// // ******************************************************************** // * License and Disclaimer * // * * // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of * // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and * // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file * // * LICENSE and available at http://cern.ch/geant4/license . These * // * include a list of copyright holders. * // * * // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing * // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this * // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, * // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its * // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above * // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. * // * * // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and * // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. * // * By using, copying, modifying or distributing the software (or * // * any work based on the software) you agree to acknowledge its * // * use in resulting scientific publications, and indicate your * // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license. * // ******************************************************************** // // // $Id: G4DynamicParticle.icc,v 1.21 2010/10/27 07:47:05 gcosmo Exp $ // GEANT4 tag $Name: particles-V09-03-15 $ // // // ------------------------------------------------------------ // GEANT 4 class header file // // History: first implementation, based on object model of // 17 AUg. 1999 H.Kurashige // ------------------------------------------------------------ #if defined G4PARTICLES_ALLOC_EXPORT extern G4DLLEXPORT G4Allocator aDynamicParticleAllocator; #else extern G4DLLIMPORT G4Allocator aDynamicParticleAllocator; #endif // ------------------------ // Inlined operators // ------------------------ inline void * G4DynamicParticle::operator new(size_t) { void * aDynamicParticle; aDynamicParticle = (void *) aDynamicParticleAllocator.MallocSingle(); return aDynamicParticle; } inline void G4DynamicParticle::operator delete(void * aDynamicParticle) { aDynamicParticleAllocator.FreeSingle((G4DynamicParticle *) aDynamicParticle); } // ------------------------ // Inlined functions // ------------------------ inline const G4ElectronOccupancy* G4DynamicParticle::GetElectronOccupancy() const { return theElectronOccupancy; } inline G4int G4DynamicParticle::GetTotalOccupancy() const { G4int value = 0; if ( theElectronOccupancy != 0) { value = theElectronOccupancy->GetTotalOccupancy(); } return value; } inline G4int G4DynamicParticle::GetOccupancy(G4int orbit) const { G4int value = 0; if ( theElectronOccupancy != 0) { value = theElectronOccupancy->GetOccupancy(orbit); } return value; } inline void G4DynamicParticle::AddElectron(G4int orbit, G4int number ) { if ( theElectronOccupancy == 0) AllocateElectronOccupancy(); if ( theElectronOccupancy != 0) { G4int n = theElectronOccupancy->AddElectron(orbit, number ); theDynamicalCharge -= eplus * n; theDynamicalMass += GetElectronMass() * n; } } inline void G4DynamicParticle::RemoveElectron(G4int orbit, G4int number) { if ( theElectronOccupancy == 0) AllocateElectronOccupancy(); if ( theElectronOccupancy != 0) { G4int n = theElectronOccupancy->RemoveElectron(orbit, number ); theDynamicalCharge += eplus * n; theDynamicalMass -= GetElectronMass() * n; } } inline G4double G4DynamicParticle::GetCharge() const { return theDynamicalCharge; } inline void G4DynamicParticle::SetCharge(G4double newCharge) { theDynamicalCharge = newCharge; } inline void G4DynamicParticle::SetCharge(G4int newCharge) { theDynamicalCharge = newCharge*eplus; } inline G4double G4DynamicParticle::GetMass() const { return theDynamicalMass; } inline G4double G4DynamicParticle::GetSpin() const { return theDynamicalSpin; } inline void