp(-Tau); //ok WeightCore = WeightCore + (1-ehat) * (ParsWC1+ParsWC2/Fs * std::exp(-std::pow((Tau-1.),2))); //ok RadiusTail = RadiusTail + (1-ehat)* ParsRT1+ ParsRT2/Fs *std::exp(-Tau); //ok } // ------------------------------------------------------------ G4double GFlashSamplingShowerParameterisation:: GenerateExponential(const G4double /* Energy */ ) { G4double ParExp1 = 9./7.*X0eff; G4double random = -ParExp1*CLHEP::RandExponential::shoot() ; return random; }