G4DynamicParticle::SetSpin(G4double spin) { theDynamicalSpin = spin; } inline void G4DynamicParticle::SetSpin(G4int spinInUnitOfHalfInteger) { theDynamicalSpin = spinInUnitOfHalfInteger * 0.5; } inline G4double G4DynamicParticle::GetMagneticMoment() const { return theDynamicalMagneticMoment; } inline void G4DynamicParticle::SetMagneticMoment(G4double magneticMoment) { theDynamicalMagneticMoment = magneticMoment; } inline void G4DynamicParticle::SetMass(G4double newMass) { theDynamicalMass = newMass; } inline const G4ThreeVector& G4DynamicParticle::GetMomentumDirection() const { return theMomentumDirection; } inline G4ThreeVector G4DynamicParticle::GetMomentum() const { G4double pModule = std::sqrt(theKineticEnergy*theKineticEnergy + 2*theKineticEnergy*theDynamicalMass); G4ThreeVector pMomentum(theMomentumDirection.x()*pModule, theMomentumDirection.y()*pModule, theMomentumDirection.z()*pModule); return pMomentum; } inline G4LorentzVector G4DynamicParticle::Get4Momentum() const { G4double mass = theDynamicalMass; G4double energy = theKineticEnergy; G4double momentum = std::sqrt(energy*energy+2.0*mass*energy); G4LorentzVector p4( theMomentumDirection.x()*momentum, theMomentumDirection.y()*momentum, theMomentumDirection.z()*momentum, energy+mass); return p4; } inline G4double G4DynamicParticle::GetTotalMomentum() const { // The momentum is returned in energy equivalent. return std::sqrt((theKineticEnergy + 2.*theDynamicalMass)* theKineticEnergy); } inline G4ParticleDefinition* G4DynamicParticle::GetDefinition() const { return const_cast(theParticleDefinition); } inline const G4ParticleDefinition* G4DynamicParticle::GetParticleDefinition() const { return const_cast(theParticleDefinition); } inline const G4ThreeVector& G4DynamicParticle::GetPolarization() const { return thePolarization; } inline G4double G4DynamicParticle::GetProperTime() const { return theProperTime; } inline G4double G4DynamicParticle::GetTotalEnergy() const { return (theKineticEnergy+theDynamicalMass); } inline G4double G4DynamicParticle::GetKineticEnergy() const { return theKineticEnergy; } inline void G4DynamicParticle::SetMomentumDirection(const G4ThreeVector &aDirection) { theMomentumDirection = aDirection; } inline void G4DynamicParticle::SetMomentumDirection(G4double px, G4double py, G4double pz) { theMomentumDirection.setX(px); theMomentumDirection.setY(py); theMomentumDirection.setZ(pz); } inline void G4DynamicParticle::SetPolarization(G4double polX, G4double polY, G4double polZ) { thePolarization.setX(polX); thePolarization.setY(polY); thePolarization.setZ(polZ); } inline void G4DynamicParticle::SetKineticEnergy(G4double aEnergy) { theKineticEnergy = aEnergy; } inline void G4DynamicParticle::SetProperTime(G4double atime) { theProperTime = atime; } inline const G4DecayProducts* G4DynamicParticle::GetPreAssignedDecayProducts() const { return thePreAssignedDecayProducts; } inline void G4DynamicParticle::SetPreAssignedDecayProducts(G4DecayProducts* aDecayProducts) { thePreAssignedDecayProducts = aDecayProducts; } inline G4double G4DynamicParticle::GetPreAssignedDecayProperTime() const { return thePreAssignedDecayTime; } inline void G4DynamicParticle::SetPreAssignedDecayProperTime(G4double aTime) { thePreAssignedDecayTime = aTime; } inline void G4DynamicParticle::SetVerboseLevel(G4int value) { verboseLevel = value; } inline G4int G4DynamicParticle::GetVerboseLevel() const { return verboseLevel; } inline void G4DynamicParticle::SetPrimaryParticle(G4PrimaryParticle* p) { primaryParticle=p; } inline G4PrimaryParticle* G4DynamicParticle::GetPrimaryParticle() const { return primaryParticle; } inline G4int G4DynamicParticle::GetPDGcode() const { G4int code = theParticleDefinition->GetPDGEncoding(); if(code==0) code = thePDGcode; return code; } inline void G4DynamicParticle::SetPDGcode(G4int c) { thePDGcode = c; }